Ukraine update; “ex” versus “former”; Scott Ritter on superb Russian intel

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“Once, and always”

Btw, my site is still having problems posting photos.

Here we go….  on the official Zelensky-Jewkraine Twitter page:


@theduran major/minor quibble: It is “FORMER” Marine Corps major Scott Ritter, not (in fact, never) “EX-Marine.” Yes, among Marines past and present, one never, ever says “ex-Marine.”
The operant saying is “once a Marine, always a Marine,” because Marines retain a life-long affection, pride, and loyalty to the Marine Corps.
It psychologically remolds anyone who joins them for an entire lifetime. Literally, your body language changes, and stays changed forever.

PBS calls the Marine Corps “the cult that works”!

Different, more critical, but also fair:

Thus, it is always “former Marine,” never “ex.” Ex-communist, ex-liberal, ex-muslim, yes. The phrase “ex-wife” means divorce, the love is gone, and she is, too. 😉 “It’s really over.” “My ex”…. may even be a personal enemy.
I know “former” Marine Corps major Ritter will concur. 🙂
I say this as a “former” Marine NCO myself — and as the son of a Marine combat veteran of WWII and Korea, who held the rank of lieutenant colonel in the end. :-).
Scott Ritter will appreciate this, and I remember well his great heroism and truth mission regarding WMDs during the horrid warmongering of 2003, which led to slanderous attacks on him, but also to months of vicious media French-bashing…. and to a double physical attack on my French then-wife, Brigitte de Nugent, who stood 5’2″, by a white, male Fox News Channel zombie at a Borders bookstore in downtown Boston.

……Ritter on Russian intelligence services in Ukraine


  1. I know one former Marine whom I almost want to call an ex-Marine because he is a die-hard Biden lover and die-hard Democrat. He thinks Hunter is an angel who didn’t do anything wrong, but that the Trump boys should both be in jail. The lunacy of some of the things I’ve heard him say just floors me and there is no changing his views.

    Is this just a matter of him being so hard-core on the party-line affiliation that no matter what the Dems do, he still loves and supports them? That is the sense that I get with this guy.

    I do think however, of all former Marines, only the minority is Biden supporters. At least from my small sample size of about 10 former Marines who I know of.

    But this one guy I mentioned here makes me wonder. I’d like to hear from you, if you would, why does this former Marine have such a seething hatred for Trump and why can’t he even consider, no matter what I or anyone else says, that the Biden regime is not good?

    • A very good question, and I will fully address it. But yes, you are right, his identity, his egoic attachment, is as a Democrat. That is his “tribe,” his team.

      George Washington denounced multi-party democracy as divide-and-conquer in his famous Farewell Address, the summation of his wisdom as a general and political leader for decades in Virginia and on a national level.

      All democracies financed by jews vilify the other guys. It is very deliberate.

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