Tucker seems as bewildered as “Joe Sixpack” here when Putin gives him a Russian-history lesson….
Putin was actually quite tough on Carlson, and I suspect maybe also to protect Tucker from the charge of being pro-Putin by not coming across as best-buddies.
I remember how, on the eve of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, only 20% of Americans could find Iraq on a map, a country which never attacked us, yet we were about to bomb and occupy!
America is amazing in that it wants to be a hyperpower without any consideration of the history and interests of other powerful countries. 😉
And Tucker might try to grasp fully how much Russia has an ultra-modern military and also 7,000 hydrogen bombs, and so it is undefeatable and worth our study.
For Russia, the NATO takeover of Ukraine would be like North Korea taking over our own close neighbor, Canada…. Would WE as Americans let a huge enemy REGIME, controlled by an even bigger enemy, arise right on our border!
As for Tucker Carlson, he is a good and brave man, and I have blogged a hundred times on him. He even once, as it seems, sent me, on his old show on FOX News Channel, a kind of greeting in February 2022, saying that Whites might decide to leave the two libtard coasts for the Midwest, for “the interior of the country,” in order to escape “changing demographics.” And THEN he said (see below), that these Whites fleeing the west and east coasts could even end up in a
“depopulated Finnish-settled fishing village on Lake Superior.”
That description fits only ….ONTONAGON.
The goal is an apartheid, overtly white-ruled North America; my security issue
Carlson clearly has some staffer who reads my website for useful material, because I see my specific content used by him, though of course they delete anything “Nazi” or “JQ” about it before they go on-air with my material. AND…..there is just one “depopulated, Finnish-settled fishing village on Lake Superior”……………………
Yes, we have Finns, but also good blond Germans and fine Poles — and a few Italians and French-Canadians, basically a nice bunch of Midwestern white people…
ONTONAGON from the air:
Here it is, Tucker on 22 Jan. 2022, and Margi saw it, she looked at me, and she gasped:
….Scott Ritter on the Carlson “interview” with Putin
Ritter says Carlson got a good history lesson…. Try to understand the concerns of the other person!
……The Carlson interview of Putin
Ep. 73 The Vladimir Putin Interview pic.twitter.com/67YuZRkfLL
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) February 8, 2024
Anbei das Interview auf Deutsch, welches sehr interessant und vor allem brisant ist – Beispiel: So würde Präsident Putin jederzeit russisches Gas über den verbliebenen heilen Strang der von der Biden-Regierung gesprengten Ostsee-Pipeline in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland exportieren, doch bezeichnenderweise lehnt das die derzeitige Bundesregierung unter Bundeskanzler Scholz und Vizekanzler Habeck ausdrücklich ab.
2024.02.09 – Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin – Deutsch Synchronisiert
Danke. Putin ist ein seriöser Mann und Staatsmann, und in Russland der anerkannte Retter seines Mutterlandes aus dem vollständigen Chaos der Jelzin-Ära, also begrüßte ich es, dass er dem manchmal recht jugendlich wirkenden Carlson einprägte, er wünsche keine Talkshow, kein Unterhaltungspalaver, sondern eine ernsthafte Diskussion.
Damit vermittelte er auch eine gewisse Haltung den Amerikanern gegenüber.
Ach ja, das Biest faucht und wettert auch mal wieder gegen das Gute. : – D
Hillary Clinton on Tucker Carlson: ‘He’s a useful idiot’