Tucker, stop wussing out! The knifer of Brianna Kupfer did it because he was a hate-filled BLACK, not from being homeless!

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Tucker Carlson on Fox, we love you, man, and we know that you go as far as you dare. We understand that Fox News Channel is controlled opposition, and that the owners, the Murdochs, are vile people.
But your rant regarding Brianna Kupfer (a beautiful German-American, one of 50 million in this country), going on and on about the homeless trashing our cities, while true, missed the point.
There is no proof yet that Smith even is homeless. He does not look homeless either, being clean-shaven, and his backpack and pants were clean. And the man has some money.
He bought something a half-hour after murdering Brianna. Also, people on parole, like Smith, cannot be homeless. You must have a fixed address. Otherwise the cops arrest you.
Plus he was wearing a Covid mask. The homeless don’t wear one. Smith also seems too young for a typical homeless man.FACT: The homeless people shoving others in front of subway cars, whether the victim is white or East Asian, are hate-ridden, ultra-racist BLACKS.
This useless negro pushed a Chinese-American woman, a business executive, to her death in the NYC subway system SYSTEM.
  Beyond that, while I feel her father’s pain, did he teach his daughter to be street-smart, especially around Blacks?

She texted a friend she had a bad feeling about this negro. Then what you do, girlie, is you flee  into a back room, lock it, barricade it — and call 911! Or you call out to a fictitious male friend (Steve, Manuel, Josh, whatever, in the back or the front of the store — to make the negro think some male colleague or friend is right nearby.

This girl did not take appropriate action with this dark, evil-looking ghetto negro inside her store, which sells sofas for five to ten thousand dollars! (A close friend and former New Yorker gave me pointers for this intro. I thank him.)



UCLA student Brianna Kupfer’s alleged killer arrested in Pasadena

Shawn Laval Smith, 31, is suspected of stabbing to death the 24-year-old UCLA graduate student Brianna Kupfer

Pasadena police arrested Brianna Kupfer’s alleged killer Wednesday just a day after Los Angeles authorities released his identity.

Shawn Laval Smith, 31, is suspected of stabbing to death the 24-year-old UCLA graduate student during her shift at upscale furniture store Croft House in a random daylight attack.

Aerial images obtained by FOX 11 Los Angeles show police putting him into the back of a police SUV and later being transferred to LAPD custody.

Smith, who police believe is homeless, has an extensive record spanning both coasts. He was released on a misdemeanor charge back in October, 2020.


A law enforcement source told Fox News that Smith recently landed in jail in San Mateo after assaulting a police officer, and he had an active warrant in connection with the case after having his probation revoked on Nov. 30, 2021.

The tragic slaying has shaken Los Angeles where the homicide rate was up 11.8 percent in 2021 over the prior year – the highest it has been in more than a decade.

Smith allegedly walked into the North La Brea Avenue shop on Jan. 13 and stabbed Kupfer to death moments after she sent a message to a friend saying a man in the store was making her uncomfortable.


“She sent a text to a friend letting her know that there was someone inside the location that was giving her a bad vibe,” LAPD Lt. John Radtke said at a press conference Tuesday. “Regrettably, that person did not see the text immediately.”


Authorities released surveillance footage showing Smith calmly walk into a 7-Eleven 30 minutes after the slaying and buy a vape pen.

“She was a kind soul and always was trying to make herself better and everything around her better,” the victim’s father, Todd Kupfer, told Fox News Digital Monday. “She cared about people.”


Originally from the Pacific Palisades, she was studying design in a graduate program at UCLA after attending the University of Miami.


  1. These women need men in their lives to tell them to never work alone in places like this. They also need men in their lives to tell them to never ever go against their gut feeling. This woman could have known something was wrong and in the seconds available did not run. That is not to blame her at all, rather to say that WE must take responsibility for our women, which is hard to do when they are encouraged to go off to the jungle for careers.

    All design oriented areas of cities are the same. The (((developers))) plan a decade in advance while an area rots with crime, and somehow the area they want has routine invasions and robberies. Snap your fingers and it is now a high end design / retail area. But it is still just a bunch of new buildings in the hood now matter how you advertise it.

  2. Womöglich ist Brianna Kupfer mit unseren Helden Dr. jur. Ernst Kupfer verwandt gewesen?!

    Ernst im Soldatenrock!


    Ernst mit ernstem Gesicht – ein wahrer Mann!


    Ernst beim Führer!


    Ernst Kupfer (geboren 2. Juli 1907 in Coburg; gefallen 6. November 1943 bei Thessaloniki)


  3. Yes, Mr de Nugent, you are right.

    Our race seems to have taken leave of its senses and devolved into docile sheep standing around in a field timidly looking on as wolves are tearing asunder the others of their flock.

    But, then again, maybe not much has changed?

    Maybe the majority of Whites were always sheepish and that all that really has changed is that men like you and me who hold dear the warrior ethos of our ancestors have gradually lost control to those with more of a mercantile money-grubbing mindset, who tend to be less territorial?

    Hedonism, I believe, has also adversely affected the territorial instincts of White men, for it just so happens that many of our young women, increasingly since the 1960s, give freely of their fruits, thereby diminishing their overall value to us — so that when foreign men arrive in our lands to also partake of those very same fruits, most White men seem okay with that because they themselves “have been there and done that,” as the saying goes.

    To placate a population, just ‘keep their bellies full and their balls empty’ is also a saying, is it not?

    If the only way a young man can get his end away is to get married, then he’d not only want to make more of himself socio-economically, but he’d also be less likely to want men from other groups flirting with his own womenfolk.

    All the best to you and yours, Mr de Nugent.

    • Thanks for your comment.

      I realized with a huge shock in the fall of 2012 in Apollo, Pennsylvania just how many people are human sheep, suffering sheep, mind you, if think of how sheep run in terror when a wolf or bear approaches. It is actually not FUN to be a sheep and a victim!

      The Israelis gave half the county cancer due to their nuclear-fuel plant, all to illegally make nuclear weapons for Israel. President Kennedy found out and then he was suddenly dead.

      I confronted the US Army Corps of Engineers over this at a public meeting. They were in charge of a $500 MILLION cleanup.

      Incredibly, the Wikipedia article laid out the true facts, but nobody in that town of cancer-devastated zombies had read it!


      What we have on this planet is many young souls, people having their first human incarnation above the animal level. You can actually see the kinds of animals they once were.

      See 1/5th down here, at “really homely people”. https://johndenugent.com/reincarnation-evidence/

      But what we also have is reincarnated liars, many, many, many of them.

      They lie to each other, about each other and even to themselves! Constantly!

      The truth is irrelevant!

      Reality is irrelevant, and thus they ignore or deny the dangers bearing down on them, the danger becomes a catastrophe, and so we have a hell on earth, which is a beautiful planet! ….but a scandalous and miserable one!

      The egoic mind is a lying mind. Earthlings are the people of the lie.

      So if you tell Mr.Average Earthling that the jews are lying about race, Covid, the vaccine, the Holocaust, Hitler, WWII etc., they become outraged that you are hurting their delusions. Because ther biggest delusion is that evil need not be FOUGHT, and nothing needs to be done. Or that it is hopeless.

      They WANT to keep on working to pay their bills, and otherwise they WANT to keep drinking beer, or smoking marijuana, or watching porn, or chasing after sex in the clubs.

      The truth that WE MUST FIGHT disturbs all that.

      And what is wrong, earthlings think deep down, with lying, anyway?


      And thus we see a true earthling, Donald Trump, promoting a vaccine he knows is injuring, sterilizing and killing people who trusted him.

      He cannot admit he was horribly wrong and backed down like a coward under pressure when ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were working!

      But then he thinks he would lose face.

      No, you would be respected, Donald, for haveing the guts to admit you were lied to and you swallowed it.

      Better to lose some face than for millions to lose THEIR LIVES!

      As Jesus said, the truth will set you free.

      But as His opposite, the founder of modern Satanism, the jew Howard Levy (AKA Anton Lavay) also observed:

      “Man is the only animal who can lie to himself and believe it!”

      We all know it — ONLY a new spirituaL force can change this situation now. And the time is propitious for it. People fear death from both 1) the vaccine and 2) from a third world war between the Collective West and Russia (with maybe China too entering the fray).

      And thus 2022 is like ninety years before, the year 1932. That was the year we became a gigantic party, the biggest in Germany, getting 37% of the vote, because the Folk was being crucified by the Great Depression (hunger, joblessness, poverty and despair) and equally by their dread of the terrible Communist Party of Germany, controlled by the mass-murderer Stalin, ruling next door in Soviet Russia, and this blood-dripping partym, in 1932, also became a huge party, the second biggest in Germany after our own!

      “Our last hope”

      THIS time we will learn that people should wake up and act BEFORE the catastrophe hits!

      The enemy is our own lying mind!

  4. Mein Führer!

    Brianna könnte wahrlich die Tochter von Ernst sein – Kupfer: steht für ein (Halb)Edelmetall erster Güte! 🙂

    Kupfer ist für unseren (Volks)Körper schützend -Ernst- und schön -Brianna-

  5. I can’t remember where I saw it, so I can’t credit the person who said:”Humans don’t want freedom, they just hope for a kind master”. My observation too.

  6. I wonder if the best way to awaken a racial consciousness in our sheepish kinsfolk is not to initially highlight the nefarious activities of this or that group or the criminal proclivities of this or that group, but to instead make direct appeals to their own self-interest by asking them hypothetical questions such as:

    — Do you believe that your opportunities to pursue both power and pleasure would remain the same if tomorrow your race was being lorded over by another race?
    Or question two:
    –If you were being chased down the middle of a street by a non-White mob and up ahead on one side of the street there was a group of non-White bystanders and on the other side a group of White ones, which of the two groups would you seek help from?
    I think in the latter scenario, even the most ardent White leftist race denialist would not only instantaneously come to believe in the reality of race but also of its importance to their own security.

    Thank you, Mr de Nugent.

  7. At least sheep will run from danger. These White morons will continue to live amongst dangerous aliens. My cousin is a good example. When I ask him why he lives there, he says “I just don’t go out at night”.

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