Two of a kind; a young female artist writes her desire to help

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An Italian comrade sent me this image of Jesus.

I replied:

Beautiful! Grazie!

Comrades who scoff at the idea of an Aryan Jesus have an understandable, deep-felt, inward desire to cut all ties with the semitic world, and often they prefer the norse gods, who look like us.

I can only agree, however, with what AH said repeatedly, from his early days with Dietrich Eckart and in their book “Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin,” to late in WWII, in private conversations at the Berghof, about Jesus:

Only a racial Aryan could have said and done the radically brave, totally self-sacrificing things He did.

Letting the jews lie as they always do, slander as they always do, threaten politicians (such as Pilate) and engineer a judicial murder of an innocent man on false charges — all of this  was necessary and effective to show in the most searing way to the whole world just what these jews are really like.

Though Jesus failed in His primary goal to change the jews
(who were then and are now an obvious danger to all mankind via controlling the money system, and yes, they were powerful even then) and to ring in a basically new religion that only paid lip service to the jew Moses and instead fostered the opposite values, namely peace, humility, and love, Jesus succeeded totally in His secondary goal:

Letting the jews expose themselves by publicly murdering — in the most unforgettable manner possible, crucifixion being a truly terrible way to die — a man whose every word and deed were pure truth, pure love, pure service, and pure peace.

The jews can never live this down, that they killed this righteous man.

I am here now to ensure that.

Between this image above of Jesus and this one below of AH, one can see the physical resemblance, and also the look of foreboding and vigilance. Both men know this beautiful world, a potential paradise, is also full of horrors, of evil, treachery and literal human demons.

The brain scans of psychopaths reveal that these souls came here as predators from hell worlds where rape, torture, murder and betrayal are highly admired.They come here from criminal worlds  to seek out the gullible and rip them to shreds for the fun of it. The sin of the gullible is to stay gullible, and refuse to wise up and learn to love and defend themselves.


So anyone who incarnates here in order to uplift mankind should really be applauded and appreciated.

And envied, too, because if they stay the course to the bitter end of their incarnation — the life of every single truthteller being non-stop controversy, rejection, hate, hostility, defamation and strife, a living crucifixion — then they will rack up tremendous spiritual growth for themselves.

Actually, the fewer people listen to them during their lifetime, the more their glory. They do it because it is right.

We, as national socialists, do nothing for the praise of the cowards and fools who people this planet. We are here to uncowardize and un-foolize them.

And there is only one way to do this, by making our own actual lives into a shining example. Talk and books change no one. They only get us ready.

This means wemust gulp hard, see rejection and death right before us, and make the supreme sacrifice:

All our ego must go, our money, power, fame, relationships and, yes our living, breathing body.

We must live and die (not just jawbone about) the light, the love, and the truth.They slumber in us all, and want to be liberated. We are not here to discover and learn stuff, and earth is not a “school.” Heaven is a a school.

The truth is known to our souls, and to our guardian angels on the other side.

We incarnate here to create, to do, and to apply what we already know.

Hence this is so true:

The journey of the hero is when a normal, mortal man or woman DOES feel fear, even a chilling level of dread — but decides to overcome it, and loves our people anyway for what they could be, beautiful and noble Aryans.


In 1920-45 we showed with a real political party, then with a real country — a major country — just how wonderful, smart, loyal, brave and magnificent our white race can be. 🙂

A 1940 poster in French: “Abandoned populations! You can trust the German soldier!”



The leftist Paris government had started the unnecessary war, botched it (LO;the excellent French tanks somehow did not even have radios), then they sowed utter panic with atrocity lies abvout how “the Nazis” would massacre the civilians. As Léon Degrele explained,  this induced millions to clog the roads without gasoline, food or water and trudge away from the fighting in utter. Meanwhile, their warmongering but cowardly elected politicians had fled even further south.

The French were flabbergasted that German soldiers, the hated Boches, committed NO atrocities, and instead acted chivalrously and correctly, especially toward women. All the French who laid their arms down –and it was France that had started it, declaring war on Germany — found that the Reich’s warriors were friendly, skilled, in magnificent physical shape, wearing glorious uniforms, and perfect gentleman toward all who were not treacherous.

National socialism — a theory that led to real world success, and to excellence in every single area of individual and national life.

This was freedom from want, fear, crime, joblessness, debt, alcoholism, drugs, obesity, divorce, domestic violence juvenile delinquency, child molestation, partisan division and despair!

What did Henry David Thoreau say about man’s existence (without national socialism)?

I did these two music videos in 2011.





…..Scandinavian-American female artist writes

Good morning, Mr. de Nugent!
[Btw, it is “small d,” “small e”; this “de” (meaning “from a castle/region”] is from the nobility, like the prefix “von” in German ]
I read the François article a few days ago about the Virginia Sheriff and I saw that you posted your email for people to help with your upcoming organization.
If you would like to have some visual representation for your ideas, I am always here to paint some nice pictures. I have been painting for a while but would like to build my artist portfolio (perhaps a public and private one haha) and become a professional. People say there is no money in art, but I would rather be a starving artist and produce paintings that are noble and grand and have cultural worth for white people. I think our stylistic preferences would align since I personally want to create paintings that are based around our history, culture, and contain immense realism and majesty. It is important for me to bring back the state of art now a days, since it has been degraded to unprincipled, abstract nonsense.
I am sorry I don’t have any samples attached for you right now but if you are interested in throwing out ideas I can surely send you some to look over. It might take me a while since I am in a bit of a transition in my life right now, but I promise that I would be able to work with you for the long term in order to help your vision.
All the best!
[first name]
I responded:
Dear comrade [] (nice Scandinavian forename, btw!)
How nice!
My mother was a gifted artist-painter (and ballet dancer) and my first wife, the Austrian, and now Margi, an opera singer, are artistic as well. I love beauty, the fine arts, and the inspiration it engenders in the beholder to seek heroism, nobility and excellence.
Let me think about your kind offer and what I could provide. I imagine a portrait of myself and the symbol of the logo of my coming spiritual organization would be the obvious choice.
Did you attend an art school? My mother attended the Rhode Island School of Design. Of course, some of the greatest simply learned from a master who saw their gift.
This portrait completely captured this man, vulnerable, sensitive, fully aware of the serious dangers that he and we face, yet strong by choice:

Thanks again for your inspiring email and offer! And, as in 1933, the day is coming when genuine artists will find work, not be blacklisted by jews, gain public financing, and every gallery in the land will be open to them!
PS Hugo Boss and Hitler designed these 🙂
Even our tanks looked kinda cool. 🙂
Our cities, everything, was inner beauty expressing itself!
Soviet Kaliningrad versus the Reich-German city of Königsberg
PER ASPERA AD ASTRA — ” through difficulties to the stars,” from trials to triumph! 

….See also

Circa AD 500, Egyptians depicted Mary and Jesus as blond, and a red-haired and a blond angel as protecting them

……Jesus an Aryan Galilean?

…..Hitler and his mentor Eckart were pro-Jesus, anti-Yahweh, and opposed to the Old Testament

Especially important blogs





  1. Wer noch an “Demokratie in der BRD” glaubt, soll mal bitte folgendes lesen.

    Wie BRD-Geheimnisse nach dem Mauerfall geschützt wurden
    Bekenntnisse des Ex-DDR-Innenministers Peter-Michael Diestel

    Der letzte Innenminister der DDR Peter-Michael Diestel hat anläßlich des 30. Jahrestags der deutschen Wiedervereinigung gegenüber der Berliner Zeitung enthüllt, daß die Stasi zahlreiche Akten über die Geheimnisse bundesdeutscher Politiker archivierte. Gewonnen wurden die Informationen aus abgehörten Telefonaten. In den 80er-Jahren, so Diestel, habe die Stasi “alle Telefongespräche von wichtigen bundesdeutschen Politikern, Journalisten und Großindustriellen abgehört, ausgewertet, registriert.”
    Ein bis heute bewahrtes Geheimnis ist die Rolle eines Bundespräsidenten, der für die DDR als „IM Kardinal“ gearbeitet hat. Grundlage der Zusammenarbeit waren obszöne Bilder und Informationen über strafrechtlich relevante sexuelle Praktiken des Politikers. Wie der Autor Hariolf Reitmaier in einem nie erschienenem Buch schreibt, soll es sich dabei um Johannes Rau gehandelt haben.
    Daß dieses und andere Geheimnisse über die BRD-Eliten nicht an die Öffentlichkeit drang, dafür sorgten zum einen Geheimdienstmitarbeiter aus den USA und Israel, die ihrerseits die schmutzigen Geheimnisse exklusiv für ihre eigenen Zwecke nutzen wollten; zum anderen bundesdeutsche Politiker: Wolfgang Schäuble hatte gleich zu Anfang ein paar sachkundige Helfer aus dem Innenministerium geschickt, u.a. den späteren Verfassungsschutz- und BND-Präsidenten Dr. Wertebach, der auch als Innensenator in Berlin wirkte. Dieser habe laut Diestel, „diesen Müll gemeinsam mit meinen Mitarbeitern bearbeitet… Als die Westdeutschen dann die Gewißheit hatten, daß ihre Akten nicht mehr da sind, haben sie die Ostdeutschen gegeneinander aufgehetzt. Das ist nach meinem Dafürhalten bewußt so gemacht worden, um die Ostdeutschen führungslos zu machen.“

    Weitere Hintergründe unter:

  2. One of Freemasonry’s deepest secrets is that Jesus was not a jew. He had fair hair The mystic Mason William Blake spoke of this and hinted he was an Englishman. The bible, of which all [the truths] has been altered, says after the Crucifixion, Joseph of Aramathea brought Jesus BACK to Glastonbury.
    The Shroud of Turin was said by William Blake [?] to be that of an Anglo-Saxon.

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