Tucker blasts MIC and neo-con warmongers, gets 41 million+ views; the danger of Trump to us, the jews, and world peace

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It is not just that the Military-Industrial Complex which Eisenhower named and denounced in 1961 is about vile greed and wars that kill millions and scorch whole countries. It is also about the MIC steering us toward WWIII, a war that would kill BILLIONS.

….My comment

Great column, but it of course does not go far enough, because Celia, whose mother was Norwegian, is half-jewish via her late father, Barry Farber, the radio host.

The MIC is directed by jewish supremacists.

And the jews use it and America to conquer the world.

Also, Tucker makes a very good point that is in harmony with Eckhart Tolle about the egoic mind.

Trump, in this and his last life as General George Patton, is an over-the-top egotist. And egotists can be seduced by flattery.

And, as Napoleon once said, “Anyone who flatters you will also slander you.”

The sad thing about Trump is that he is still just Patton, with all the good (charisma and fighting spirit) and all the bad (ego, and impulsiveness). (See below.)

And the incredible danger now is that, as I have predicted, the jews will lean on him with ever scarier “lawfare” (unfair prosecution) or even attempted assassinations —  until he completely caves in to the jewish warmongers.

“Mr. Trump, all this trouble can go away with a snap of our fingers if you pledge to support — as president in your second term — the policy we want of completely defeating Russia and breaking it up into 41 weak little mini-countries which we jews can strip to the bone.”

Jew neo-cons demand Russia disintegrate into 41 separate mini-countries; Moscow threatens with Poseidon tsunami bomb; pot pourri; spiritual reading

Scenes I made screenshots from out of the 1965 British nuclear-war film “War Game”





Outside the crematory, running day and night for mountains of corpses, a bucket for golden wedding rings…



Shooting British civilians for stealing food and not reporting to a mandatory work camp was not what this bobbie had in mind when he joined the force




The boy looked right at the blast


How to go blind in one easy step — look at this


Hurled through the air by the blast or sucked into the ensuing firestorm


When Trump was Patton, he admired the Germans and despised both jews and communists, and yet, for his own personal glory, he was the key frontline US general crushing the Wehrmacht that fought them!

I sought to meet him after we both died in 1945, and frankly, he was an asshole who said he had no regrets, the fool, the liar!

No regrets, eh, not about saving communism and handing half of Europe to the psychopath Stalin?

He knew it was wrong. This guy, General George Mosely, was one of his mentors:

The top Army general who denounced the jews, wanted jewish immigrants STERILIZED, and preached nordicism


I will confront this loose cannon of a man before he says Yes to starting WWIII, because I think he WILL cave in ONCE AGAIN to the jews to become president, be the center of the world again, and hear “Hail to the Chief.”

He is an atheist who believes only in himself.

And atheism is the greatest curse on this deluded planet.

Said the great Russian novelist Dostoyevsky:

The problem is the huge flaws in “Christianity,” a creation of the jew Saul, designed to make us into passive people who forgive everything and become fans of the jews and judaism — a satanically wicked religion and people that the Aryan Jesus more and more fiercely opposed as He came to realize they both could not be fixed, just STOPPED cold.
The great Russian novelist Dostoyevsky showed in Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov how atheism led to both an attitude and to acts of mind-bending evil.
Bolshevism was only possible amongst hard-core atheists who believe you can tell unlimited lies, and commit unlimited torture and murder, and yet at your own death you will not be held to any account. This is an incredibly wrong-headed lie.
Scene from the excellent “Katyn” (oh, and the whole massacre of 23,000 officers was run by a Slav — yes, white Slavs killing white Slavs — and not by a jew)
A jewish and a slavic bolshevik yuck it up while they fiendishly torture and degrade an anticommunist prisoner

As Big Brother’s agent explains to his prisoner, Winston Smith, near the end of 1984:

The purpose

of torture



Either we win — or the jews.




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