Twitter MORONS again “warn” against a Trump tweet (his threat to send National Guard into Minneapolis, which Twitter sez “glorified violence”); Health Ranger demands Trump POSTPONE Nov. 2020 election due to massive tech-company censorship!

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Full analysis of Trump’s executive order against Big Tech, plus 10 action items
Mike Adams President Trump has now finally declared war on Big Tech, and an impending executive order will unleash the FCC, FTC and state Attorneys General to abolish Big Tech’s malicious censorship and restore free speech in America.

Today I’ve posted a detailed analysis of the impending EO from Trump, along with 10 urgent action items we all must take to ensure this effort is a success.

This is our chance to finally abolish Big Tech censorship and restore the freedom to speak, think and share the content we enjoy. Take action right now. Share this article everywhere you can. The survival of human freedom is at stake right now.

Full details here.

Also today: Read my article from last night about why we must shut down Big Tech, abolish the evil tech giants and criminally prosecute the CEOs of tech platforms for their malicious, illegal actions against us all.

Find that story here.

Health Ranger calls for suspending 2020 elections until free speech is restored in America – “fair and free elections” impossible under Big Tech censorship

Image: Health Ranger calls for suspending 2020 elections until free speech is restored in America – “fair and free elections” impossible under Big Tech censorship

(Natural News) Online censorship of free speech has crescendoed to such a degree that the very integrity of the 2020 presidential election is now at stake.

This is the warning of Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, who is now calling on the election to be temporarily suspended until the First Amendment is once again restored to the internet.

In case you missed it, Twitter decided to “fact-check” one of President Donald Trump’s tweets the other day, sparking immediate ire in the Commander-in-Chief who has issued an Executive Order calling for change. Facebook has likewise blacklisted all links to both Facebook and Brighteon, including in the Messenger app.

While Big Tech censorship has been going on for years, Trump is finally entering the ring to do something about it now that his account is being personally targeted. And unless something is actually done this time to reverse the current trend, there is no way to guarantee that the results of the upcoming election will even be accurate – and it appears as though Trump knows this!

Because of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), some politicians, mostly on the left, are demanding that mail-in ballots be used instead of normal ballots. This leaves the system wide open for fraud and manipulation, which, coupled with Big Tech censorship, is a recipe for an unfair Democratic win in November.

“‘Fact-checking’ is just the excuse for tech giants like Twitter, Google, Wikipedia, YouTube or Facebook to interrupt the communications of conservative or pro-Trump users with radical left-wing propaganda messages,” warns Adams.

“The very idea that a tech company led by communists and radical left-wing socialists could claim a monopoly on ‘facts’ is absurd.”

Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Adams dives into this subject even further:

Go get ’em, Trump!

In many ways, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have become part of the public domain. And under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA), they are supposed to function as content providers, meaning intermediaries that merely deliver content created or shared by others.

But ever since Donald Trump won the election back in 2016, Silicon Valley has morphed into a collective of content publishers, meaning the tech giants are now picking and choosing which content to allow and which content to censor. This, of course, nullifies their immunity protections under Section 230 of the CDA entirely.

The latest stunt by Facebook and Twitter in setting up “fact-checking” modules that scan the two platforms for “misinformation” just further solidifies that Big Tech is now operating completely outside the bounds of the law, and needs to be held accountable.

Trump has indicated that he plans to finally do something about this escalating censorship, which undermines the First Amendment, one of the bedrocks of our Constitution. Besides stripping platforms like Facebook and Twitter of their Section 230 protections, this may also include federal prosecution for criminal racketeering and fraud, hopefully resulting in jail time for these companies’ bigwigs.

“No one has a monopoly on facts, and the entire fact-checking fiasco of the Big Tech ecosystem has boiled down to politically targeted censorship run by radical left-wing propagandists who are truly mentally ill in the fact that they actually believe their delusions are an accurate map of reality,” says Adams.

“But it’s more than mere propaganda. It’s election rigging. It’s a violation of the civil rights of millions of Americans. And it’s almost certainly a type of criminal racketeering and fraud that should be aggressively prosecuted by the DOJ as well as Attorneys General across the 50 states.”

For more related news about Big Tech censorship and the threat it poses to our constitutional republic, be sure to check out

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