Unnatural natural catastrophes becoming the new go-to NWO tool; spiritual reading

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……Climate catastrophes advance to the forefront of NWO depopulation and goy genocide planning

I am reading more and more info suggesting that the Jew World Order has shifted “natural disasters” into high gear, adding them to their quiver (=a bag of arrows) of Gentile mass murder.
In other words, their global genocide plan has added these fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. –all caused by HAARP plus chemtrails— to the curses they are already inflicting in order to guarantee a successful 90% kill-off of the earthling population.
I remember when the horrendous mega-tsunami of 2004 killed hundreds of thousands of people,  many of them white tourists, in Thailand.
I thought immediately as the jewsmedia (I was living then in the south of France and watching French tv, yet, as we know, the jewsmedia spew out the same exact stuff everywhere in the Collective West, which they almost totally control via jews, Freemasons and organized, blackmailed pedophiles.)
Every day in December 2004 brought new tv announcements of mind-bending estimates of the death toll — 40,000 dead, then 60,000, then 96,000…..
I felt in my gut, but also based on my long experience and knowledge of jewry, that this “tidal wave” was induced by the US Deep State via HAARP, and that this was a practice kill-off.
Of course, it was also “enjoyable” to these sick NWO bastards, who are a collection of psychopaths who simply like murdering people, and especially get  off on betraying and sadistically murdering innocent, trusting, kind and gullible people.
Psychopaths actually “get off” on seeing others as suckers, and with secret glee, betraying them.
Margi told me once, as I was writing my major article on psychopaths,


that the police once nabbed some serial killer, whose modus operandi was that he would go out to the side of the road to hitchhike. If someone stopped to pick him up — being a friendly and helpful person, or maybe the motorist was looking for an interesting conversation partner on a long, boring road trip — he would then find a way to knock them out and strangle them, then drag the body a ways into the woods.
The cops asked: “Why would you murder someone who was being nice to you?”
The psychopath responded:  “It serves them right for trusting me!”
The psychopathic and dark side of Rome: A Roman gold coin gloats on the conquest of Germany with an image of a crying, topless woman. (This changed suddenly when the German chieftain Herman, a former Roman officer, suddenly switched sides, ambushing and annihilating three Roman legions.) It was sadistic coins like this — and the Romans did put wailing, blond Germanic women into the capital’s whorehouses —  and forcing German POWs to fight as gladiators in the Colosseum for the “entertainment” of the mob, that made Germans passionately hate Rome, for all its admirable technology and organization. And it was Germans who finally brought mighty Rome down.
Maybe you and I as ethically and spiritually normal people cannot fathom that motive.
Just accept that there are people out there like that.
Protected by corrupted cops, they love being rich and wining and dining while the “little people” and the “losers” go hungry.
In this regard, I may translate today a report from Cherbourg, France, about an Arab immigrant. It is from my ancestral Normandy, an especially northern-european part of France genetically with lots of Viking, Frankish and Keltic DNA and blue eyes.
Cherbourg, Normandy, France 
This Arab had already been arrested for multiple felonies, including having sex with his own little sister (!).
But since Freemasons secretly love incest and pedophilia, no problem. He was released again and again by the white French cops (who are purulent with these demonic Freemasons, especially in the “lodge” called “Grand Orient of France,” which is explicitly atheistic but does worship the “fallen angel” Lucifer.)
Hey, why not let the Arab go when the Freemasonic white French cops, often wearing reptiloid body armor, deliberately blind French women by firing, up close, rubber-coated steel bullets at their faces.
Frenchmen normally adore women — but not their Freemasonic cops.
How appropriate to be wearing reptilian scales….as you crush your fellow humans for a sordid paycheck.
So the WHITE cops yet again released this human turd. This Arab Muslim’s latest outrage was that he recently invaded a French woman’s apartment.
He then raped the woman, but yeah, yawn, wogs rape white women every day all over the Collective West, especially the Blacks and Koran-snorting Muslims.
They have a “right” in their own mind to rape “infidels” — “taken with the right hand,” muslims say — and we are almost “used” to this daily horror.
BUT this one muslim raped her differently, violently.
He used a broom handle.
He violated her so sadistically in her own home that her uterus was perforated — and her intestines burst open.
She ended up in critical condition in the hospital.
The report (from a German website, actually, “Junge Freiheit” = “Young Freedom”) ), says the French doctors, nurses, and cops were all crying, being profoundly traumatized themselves, and psychotherapists had rushed in to help these personnel deal with their grief.
I blogged on this atrocity —  the cops are the worst part, repeatedly releasing this ticking muslim time bomb — in German already.

GERMAN Musel in Cherbourg/Frankreich begeht unfassbare Sexualgräuel an 29jähr. weißer Frau; auch Polizisten und Krankenhauspersonal hochtraumatisiert; der jüdischstämmige Germanwings-Pilot, der 159 Arier ermordete


Gee, the best therapy would not be TALK or CRYING,

but for white men to get this migrant Arab rapist,

this white-hating foreign p.o.s, this repeat felon,

and burn him


In Greco-Roman religion, vengeance was a divine command. The men HAD to avenge a crime against their families or womenfolk. Or the “Furies” (the Latin word), whom the Greeks called the “Erinyes” or “Eumenides,” would GET YOU as the man if you refused to do your duty to punish rape and murder.

The Furies, in Greek mythology, were female deities associated with vengeance and retribution. Also known as the Erinyes or Eumenides, they were often depicted as three sisters: Alecto (unceasing), Megaera (grudging), and Tisiphone (vengeful destruction). The Furies were born from the blood of the primordial god Uranus when he was castrated by his son Cronus and his blood fell onto the earth.

The Furies play a big role in making the underworld a truly frightening place to reside in. What they are like and how they evolved over time is truly a fascinating piece of Greek mythology.

Who Were the Furies and What Was Their Purpose?

The Furies were believed to be the three ancient Greek goddesses of vengeance. They were fearsome entities that lived in the underworld where the Furies carried out punishments for mortals. More specifically, they aimed their punishments directly at the mortals that broke the moral and legal codes of the time, including a failure to avenge wrongs.


Le Monde and the other jewspapers have deep-sixed the story of the Arabic broom-handle rapist. After all, it might “tend to incite racial hatred”  — a phrase the cops, courts and jewsmedia employ in every Western country with hate-speech legislation to explain why they always seek to give wog-on-white super-atrocities the silent treatment.
Other atrocities which this blogsite, www.johndenugent.com, for which 99% of you donate nothing, has covered:
I can think of a white American college girl who was raped and strangled by her negro-ex-boyfriend and his homies, then her corpse was fed to alligators.
I remember in Vienna, Austria a Turk in an apartment building who resented a white woman scolding him for breaking the house rules by smoking cigarettes in the apartment building and on the stairs.
So the Turk grabbed her, tied her up, and burned her slowly to death with a hot clothes iron.
And I also think of a case in England where muslim migrants –Pakis —  raped and killed a young white teenage girl, then chopped her body up — and fed it as a shish-kebab to white English customers.
Yes, publicizing such outrages might indeed “incite racial hatred” — I agree. And I advocate hatred, and a merciless, painful death for ALL true psychopaths of any race. In fact, I hate WHITE psychopaths the most. I was their victim as a child.
Psychopaths are medically incorrigible and even untreatable; nothing will lessen their symptoms even. This is a core trait of psychopathy. They cannot and will not change, ever. They cannot feel remorse.
No punishment, no treatment, no pill, no electroshock, and no talking therapy has any effect — and all forensic psychiatrists know this fundamental fact.
Brain scan of a normal person:
Brain scan of a psychopath
In fact, in England, after a psychopathic prisoner completes his prison term, the prison psychiatrist can recommend that he be kept incarcerated anyway, because the prognosis is that he will go out with 100% certainty to commit another atrocious crime, maybe within one week.
So anyway, trust me — there are monsters out there in human form, human devils.
Zelensky  and his Jew Crew (since 2014 the whole3 Ukrainian government at the top level has been jews) have sent 300,000 goyish Ukrainians to their deaths in a hopeless war. Ukraine with 30 million people cannot possibly prevail against the high-tech, satellite-based, drone-deploying military of the Russian superpower.
From a reincarnational point of view, psychopaths incarnate here from hell worlds to this planet, because earth is not full of angels — whatever you may have heard 😉  — but instead is filled to the rim with liars; misers; apathetic, beer-swilling bumps on a log; and cowards who are in lifelong, full-tilt denial of reality, and so they are represent the perfect prey for a human predator.
So I run yet again this graphic with a kid asking Jesus why there is so much evil.
Now, I am going to be tedious and run it again. 😉 Stop whining “Where is God?”
Where are YOU? Missing in action?
And why do you never donate?
I just had to sell one of my two cars to keep this site going, and nearly had to sell the second one, making me without transportation, had I gone ahead with it, where the nearest doctor is 60 miles away.  (Yes, this isolated county has NO medical doctors living and practicing in it, except for ER doctors, who change every two weeks and rotate in and out.)
I had a buyer lined up but I just could not go ahead with the sale. This Crown Victoria, a former cop car, ran perfectly –I plowed good money into it — and had a huge and smooth-running engine.  It seated six, had a huge trunk, and would have been perfect for my future needs. I got sixteen signs of interest on Facebook (on a friend’s account) and on Craigslist.
But since YOU did not donate, while, I presume, wailing “where is God?” or “why does life suck?” 😉 or “why don’t whites do anything?” I had to sell it, fast and cheap.
And meanwhile on you go, reading me for free for months on end.
Goodbye, big boy.
That car brought me and Margi up here.
It was a proof of Margi’s LOVE for me and for our Cause — to which I have dedicated my life and every breath and dime — that this southern girl (born in Florida, raised in Arizona and North Carolina, and working in hot Washington DC) came up here to be with me in this frigid land and support my white mission. 🙂
And so this Crown Vic is gone, sold at a huge loss.
Back now to “natural catastrophes” caused by the savagely sadistic, extermination-loving JWO.
I have run this before but will do so again, from a big-budget disaster movie, “The Impossible,” about the 2004 tsunami:


…..2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • 2004 Indian Ocean
  • earthquake and tsunami


UTC time 2004-12-26 00:58:53
ISC event 7453151
Local date 26 December 2004; 18 years ago[1]
Local time
Magnitude 9.1–9.3 Mw[2]
Depth 30 km (19 mi)[1]
Epicentre 3.316°N 95.854°E[1]
Type Megathrust
Areas affected Indian Ocean coastline areas
Max. intensity IX (Violent)
  • 15 to 30 m (50 to 100 ft);[3][4]
  • max. 51 m (167 ft)[5]
Casualties 227,898 dead[6][7][8]

On 26 December 2004, at 07:58:53 local time (UTC+7), a major earthquake with a magnitude of 9.1–9.3 Mw struck with an epicentre off the west coast of northern SumatraIndonesia. The undersea megathrust earthquake, known by the scientific community as the Sumatra–Andaman earthquake,[10][11] was caused by a rupture along the fault between the Burma Plate and the Indian Plate, and reached a Mercalli intensity up to IX in some areas.

A massive tsunami with waves up to 30 m (100 ft) high, known in some countries as the Boxing Day Tsunami after the Boxing Day holiday, devastated communities along the surrounding coasts of the Indian Ocean, killing an estimated 227,898 people in 14 countries in one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. The direct results caused major disruptions to living conditions and commerce in coastal provinces of surrounded countries, including Aceh (Indonesia), Sri LankaTamil Nadu (India) and Khao Lak (Thailand). Banda Aceh reported the largest number of deaths.

It was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Asia,

the most powerful earthquake in the 21st century,

and the third most powerful earthquake ever recorded in the world 

since modern seismography began in 1900.

It had the longest duration of faulting ever observed,

between eight and ten minutes.[12]

It caused the planet to vibrate as much as 10 mm (0.4 in),[13] and also remotely triggered earthquakes as far away as Alaska.[14]

Its epicentre was between Simeulue and mainland Sumatra.[15] The plight of the affected people and countries prompted a worldwide humanitarian response, with donations totalling more than US$14 billion[16] (equivalent to US$22 billion in 2022 currency)



……Now, the previous mega-weapons which the JWO has used for depopulation, and very recently, have been 

1) warn and now the mega-danger of a nuclear WWIII;
2) economic collapse;
3) a central-bank digital currency (called openly a “CBDC”) to end all dissent;
4) mass immigration to destroy Whites economically AND cause race wars goy-on-goy;
5) pandemic clot-shot “vaccines” and lockdowns to cripple the economy;
6) militant LGBTQ  to create a vast, angry, leftist, homosexual lobby that wants to take down any and all white conservative and religious values, such as the heterosexual family with white children being born and raised by a hetero couple.(Yes, a married couple is a male man with a penis, and a female woman with breasts for milk and a vagina for nourishing and incubating an unborn baby — imagine that. 😉  )
In the end, I am proud that I have run this cartoon over and over and that the jews associate it with me, though I just found it online myself. But I am not afraid to say I believe reptilians are real.



….Spiritual reading for August 18

Please try to surrender your fears to whatever higher power you put your faith in today. The fears which you have been laboriously lugging about with you, both of late and all your life, are of absolutely no value at this time.

You know this, of course, and yet there is a comfort and security in retaining them. Old friends that guard against a nasty surprise, old friends that keep you safe from…?

Obviously, they keep you safe from nothing. Not the kind of fear that one attaches to one’s being and keeps at one’s side. These are nothing but parasites, and it is a good day to detach them and bid them adieu.

“Thanks for all the help all these years, you’ve been wonderful, but it is time to go.” That sort of thing.

Easier said than done, of course, but easier done today than on many days. So do what you can to get yourself a little freer and a little more open. The problem is that these habitual fears in which you tend to cloak yourself make you less accessible to the rain of light and love which is falling right now and which is about to grow more intense.

This is a situation where you want the raincoat off and the umbrella rolled up and in the closet. This is not something you can afford to miss out on, so it is very important to work on removing anything that shields or prevents you from receiving the great goodness that is being directed your way.

How to do it? Ah, this is something you have looked at before in all likelihood. You know your vulnerabilities, you know full well where it is that you pull that cloak of fear around yourself in an almostinstinctive gesture of protection. We suggest that you treat yourself with respect and ask only that you try something different with a mind and heart open to the outcome. In other words, watch yourself carefully today for the moments that trigger your fears.

As you begin to react, try something different. Try to see what happens when you choose not to “protect” yourself.

There also may be fears of which you are aware and upon which you have dwelt for a long time. There is no need to wait for them to be activated. Instead, please do all you can to speak with them today and send them on their way. You know how to do this in a fashion that is all your own, so you need no specific guidance.

The point is that today they may actually listen and leave you.

Courage is called for today, and yet you will find that you are safer and freer when you jump over the lines that fear has circumscribed around your lives. Courage is called for and it will be richly rewarded today if you do actually call upon it to assist you in shedding your fear.

Don’t be afraid any more than you must be. Fear eats your bones and your liver and your heart. It is a cruel master and one you can only escape bit by bit. Throw off a few bits today; assert your own mastery, and freedom and joy will follow. As will much love and light.

We send lots of love and light, and all our good wishes and gratitude for your courage.



Some Nordic aliens live right here on this earth, humans that they are, walking right among us, though not at all from our primitive civilization.


  1. In the wake of the 9-11 event there was speculation that lasers had destroyed the twin towers. This turned out to be false, as proven by Bollyn’s _Solving 9-11_.

    When the Jews create a catastrophic event they generate confusion regarding its cause using their media power, in my opinion.

    Hawaii is prime real estate. The Jews want to own it. But to do this they must displace its inhabitants.

    I think the Jews are behind the Hawaii fire. But there are numerous ways but which this could have been done.

    Lasers were too limited in their range in 2001 to have come from orbit or high flying aircraft. It is improbable that laser technology could have improved so much in 22 years that this could be done today.

    I think the Jews were behind the catastrophic fire in Hawaii. But I don’t think they did this using lasers.

    I think the Jews caused the fire because they wanted to own the valuable land and they needed to eliminate the inhabitants to do this. And I think the claim being made that the fire was caused by lasers is being made to create confusion regarding the whole issue.

    • I know Bollyn personally, and he is a prickly character who used to wear a cowboy hat and liked to fight with others. Despite a stellar career as a reporter for American Free Press, when Margi and I knew him, he managed to alienate the entire staff and get himself fired, though he needed that job to support his wife and two kids.

      Margi and I had him and his family over for dinner and a nice walk in a local park, and after that, though I had expressed sincere understanding for some of his gripes, which I also had, he never answered one of my emails. I was also told his Baltic wife was jewish. (Not sure if it was true, but she was very dark for a Balt, given the high incidence of blond and blue-eyed people in that region.)

      Did you watch the video I provided in the other blog?


      Why is Northrup-Grumman boasting right on its website about using military lasers as a weapon of destruction, ahem, “defending our nation”?

      Is this not a laser being fired at some object in a cloud? Could it not also be fired at an object on the ground?

        • Bottle-blonde. (I had dinner with her, him and the kids.) … But this is not to put her down. She was nice, and Bollyn was a great reporter. I have no ideas why he shunned me, except that I heard from a good source that a rich jew is funding his 9/11 endeavors.

          He complained to me that their kids had been bullied (“gemobbt”) in a Berlin public school, to his great disappointment. Were I a teacher still, or a principal, I would stop bullying, which can scar kids for life.

      • Regarding Bollyn, I have just read his Solving 9-11 for the third time. I highly recommend it. It gives compelling evidence that the 9-11 event was authored by Israel, and it exposed Israeli power in the United States.

        • The reason for MY mission is that all these vital exposés about the jews, race, Germany, the clot-shot, etc., while superb, are not making any waves with the general public while time is running out.

          If the jews ever get their central-bank digital currency going, it is game over. Nice and quiet. Just turn every critic’s money off from a keyboard in Washington.

  2. Lasers are a logical way to defend against today’s fast moving missiles. But you only need a range of 100 yards to do this.

    Is there a laser weapon in existence today that can strike from a range of a mile?

    • That is a good question. It is certain they are working on it and have been since Ronald Reagan’s “Star Wars” program began 40 years ago….. LOL,. I remember teh leftie Washington City Paper (which would also run a big article on Holocaust revisionists that was largely about me) at that time ridiculed the president as “Ronald Raygun.” 😉

  3. I think the Jews want to relocate from the American mainland to the Hawaiian island they have just depopulated. This will enable them to defend their population with military weapons while maintaining American citizenship — which they could not do on the mainland.

    • The jews are not nearly as brilliant as they think. Their egomania and paranoia make them insane. Unless they have a big navy, too, Hawaii is an island to surround and cut off, as was Iwo Jima before my dad and the Marines assaulted it. But I guess they figure the US Navy will be still at their beck and call. It used to be the most antisemitic branch of the US military, and not just because of the USS Liberty. It was also a bastion of the old WASP elite families.

      The jews have done many crazy things throughout history. All three jewish revolts against Rome were doomed from Day One, and the jews also engaged in vicious infightng..


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