UPDATE Practice mega-kill: EARTHQUAKE added to bizarre winter tornado kill up to 100 in Kentucky w/200 mph winds

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Mayfield, Kentucky, which was once a hotbed of Confederate and pro-white sympathies


….3.0 e-a-r-t-h-q-u-a-k-e also hits tornado-devasted Kentucky


Drones (see the video below) can be used to kill people in the hands of the jews, but are also a real boon in grasping the magnitude of an event. This is miles of devastation, and in very white areas, and in below-freezing weather so as to maximize suffering, whereas tornadoes normally happen in hot, humid weather.

You might read some of these articles first, or afterward, but the point is the Deep State is engineering the weather (as well as triggering earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and droughts) to develop and test its ability to wipe people out en masse: and then blame it on something else.


What the Big Jews are doing as natural-born sadistic killers is toying with their victim. They LOVE to see us suffer because they hate us and despise us as well for being gullible.

Margi told me of a psychopath who would hitchhike and then murder the people who picked him up. Arrested, a detective asked him why he would murder people who had been kind to him.

He replied, and this is the psychopathic mind in a nutshell:

“Serves them right for trusting me.”

A psychopath has no respect whatsoever, never mind compassion, for a trusting, innocent, foolish and gullible person. A psychopath only respects a wary, cynical, watchful, street-smart, suspicious person.

So as you watch this video, think how the jews love this ruination….. and the DELICIOUS fact that so many white folks in Bible-Belt Kentucky are Born-Again Christians. They just love their jews, and simply adore Israel;  this must make them almost orgasm with pleasure.

There is just one group that hates white nationalists as much as the BLM-Antifa crowd, and that is the Born-Again Christians.

They will agree with you about everything — gay marriage, abortion, the Clintons, Obama, borders, etc. — but at the first hint that you dislike the jews or IsraHell, their eyes narrow into a squint of hatred for you, their face gets red and they back away from you as if you were Satan incarnate.

They act literally possessed. I have experienced it many times. They will go Old Testament on you: “Leave nothing alive.”

They will be worse than a satan-worshipping pedophile, and worse than a bolshevik.

And thus there must be a war between those who understand the true Jesus, a ferocious white antisemite, and the Saulian fake “Christ” who loves the jews, is a proud jew, and whose twisted religion actually serves  Satan.


Kentucky tornadoes: up to 100 feared dead in historic US storms

[source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/12/kentucky-tornadoes-up-to-100-feared-dead-in-historic-us-storms]

Dozens remain unaccounted for after tornado leaves trail of destruction from Arkansas to Kentucky

Dozens remained unaccounted for on Sunday as rescuers worked overnight searching for survivors after what could be the longest tornado in US history left a trail of destruction from Arkansas to Kentucky, part of a vast storm front that it is feared may have killed at least 100 people.

Kentucky governor Andy Beshear said the path of devastation was about 227 miles (365km) long, which, if confirmed, would surpass the 218-mile Tri-State tornado in 1925, which killed at least 695 people and destroyed 15,000 homes across Missouri, Illinois and Indiana.

Temperatures were below freezing in the night in Mayfield, Kentucky, a small city largely leveled by winds estimated at up to 200mph. Survivors rushed to gather their families and find shelter, while a damaged water tower meant no running water for the devastated community as of early Sunday.

Friday night’s storm was all the more unusual because it came in December, when colder weather normally limits tornadoes, said Victor Gensini, an extreme weather researcher at Northern Illinois University.

An aerial view of the destruction in Mayfield, Kentucky, after a tornado ripped through the town.
‘My ears started popping’: survivors recall terrifying tornado experiences
Read more

On Saturday, at least five central and southern US states reported deaths after what president Joe Biden said was “likely to be one of the largest tornado outbreaks in our history”, with an estimated 22 tornadoes touching down.

Hardest hit was Kentucky, where Beshear said a death toll of more than 70 “may, in fact exceed 100 before the day is done”.

“The level of devastation is unlike anything that I have ever seen,” he said.

Many of the deaths came in a candle factory in Mayfield, where about 110 employees were working the night shift when a tornado roared through, destroying the building. Jeremy Creason, emergency services chief for the city of 10,000, described how rescuers had to, at times, “crawl over casualties to get to live victims”.

Beshear said: “I pray that there will be another rescue. I pray that there will be another one or two.”

The wreckage of a candle factory in the Kentucky city of Mayfield after a tornado tore through it.
The wreckage of a candle factory in the Kentucky city of Mayfield after a tornado tore through it. Photograph: Cheney Orr/Reuters

Elsewhere, the death toll from multiple tornadoes included six people in Illinois, where an Amazon depot was hit; four in Tennessee; two in Arkansas, where a nursing home was destroyed; and two in Missouri.


    • It is really shocking to see how people who espouse that “God is Love” and claim to be into forgiveness and humility turn on a dime into egoic, blind, hate-filled wretches.

      But that is what the entire Second World War was about.

      Killing the Germans who were fighting to save us all.

  1. Dear John de Nugent, a comment in the context of this article, since, besides the human tragedy, it is also about the destruction of white architecture/houses. This comment note is specifically about urban civilizations in: USA + England + Germany + Russia.

    There is a (film) series that covers the topic of faked history + blocked free energy + destruction of perfect architecture/urban civilization structures: “Stolen History” (stolenhistory.net), the films are viewable on Youtube, in English, Russian and in German (also on Odysee.com and others).

    It is well known that the background powers want to cut us off from our roots and from beneficial technologies anyway. Now, existing things often cannot be destroyed directly. One possibility to destroy city cores and perfect architecture and technology (incl. free energy) is to organize world exhibitions (Expos) around them and to destroy everything afterwards.

    Posterity is then told that everything consisted only of temporary building materials and was subsequently torn down again, although in reality existing massive originals were destroyed. Coincidentally, parallel to this, fires occur everywhere later, so that isolated remaining buildings also disappear.

    Imagine it, if it should be true: existing completed urban civilization culture and infrastructures are declared to be cardboard scenery buildings and with this justification they are torn down afterwards. Photos are retouched, scaffolding is drawn where there was none, and then it is claimed that these “photos” document the construction phase of the “cardboard buildings”.

    It is known what great architectural and technological buildings were erected in the USA, in the span of life known to us or adjacent to us. Most likely, there were still buildings and civilization structures, which are perfect under every aspect, regarding functionality as well as architecture and scale, buildings, which appealed to people in a special way and which are supposed to have been eliminated especially in the context of world exhibitions, etc.

    Such sublime timeless, appealing buildings simply have no place in NWO “culture”. Two examples from the films (from the “modern era”): “Erie County Savings Building”,
    and “Penn Station”,

    English Playlist: “Stolen History – Lifting the Veil of Deception”, (Intro + 3 parts).

    Russian Playlist: “Украденная история”, (until now: Intro + 2 parts published [3 part will probably follow].

    German Playlist: “Erfundene Geschichte – Nichts ist, wie es scheint”, (Intro + 3 parts)

    Overview: https://www.youtube.com/c/StolenHistory

    English: https://stolenhistory.net/
    German: https://de.stolenhistory.net/

    You, John de Nugent, have already years ago listed examples of completed architectural buildings from Great Britain that were destroyed and replaced by monstrous concrete buildings (among others here [*]). Central was/is also the reference to Roger Scruton’s film “Why Beauty Matters” (2009), which can still be viewed on various video platforms.

    [*] “Gorgeous old buildings on Chamberlain Square, Birmingham/England destroyed for hideous, cold NWO concrete monstrosities”,
    https://johndenugent.com/gorgeous-old-buildings-on-chamberlain-square-birminghamengland-destroyed-for-hideous-cold-nwo-concrete-monstrosities/ ]


    In German:

    Zerstörung von weißer Architektur + USA + Tartaria u.a.

    Sehr geehrter John de Nugent, eine Anmerkung im Kontext dieses Artikels, da es, neben der menschlichen Tragik, auch um die Zerstörung weißer Architektur/Häuser geht. In diesem Kommentarhinweis geht es insbesondere um städtische Zivilisationen in: USA + England + Deutschland + Rußland.

    Es gibt eine (Verfilmungs)Filmreihe die das Thema gefälschte Geschichte + gesperrte freie Energie + Vernichtung vollendeter Architektur/städtischer Zivilisationsstrukturen beinhaltet: “Stolen History” (stolenhistory.net), die Filme sind auf Youtube anschaubar, in Englisch, Russisch und in Deutsch (auch auf Odysee.com u.a.).

    Bekanntermaßen wollen uns die Hintergrundmächte von unseren Wurzeln abschneiden und von segensreichen Technologien sowieso. Nun kann man Existierendes oftmals nicht direkt vernichten. Eine Möglichkeit, Stadtkerne und vollendete Architektur und Technologie (inkl. freie Energie) zu vernichten, besteht darin, um sie drumherum Weltausstellungen (Expos) zu veranstalten und im Anschluß alles zu vernichten.

    Der Nachwelt erzählt man dann, daß alles nur aus temporären Baumaterialien bestanden hätte und anschließend wieder eingerissen wurde, wiewohl in Wirklichkeit bestehende massive Originale vernichtet wurden. Zufälligerweise entstehen parallel dazu später überall Brände, so daß vereinzelte noch verbliebene Gebäude ebenfalls verschwinden.

    Man stelle sich das vor, wenn es zutreffen solle: Man erklärt existierende vollendete städtische Zivilisationskultur und Infrastrukturen zu Pappkulisse-Bauwerken und mit dieser Begründung reißt man sie anschließend ab. Fotos werden retuschiert, man zeichnet Baugerüste ein, wo überhaupt keine waren, und behauptet dann, daß diese “Fotos” die Bauphase der “Pappgebäude” dokumentieren würden.

    Es ist bekannt, welch großartige architektonische und technologische Bauwerke in den USA errichtet wurden, in der uns bekannten bzw. uns angrenzenden Lebensspanne. Höchstwahrscheinlich gab es da aber noch Bauwerke und Zivilisationsstrukturen, die unter jedem Aspekt vollendet sind, hinsichtlich Funktionalität sowie Architektur und Größenausmaß, Bauwerke, die Menschen ganz besonders ansprachen und die insbesondere im Rahmen von Weltausstellungen etc. beseitigt worden sein sollen.

    Solch erhabene zeitlos, ansprechende Gebäude haben einfach keinen Platz in der NWO-“Kultur”. Zwei Beispiele aus den Filmen “Erie County Savings Building”,
    und”Penn Station”,

    Englische Playlist: “Stolen History – Lifting the Veil of Deception”, (Intro + 3 Teile).

    Russische Playlist: “Украденная история”, (bis jetzt: Intro + 2 Teile veröffentlicht [3 Teil wird wohl noch folgen])

    Deutsche Playlist: “Erfundene Geschichte – Nichts ist, wie es scheint”, (Intro + 3 Teile)

    Übersicht: https://www.youtube.com/c/StolenHistory

    Englisch: https://stolenhistory.net/
    Deutsch: https://de.stolenhistory.net/

    Sie, John de Nugent, haben bereits vor Jahren Beispiele vollendeter Architektur-Gebäude aus Großbritannien aufgeführt die vernichtet wurden und durch monströße Betonbauwerke ersetzt wurden (u.a. hier [*]). Zentral war/ist hierbei auch der Hinweis auf Roger Scruton’s Film “Why Beauty Matters” (2009), der immer noch auf verschiedeneen Videoplattformen angeschaut werden kann.

    [*] “Gorgeous old buildings on Chamberlain Square, Birmingham/England destroyed for hideous, cold NWO concrete monstrosities”,
    https://johndenugent.com/gorgeous-old-buildings-on-chamberlain-square-birminghamengland-destroyed-for-hideous-cold-nwo-concrete-monstrosities/ ]

  2. P.S.

    I mean “accomplished architecture” (perfect architecture under every aspect), not “completed architecture”

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