Un-be-liev-able — AILING HILLDEBEEST USING A BODY DOUBLE!!! Now I have seen everything….. go Trump!

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Teresa Barnwell, Hillary’s body double


…Just saw the great Trump rally in Asheville, NC

I was so impressed by the fervor last night… and The Donald was using a teleprompter and staying on message, not getting in hot water with impulsive comments. Very professional, dignified, yes, PRSIDENTIAL, and the enthusiasm was wild. Wow.

Margi was down in Asheville but caring for her sick mother, and so could not attend. When I asked her about the notoriously liberal, rich, Damn-Yankee-transplant people — and add to that the gays, blacks and now also the Mexicans —  who now are the leftie majority in the city of Asheville, she said,

“Yes, but the country folks all around are very much for Trump, the real Southerners here in the hills, all around the city.”

I could hear the strong, nice southern accents in the rally speakers, and these people were absolutely fired up!

The Trumpistas are going to turn out on voting day, whereas the Hilldebeest people are very lukewarm about THEIR candidate.

If interested, here is the rally, 93 minutes, ass-kicking.



…..Hillary’s body double


First, WTF????? The announcer CLEARLY says:


This is not just any tv station out in Podunk; this is the ABC flagship station in New York City!

Announcer Joe Torres has a degree in communications from the State University of New York (SUNY) and has been with this station since 1996. http://abc7ny.com/about/newsteam/joe-torres/



A comrade named Lee wrote me:

Holy shit, John, this is fucking crazy. I think they are using a body double for Clinton. She may be dead or they may have her in some hospital. I don’t know, but it was pointed out on a couple of articles in Rense.com. I was looking at dozens of images of photographs yesterday’s “post-9/11 presentation” and ones previous to that.

[He then sent two photograph links that did not work for me, but his comments are of interest, because others are also reporting this as well.]

Hillary’s forehead is fuller, nose is less swollen, philtrum [the groove between the nose and the upper lip] less defined…. and the big one, the lines around her chin, wrap around to meet the line of her cleft, whereas with the double they trail off toward the neck.

Also the forehead is less smooth. The cranium above the eyes has more of a ledge as it goes back toward the top of the skull. Can it really be? –Perhaps!–

Could 9/11/2001 and all that has happened since really be?

Please reply to my comment, John, and let me know what you think.

…..Hillary body double

Some of this I felt was iffy, but other things just clinched it, including the different gait  — what contempt for the people! Hillary has 100% hired a body double.

And as the author asks, why would any decent woman and mother who supposedly has pneumonia get huggy with a child?????????



WABC-TV Ch. 7 in NYC Reports “Hillary Clinton’s DEATH” and her Body Double


A video clip of WABC-TV Channel 7 “Eyewitness News” in New York City opened last night with Anchorman Joe Torre saying “more on Hillary Clinton’s Death.”   The opening line, however, seems edited-OUT of the video archive!

Did Hillary die after leaving the 9-11 Ceremony in New York . . .  and the information is being concealed?  A whole slew of irregularities have cropped-up indicating that may actually be the case!  

Here is the video segment  from the 11:00 PM “Eyewitness News” broadcast of September 11, 2016 in which Anchorman Joe Torre seems to say Hillary Clinton is DEAD:


As most of you know by now, Hillary Clinton attended the September 11 Memorial Ceremony at Ground Zero, the World Trade Center in Manhattan on Sunday morning.  Despite a heatwave which had BROKEN overnight, allowing temperatures in Manhattan to fall into the comfortable mid 70’s, Clinton was forced to depart the ceremony early due to a “medical episode.”   The video below shows Hillary leaning up against a security barrier waiting for her motorcade to pull up.

As it arrives, Hillary had to be helped to move toward the vehicle, and her movements were stiff and unsteady.  As her security detail grabs her under both arms to assist, Hillary collapses forward and is literally dragged into the motorcade; so abruptly, she even lost one of her shoes!   Watch the quick video below:

For ninety minutes after this took place, the media was forced to cease all recordings at the 9-11 ceremony and were also prevented from leaving to follow the Clinton motorcade ” both very unusual developments. Later, the Clinton campaign said that Hillary was “overheated” but had been taken to her daughter’s home on East 26th Street where she was “doing fine.”  Shortly after that, the campaign released a statement from Hillary’s Doctor saying she had been “diagnosed with Pneumonia on Friday, was given antibiotics and told to rest.”  Strange how the story changed.


A short time later, a person ALLEGED to be Hillary, is seen leaving the East 26th Street home of Chelsea Clinton,  but there are problems with this person.

First, the person who was allegedly Hillary Clinton, looked about thirty pounds lighter in body weight than the Hillary who was at the 9-11 ceremony!   Here’s the video of “Hillary” leaving Chelsea Clinton’s home on East 26th Street:

Notice the body weight?  Clearly, this person is significantly thinner than Hillary appeared just two hours earlier at the 9-11 memorial ceremony.  Moreover, the gait of this person is dramatically different than the gait of Hillary Clinton seen just two hours earlier.  It’s almost as though this “Hillary” is ten years younger, with a strong, assured stride, versus the slower, meandering walk usually displayed by the real Hillary.

Oh, and did you see her embrace the small child on the street?  How nice . . . . wait . . . . she has Pneumonia and she’s embracing a kid?  Way to spread the Pneumonia germs! ! !

Next, this person is carrying her handbag over her RIGHT shoulder, whereas Hillary typically carried her handbag over her LEFT shoulder, and did so at the 9-11 Ceremony.  Why would a woman who typically carries her handbag over her left shoulder, suddenly be seen carrying it on her right?

NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 11: Democratic presidental nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton waves as she leaves the home of her daughter Chelsea Clinton on September 11, 2016 in New York City. Hillary Clinton left a September 11 Commemoration Ceremony early after feeling overheated and went to her daughter's house to rest. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 11: Democratic presidental nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton waves as she leaves the home of her daughter Chelsea Clinton on September 11, 2016 in New York City. Hillary Clinton left a September 11 Commemoration Ceremony early after feeling overheated and went to her daughter's house to rest. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Still-photos of the “Hillary” seen leaving Chelsea Clinton’s home provide even more questions.

The “Hillary” who left Chelsea Clinton’s home has different length fingers than the actual Hillary Clinton!   Here are photos of the person alleged to be Hillary, leaving Chelsea Clinton’s home.  Note the length of the index finger versus the ring finger.  On this person, those two fingers are identical in length!



Here’s a better view ” equal finger lengths of the Index and ring finger.  There’s no question about it:

NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 11: Democratic presidental nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton waves as she leaves the home of her daughter Chelsea Clinton on September 11, 2016 in New York City. Hillary Clinton left a September 11 Commemoration Ceremony early after feeling overheated and went to her daughter's house to rest. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 11: Democratic presidental nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton waves as she leaves the home of her daughter Chelsea Clinton on September 11, 2016 in New York City. Hillary Clinton left a September 11 Commemoration Ceremony early after feeling overheated and went to her daughter's house to rest. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

But these other photos of Hillary Clinton, taken at other events, show that the real Hillary’s Index finger is longer than her ring finger!  Clearly longer.  See for yourself (Click image to enlarge):



So if the person leaving Chelsea Clinton’s home on East 26th St is Hillary Clinton, how did her fingers change length?

This last photo of the person leaving Chelsea Clinton’s home not only dramatically shows the change in finger length, the face of this person is clearly NOT the real Hillary!  See for yourself:



Then there’s the side profile comparison of the real Hillary versus the “Hillary” seen leaving Chelsea Clinton’s Apartment.  Compare the nose and chin:



Then, there’s an issue about the Wedding ring on the finger of the “Hillary” seen leaving Chelsea Clinton’s home.  Look at the Wedding ring on the “Hillary” leaving Chelsea Clinton’s home (Click image to enlarge to see it better):



Now look at the Wedding ring worn by Hillary Clinton in the past; (Click image to enlarge for a better look at the ring):



Why the different wedding ring?  Who do YOU know that wears different wedding rings?

As an aside, a bit of Journalistic investigating turned up an interesting fact about Chelsea Clinton’s “home” on East 26th St:

It used to be a . . . New York State HOSPITAL!

Here’s a link to the old web page for the old hospital at that exact same address:  https://profiles.health.ny.gov/home_health/view/18676

Apparently, Hillary has her own private Hospice, paid for by the Clinton Foundation no doubt, that the “deplorables” are not allowed into.  And it is conveniently located in the building where her daughter Chelsea lives. HMMMMMM.

It Gets Even Stranger!

A few months ago, the London Daily Mail Newspaper did a story about a woman who earns $10,000 a month as a Hillary Clinton Impersonator.  The woman’s name is Teresa Barnswell.  Here’s a photo of Ms. Barnswell:



The London Daily Mail, one of the oldest, largest and most well-respected newspapers in London, England, called her “greatest Hillary lookalike in the world” and you can still read their story  HERE

Teresa Barnswell has her own Twitter feed, and guess what she Tweeted late Sunday afternoon?  Get a load of this:



Yes, she’s hinting that she’s in New York City . . . and what is the building in the background?

Chelsea Clinton’s Home on East 26th St!

Lest anyone accuse us of being “Conspiracy Theorists” it should be noted that late Sunday, the Clinton Campaign announced Hillary was canceling campaign activities for the next two days ” to get rest.  Shortly after that announcement, MSNBC Reporter David Shuster tweeted that the Democratic National Committee was “expected to meet in Emergency Meeting to “consider” replacing Hillary as a candidate for President.”  Here is Shuster’s Tweet and below it, a link to OUR earlier story on this stunning announcement:



SuperStation95’s earlier story about Emergency DNC Meeting to replace Hillary, HERE.

You don’t replace a candidate for President who is merely sick.  

But you sure have to do something if that candidate is DEAD.  And last night, on WABC-TV, Channel 7, Eyewitness News in New York City, Anchorman Joe Torre seemed to say “more on Hillary Clinton’s DEATH.”

Is Hillary dead? Did the Clinton Campaign use a Body Double to make it APPEAR that Hillary is still OK? Did the Body Double screw-up by carrying her handbag on the right instead of the left shoulder? What about the differing finger lengths?  What about the different Wedding Rings?   And how about that Tweet from the Hillary Impersonator showing she’s in NYC, in front of Chelsea’s House?????

Is the country being kept in the dark that Hillary is actually DEAD, until the powers-that-be can figure out what to do?  Would any of it surprise you nowadays?

Stay tuned.





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