UK’s First Chick-fil-A Shut Down After LGBTQ Protests; Goebbels’ supreme wisdom; monk demands a new white prophet arise NOW

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What is the purpose of all this? …we may ask.

Obviously, it is about inflicting a public defeat on the traditional heterosexual family.

And on rugged masculinity. Jews don’t want white warriors, but pansies.

And getting the goyim (in Hebrew. “cattle”) to hate each other for yet one more reason: after religious, racial, ethnic and language divisions, now we can be  also enraged and disgusted with each other, and want to even slaughter each other,  over differing sexual “orientations.” 

I am pondering the Catalan riots now. Look at these Catalans burning stuff in Barcelona because they feel some huge “need” to leave Spain, though they already have the fullest possible autonomy,  use their own language every day, and they maintain their own proud culture.  Catalonia has been part of Spain for 300 years…. and is not oppressed in any way.

I have been to Barcelona and other places to speak at meetings of the great WN Pedro Varela, in 2006, and so has Margi, in 2012, who has also translated many chapter of the brilliant revisionist history books of Catalan origin, Joaquin Bochaca, into English for The Barnes Review.


Of course it is the arch-Jew George Soros who is financially backing this leftist independence movement, because these leftards, upon getting their cherished independence from Spain,  then want radically “open borders” to the Third World!

So they want to break away from Spain to preserve a totally UN-threatened Catalan “identity” and whatever, yet they want to open the floodgates to the MURDEROUS muslim and African worlds, though Barcelona itself saw terrible muslim terror attacks just two years ago on white Catalan people!


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2017 Barcelona attacks
Part of Islamic terrorism in Europe
La Rambla, the site of the van attack; pictured in 2011 [I have been here, in 1979 while in the Marines as a translator, and again in 2006]
Catalonia is a big chunk of northeastern Spain, and the people have a somewhat lighter skin complexion due to the ancient Germanic Visigoths.  The name “Catalonia” means actually “Gothlandia.” But most Catalans do not look different, except for the very dark Spanish living in the far south, who have moorish (Arabic) blood.
La Rambla, Barcelona attackLa Rambla, Barcelona attack.
Cambrils attack
Cambrils attack
Alcanar explosion
Alcanar explosion
Location La Rambla, Barcelona and Cambrils, Catalonia, Spain
Coordinates La Rambla: 41°22′53″N 2°10′23″ECoordinates: 41°22′53″N 2°10′23″E
Cambrils: 41°22′53″N 2°10′23″E
Alcanar: 40.580919°N 0.553046°E
Subirats: 41.384722°N 1.798056°E
Date 17–18 August 2017
16:54–01:15 CEST (UTC+2)
Target Pedestrians
Attack type
Vehicle-ramming attack, Stabbing
Weapons Alcanar: TATP, Gas cylinders (accidental[1] explosion)
Barcelona: A van and a knife
Cambrils: A car and a knife
Deaths Alcanar: 0 (+2 terrorists)
Barcelona: 15
Cambrils: 1 (+5 terrorists)
Subirats: 0 (+1 terrorist)
Total: 16 (+8 terrorists)
Alcanar: 15
Barcelona: 131
Cambrils: 6
Total: 152
Perpetrators Barcelona: Younes Abouyaaqoub
(shot by police in Subirats)
Cambrils: Moussa Oukabir, Said Aallaa, Mohamed Hychami, Omar Hychami, Houssaine Abouyaaqoub; all of whom were shot dead by police at Cambrils[2][3]
Alcanar: Abdelbaki Es Satty
Youssef Aalla
(died in the explosion)

On the afternoon of 17 August 2017, 22-year-old Younes Abouyaaqoub drove a van into pedestrians on La Rambla in Barcelona, Spain, killing 13 people and injuring at least 130 others, one of whom died 10 days later on 27 August. Abouyaaqoub fled the attack on foot, then killed another person in order to steal the victim’s car to make his escape.[4][5][6]

Nine hours after the Barcelona attack, five men thought to be members of the same terrorist cell drove into pedestrians in nearby Cambrils, killing one woman and injuring six others. All five of those attackers were shot and killed by police.[7]

The night before the Barcelona attack, an explosion occurred in a house in the Spanish town of Alcanar, destroying the building and killing two members of the terrorist cell, including the 40-year-old imam thought to be the mastermind.[8] The home had more than 120 gas canisters inside which police believe the cell was attempting to make into one large bomb (or three smaller bombs to be placed in three vans which they had rented) but which they accidentally detonated.[9][6]

So why do Catalans “need” to break up Spain?

Insanity — deliberately induced insanity.

Divide-the goys-and-conquer-them.

And it works, because the goyim are in the grip of their own egoic mind, their tyrannon.  “I am better than you.” “I must be separate from you.” “I am a victim suffering outrageous injustices. You are oppressing me. You are wicked. Someone should kill you.”


Now what is the goal, long term, of this militant LGBTQ movement?

I am not talking about quiet, rightwing gays who absolutely support white survival, fight Jewry, and think the hetero family is a very good and needed thing. I recently got a donation again from a gay WN who is fiercely against both blacks and jews. There are many gay WNs, and I will not divulge the BIG names of writers I personally knew who were/are definitely gay or “bi” — but just are very quiet about it.

Those who have read my key essays here:

Especially important blogs

…know that I go far beyond the usual white nationalism.

In a nutshell, this is what the Jews, and their non-human masters who sent them here, want to happen to this earth.

As with other human-settled planets which Jews have been sent to infiltrate, subvert, overthrow and destroy….

…the goal is to reduce the population by 90% and hand it over to reptilians. 500 million café-au-lait mongrels with a 90 IQ will be the Jews’ miserable work and sex slaves, and food for reptilians.

Babies will be grown in a petri dish to to be adult slaves. No families. No culture. No history. No pride. No traditions. No beauty.  No sex, romance or marriage. Unisex. Chipped human drones will just work, watch tv, take a pill, and sleep.

As crazy as this sounds, this theory explains the entire bizarre and unique phenomenon of Jews, why they do what they do, and where all this new technology is taking us, to a prison planet.

Either we stop them, or we will be killed, or enslaved, worked to the bone, and eaten.

As Goebbels said on page 168 of his magnificent final book, The Law of War:

Wir [Nationalsozialisten] sind ständig bemüht, die Dinge so zu sehen, wie sie tatsächlich sind,  und nicht, wie wir sie uns einbilden möchten. Wir gleiten nicht mehr wie unsere Väter mit billigen Phrasen über unsere Probleme hinweg, sondern gehen ihnen nach bis auf den tiefsten Grund.


We [National Socialists] are constantly trying to see things as they really are, not how we want them to be. We no longer gloss over our problems with cheap hopium phrases like our fathers before us, but we confront them and get to the bottom of things.

……Goebbels envied the Japanese ally their Shinto racial religion

The second-to-last chapter of this 1945 book, “Die Vollendeten” [ =  The Perfected Ones”], discusses the death of millions of Germans in uniform and in the cities under Allied bombing. 

Goebbels refers in one profound passage to the Japanese and how their TWO religions (Shinto and Buddhism) aid them in ways that Christianity, a universalistic Nar Eastern religion that split off from Judaism,  does not aid the Germans or glorify German blood and history.

Shinto says a goddess, Amaterasu, created Japan and that every Japanese, and every mountain, spring, brook and tree, are also sacred. It is the divine will that Japan live – the Japanese race and the Japanese culture.  (And after World War Two, General Macarthur, who with Us troops occupied Japan, never inflicted on the Japanese the sick self-hatred the occupied Germans were force-fed.)

The Japanese do not believe in migrants or race mixing, though they admire whites.

The other religion in Japan is Buddhism, whic was started by a blue-eyed Aryan in then white-ruled ancient India, then spread to China and Japan.

Teaching reincarnation, like Hinduism, of which it is an offshoot, it means why fear death? You will live again. Fear being a coward or not doing your duty!

You can tell that Goebbels did not want to get into religion or contradict certain tenets of Christianity, which then was still pretty powerful in Germany, unlike today, when it is correctly viewed as 1) unscientific, 2) pedophilic and 3) refugees-welcome libtard. (Most WNs in Germany hate Christianity as a wimpy religion for gullible, hopeless libtard females who love apologizing to the Jews.)

But he also wanted to say something about life after death. Some readers might thing he was just speaking in metaphors and consoling myths in the passage below, but he was not.

(Page 166) Diejenige, die für das große Ziel des Vaterlandes ihr Leben hingaben, sind aus diesen Fesseln [des irdischen Daseins, zumal im relativ kleinen Deutschland] befreit. Sie haben die irdische Hülle gesprengt und stehen jenseits der engen Begrenztheiten, in denen wir atmen und wirken.

(Page 170) Wir können uns heute gar nicht vorstellen, welche Gewalt die Toten über die Lebenden besitzen, wenn wir sie nur zu Wort kommen lassen. Das Heer der Gefallenen hat die Waffen nicht niedergelegt. Es marschiert in Wirklichkeit in den Reihe der kämpfenden Soldaten mit.


Those who gave their lives for the great goal of the fatherland are freed from these shackles [of earthly existence, especially in a relatively small Germany with limited size and manpower]. They have thrown off this earthly shell, and live beyond the narrow confines in which we must breathe and act.

(Page 170) Today we cannot imagine the power the dead have over the living, if we only let them speak to us. The army of the fallen did not lay down their arms. It is actually marching now in the ranks of our fighting soldiers.

The white American, politically very conservative Buddhist monk Pannobhasa (born John David Reynolds in Alaska) said the time has now come for a new Aryan prophet.

Western Buddhism is [now] castrated, weak, corrupted by progressivism and rejects the original thoroughly masculine, head-oriented ascetic system commanded by the elite aristocrat Siddhartha Gautama. Alt-Buddhism offers an alternative to standard western Buddhism, intended for elites to make strong people stronger. This is a place for promoting fearlessness, self-discipline, and austerity with the acknowledgment that all suffering is self-inflicted and there is no such thing as being a victim.(

I do consider it unfortunate that the European race has not had its own prophet, in the sense of a true spiritual leader and founder of an advanced religious system—not since very ancient times anyhow. Instead of Julian’s Neoplatonism [Julian was a pagan Roman emperor who tried to reverse Christianity’s takeover of Rome] we adopted the distorted message of a Hebrew from Galilee.

I do think the time is getting very ripe for a spiritual revival in the west, and the need for an inspired spiritual leader may bring one forth, just as the desperate desire for a Messiah among the Jews of the early Roman Empire, or the deep desire for a prophet of their own among the early medieval Arabs, helped Jesus and Muhammad to rise to the level of spiritual world leaders.

A great European prophet does seem overdue.

— (1/5th down here:





  1. Riflettevo su una questione:”Il mondo degli insetti”

    Il microcosmo sembra orientato verso il matriarcato spietato (Una Regina che impone il suo volere) spesso a danno dei maschi.

    Man mano che saliamo di grandezza troviamo il Leone (Il Re della Savana che gestisce con saggezza il suo dominio) il Lupo che tutela la sua gerarchia e protegge i più anziani e più deboli..e così via.

    Un tempo vedevo di buon occhio il matriarcato, ora non ne sono più tanto sicura visto che le femmine possono essere delle letali amministratrici senza un buon maschio alla sua Destra!

    Un mio pensiero….

    • Translation:

      I was thinking about a issue: “The world of insects”

      That microcosm seems oriented towards a ruthless matriarchy (a queen who imposes her will) often to the detriment of males.
      As we go up in size, however, we find the lion (the King of the Savannah who wisely manages his rule), the Wolf who protects his hierarchy and protects the oldest and weakest. And so on.

      I used to see the matriarchy in a positive way, but now I’m not so sure because females can be lethal administrators without a good male at her right!

      Just a thought of mine….


      My response:

      Thanks for interesting observations!

      Some women, especially over 50, are very logical, sensible, organized, fair and decisive, especially as their hormones shift, estrogen going down and testosterone up.

      Nature, of course, normally wants younger women to be having babies and raising them. 🙂

    Padre Santo, Dio Legittimo degli Spiriti buoni,

    Che non hai mai ingannato, mentito, ne errato,
    Né esitato per paura della morte a discendere nel Mondo del Dio straniero

    – Perché noi non siamo del Mondo né il Mondo è nostro —
    concedi a noi di conoscere ciò che tu conosci e di amare ciò che tu ami.

    Farisei ingannatori, che state alla porta del Regno ed impedite di entrare a coloro che lo vorrebbero, mentre voi non volete!

    Per questo prego il Padre Santo degli Spiriti buoni,

    Che ha il potere di salvare le anime

    E, fa germogliare e fiorire per gli Spiriti buoni,

    E a causa dei buoni dà vita ai malvagi e lo fara finchè essi vadano nel mondo dei buoni.

    Fino a quando non vi sara più Cieli Inferiori, che appartengono ai Sette Regni, nessuno dei miei Che sono caduti dal Paradiso,
    da dove Lucifero li ha tratti con il falso pretesto che Dio non prometteva loro altro che il Bene,

    Mentre il diavolo nella sua grande falsità prometteva loro sia il Male che il Bene.

    E disse che avrebbe dato loro donne che li avrebbero amati moltissimo e avrebbe dato signoria agli uni sugli altri,

    E che vi sarebbero stati fra loro Re, Imperatori e Conti,
    E Che con un uccello ne avrebbero catturato un altro e che con un’altra bestia idem.
    Tutti coloro che si fossero sottomessi à lui,
    discesi sarebbero e avrebbero avuto il potere di fare il Male e il Bene come Dio che sta in alto,
    E che per loro sarebbe stato molto meglio essere in basso
    che in alto dove Dio non dava loro che il Bene.
    E così salirono su un Cielo di vetro e, appena vi furono saliti, caddero e furono perduti.
    E Dio discese dal Cielo con dodici Apostoli e si adombrò in Santa Maria.
    Padre Santo io ti prego di illuminare sempre il mio cammino, perchè io non cada preda degli empi.

    (I Catari credevano nell’incarnazione, infatti mi è rimasto impresso il loro pensiero per quanto riguarda il mondo animale.

    Reincarnarsi in un animale poteva essere una punizione esemplare per l’uomo.

    Non ho mai smesso di pensare a questa cosa, oggi trovo gli animali estremamente sensibili,di gran lunga superiori all’uomo di Oggi.

    Leggendoti ora capisco cosa volevano dire.

    • Thanks for this. I have very mixed feelings about the Cathars and gnosticism.

      Yes, it is good that they believed in reincarnation.

      But the belief that this material dimension is evil is insane. Our universe is full of beauty and bravery, and whatever is cowardly and ugly can be removed and replaced! That is national socialism!

      Also every Gnostic I know is extremely depressed by believing in this ideology and feels doomed, never optimistic and confident.

      I also suspect the Jews financed the rise of Catharism as part of their divide-and-conquer war on Christianity, just as they later financed the Protestants, especially the Calvinists, and, I suspect, worked to create the split between Catholic and Orthodox and the disastrous crusade that resulted in the devastation of Constantinople by Venice (i.e., by its “black nobility” = crypto-sephardic jews).

      Finally, the refusal by Cathars to have children is a crime against our race and nation. We will die out if we do not have offspring!

      Beyond that, parenthood can mature a young man and woman rapidly. It makes you into a leader, an example, and a role model. It teaches patience, forgiveness, strength, persistence and love. Every parent must apply both Yin and Yang, Mars and Venus, punishment and praise. Parenthood is part of spiritual growth to the higher dimensions above us!

      The Dutch royal family:


    • I fail to see the logic. If my child forgets my warning and burns his hand on a hot stove, I still show him compassion. Wouldn’t you?

      Buddhism is actually centered on compassion.

      However, I do think East Asians are less compassionate by nature.

  3. Catari vuol dire Puro, Nobile. Dante, Leonardo erano Catari, però c’è una logica in questo;si parla di Amor Cortese, Amore Ricercato, amore Spirituale, probabilmente loro intendevano questo.

    Che serve avere figli, tanti figli, se poi non si è in grado di educarli come si deve?? Possiamo guardare al TERZO mondo, figli a catena, partoriti come animali.

    Io trovo il Catarismo una tradizione esoterica ascetica, lontana dalle forme giudaico-cristiane. E’vero, qui ci può essere anche l’Inferno se non si agisce con Coscienza (come nel kali Yuga) Wagner affronta questa tematica nel mito del Parsifal, i Trovatori erano Catari!

    Anche la Chiesa impone ai Sacerdoti di non avere figli, ma sono certa che il messaggio dei Catari è stato volutamente frainteso..(se riesco posso trovarti un’altra preghiera che dice di togliere i DEBITI (Signoraggio bancario), non di rimetterli a noi come nella preghiera Cristiana)Ci sono dei piccoli messaggi che mi fanno credere che non avevano niente a che fare con gli Ebrei (basta vedere In Dante-il Fedele d’amore, cosa diceva dei Giudei nella sua Divina Commedia (definito antisemita e islamofobo).

    So che ora chiamerai in causa Otto Rahn, io volevo arrivare a lui

    Ti ringrazio!

    • Translation:

      “Catharoi” means Pure, Noble. Dante, Leonardo were Cathars, but there is a logic to this: we speak of Amor Cortese, Wanted Love, Spiritual love, they probably meant this.

      What is the use of having children, so many children, if then we are not able to educate them properly? We can look at the THIRD world, chain children, born as animals.

      I find the Catharism an ascetic esoteric tradition, far from the Judeo-Christian forms. It is true, here there can also be Hell if one does not act with Consciousness (as in the kali Yuga) Wagner tackles this theme in the myth of Parsifal, the Troubadours were Cathars!

      Even the Church requires priests not to have children, but I am sure that the message of the Cathars has been deliberately misunderstood .. (if I can I can find you another prayer that says to remove the DEBTS (Bank seigniorage), not to put them back to us as in Christian prayer) There are small messages that make me believe that they had nothing to do with Jews (just look at In Dante-the Faithful of love, what he said about the Jews in his Divine Comedy (defined as anti-Semitic and Islamophobic) .

      I know you will refer to Otto Rahn now. I also wanted to get to him

      Thank you!

      My reply:

      Yes, it is a very serious issue nowadays to have children if they will only be brainwashed in the public schools, vaccinated until they become autistic, and are corrupted by their toxic NWO environment that is all about them.

      My own two daughters have renounced all ties and connections to me. In this way, they preserve also their careers in politically correct Washington DC.

      A new religion must arise that enables us to defend ourselves mentally and physically — and then go on the victorious offensive as well.

  4. Posso capire quello che provi..anche i miei figli avranno lo stesso problema un giorno,ma sono davvero svegli questi ultimi nati che attaccano da soli queste persone che tentano di plagiarli con le loro storielle assurde(hanno un brutto rapporto con la loro insegnante di Religione)ma amano Gesù per un disegno particolare che hanno nella loro testa.In particolare amano la libertà di pensiero che cerchiamo di mantenere in famiglia.So che leggeranno i libri che non sono consentiti!la distanza con la società odierna non mi crea problemi,(do qualche lezione di piano e il mio rapporto è con i bambini)vivo unicamente per la mia famiglia e seleziono le persone!Nessuno deve distruggere il clima di benessere che abbiamo in casa.
    Non lo permettiamo.
    Un giorno avremo la vita,la libertà che abbiamo sempre desiderato!La Chiesa(prostituta di Babilonia)è destinata a morire.I Catari avevano anticipato questo messaggio attraverso l’arte e la musica.Non potevano fare altrimenti caro John,continuando a nascondersi come TALPE per non essere bruciati.Poi ci sarà la nostra Vendetta.

    • Right. Trump had cancelled the Tubman twenty to keep Jackson on there.

      And that was a big dog whistle, since Jackson was a fierce proponent of the white man, white conquests and slavery. He had no use for blacks and Indians, and he abolished the Fed of those times, the Bank of the United States…….

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