Tucker Carlson on Trump; spiritual reading;

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Someone hacked into the Fox News Channel internal email system and what Tucker Carlson really thinks of Trump came out. Such things can be made up, but Tucker so far is not denying them.

Instead of “draining the swamp” and “locking her [Hillary] up” Trump trusted the Deep State, appointed its minions, believed Anthony Fauci, pushed the clot-shot vaxx on Americans (dropping hydroxychloroquine), did whatever Satanyahu in Israel wanted, cancelled a treaty with Iran, scrapped a nuclear arms treaty with Russia, and armed Jewkraine.

Now he whines the jews are not “grateful.” Were they EVER?

Hopeless — the man had his chance for four long years. And, though commander-in-chief, he never declared martial law and prevented the inauguration of the demonic pedophile & election-stealer Joe Biden! Because HE appointed the drag-queen-loving war-mongerer Mark Milley as top general!

Mr. Grab-em-by-the-Pussy has always been a spiritual midget, not a giant, and thus not the man to turn this world around. And I say this sadly after twice supporting him with money and my website.


…..$2,966 plus six excellent books since December first

— 8 March 2023 100 euros (=US$90) via PayPal from M in France
— 25 February 2023 100 euros via PayPal from M in France
A beautiful old street in Brittany, France, where many still speak Gaelic. The name “Brittany” comes from the word “Britain,” and the Bretons descend from British Kelts who crossed the English Channel to escape rule by the invading Anglo-Saxons.
— 22 February 2023 from T in Florida two excellent, expensive books on the Third Reich by a Greek author, Despina Stratigakos, Hitler’s Northern Utopia: Building the New Order in Occupied Norway (2020) (how Hitler’s architects and planners envisioned and began to build a model “Aryan” society in Norway during World War II, winner of the Society of Architectural Historians 2022 Spiro Kostof Book Prize, and Hitler at Home (2015), investigating the architecture of the Führer’s homes such as the Berghof in the Alps and the Old and New Reich Chancellery:
— 18 February 2023 $150 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts
— 8 February 2023 $100 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts
— 7 February 2023 US$42 via PayPal from B in Denmark
— 5 February 2023 $210 from B in Georgia via GabPay
GabPay is the way to support free speech and avoid the woke and jewy PayPal!
Sign up here:  https://www.gabpay.com/ 

— 5 February 2023 $100 cash from M in Texas


He wrote me on a PM on VK:

When I first heard of your site, I thought it was grandiose or fanciful. The more I hear from you, the more I’m convinced you actually are that reborn great man, and that you have tapped into something most of us can’t view or have forgotten. I want to see what you reveal to the world. 88.

I replied:

Oh, thank you, brother M[]!  The challenge now is pretty steep for me and so I really appreciate your support.

As the 2020 and 2022 US elections proved, both rife with massive fraud, the jews this time will not let any true patriot win office, and especially not the presidency. Even the very handsome and brave Madison Cawthorne in Asheville, North Carolina, which was Margi’s Congessional District, a sitting Congressman, was cheated out of being the Republican nominee for a second term by a nobody RINO! And so our method in Germany in 1932-33 of coming to power peacefully via the ballot box is excluded.

This time I have to literally change the human race so we act in the face of overwhelming opposition from the media, government, business community — and especially zombie, leftist white females and college kids who have been lobotomized and are deeply into white self-hatred.

Also, we are facing a 50% white die-off from the Covid “vaccine” — a 50% “died-suddenly”! Adolf did not have to face half the German people dying off at the start of HIS rule! Nor a country that was 50% brown! But I DO.

— 5 February 2023 100 Euros (=US$90) from M in France


— 1 February 2023 $100 cash from a local donor

— 31 January 2023 250 euros (=US$225) via PayPal from S in Germany

— 31 January 2023 $156 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

— 29 January 2023 100 euros (=$90) from M in France

…..Spiritual reading

March 8

Be playful today. Skim the surface and be light of heart. Allow yourself to sparkle and shimmer on the surface, like a stream dancing over the rocks in its path. This is a rare opportunity to let go of cares and concerns, to put to the side serious pursuits of the spirit. Just for the day.

Do what you must do and that which you are commited to accomplish, but try to make some time for fun.

If it suits you, be with other people. If you prefer, be on your own, but beware of undue seriousness. It will not take you anywhere useful and will cause you to miss out on a day of joyful lightening and brightening.

As the Vernal equinox approaches, embody the spirit of Spring. See if you can tap into hope, joy, fecundity, gratitude and innocence. These are the energies abounding and which, if you align with them, will fill you and carry you.

Avoid dark subjects, depressing encounters and hopeless situations. Don’t worry that you will be denying their existence. All these things and others even more troubling will be available to you for exploration and immersion should you wish it in the upcoming weeks. No need to get ahead of yourself !

Seriously, any work of a deep nature which you know needs to be done will best be attended to on another day.

Just imagine that you are on vacation and enjoy yourself. If you find that lightness and fun evade you, do yourself a favor and take some time to rest. Put your lists away, be in the moment and take the day off.

That is our challenge to you for today.

Good luck and all our love and blessings.






  1. Trump has close ties with the Jews dating back to his father’s business in New York real estate.

    Nevertheless Trump is a nationalist. He strongly believes in the sovereignty of nations.

    This goes against the Jewish agenda of world government, which is not subscribed to by all Jews. A lot of the Israelis appear to be nationalists, for instance.

        • I do not think so. Anyone saying he will “obliterate the Deep State” is either lying ….or he will be assassinated like Kennedy, who had vowed to dissolve the CIA and gave a speech against “secret Societies” ….or Trump will shortly be brought to heel, surrender and once again do as the Deep State wants, including vaxxes and war on Russia

          While I am very sympathetic to Trump’s goals, how would he prevent Biden or another Demoncrat from stealing the 2024 election as well?

          Trump has not really answered this question. And as far as I am concerned, while every single poll before the 2022 election showed a “red wave.” there mysteriously was none — the Demoncrats stole it yet again.

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