Two little dove friends spread their wings

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Doves are gentle birds with a beautiful song…


Fledglings: From the time they hatch, doves leave the nest at about 11 or 12 days old. When they begin to self-regulate their body temperature, the parents no longer brood them at night.

If a baby is reluctant to leave the nest after 12 days, the parents will often keep watch nearby but refuse to feed it. Finally, the baby will get hungry enough to leave the nest and flutter down to the ground.

In this case, the ground was Margi’s garden, full of tomato and other veggie plants.

Fledgling doves may be on the ground for several days before they are able to fly back up into a tree. This is a time when they are very vulnerable. They have to hide in bushes or underbrush during the night and are often caught by prowling cats.

Because they can’t fly, people often rescue them, thinking they have an injured wing.

The young bird should be alert and walk away from people when approached. He needs bushes or underbrush in which to hide.

When they get to the ground , they hopefully find some protective shelter like a thick bush or ground cover. The parents continue to feed them but they don’t stay with them.

“Getting to be time to strike out on your own, little one!” 🙂

A baby dove that leaves the nest at 11 days old will take about 4 days to become flighted.

Anyway, Margi and I had the privilege of seeing both of them spread their wings and make their first flights, one fluttering like crazy up to Margi’s new red steel roof… and the other over to the tree next to it. Their wings were shaking, but they did it!

Guess I gotta do that too, soon, take off to the sky with the new Aryan faith for our people….

It will be scary, like one’s first flight as a bird, but also exhilarating! 🙂

When we start to live as Aryans, not exist as the jews’ slaves.



Then the glory days will return, but in a country much bigger than Germany. 🙂

Then the young white boys and girls will have a future again. The young Europeans, like the two Italian boys here on their bikes, live in prison societies where their parents have neither guns nor free speech.

TWELVE YEARS in prison for this European engineer (in Austria, Wolfgang Fröhlich) who proved the gas chambers were a lie:

Armed cops defend the Reichsstag and the pedophile legislators inside against un-armed demonstrators. It was US General Eisenhower who in 1945 took away the Germans’ guns! 

It will all depend now on us Americans to save the white race.

And since America was the key nation that destroyed the Reich, America must now shoulder the burden of sacrifice which the Germans once bore so magnificently.



I reluctantly show these photos again… young French kids, their throats slit by African muslims. Indirectly, WE killed them, We Americans, by crushing a valiant Germany, which then ushered in the reign of terror by the jews over our cousins in Europe.

The privileged lives of Antifa/BLM brats; French white kids volunteering in Black Africa end up in a pool of their own blood



This was the sacred slogan of our ancestors, America! It has never been more true than right now.




1 Comment

  1. Dear John de Nugent,

    Thank you for this pigeon article [1] Margi’s garden not only produced healthy food, but also helped animal children to find shelter and cover, a nice example of the dynamics, of the interaction between species. As you surely know, during the First World War there were even pigeons, celebrated as war heroes and awarded with medals, for their courier services and probably also for their aerial photography missions. 🙂

    According to the teachings of the materialists, plants and all other living things are only the final link of a mutation selection, because they would have survived as a favorable random mutation. The dove is one of the innumerable, never-ending creations of the creator beings of the inner world, thought out, “painted” and perfectly constructed, perfect design, perfect functionality combined with beauty, one of the innumerable life systems into which consciousness can incarnate, according to its respective stage of development. Every feather, every organ, every limb of the dove is absolutely perfectly thought out.

    How can anyone believe in such nonsense that this ingenuity is the final link of a random selection? Watch a few short films for illustration and relaxation, during a coffee break, preferably in full screen mode: [2], [3], [4], [5]

    [1] Your pigeon article: „Two little dove friends spread their wings“

    [2] A short film about the explosive fast start of the pigeon, „Slow Motion Pigeon Flight | BBC Earth“ (2:45)

    [3] „Slow Motion Pigeon Clap | Earth Unplugged“ (5:43)

    [4] The owl flies practically inaudibly, quieter than all other birds. „Experiment! Wie kann eine Eule so leise fliegen? | Super Powered Owls | BBC“ (4:13)

    [5] „Why Does Everyone Hate Pigeons?“, from 2:51 about the super vision of the pigeon (direct jump):

    [6] Locating objects floating at sea: 93% pigeon 38% human, Minute 03:05, direct link:
    „Pigeons are gross. They’re also wildly underrated.“


    auf Deutsch:

    Sehr geehrter John de Nugent,

    danke für diesen Tauben-Artikel.[1] Margi‘s Garten erzeugte nicht nur gesunde Nahrung, sondern half auch Tierkindern, Schutz und Deckung zu finden, ein schönes Beispiel für die Dynamik, für die Interaktion zwischen den Spezies. Wie sie sicher wissen, gab es im ersten Weltkrieg sogar Tauben, die als Kriegshelden gefeiert und mit Medaillen ausgezeichnet wurden, für ihre Kurierdienste und vermutlich auch für ihre Luftbildaufnahme-Einsätze. 🙂

    Nach der Lehre der Materialisten stellen Pflanzen und alle andere Lebewesen nur das Endglied einer Mutationsauslese dar, weil sie als günstige Zufallsmutation überlebt hätten. Die Taube ist eine der unzähligen, niemals endenden Schöpfungen der Schöpferwesen der inneren Welt, durchdacht, „gemalt“ und perfekt konstruiert, perfektes Design, perfekte Funktionalität mit Schönheit kombiniert, eines der unzähligen Lebenssysteme, in die sich Bewußtseine, gemäß ihrer jeweiligen Entwicklungsstufe, inkarnieren können. Jede Feder, jedes Organ, jedes Glied der Taube ist absolut perfekt durchdacht.

    Wie kann man nur an so einen Schwachsinn glauben, daß diese Genialität das Endglied einer Zufallsauslese ist? Ein paar Kurzfilme zur Illustration und Entspannung, während einer Kaffeepause, am besten im Vollbildmodus anschauen: [2], [3], [4], [5]

    [1] Ihr Taubenartikel: „Two little dove friends spread their wings“

    [2] Ein Kurzfilm zum explosionsartig-schnellen Start der Taube, „Slow Motion Pigeon Flight | BBC Earth“ (2:45)

    [3] „Slow Motion Pigeon Clap | Earth Unplugged“ (5:43)

    [4] Die Eule fliegt praktisch unhörbar, leiser als alle anderen Vögel. „Experiment! Wie kann eine Eule so leise fliegen? | Super Powered Owls | BBC“ (4:13)

    [5] „Why Does Everyone Hate Pigeons?“, ab 2:51 über den Supersehsinn der Taube (Direktsprung):

    [6] Locating objects floating at sea: 93% pigeon 38% human, Minute 03:05, Direktlink:
    „Pigeons are gross. They’re also wildly underrated.“

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