WWIII approaches: Russia invites US ambassor to LEAVE; US moving 40,000 troops to Russian borders; Putin, backed by giant China, sanctions the US; the insane US “nuclear supremacy” doctrine says atomic war is winnable!

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Russia tells US ambassador to leave:



SEVEROMORSK /Murmansk Region/, April 13. /TASS/. NATO will concentrate 40,000 troops and 15,000 items of armament and military hardware near Russian borders, basically in the Black Sea and Baltic regions, Russia’s Defense Minister Army General Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday.

Overall, “40,000 troops and 15,000 items of armament and military hardware, including strategic aircraft, will be concentrated” near the Russian borders, the defense chief said.

The American troops are now redeploying from continental North America to Europe through the Atlantic, Shoigu said.

“The troops in Europe are moving towards Russian borders. The basic forces are being amassed in the Black Sea area and in the Baltic region,” the defense chief said.

As the Russian defense minister pointed out, “US force groupings are being reinforced in Poland and the Baltic states, the American ‘four thirties’ concept has been adopted and is being implemented and the intensity of air reconnaissance has grown twofold and naval reconnaissance by 50% compared to last year.”

“The alliance annually holds up to 40 large operational training measures of a clearly anti-Russian bias in Europe. In the spring of this year, the NATO allied forces launched Defender Europe 2021 drills, the largest exercise over the past 30 years,” Russia’s defense chief stressed.




…..Nuclear primacy madness


America’s Secret Planned Conquest of Russia

Eric Zuesse
The U.S. government’s plan to conquer Russia is based upon a belief in, and the fundamental plan to establish, “Nuclear Primacy” against Russia — an American ability to win a nuclear war against, and so conquer, Russia.
This concept became respectable in U.S. academic and governmental policymaking circles when virtually simultaneously in 2006 a short-form and a long-form version of an article endorsing the concept, which the article’s two co-authors there named “nuclear primacy,” were published respectively in the world’s two most influential journals of international affairs, Foreign Affairs from the Council on Foreign Relations, and International Security from Harvard. (CFR got the more popular short version, titled “The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy”, and Harvard got the more scholarly long version, which was titled “The End of MAD?”.)
This article claimed that the central geostrategic concept during the Cold War with the Soviet Union, Mutually Assured Destruction or “MAD” — in which there is no such thing as the U.S. or the U.S.S.R. conquering the other, because the first of the two to attack will itself also be destroyed by the surviving nuclear forces of the one responding to that attack — will soon be merely past history (like the Soviet Union itself already is); and, so, as the short form of the article said, “nuclear primacy remains a goal of the United States”; and, as the long form said, “the United States now stands on the cusp of nuclear primacy.” In other words: arms-control or no, the U.S. should, and soon will, be able to grab Russia (the largest land-mass of any country, and also the one richest in natural resources).
Neither version of this article mentioned the key reason why nuclear victory is exceedingly dangerous even under the most favorable conditions, which reason is the concept (and the likely reality in the event of nuclear war between the two superpowers) “nuclear winter” — the scientific studies showing that a resulting sudden sharp cooling of the atmosphere after all those enormous explosions would produce a global die-off. America’s aristocracy and its vassal-aristocracies controlling the U.S.-allied nations (billionaires, centi-millionaires, and their top agents in both the public and private sectors) are buying and building deep-underground nuclear shelters for themselves, but they wouldn’t be able to stay underground and survive on stored feedstuffs forever. (As for everybody else, those other people are not involved in geostrategic decisionmaking, and so are being ignored.) However, many of America’s (and associated) elite are paying those bomb-shelter expenses, but none of the West’s elite are condemning the path toward nuclear war that their governments are on. So: buying or building nuclear-war shelters is more acceptable to them than is stopping America’s planned conquest of Russia. The higher priority is to conquer Russia. [etc]

….How do Pentagon war planners plan to do a sneak attack on Russia and “win” with “just a few million US deaths”?

The new missiles with “super-fuzes” which Obama put on line in 2016 are designed to FIRST wipe out the Russian missiles, not Russian cities, in a surprise first strike.
With Russia then (supposedly) defenseless, the second US strike would annihilate Russia’s cities.

The deal with the fuzes is the missile detonates very, very close to Russian missile silos, just above them, destroying them although ICBM missile silos are always hardened against attack with rock (often granite) and super-strong steel.

The fuzes mean hitting missiles, not cities, so Russia cannot retaliate wiht its own nukes. 

Putin reads this as the US preparing for a nuclear surprise attack.



….How America double-crossed Russia in 1990

NATO today, expanded to many once Russian-controlled areas
The ultimate dream:
US tanks and jets in both Ukraine and also in Belarus, just 250 miles from downtown Moscow

“Sorry, Chump. You Didn’t Have It In Writing” — how the US broke solemn 1990 promises NOT to expand NATO to the Russian border



…..I have never been more worried.

On top of the Covid genocide plan, now in full swing, we also  have this new insanity:  plotting to win WWIII.

Of course, every crisis can lead to a new honesty and awakening.

With your help, we can stop this terrible march toward thermonuclear war.

For years now I have been using the Van Rensburg prophecy to warn this day was coming.

Sadly, it seems I was right.

Stay tuned. I will soon have much to say, and before time runs out.




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