Tulsi Gabbard’s great speech at CPAC (but she too dares not protect the white race or expose the cancer of jewish power over America)

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Trump should make her his vice-presidential running mate — for many powerful and obvious reasons — but he may enviously see her as a threat.

Tulsi Gabbard is far more presidential in temperament and speech than he is (and genuinely spiritual). Her voice as a woman is even deeper than his is. 😉

She has actually served in the military, rose rapidly through the officer ranks in the Hawaiian Army National Guard, and is now in the US Army Reserve as a lieutenant colonel.

Tulsi being promoted to major. In a pro-military country like America, this is big. 

How often have I worn my Marine Corps-logo baseball cap and had someone “thank me for my service.” This is one of the many things I like about this incarnation as an American. The people recognize with gratitude how dangerous, unpleasant (yes, learning to kill other human beings is not fun), and yet often also tedious military service can be. Many servicemen thus do not re-enlist after their first “hitch” is up. …. (Photo: picking up a needed donation via Western Union at the local dollar store.)

Donald Trump, on the other hand, dodged the draft during Vietnam with a claim of “bone spurs” in one foot, but, infamously, could not remember which foot 😉  …He was just another rich kid (like Bush and Cheney) who got out of serving while 50,000+ mostly working-class white boys got their asses shot off.


Trump, however, did fine marching at the New York Military Academy (which a friend of mine attended). It was a harsh school with rigid discipline, often taking in spoiled, out-of-control rich kids who needed straightening out. Trump was sent there after slugging his music teacher — at a private school where his father Fred sat on the board of directors…. Even with his dad  on the board, Donald was “asked to leave,” and his father, Fred, admitting to the press once that Donald had been “a bully,” agreed.

Having received tough love from his German-American father Fred, Donald then went on to achieve greatness. No kid feels truly loved unless his parents discipline him for his own good. The human brain still keeps growing until age 30, as a Harvard study revealed. Before then, the brain is still immature. This is why everywhere on earth, the elders “with a few grays” must rule, not the wild young’uns.


And while I agree with Tulsi in her speech (and everyone else on the planet) about Trump being definitely a “fighter,” a president has to be more than that.

He needs to keep his ego under control. In this incarnation, as in his last one as (yes) General George Patton, his mouth, temper and vulgarity have gotten him into big trouble –and made him many unnecessary enemies.

Remember “grab ’em by the pu—y” and, in a 2016 debate, the Donald calling a rival candidate for president, the woman Carly Fiorina, ugly? He said “Do you want to look at a face  like that for four years?” This is something one just does not do to a lady…and, btw, Fiorina was not even so bad-looking. It was just the nasty side of Trump…

Carly Fiorina was the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard


Or recall Trump mocking the leader of North Korea as “little rocket man”?

And what did he achieve with all this bluster? Now NK has ICBMs to hit America AND nuclear bombs! (Plus, they can explode a nuke over US territory to cause an EMP and frazzle every electronic things in the USA –with ONE missile.)

When has Vladimir Putin EVER insulted in public another foreign leader?….not to mention ridiculing a man who has nukes!


…..Maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ President Donald Trump (born June 1946) is literally the reincarnation of the maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ general George Patton (died December 1945)




As for Tulsi, as Wiki says, she has turned sharply to the right on many key issues, and I think, sincerely. (The state of Hawaii , like my native Rhode Island on the other side of the country, is a one-party Demoncrat bastion. The only way to get elected in Hawaii to anything was to 1) become a Democrat and 2) espouse some libtard positions. Also Hawaii is majority-minority (native Hawaiians, Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos and Whites) and has always had a non-white majority.


Gabbard has since taken more conservative positions on issues such as abortion, transgender rights and border security.[17][18] Gabbard endorsed Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act and was a featured speaker at the 2022 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).[19] She continued her frequent presence on Fox News, including serving as a fill-in host for Tucker Carlson Tonight and eventually becoming a paid contributor to the network.[20][21]

In October 2022, Gabbard announced that she had left the Democratic Party altogether, citing their positions on foreign policy and social issues as the primary reasons for her departure, and as of that date is unaffiliated with any party.[22] She followed her announcement by endorsing and campaigning for numerous Republican candidates in that year’s midterm elections.[23]

Here now is Tulsi at the recent C[onservative]PAC meeting. This is one impressive, dignified, intelligent woman, and at age 42 MUCH younger than Trump, now 76. And while she looks rather Samoan, her DNA is actually 75% white (or maybe more…. I do not know how much Samoan her very white-looking father has in his family tree).

Tulsi is a Hindu, believing in Vedanta, reincarnation and yoga, which in America is very much a choice, a CONSCIOUS DECISION, and not a mere family tradition.

Interestingly her father, a handsome fellow, is part-Samoan, though he does not look it, nor do Tulsi’s siblings. Her mother Carol is blondish and of German ancestry, born in Indiana and growing up in Michigan). Tulsi chose Hinduism as her religion, not the Christianity of her father, and Tulsi did the same as the mother. All their children have Hindu names.


I speak from my own experience: white Americans basically never choose popular Hinduism, which involves worshiping various beloved gods such as Hanuman, the monkey god, or Ganesha, the elephant god.

All this worship may, however, be appropriate for the illiterate common people of India in their villages, especially very uneducated women, who serve and love certain gods just as they serve and love their family. (This is not a put-down. Hinduism absolutely believes that there are many valid paths to the higher life. For simple people, serving a kind god may be the best path.) One of Tulsi’s brothers is named “Bhakti,” which means “devotion.” Even the Vedanta people recognize that one can achieve enlightenment by serving a god, or a great guru, in total selflessness.

Christianity itself is actually a bhakti religion, worshiping Jesus as God, and Roman Catholicism is double bhakti, both worshiping Jesus and revering the Pope, who is viewed as inspired when he makes official pronouncements via encyclica and in effect serves as the guru of that faith.

What educated Americans may choose within Hinduism is Vedanta (meaning, in the very old, sacred language of Sanskrit “knowledge,” a word that is cognate with Western words like “wisdom” and “vision”. True Vedantists (like myself) may attend an ashram, a meditation center presided over by a genuine guru, as I did (which in my case was the Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, Pennsylvania.)

Vedanta is not about worshiping any gods, but about finding the divine — and your own immortal soul — within yourself.

It is about first loving and respecting yourself so you can go out and feel and show love and respect for others.

You do this via meditation, learning about reincarnation and karma, and growing through honest self-evaluation during the many lives which we lead, embracing both the hardships and spiritual self-discipline.

Here is some good info on Tulsi from back when she was still a Democrat: https://celebrityxyz.com/politician/tulsi-gabbard#cxyz_1 tradition.

I am glad to see Tulsi come out fully here for the Second Amendment, and that means for resisting tyranny, not just home defense, or hunting.

She is right that Donald Trump is a fighter and has endured incredible harassment.

Well, so have I, but the difference is that MY multi-millionaire father disinherited me but HIS father left him $400 million.

Nice bootstraps for any young man 😉

For me: ZERO

Trump, like all the other politicians (most notoriously Richard Nixon, but also Reagan, and nowadays Tump) kicks the can down the road about race and the jews.

As president, Nixon, more even than Demoncrat Lyndon Johnson, rammed down the throats of white Americans black integration, school busing, “open housing” (federal law saying you HAD to rent or sell your house to Blacks, destroying safe, nice white neighborhoods by the HUNDREDS) and “affirmative action” (you MUST hire negroes, no matter how incompetent, lazy and resentful)

Nixon also loathed the jews and said to evangelist and confidant Billy Graham that he would ‘do something about them in his second term.’

But no, he defended Israel to the hilt, and, when the Israelis were losing, brought us close to WWIII with the Soviet Union during the Yom Kippur War of 1973 to protect the very jews he despised!

I forget who it was, but a NS friend told me that he and other NSWPP members, in full Stormtrooper uniform, had been demonstrating in downtown Washington, and took a break at a McDonalds, and in walked Richard Nixon (with all his Secret Service).  Nixon looked at their literature and smiled, almost condescendingly.

Well, guess what, Nixon? A few years later, the jews took you down using Watergate! You weren’t smiling then, were you?

…as they took Trump down, despite his licking their boots the same way!

As for me, finishing today my filming of my launch video, I will tell the world that, AS I SAID in my last life, race does matter, and America (like Germany) is a WHITE nation that is under unwanted non-white invasion, and the jew problem is at the root of all our crises — and this JQ be tackled head-on.

But here, Tulsi, as a sign of my respect, despite some of the above, I am wearing an aloha shirt for you. 🙂

Tulsi, let me ask you:

How can an oncologist defeat a cancer tumor while saying “we mustn’t even breathe the word ‘cancer’ and certainly never do anything to stop the cancer”?

How can any true patriot not talk about the malignant JEWISH tumor that is devouring our nation?

How can we not also face the black peril?

Look what some Blacks do to white South African children, like throwing them into a bathtub full of boiling water.



The murders so brutal they shocked even South Africa: Couple shot dead, then son, aged 12, is drowned in scalding bathwater

  • Sobbing child was tied up and gagged before being murdered in bath ‘because he could identify them’
  • Mother raped in front of husband and son
  • The three men assaulted the father with a golf club and blade before shooting both adults
  • Family dog had stomach cut open
  • Black trio worked for the family and said killings were revenge for being badly treated


Amaro Viana was murdered to prevent him from identifying the three housebreakers who carried out the raid in suburban South Africa.

The gang included the family’s gardener and the son of a domestic servant.

The three men laughed as they walked back to their cells after pleading guilty at Vereeniging Regional Court.

Twisted: From left, Sipho Mbele, David Motaung and Patrick Petrus Radebe smiled in court as they admitted to their sick crimes


Trump, Tulsi, and all their lot of compromisers and “realists” in the past, will NEVER talk race or the jews.




…..Since 2015, the jews have indeed put Trump through the wringer, nine long years, but with me it has been since 1954

I have never asked myself this, knowing my mission, but by following my national-socialist path, my life has been non-stop extreme stress for 69 straight years.

My mission is to get involved and rescue our race!

In this Charlie Brown cartoon, a bully (l) has mocked a little girl (r) who is bald from cancer treatments. That is me in the middle. 🙂

(I thank a German comrade for sending me this) In the 1990 cartoon “Charlie Brown, Why?” (which is about kids learning about cancer and other kids having it) by German-American cartoonist Charles Schultz, Linus defends a little girl with cancer who went bald from chemotherapy treatments and was then ridiculed by a bully, making her cry. (God, I hate it when a girl cries)…..


What follows is my experience over almost seven decades with extreme stress.


Every earthling goes through hardships, because this is how we stubborn earthlings grow:

Sink or swim.

No pain, no gain.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

My hardships, however, and you may agree, go above and beyond the usual setbacks that people have in this increasingly degenerate America.

Much of this is taken from:

WHITE NATIONIST Biography of John de Nugent – John de Nugent

Think: the MK-ULTRA program called “Manchurian Candidate”; blond children especially are raped and killed….with the goal of using extreme terror to create split personalities that can be programmed… This early childhood experience was the very worst of all the things I have ever undergone.

….very ugly divorce of my parents;

leaving the Jehovah’s Witness cult (every cult is hard to leave, because you may have no friends outside it);

Marine Corps boot camp (yes, “Full Metal Jacket” is accurate, and DIs do get murdered by recruits) at Parris Island, South Carolina.

….joining Rockwell’s NSWPP and my father’s first threat — in 1979 — to cut me off and disinherit me (and he is a top Republican who knew Presidents Nixon, Reagan and Ford, plus the evil Henry Kissinger; “something could have happened” to me right then and there);


My father and I in his gated community, “Seagrove,” before his mansion in Vero Beach, at 1789 Coral Way North. (He was buried on July 14, 2012, which happened to be my 58th birthday, and his widow, my Canadian stepmother, moved.)


2006 family pic (me top-left, Margi bottom-right)


My father with President Gerald Ford in the Oval Office


with President Ronald Reagan


Side view of our house (current real estate worth: $686,000) at 214 Nayatt Road (673 Middle Highway) in Barrington, Rhode Island, overlooking Narragansett Bay


View from this house of the golfing “fairways” at Rhode Island Country Club and Narragansett Bay


Aerial map; Barrington is the richest town in Rhode Island (state population 1.2 million)


Frontal street view


And this is what I gave up. Because of my views, my father disinherited me — and I found out in 2012 that he had died only from the minister of his church

…on a Marine expedition along with Dutch Marines, several of them conspire to throw me off the ship USS Inchon at night at night into the Mediterranean (this is a crime easy to accomplish and get away with; female tourists have been raped and then thrown overboard by crewmembers on cruise ships; no one even hears the splash off a big ship or sees it at night)…


…my jewish commanding officer, Captain Philip Gold, transfers me to an all-black Marine supply unit, where another jew, a sergeant, tries to get me to say the word “ngr”;

my divorce in 1989 on the “emotional stress scale” developed by Hans Selye, divorce is the most stressful of all life events, 200 points out of 200;

Deep State stole my victory in the 1990 Republican primary for Congress in the Sixth District of Tennessee;

See 9:58 to 19:02


A screen shot of the TV results before the fraud was complete; Nugent at 30% in a three-man race (Cochran at 37% and Embry at 33%) 


I received extensive local publicity and references to my race were made by Time and the op-ed page of the New York TimesWMZ-TV, Nashville, the then largest TV station in Tennessee, seen also in Alabama and Kentucky, broadcast stories constantly about the race. Here anchor Jeff McAtee.


Having spent everything I had to win, I lost everything I owned, which was in storage, because I could not pay it;

continuing extreme nightmares due to MK-ULTRA; studied serious meditation at an ashram in Pennsylvania, but then a huge sex scandal broke out, the guru lied about it, and I left in disgust;

living in a homeless shelter in Burlington, Vermont and later in Boston, Massachusetts;

four years working minimum wage at a convenience store; finally I land a decent-paying job in Boston, but was fired because of a jewess with a very WASP name and blue eyes who had written the ADL about me;

second marriage with a Frenchwoman destroyed as jews sabotaged her hotel project in the French Alps;

returning to America after the second painful divorce, I meet Margaret; we move to Pennsylvania; there, Homeland Security comes with three squad cars and arrests a Finnish WN who was a political refugee who had stayed in our house for eight months;

Stormfront owner Don Black and David Duke immediately blame ME for Holappa’s arrest! (See, Black and Duke said, I had promoted him — for heroically opposing gang rape by muslims of white Finnish girls in his country — in order to get him arrested by the Obama administration so I could pocket all donations for his lawyer)….

Duke and Black turn much of the white movement against me, slandering me as a pedophile, homosexual, con man, wife-beater, etc. and Black deletes the biggest thread by one person in Stormfront history, with 262,000 views;

This is the same exact David Duke who was indeed a con man, and was justly sent to prison for fraud, but for just 15 months (David Duke – Wikipedia) — whereas a true patriot, a US Congressman from Ohio, Jim Traficante, got seven years on similar charges:

(Read the opening here) Back from the hack! A new start in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan; defame, then destroy — the FBI murder of Edgar Steele and their “con man” defamation against ME – John de Nugent

The Finn, after 86 days in solitary at the Buffalo (N.Y.) Federal Detention Facility, in return for three hate-speech charges in his country being dropped against him, slanders me online;

..the Discovery Channel does a one-hour hit piece on me….

….with our finances collapsing, Margi and I break up for a year;

….my millionaire father disinherits me and dies; all my family and my two daughters totally shun me;

I end up in the motel from hell in Natrona, Pennsylvania above a “dive” (nasty bar) with black whores and druggies while slanderer Carlos Porter says I am living in luxury;

..and people believe him!

“The Boathouse,” my luxury accommodation; I lived two floors directly above the bar


….I make a symbolic run for president in 2012, filming a high-quality video series and creating a special website from inside this “jew motel from hell”…


…and the FBI has EVERY piece of mail stolen — and all donations — for ten days straight after the video and website go up….

…my one bank account is closed as well….

…after moving to Apollo, Pennsylvania, the FBI gets landlords to throw me and Margi out of four different dwellings in eight months;

This was our luxury motel in Apollo, the Chambers — before we left for good:

This was the carpet on the second floor, which some lowlife (they have no security cameras) dribbled with motor oil, presumably after they threw him out. This is where I, the supposed “con man” (sez Carlos Porter) lived, the man that he claims is in the WN cause “for the money.” ;-)

Pretty lousy photo of me, but the point is to show this is me, and this is the room.

One of many cigar-burned-holes in my blanket

$65 a week for a sleeping room — and you can see how tiny it is, ten feet by ten feet, like a prison cell. (I hung a Marine Corps eagle, globe and anchor on the wall to remind me that I chose hardships as my life, and learned to do without once  and I am doing it again.) From the door you can see the back wall and radiator, 10 feet back. No microwave or fridge can be plugged in, nor is there Internet access (no wireless available)  and since the electricity and lights flicker in the 135-year-old hotel, no computer can be run. Computers that do run are damaged, as happened to a man on the third floor.


Living off opening cans of cold canned food donated by a church (“food pantry”)


This is how John de Nugent lives with his big bucks. ;-) Out the window is my view of a brick wall. In German the slang word for “big bucks” is “big coal,” and a vile infiltrator named “Aryan Comrade” is spreading all over the Net and via Skype that “John de Nugent is getting die grosse Kohle.” The WN movement in every country is full of infiltrators and turned individuals (WNs who succumb to big government bribes and/or blackmail and threats of prison or ruin, such as David Duke) who churn out defamations of me online, sometimes while hiding behind fake names. It is in just such lowly conditions that Adolf Hitler lived in Vienna and Munich before WWI.


My “wardrobe”


A TORN right soft-contact lens (see top arrow) which I wore for nine days straight during our move and the 845-mile drive to Michigan. I lacked both the $73 for a new eye exam and the $65 for replacement bifocal lenses for my right eye, or the money even for new eyeglasses. This tear made wearing the lens excruciating, and my eyes turned fire-red from the irritation. (A local charity just helped me get replacement lenses via a Walmart Vision Center, after three years of wearing the same two-week disposable lenses and just enzyme-cleaning them.) The arrow on the left points to where part of the edge of the lens just simply sheared off. This is my “life of luxury” which the enemy agent “Aryan Comrade” on Skype decries ;-)


For a second time, I lose everything in storage; I and Margi drive 18 hours with me having a torn contact lens in my eye from Pennsylvania up to Ontonagon, Michigan; I make the 857-mile trip (we could not afford a motel) with one half-hour rest in a parking lot on a gallon of coffee and, for the first and last time in my life, drinking two cans of Red Bull so I would not fall asleep at the wheel:



…death threats once up in Ontonagon from a part-jew, because of which I went three times to the sheriff;

…the Obama White house threatens me openly on 23 Nov 2015 from the White House switchboard;

“John de Nugent, we are watching you. [click]”


In the same month of November 2015, the Obama FBI demanded to “interview” me, but I refused.


…. (This next item was pretty bad….)

….Margi leaves Ontonagon with my reluctant consent to care for her aging, but ultra-Democrat/libtard parents, whom she genuinely loved and felt a duty toward, and who also had money.

I KNEW THEY WOULD DISINHERIT HER AS I HAD BEEN DISINHERITED if they found out about her and my views.

Ironically, because of Margi’s excellent and loving care, her parents in their nineties lived on, and it became a three-year physical absence for Margi from me and me from her; the parents finally pass on, and she gets a nice and deserved inheritance….

…. but then

she immediately gets CANCER

brave, smiling Margi, all radiated and chemo’ed, wearing a wig, at the Mayo Clinic with me

I have said it over and over — why did Margi get throat cancer just when she got her inheritance — which was finally releasing us from grinding poverty and enabling major new projects — AFTER she had lived a model, healthy life for decades, never being overweight, always getting regular exercise, always eating health foods for 40 years (at great expense, btw) and never, ever smoking or drinking?

I could not KNOW that the Jews were somehow slow-killing her, but the indicators for this theory kept mounting up. And that is the whole point of assassination by poison, the specialty of the illegal bioweapon facility of the US Army at Fort Detrick Maryland, that they can call you a “conspiracy nut” and find believers if you complain without having totally definitive proof about the disease being induced!  And the malevolent, or gullible, or just the stupid majority, believe the Deep State that mocks you when a healthy loved falls ill and dies!

It is so terrible to see someone you love in constant pain, losing weight (30 pounds) and crying, and to see her hard-earned inheritance money going down, down, down that could have led to a better life for us, and doing big things for our race without having to beg anyone!

At the Mayo Clinic, with Margi at 72 pounds


Holocaust revisionist Fred Leuchter “borrows” $20,000 from Margi and then refuses to repay it as she battles cancer, or even to apologize;

Margi has extreme pain (8 out of 10);

….over the course of ten 430-mile trips to the Mayo Clinic, with me driving four seven hours as she slept, she DOES beat the cancer; but after 18 months it comes back; and we have a doctor with a WASP name who turns out to be jewish; I am caring for her 20 hours a day;

Then a bizarre chemtrail EXPLODES directly over our house; soon after, Margi has a stroke and dies.


My finances collapse;

My new bank cancels me:

I have to sell a paid-off house to keep this website going; then I have to sell both my good and paid-off cars;

four different long-term supporters, with nonsensical excuses, suddenly all change their mind about helping me get housing, and I find out with certainty that an FBI asset had talked trash about me to three of the four (or were they threatened?);

And last month my stuff was put on the street….

….and my site went down for five days. Stress? I think I can speak about it as an expert. 😉

But every day I read deep spiritual things and ponder them; I pray; and I get exercise: a hour of walking and weight lifting.


….The jews, to be fair, are sometimes stressed out by me 😉

…..Who really was and is JdN?


Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

Why it should be beyond obvious to not look exactly like Hitler


I dyed it black so you maybe, just maybe finally “get it.” My goal the last time was a worker-and-farmer movement, with even a communist-like red flag, and a party with the name “socialist workers” in it, so I had to look average myself, and like a working-class man.  

Same mindset, same cheekbones, same sloping forehead, same twin bulges over the inside of the eyebrows, same v-ridges in the upper forehead and creases along either sides of the forehead, same height, same eye color, same marionette facial line back from the chin — and the same military leanings, and an uncanny ability to speak both fluent German and Austrian dialect with no American accent.

Even my compositional style, just as with Mein Kampf back then, is way-to-long paragraphs and concepts far too advanced for the average Joe. ;-= Hey, I admit it — I am too wordy.
I often actually think in German, and my style in English occasionally shows it.
And I never kiss my readers’ butt, but instead I openly pour out my scorn like the mustache guy on all WHITE whiners, WHITE excuse-makers, WHITE cowards and WHITE bumblers!
This was, in fact, the real me coming through ibn the bitter and sarcastic original title of Mein Kampf!

4.5 Years of Struggle Against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice — A settling of accounts [with my enemies]

…and a certainty since age 5 on that I WAS THAT MAN, AND — gulp  —worse, much worse, that I WAS THE REBIRTH, a soul GIVEN A NEW CHANCE, of the MOST HATED MAN on this earth.  Shit! 


with unique, rare, solid, dark blue eyes – not an Irish or Polish light-blue, not a blue-green, and not blue-gray either. Solid, deep blue. 


Captain Chesley Sullenberger, a Texan of Swiss-German ancestry who did the miraculous January 2009 water-landing of his jetliner into the Hudson River, saving all 155 passengers from certain death  after a bird strike destroyed both his engines, had these same dark-blue German eyes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chesley_Sullenberger

This undated photo, supplied by the U.S. Air Force Academy, shows cadet Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, the US Airways pilot who safely ditched his disabled jetliner on the Hudson River in New York. He graduated from the academy in 1973 and served in the Air Force from 1973 to 1980 and flew F-4 Phantom II fighter planes. (AP Photo/USAF Academy)

I strongly urge everyone to see this very, very Aryan movie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sully_(film)

Then you will know our race, led by the best, can still do anything, and magnificently,  under pressure.

Here is some humor — but the serious point is this:

The whole Hitler approach may have turned the Germans on — a highly militaristic, stern, soldier-like people and the Spartans of the white race — but all those uniforms, heel-clicking, and the sieg-heiling turned the rest of the freedom-craving white world OFF ;-(


The Hitler strongman image, face it, was a huge turnoff to the freedom-loving Americans, who are genetically a heavily keltic people (meaning the common English people, and of course the Irish, Scots, Welsh and the southern Germans).

Hitlerism, the one-man rule, the dictatorship, was seen as a step backward in Western Civilization into the Middle Ages, and as a slap in the face to what the Founding Fathers wanted — freedom of speech and a limited government.

Even the young John Kennedy, secretly very antisemitic like his dad, disliked the Hitler approach, while also admiring the man’s achievements.

One-man rule went very much against our Anglo-Saxon grain, our fear of megalomaniacs, and the famous dictum of Lord Acton:

“All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

We all know the Ancient Romans were no liberal, peacenik hippies.  Nor were they opposed to powerful leaders.

But for five hundred years even the Romans banned one-man rule and kings — establishing even a dual presidency — two consuls — two rulers — and even those two were closely supervised by the Roman Senate.

SPQR: Senatus Populusque Romanus — “the Senate and the People of Rome”


So this time around, the flavor of National Socialism has to be modified, but the core ingredients are exactly the same!

The Aryan folk community is invincible — and must live again!



guts and glory!

And, Jews,

this time it WILL be the world!


  1. Ciò che gli americani istruiti possono scegliere all’interno dell’Induismo è il Vedanta (che significa, nell’antichissimo linguaggio sacro del sanscrito “conoscenza”, una parola che è affine a parole occidentali come “saggezza” e “visione.[]

  2. As much as I would love Michael Lynn or Kari Lake as Trump’s choice for VP, Tulsi Gabbard would also make a good choice, especially since it would make it a lot easier for disillusioned Democrats to vote for Trump.


    MrE hält Tulsi Gabbard für kontrollierte Opposition (back up plan, controled opposition at the right) er erläutert es ausführlich gegen Ende des Videos. Möglicherweise ist auch sie ein Transvestit .

    Ich verfolge seit Jahren die Analysen von MrE und bei 99% seiner Analysen fühle ich, daß er richtig liegt (vermutlich auch beim verbleibenden 1 Prozent). Es geht nicht um Mannweiber und um feminine Männer, die gab es schon immer. Es geht um einen religiösen Kult, um Menschen, die von klein an entsprechend aufgezogen, umoperiert werden usw. MrEs Videos haben Tiefgang. Es ist kein Zufall, daß “Models”/”Supermodels” seit Jahrzehnten keine Hüften mehr haben. Wir leben bekanntermaßen im Zeitalter der universellen Täuschung.

    “Apocalypse_Watchman by MrE”,

    Wenn man vom neuesten Eintrag aus jeweils nach ganz unten scrollt und dann 7 oder 8 mal nachlädt (“Show more”) und nur die Titelzeilen liest (auch Marilyn Monroe ist dabei), dann sieht man, daß nicht nur Menschen aus der klassischen Unterhaltungsindustrie (Taylor Swift usw.) besprochen werden sondern Menschen aus allen Lebensbereichen, einschließlich der Politik.

    Ich werde trotzdem meine äußerst umfassende Marilyn-Monroe-Büchersammlung behalten, ob es sich bei Norma Jean nun um einen Mann handelt oder um eine Frau, denn als Mensch war/ist sie bzw. er weitentwickelt, und sie/er ist wunderschön und der Gesang war auch beeindruckend.

    “Marilyn Monroe – Watched by All, Seen by None”,

    “It’s Not Just Deception – It’s Trauma-Based Mind Control”,

    “They’re Here”,

    Bei der gezielten NWO-Transvestismus-Desorientierungspropaganda geht es nicht um normale Transvestiten, wobei auch hier einleitend auf etwas hingewiesen soll: Es ist zu 100% gut, wenn eine Mutter Vollzeitmutter sein möchte, dagegen spricht überhaupt nichts. Das starre Rollen- und Geschlechterverständnis, wie es jahrhundertelang propagiert wurde, hatte jedoch auch hier fatale Auswirkungen. Wieso soll ein Mann weniger intuitiv und gefühlsmäßig wissend und begabt sein als eine Frau? Weshalb eine Frau weniger intellektuel als ein Mann? Der Feminismus hat, zusammen mit Totalprivilegierung, zur Spaltung sowie zur Verdummung und leichten Manipulierbarkeit weiter Teile der Frauen geführt, aber grundsätzlich sind Männer wie Frauen hirnbiologisch gleichermaßen gefühlsmäßig wie verstandesmäßig begabt.

    Frauen werden jedoch von klein an dazu dressiert, weniger gut räumlich denken zu können, über telepathisch übermittelte Glaubenssätze der Eltern, die noch nicht einmal verbal ausgesprochen werden müssen. Und ein Teil der Nationalen hält immer noch an diesem fragwürdigem Geschlechterbild (Mann = Verstand, Frau = Gefühl) fest.

    Ich wehre mich dagegen wenn mir jemand sagt, daß mir eine Frau gefühlsmäßig-intuitiv überlegen wäre, einfühlsamer oder sonstwie überlegen wäre, weil sie eine Frau ist. Das ist alles, wie manche Amerikaner sagen würden, Bullshit.

    Natürlich gibt es äußerliche anziehende Weiblichkeit und Männlichkeit, Sinnlichkeit. Und Seth sagte mal sinngemäß, daß der Moment des Verliebtseins, dieses Verliebtheitsgefühl, daß dieser Akt der Anziehung, auch eine symbolische Komponente hätte bzw. repräsentieren würde: Die Wiederbegegnung des Egobewußtseins mit dem eigenen Schutzengel.

    Und jetzt zu einer Aussage von Seth: Sinngemäß sagte er in einer Sitzung aus den 1970ern, daß u.a. manche Frauen sich zu Männern umoperieren lassen, weil sie sich in ihrem Fühlen und Denken eher “männlich” einordnen würden. Als ob Frauen nicht genauso einen scharfen Verstand wie Männer haben könnten. Wir sind alle in unseren (de facto gleichzeitig stattfindenden) Inkarnationen sowohl Männer als auch Frauen, wir kennen daher beide Perspektiven. Wir sind nicht entweder verstandesmäßig oder gefühlsmäßig-intuitiv begabt, diese Schmalspurentwürfe sind die Folge der starren Geschlechterrollen-Überzeugungen und eine entsprechende Indoktrinierung hat entsprechende Folgen. Ein Auszug aus “Das Seth Multiversum […]”, Band 2, Seth-Verlag, bisher nur in deutscher Übersetzung erschienen, “Sitzung 842, 21. März 1979, 21.14 Uhr, Mittwoch, Transsexualität als Folge einer übersexualisierten Gesellschaft mit rigiden Geschlechtervorstellungen”, Seite 203:

    “[…] Nun. Ihr seid zuallererst Individuen. In Gesellschaften, in denen die Sexualität überbetont wird, scheinen geschlechtliche Unterschiede von größter Bedeutung zu sein.
    Man sagt euch, ihr müsstet euch in jeder Hinsicht als Angehöriger oder Angehörige eures Geschlechts identifizieren. Weichen eure Gefühle über euch selbst und eure Erfahrungen aber weit genug von denjenigen ab, die von euch als Angehörige eures Geschlechts erwartet werden, beginnt ihr zu glauben, das Geschlecht eures Körpers sei falsch – und entspreche nicht eurer Identität. Ist man ein Mann, hat man das Gefühl, man müsse in Wirklichkeit eine Frau sein, ist man eine Frau, man müsse offensichtlich ein Mann sein, dass aber der Körper nicht der richtige sei. Also ändert man sein Geschlecht, vielleicht durch eine Operation, damit es zum Bild passt, das man von sich selbst hat.
    Aber natürlich wart ihr schon die ganze Zeit ihr selbst. […]”

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