Update on Tory MP stabbed 17 times til dead by muslim migrant; what Rockwell said about “niceness”

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First Picture Of Sir David Amess’ Murderer, 25 …


This Picture is of the first daughter to be married .. the one next to the father …

Today I received a picture of a blonde- haired woman whom a friend received purporting to be a picture of the daughter third from the right in the above picture .. Does anyone on my list know if this next picture (below)is a picture of that woman married to this black guy ?



  1. They are the same girl, yes. Earlier today I saw David Irving also mention one of Amess’ daughters was married to a black man. He said “dad was probably not to happy about that choice”, lol.

    • Thanks.

      And another black man murdered her dear old dad.

      Since this Amess was not given to fiery speeches, and wanted to be everybody’s Mr. Nice Guy, I wonder why the Somali targeted HIM of all people.

  2. All the world’s problems are caused by politicians . Britain’s problems certainly are . All politicians are selected to stick to the big jews script .gimmegrant cheap labour, foreign wars, gay agenda ,gimmegrants debt trap. ( there’s no state pension for you , you mugs . You work until you die)

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