I have been very busy for the last five days on a very important matter.
Two important supporters flew this week to see me, from both New England and the Deep South.
And I may not blog at all for a short while.
The countdown has begun.
I wish to thank my wonderful and generous supporters. I am risking my life — and you who donate are getting me the ammunition.
— 2 September 2023 135 euros (= about the same in US$) from C in Germany and two wonderful books, well, — full disclosure — one of which I actually co-wrote with Dietrich Eckart in 1923. 😉
— 1 September 2023 $500 cash from B, a local donor
— 26 August 2023 US$1,000 in cash from a local supporter
— 25 August 2023 US$208 (162 British pounds sterling) from M in France
— 23 August 2023 $115 via CashApp from long-time generous donor K in Massachusetts
— 17 August 2023 $150 via Western Union from B in Georgia
— 15 August 2023 $150 via GabPay from B in Georgia
— 14 August 2023 $210 (163 British pounds) via PayPal from M in France
— 12 August 2023 $50 in cash, wrapped prudently in aluminum foil, from K in California
K asked me in her accompanying note:
“Could the jews be behind your loss of donations?”
My answer is No, I think the mails are honest, and donations did go down because I never pled a financial emergency because there was no dire financial emergency from November 2021 until now.
From around November 2021 to July 2023, I had 1) my own Social Security retirement check for $800 income, plus I was Margi’s paid, full-time (more than full-time) cancer caregiver, meal preparer, driver, etc.
That came to $1,800 a month, plus Margi got $900/monthly in Disability (“SSHI”) and also $200 in food stamps.
Of course, all that ($1,800 + $900 + $200 = $2,900) ceased instantly when my wife passed on, on that dreadful 12th of September, 2022.
I really wanted Margi to make it for so many powerful reasons: my love for her, and she was beautiful to me;
….her intellect and personality; her wonderful companionship and NS comradeship with me; her delicious organic cooking;
her charm and popularity in this town; ….and, yes, also her survival for 4 1/3rd years with cancer (thanks also to supplements) also kept my cancer-caretaker pay flowing and her being alive kept her Social Security income flowing as well. All of this helped keep this website afloat as the jewish hacking increased and I had to pay two people to preotect the site.
Margi also read and critiqued my articles, appeared on many videos on this site, and became a real fixture.
Also, people donated so generously to buy her anti-cancer supplements.
Her passing then forced me to make a huge decision, because of the enormous, pressing monthly bills associated with this hacked and also very elaborate, huge website, with 13 years of articles and THIRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND PHOTOS.
I sold our snug, sweet, paid-off house and extensive garden, located a block from Lake Superior.
This sale is what enabled me to fund this site for almost ten more months.
Donations did taper off — because I never screamed bloody murder, for I was not in a financial jam.
But now I am. From me you get the truth, as you know.
As I am blogging, being an active white nationalist has been mostly hell since 1978. There were about 20 months of financial stability in all that time, one year and three quarters out of 45 years. I am happy to suffer further for our race and glorious national-socialist cause, with my wife now free of her (suspicious) cancer and giving her blessing from heaven to us fighters.
— 7 August 2023 $210 (163 British pounds) via PayPal from M in France
My French grandson from another life, fathered when I was a soldier in France
— 6 August 2023 $128 (128 euros) via PayPal from B in Denmark
— 6 August 2023 $199 via GabPay from B in Georgia
— 4 August 2023 $50 gift card from Amazon from J in Nevada
— 30 July 2023 $208 (163 British pounds) via PayPal from M in France
— 28 July 2023 $104 (81 British pounds) via PayPal from M in France
— 26 July 2023 $500 via Western Union from T in Texas
— 21 July 2023 $10 and letter from Wisconsin
— 18 July 2023 $100 via USPS postal money order from M in Texas and card
— 14 July 2023 $75 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts
— 13 July 2023 $40 worth of gifts: holster for .380 pistol (note the red button for laser) and repair items from M in the Lone Star State
— 11 July 2023 81 British pounds (= same US$104) from M in France
— 6 July 2023 100 euros (= same in US$) from M in France
–4 July 2023 $199 via GabPay from B in Georgia
–2 July 2023 excellent book and $100 from J in California
— 28 June 2023 $102 (81 Great Britain Pounds) from M in France (https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=81&From=GBP&To=USD)
Lorient, in the Département of Morbihan, on the southern coast of the big peninsula that is keltic Brittany in France. The region of Brittany was always very keltic and resisted romanization under Julius Caesar and his successors. Then British Kelts also came here as refugees after the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain, hence the region’s name “Brittany.”
— 18 June 2023 $102 via PayPal from M in France
— 18 June 2023 $120 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts
— 7 June 2023 500 euros (same in US dollars!) via PayPal from C in Germany
— 6 June 2023 $46 (400 Danish crowns) via PayPal from B in Denmark
— 3 June 2023 $88 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada, a former Green Beret and NSWPP storm trooper, with me at Agate Beach on Lake Superior (photo by Margi)
Ottimo travestimento.
Migliore dei travestimenti dei personaggi SuperEroi della Marvel LOL
eh eh Può mettere i costumi in soffitta per un uso futuro. 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂
Costretta?! Non mi sembra affatto.
Mi sembra orgogliosa…
Queste Religioni semitiche sono una schiavitù, soprattutto per i bambini.