Trump, dump Pence! Tucker Carlson for vice president!

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Tucker Carlson now! We DON’T HAVE FOUR MORE YEARS. In four years there will be no more dissident websites, platforms or email addresses. No dissidents will be allowed credit cards or bank accounts. There will be no more freedom, and Tucker himself will be off the air before Biden is even sworn in in January 2021.

So Tucker NOW! Four years from now is TOO LATE!

One more thing about Tucker, Mr. President:

It would make you IMPEACHMENT-PROOF! The Demoncrats sure don’t want HIM as president!

And Tucker would whip those Republican cuckservatives into line and make them defend 1) our freedom of speech and 2) the heritage of the white American people!


The above is my modification of a tweet yesterday by David Duke, whom I consider — knowing him personally all too well since 1989, and having dated for two years his ex-gf — to be a genuine WN…. but also an MK-ULTRA and thus mind-controlled, not a conscious traitor. (He is also a despicable narcissist, a shameless sex addict, a liar, a miser, a defamer (of me in particular, but also of others via his hitman, Don Black) and a very neglectful, selfish, and bad father. I know whereof I speak.)

I know her….. poor girl.


Carlson is clearly one of us, a closet white nationalist — and having conservative jewish and black guests on his show does not disprove this. He is thus is the successor to Pat Buchanan, who in turn was the successor to Charles Lindbergh, Jr.

Tall, married, with three kids, and religious (Catholic), the good-looking, blue-eyed, dark-haired Carlson is a mix of Scandinavian and Italian, which would help him in both the Midwest and the Northeast.

His show is the number-one show on Fox, the biggest news network on tv. He took over the 8-9 pm slot that Bill O’Reilly used to occupy when he had the number-one show on cable tv.

But Mike Pence, if he stays on as VP, is a huge threat to Trump, because the jews love him.

Every time Pence looks at Trump, as here in 2015, it is with a subtle malevolence.


Same look as closet-jew LBJ gave closet-antisemite Kennedy….


Pence is even more pro-IsraHell than Trump is, but otherwise he is just a RINO Republican:

1) respectful toward the lying, rotten jewsmedia;

2) no finishing the Wall, and “open borders” start up again;

3) no one gets locked up, and no swamp gets drained;

4) “free trade” with China and Mexico resumes, and thus the final destruction of the White working and middle class.

Pence’s assignment (like those doled out to John McCain in 2008 and to Mitt Romney in 2012) would be to lose to the Demoncrat, in this case, lose to the both sinister and pathetic Joe Biden and to his running mate, possibly the ineffable Michelle Obama.

Now Carlson has regularly denounced the lockdown.

Courageous Carlson has also attacked directly Trump’s son-in-law, the wicked, smirking young jew Jared Kushner of 666 Fifth Avenue.

Tucker has forthrightly exposed and denounced BLM and Antifa.

HE HAS BLASTED to his face JOHN BOLTON, AND HAS DENOUNCED THE MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX AND PERPETUAL WAR. Nothing is more important than avoiding WWIII, which the Van Rensburg prophecy of 1917 very clearly predicts, having been right about many other things.


If Trump chose Carlson, he would be once again on the offensive and giving the enemy the finger. 🙂

Do I think Trump will do this? No…. but Trump is full of surprises, and he knows he has to make radical changes — or he will lose in November.

In the end, however, only my Aryan religion can change people, and thus change conditions in any way that is meaningful and lasting.

Trump, in reality, should have started his own new political party back in 2015. (And, btw, the Republicans were a new party in 1860, and Abraham Lincoln a nobody who held no office.)

By trying to “Trumpify “the Deep State-infested Republicons, he has achieved very, very little, and really has just “bought us more time.”

My view is that the Donald would achieve nothing at all in term two, because he will not (feeling he CAN-NOT) address the central issue, the jews.



Nor can such an outré narcissist as Trump even begin to be qualified to expose and destroy our own inner jew, which makes us all as Americans into self-centered liars, money-grubbers, con men, and “special-nation” narcissists.

It is our own inner jew that makes us listen to that outer jew.

The only thing, sadly, which a jew-fearing, Pentagon-obeying Trump can ever “achieve” in term two is this:

A full-scale thermonuclear war with Russia and China, and the death of 95% of all white people on this planet.

One of my supporters and donors wrote me he had a horrible vision of himself lying in his own bed, naked, on fire and dying in agony as China nuked Australia as a US ally.

(China and Russia would surely nuke all the “five sisters”: the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.)

With your support, however, I will become the new factor, and so will reincarnation thinking. People will stop fearing death, and start to genuinely change, because we are here to change.

We will kill first our own inner jew, then we whites will take out the trash.

And good men and women of other races will cheer us on against our common foe, and accept that the great white father must rule them with a firm yet kind and honest hand.

Whites will truly become the Aryans we were meant to be — nature’s noble warriors.


  1. Dear John de Nugent,

    In this article [1] you write in a reply comment at the end of the article: „[…] It is like the excessive nordicism that I stopped by 1935. Of course blond hair and blue eyes are attractive.. but not as an excuse to act superior to others who may be doing far more for the folk community.“

    Quite apart from the fact that already in the Weimar Republic the Allies exterminated millions of Germans by starvation, which is a traditional Anglo-Saxon policy of extermination or warfare (even soldiers from the Southern States captured by the northern states were starved to death in camps by the northern states), quite apart from the fact that the emphasis on race in the 1930s was quite simply a counter-reaction to the policy of extermination against the German people by the occupying powers, which had already been practised since the 1920s: In this lecture, from about minute 50, a detailed explanation is given of why the emphasis on the Nordic races was already in the 1930s (the whole lecture is worth seeing):

    Traugott Ickeroth – Schattenregierung und Aliens

    From about minute 60 on, it is explained that the Nordic races are considered by Himmler to be particularly resistant to the reptiloids. Himmler and Co. wanted to “re-breed” the Nordic abilities through Project Lebensborn in order to survive in the fight against the reptiloids. It is recommended to watch the whole lecture, or at least to join in from minute 50.

    Traugott Ickeroth – Schattenregierung und Aliens


  2. Observer, you seem defensive about the role of race in Nazi ideology. I think to the contrary there is insight and truth involved here. Hitler’s theoretical basis was the belief that a nation was necessarily a racial entity. I think this is true. Only a racial nation can inspire true patriotism. Only a racial nation can be a real nation.

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