UPDATE Beautiful video about white American men; CONFIRMED: Matt Heimbach, yet another John de Nugent-reviler, not only abandons our struggle; he actively JOINS THE GENOCIDAL ENEMY

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For a supposed German-American by at least his genetic heritage, a “Heimbach” (“home brook” in German), he has puzzlingly dark hair and eyes. 

….White courage just three generations ago

A wonderful Italian comrade sent me this moving music video that moved me almost to tears (and it is about white male American bravery and self-confidence, not about glorifying FDR, which she understands):

A comrade and donor (non-white btw, and I am proud of all my many, many important non-white supporters over the years who want and who rightfully expect us Whites to rise up, be the true Aryans again, AND TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY) wrote me this (.https://johndenugent.com/do-demons-incarnate-as-humans-are-jews-like-any-other-humans-you-know/#comment-620504):

Speaking of MK-ULTRAs, Matt Heimbach recently become yet another “former WN.”

Maybe the program “got to him” in prison, just as with Henrik Holappa?

I replied:

Thanks for this info. Wikipedia claims this also:

In April 2020, Heimbach appeared to recant on [sic] his white nationalist views.

I am not surprised in the least.

He is of BOTH low character and poor racial stock, with a shockingly low forehead like a fruit monkey.



He is, or was. also a Strasserite, a supposed national socialist yet simultaneously a Hitler-basher.

Oh boy. …. as if NS would ever have even existed without the person of Adolf Hitler.. as if the NS Reich would have risen under this dweeb Strasser to its superpower status and greatness (which even jews and other arch-enemies concede, at least in military, political and economic areas).

And finally Heimbach has, of course, mocked and bashed me, which, viewed in terms of reincarnation, is of course exactly what one would expect — hated and envied me then; hates and envies me now. Has learned  nothing in multiple lives. 😉

And now, after disgracing himself by cheating on his wife Brooke with his stepfather’s wife — being caught in flagante delicto — he has renounced our cause entirely.

After all, this is the perfect time to drop out.

There is obviously no more race or jewish problem. 😉

And it is time to be “reasonable” —  to be defeatist, craven, cowardly, and submissive to our nice jew masters, who (via the Cohenavirus hoax lockdown) generously offer us:

–house arrest,
–national and individual bankruptcy, utter poverty and then homelessness,
–gun confiscation
–losing all our freedoms,
–being force-vaccinated,
–being sterilized so we cannot have kids,
–being biochipped with the vaccine — with a thin, sliverlike chip as tiny as a thin grain of rice,
–being chemtrailed more than ever,
–being 5g’ed until we can neither think nor sleep,
–seeing all our cash, gold and silver taken away and replaced by digital money (which the regime can then turn off with one jew-boy keystroke, just as with our YouTube channels and Facebook accounts),
–and finally being sent to work camps to be worked to death
–while also being tortured and raped homosexually at least once a week, especially as known WN activists, by gloating luciferians, negroes and mexicans.

The number-one form of rape for years now that is verifiable — some women provably invent rape, while it is often tragically true with others — is already this:



And this is going on right now in South Africa as well, with black cops throwing arrested white male motorists, especially Boer men, into jail cells with 30 blacks for their sadistic rape/humiliation pleasure.)

Of course this Boer Christian-theology student surrendered, though heavily armed, and of course he got the max in a negro prison. Some revolutionary….

Yes, a real good “Christian” this Heimbach is, just like Peter, denying his Lord thrice: but as Jesus supposedly said (though His words are misused):

“Love thy enemy.”

So be like Jesus (if you take the message literally):

If you have a sword, don’t use it.

Submit to arrest, extreme torture, and an agonizing death…..

Uhh, no thanks.


I was just today reading the Bhagavad Gita (Himmler’s favorite book),  which I ordered thanks to a comrade who nobly has been donating Amazon gift cards repeatedly to me, even after the Cohenavirus faux crisis began and almost everyone else got all jittery.

The basic message given by an incarnation of God, Krishna, to a whining white, Aryan soldier on the battlefield who suddenly has decided he hates bloodshed:

  1. You know reincarnation is real, so neither you nor your enemies can really die
  2. You are a trained soldier
  3. You know the enemies are utterly wicked to be attacking our good king
  4. So quit your whining, your fake moralizing and bogus compassion — and go kill them.

My 2011 music video .https://johndenugent.com/images/Grateful-German-Girls-Kiss-Their-Soldiers.mp4


And see comments below!


    • Not sure. I looked around the Net myself and found nothing. The news item does say “in April 2020” — so I guess it just happened. (I assume it did, and consider it probably accurate. This great Christian has been washed up and discredited ever since his adultery, cuckolding cum fistfight incident. As with Holappa, when they realize their WN career is over anyway, then they bail, and make peace with the Enemy.)

      • I’m not surprised in the least that he made this move. He is and was a disgrace; glad to see him showing his true colors.

        I’ll search around and get back to you if I find what Wikipedia was referring to.

        • Thank you, comrade.

          We will see if, like Don Black’s son Derek (and Black was another who, without provocation, has reviled me), the guy writes to the SPLC renouncing our Cause.

          Boy, you cannot make this up – the infamous, hyper-jewy Goldman Sachs sponsoring WNs betraying our Cause. (Renegade Derek Black, son of Stormfront founder Don Black, is on the right.)

    • OMG, not only he but also Jeff Schoep.


      And LOL — these Khazars who “converted” Heimbach literally call themselves “Shape Shifters,” which is exactly the word for what David Icke says the Reptilians are!!!! Talk about tone-deaf. 😉


      I have to say, as one of the infamous, derided “Boomers,” that white American men did not look like this 40-50 years ago. Today half of them look downright half-Hispanic, or they have something else “in the woodpile.” 😉

      Get a load of this, working for the jews, of all people, against hate.

      If anyone knows about hate, well, it is definitely jewry.

      Matt, guess what: Fat boy, STFU with your moralizing.

      You left our justified cause of preventing genocide and genuinely rejecting hate only because you were washed up, having disgraced yourself as a leader, and now, needing moolah to pay for rent, pizza and beer for your pudgy belly, you are on the take to the enemy of your people.

      You are a traitor. You are Judas Iscariot.

      You have knowingly chosen evil. Wow.

      Matt, you didn’t see the light. You saw the GREEN.


      • Someone saw Matt Heimbach’s recent writings and made an article about it. Obviously Matt, who I think is the reincarnation of a Strasser brother, has been a Communist from the beginning. Were the Strasserites Stalin-sympathizers?


        The other problem with Matt is also that he was raised Christian, and became a Christian. I have nothing against Jesus himself and I consider him a spiritual master, but much of what churches have been teaching for the last 2,000 years were somewhat toxic. One of those things is the idea of sympathizing with the “oppressed” no matter what.

        See, Heimbach sympathizes with blacks, minorities, the white working class etc. because he believes they are “oppressed”. “Love your neighbour” and “love your enemies” ! So no wonder he turned around.

        One thing he was correct is that there was no support for the mentally troubled in the Alt Right. It’s a collection of egos fighting each other, for now. But that said, I find it absolutely funny that it was the Antifas who reached out to him in prison and helped “heal” him. Why didn’t these people reach out to more convinced or “dark” characters, like Christopher Cantwell, Augustus Invictus, or James Field?

        Why did they reach out to a Communist like Heimbach?

        Hmm …

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