UPDATE Researching Wisconsin court records, coming up with lots; my “beef” with CI; meetings about stalker-slanderer with undersheriff, two deputy sheriffs; a key new witness

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Researching the local WN who has been stalking and slandering me, and finding he had a restraining order in Wisconsin placed on him for harassing the family of one Paul Eckblad. If one goes to this site, one finds at least 5 cases, incl. the car theft:

I whited out his name, because I am still trying to defuse this before I take steps that will make the Jews very happy and have an open war with him in a small town — to the utter disgrace of white nationalism. 
John de Nugent A friend said that a lawyer once told him: “People who commit crimes of passion can go straight, but rarely those who commit crimes of moral turpitude”…. such as bullies and thieves………..
I am dealing with a white psychopath, convicted felon (grand theft auto) and Christian Identity maniac right now. (“Whites are the true Jews,” don’cha know, though we do not look or act like Jews, nor do we speak semitic languages…..And as Jews, we whites we must not eat pork…. But it’s okay to exterminate all the other races, just like the Israelites did with the Canaanites……….This ideology is insane, wrong, evil, sociopathic and very harmful to our cause! I am into white civil rights, not exterminating other races!)

BUT, heh-heh, thank you, O Angels of the Lord, he not only broke his word to the sheriff, Dale Rantala, and deputy sheriff, Hasenberg, and slandered me right in public, but he did so this time right in front of (and, of course, quite unbeknownst to him) the Criminal Court JUDGE of this county!


This was also in the presence of an employee of the café who knows well my good character and deeds toward local individuals, and the eight shocked kids who were just eating ice cream cones and that volunteer in a nice youth group (the “OK Team” at Ontonagon High School) which the judge, a woman, runs as a good deed, cleaning up parks, helping the elderly, etc.

I also have proof he has been hacking my website from the Ontonagon Library. (He has a computer background.) I am seeing two lawyers today. I traced the route of the computer used by the person who hacked my site recently, and lo and behold, it is someone driving into Ontonagon and using the Ontonagon Township Library in an attempt to hide his identity, which however is well known to me. I now have the library log records.

More interesting information for the Ontonagon County sheriff, who is also taking reports from three individuals, two employees of a local café and a patron, who have been eyewitnesses to this person’s stalking habit,and now also the criminal court judge.

I am dealing now with a person who is pure evil.

Christopher Studer Im sure saying its highly irrational behavior is an understatement.

May reason come back.

John de Nugent Christopher Studer The egoic mind causes insanity. Everything he is doing reflects this. As I have often blogged, Mussolini idiotically invaded Greece in 1940 because he was jealous of Hitler’s many brilliant conquests. This folly was a huge reason why Germany lost the war, because Germany had to rescue Mussolini’s troops with massive tank, airborne and Luftwaffe resources on the eve of attacking Soviet Russia! Waffen-SS general Léon Degrelle, who fought for four years on the Eastern Front, directly blamed Mussolini for the loss of the war. EGO, pure, insane ego!
Image may contain: one or more people
Margi and I translated his entire memoirs for the Barnes Review magazine. https://johndenugent.com/…/tbr-degrelle-cover-Sept-Oct…

Christopher Studer I really like that you speak of ego and id.

These two primal elements of human life are often never learned, even in a minuscule degree such as, “hey, i have heard that word before,” but have profound means by which to explain how a mans metaphoric gears turn.

John de Nugent As for Mussolini, he ended up shot, beaten, some say homosexually raped first, then strung upside down along with his mistress in a public square. https://johndenugent.com/…/corpses-mussolini-petacci1.jpg

Christopher Studer JDN ain’t no spring chicken. 🍗

John de Nugent Still pumping iron; still carrying steel; and I have been around the block.  https://johndenugent.com/…/jdn-ontonagon-aspirus-gym-4…

Holly Bell Sorry John…some people should just be shot.
John de Nugent Like all Marines, I am a man of peace and love. 
ArtÅ«rs Leitlands US law doesn’t apply to me, but John’s posts are public, so I will just agree with him 
Seana Fenner Sometimes there just isn’t enough ammo, but one can refill shell casings apparently
Holly Bell Good thinking Seana!
Russell Weber III The swine is fine to eat, bless it in the name of God.


Joshua Westcott Wow what’s your beef with CI John, nothing exposes the satanic jew like CI. I’m very surprised to see you going after it.

John de Nugent Josh, sorry, well, you know, I used to avoid criticizing it and I saw its good points, which are many. Regretfully, however, 1) I have been targeted for a year now by a strong CI person whom I (and Margi) had helped repeatedly in way$$ large and small, even taking in his chickens in a real emergency for a few days in 2014  https://johndenugent.com/…/jdn-feeding-two-roosters-two…

Our reward was to be viciously slandered by him once the money stopped, and attacked verbally and repeatedly in this really small town of 1400.
And possibly this person has conspired with another person known to me to m-u-r-d-e-r me.
I do think his raw hatred flows from the very nature of CI, which I consider to be very Jewish.

2) Like AH and his mentor, Dietrich Eckart, I reject the Old Testament as being the very quintessence of Judaism, as being the preface to the even more open Gentile-hatred of the Talmud.https://johndenugent.com/…/hitler-on-race-and-religion…/

Doris Beinlocht I feel like I missed something here? I like Christian Identity’ s tenacity. Then I believe some races are a natural predatory threat to whites and although I loathe violence I favor their death (in a totally non traumatic hands off sort of way).

John de Nugent Pls see my posts right above, Doris. 
Joshua Westcott I’m sorry for dangerous situation you experience. My CI doctrine taught me to love my racial kin. I’m not an exterminationist , the God of the bible promises to do this however. CI highlights the satanic nature of jews & regards them as serpent seed destined for the lake of fire. I will kindly disagree with your view on this. Bless you sir.
John de Nugent Joshua Westcott I 100% agree with CI on the satanic nature of our foe. This is why we should never be slandering and attacking each other, but fighting our FOE.
But this guy for a year now has misinterpreted my forbearance as weakness — showing his prison-based mindset — and has upped the ante. His minion drives past my house, slows the car down, honks the horn and yells “faggot” at me. This is Psychopaths on Parade.  Or he revs his engine in front of my bedroom at 3 am. I had a state trooper from the Wakefield Barracks out here, he listened to complaints from two neighbors as well about the minion, and he recommended I get PPOs (Personal Protective Orders) on all three men who have been harassing me. That was back in July and still I looked the other way. Now I am through with turning the other cheek.

Doris Beinlocht ” As for me, I am against any racial extermination — but some races will need to either practice eugenics and get smarter and less predatory, or be put by civilized mankind in a controlled and supervised location where they can no longer harm others.”

Ohhhh a “solution” (just theories really) to the predatory nature of certain “caste tribes” is mass importation to form consensus at which point implementing some sort of depopulation effort beginning with the least productive groups. I always found it interesting in nature black is a predatory color, along with the fact black absorbs all colors in the light spectrum while white reflects the same.

John de Nugent Doris Beinlocht This is Facebook, where I have been suspended many times and deleted twice….. You will understand that I am not interested in writing anything overly radical here.
Christopher Studer Has the perpetrator always been low profile or is he known on the internet at all?
John de Nugent Very well known. I have not outed him yet, but may unless a mutual acquaintance can bring him back to sanity. It is incredibly damaging to the reputation of our cause and all WNs to have this guy trashing me in a small outpost town like this, bad for him as well as for me. I am already in consultation with two lawyers about a defamation lawsuit, now that he fell into my trap and defamed me in front of a criminal court judge and a local café employee.

Joshua Westcott Praying brother.

Daniel Duroj So there is a christian-nationalist who hates you and hunts you, why?
John de Nugent Delusional, narcissistic, jealous and probably on the take.
Carl Mason Luckily you’re armed, JdN. Is he in your town?
John de Nugent Yes, right outside town. I am definitely armed all the time, and often with both my .40 and a .380, plus a knife. Though a felon, he has access to a .45 pistol and an AK-47 — via his spouse.
Carl Mason Perhaps he can explain about the black Jewish tribe the Falashers from Ethiopia, air lifted to Israel by IAF . Pity you’re so far away I’ve got motor insurance.
Albert Eugene McDonald The one thing I didn’t like about living up there in the UP is there are more than enough nutjobs to go around, and alcohol abuse is extremely high. And with winter coming, cabin fever will only make him more unstable. Do you have a dog?
Kirk Mcmillian Lack of fear of the sheriff + he did hard time = No automatic alt text available.
Paul Lovett Get a restraining order on the nut.
Tatiana Alexandra Ionita Who is it, what’s wrong ?…

John de Nugent A convicted felon (grand theft auto/3.5 years state prison) who is inciting others to kill me, does not fear even the sheriff (why not?), has hacked my website, stalked me, and has slandered me in this small town, mad with swollen ego. He is a perfect example why I have nothing to do with “Christian Identity” (the insane, nutty claim that whites are the true Israelites).

AH was strictly against the Old Testament and Yahweh. But this guy WORSHIPS the demonic Yahweh.https://johndenugent.com/…/hitler-on-race-and-religion…/

Hitler on race and religion with his one mentor in ¦

Kristine Huddleston John de Nugent, I believe I may have encountered this CI scumbag recently. The whole description fits. This guy is totally off his rocker.

John de Nugent Arthur Kemp, the British WN who wrote the magnificent “March of the Titans,” once said the most insane WNs he ever met in America were 1) the atheistic Creativity people and 2) the “we-whites-are-the-true-Jews” Christian Identity.

Jaromà­r MiÅ¡kovskའJohn de Nugent I have never met Creativity people ever. Sound like a funny bunch.

Daniel Duroj It is known among slavic countries that the J only inherits most genes from his mother’s side, That’s why only a true J can only be birthed by a mother. It is also believed that the J is an ancient android, synthetic DNA mixed with human DNA, the J are not fully human but operate more like a collective machine designed to perform different tasks.
The J cognitive ability is centered on the outward flow, while the Aryan is centered on the inward flow of energy. The J converts Aryan to the outward flow so the Aryan now thinks like an android-machine.
My take on atheism
I call atheists for what they are: Void worshippers in a way. They follow the Jewish philosophy of the void and vacuum which, funny enough, is what modern space science is all about.
They are not a-theists; they are anti-theists
Voidism and materialism seems like something an AI [artificial-intelligence being] would came up with. A machine would have been created almost like out of a void or vacuum.
It has no ancestry or no obligations to anything. It came from nothing and will go to nothing. Nothing in the world that gave it life means anything to it since it is not even a part of it. Only an imitation of the living motions. For it the motions are what gave it life. A program is created by motions, while the human spirit is the foundations of inner motions [emotions]. A program created by an image could never understand the inner motions because for it it is only the vacuum, the void of blackness, and the absence of the outer motions.
Natasha Baronov John de Nugent I hate CI! They’re just jooz in sheeps’ clothing
John de Nugent Daniel Duroj Fascinating! Very interesting viewpoint, indeed. It fits.

John de Nugent Jaromà­r MiÅ¡kovskའCreativity is an openly atheistic pseudo-religion, created by a man who invented the electric can-opener, where God is blasphemously ridiculed as “the Jew in the sky” and it is claimed only whites deserve to live. (CI in this regard is the same, claiming only whites, who supposedly are Israelites, have souls. )

Back to CI and its insane belief that Whites supposedly descend from the Jews of the Bible, we should therefore not eat pork, but should exterminate all the other races, Voltaire said: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

Kristine Huddleston John, we had nearly 20 years of CI behind us (wanna buy our Library — LOL!) and they cannot agree amongst themselves about most things and there have been scandals and more (we know who the Identity preacher was who betrayed Gordon Kahl to be murdered by the Feds and other lesser scandals) but I’ll tell you one thing — if CI people were ever to gain a foothold of power the Salem Witchcraft Trials they would reinstate would make Waco look like a picnic in comparison.
Kirk Mcmillian Very good. The void, or time before creation is called the Ein Sof in kabbalistic rabbinical circles (jerk)
Ein Sof, or Ayn Sof (/eɪn sÉ’f/, Hebrew: אין סוף Ž), in Kabbalah, is understood as God prior to his self-manifestation in the production of any spSee More

Ein Sof, or Ayn Sof (/eɪn sÉ’f/, Hebrew: אין סוף Ž), in Kabbalah, is understood as God prior to his ¦
John de Nugent Thanks for this info, Kathleen. Some very good WNs have tried CI, including David Lane, but the good ones wake up, as he did, and leave it. It is as savage a religion as the bloody Old Testament it is inspired by. The person in question received $2,000in donations via me, plus $600 from me directly over a period of three months in the spring of 2016 when his money situation was dire. I also took in his dog, his chickens, and cut his gigantic lawn when the grass was two feet high. But a narcissist knows no gratitude.
Don Van Vliet Natasha Baronov Excuse my ignorance, but…what is a “CI”?
John de Nugent Don Van Vliet “Christian Identity” is, IMO, a false religion based on the idea that the white people of today descend literally from the Jews of the Bible times (though they obviously were semites, looked semitic, and spoke a semitic language). CI is very influenced by the Old Testament, even down to dietary laws, such as not eating pork. This “faith” also claims non-whites have no soul — and should be exterminated, and calls blacks and others “the beasts of the field.” (Advocating genocide is great PR for white nationalism, isn’t it?  Just the thing to convert your liberal friends.  ) CI is basically very much in tune with Early Jewish thinking, right down to claiming when you die your soul does not go on, but is in “sheol,” the grave, awaiting the “resurrection” some day, an idea which they share with Jehovah’s Witnesses. CIs believe when they die, it is like being on God’s hard drive as a closed document, and him someday re-opening the document. 

John de Nugent This person also has a low opinion of women and told me that Islam had the right view of them.

John de Nugent A nice Old Testament sentiment for you. The CI people, like the Hebrews, agree with genocide of wicked Gentiles. 

Kirk Mcmillian If it walks like a duck….
Don Van Vliet John de Nugent I believe that religion is the bane of humankind, and though I recognize intelligent design all around us suggesting a creator or creators, I have no idea of what they may be!
One thing is for sure, I could NEVER embrace any kind of a “holy” book “god”! https://youtu.be/RT8WATQ6vWY?list=PL3DE29BDA1C096100

John de Nugent Religion can be, yes, indeed. Lots of examples of that! I stood in Rouen, Normandy (where my ancestors are from in France) in the year 2004 at the exact spot where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for “being a witch.” https://johndenugent.com/images/joan-burning-at-stake.jpg

John de Nugent I am creating a new religion which is 100% scientifically and experientially proven, and has no dogmas except: we are eternal souls, we reincarnate in many temporary physical bodies; we must evolve to a higher consciousness, love and power. At the end of each life is a LONG REVIEW where you can think about how you screwed up and choose a next life and parents that can help you face your issues. I believe in a real God, a tough-love God!
Brian Avran ugh. what now! It never ends.
Brian Avran stay strong brother. A prayer of protection for you.

Also known as “The Deer’s Cry” and “St. Patrick’s Breastplate,” it is said to have turned St. Patrick and ¦
Dan Spiess Kill all C.I. nut jobs!!!
Joshua Westcott You better kill me then tough guy.
Kelvin Pate Im C.i. and you might wanna consider shutting your rectum, stupid shyte seems to be leaking out. Heil Victory.
Dan Spiess CI freaks are the only people I have ever had problems with in the WN community. They should all be shot for treason!
Kelvin Pate Dude you are the only one here being a dickhole. I as a proud white man think you like to spread dissension like a kike. Check your anti white ass please sir.
Dan Spiess it’s your shitty CI movement that has worn out all patience I may have had for your kind. I’m done, done with your shit! CI is now enemy classification and nothing you say will change that. I will see to it you are all treated as traitors and provocateurs when our time comes!
Brian Avran I don’t think his theology has anything to do with being a nut job. whats important is that he is a nut job.
Ronald Kukal Meant a few of them over the years John. You know who.

John de Nugent What is striking is how much he fulfills the drawing here of a certain kind of psychopath from a book out of the 1920s :https://johndenugent.com/…/humanimal-psychopath-vaught.jpg

Ian Price A lot of liberals look just like that.

Ertsn Ulick Droem Varange http://www.order15.com/prison-out-reach/

As of yet we don’t have any program or staff in place to support and coordinate with inmates. However should ¦
Jesse Hutchings Mossad strikes again?
John de Nugent He was always nearly broke when I knew him, but now that he is attacking me, he is driving a new blue van.
Walter D. Bialkowski Take good care of yourself, John, please ~~~
John de Nugent Thanks, Walter. I am a religious man, and believe in guardian angels. That, and in deterring assault via my .40 and my .380.
John de Nugent Right. Most ex-cons do not defy a sheriff after several warnings and twice promising to stop the harassment….. and esp. not when they have kids, own their own home, and thus have a lot to lose. He is either delusional, on the federal take, or both. I would have to say both at this point because he just insulted and slandered me in public in front of about eight witnesses, one of whom spoke subsequently to a deputy sheriff. Not many sane people, or even delusional ones, insult and slander an armed former Marine, but he just did. His federal “friends in high places” apparently have made him quite an “offer.”
Karen Murphy This is really distressing. I don’t like hearing anyone to go through this. All I can do here is pray for you and ask for an army of angels to be there for you. Bless you John, I am learning so much from you and consider you a dear friend even if we never physically met.
Alex Kern May God be with you! And keep your guns close!! HAILS!!!
Ian DeSantis Please set up cameras and records everything
John de Nugent Good idea, thanks. I actually am already doing that, and have eyewitnesses who have spoken with the sheriff and a deputy.
Ian DeSantis Keep us posted.

……Other especially important blogs by John de Nugent


–Jews and Arabs descend from neanderthals

Neanderthals & Semites

–WN biography of JdN

WHITE NATIONIST Biography of John de Nugent

–UFOs, the Reich AFTER ’45, and whites as colonists on this planet

UFOs, the Third Reich after 1945, and the Pleiadians

There is no question whatsoever for me that the Third Reich, knowing it would probably lose the war, evacuated its top scientists in over 50 U-boats to the Antarctic, equipped with the German invention of the snorkels (to get air while staying submerged for thousands of miles).

It is this military-scientific remnant of the Reich, a nuclear power, that would survive the destruction of the West in WWIII, dug in in the Antarctic and the Andes mountains of South America.

(Hitler did kill himself to fool the Americans that the “Nazi danger” was over, and because the remnant of the Reich did not really need politicians, just scientists and generals, to survive underground.)

This Reich (which has only five million citizens now) is not strong enough to challenge the US, NATO and Russia, just protect itself, and it has the nuclear weapons and other technologies to destroy any attacker. BUT IT CANNOT RESCUE US.

The Russians admitted in a major documentary on Russian state television that this is true, with testimony by Russian air force generals in uniform.

Does he look like he’s kidding? Or that Nazis with super-weapons is a laughing matter?   


–The founders and rulers of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome were nordics


–The 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars — and a German final victory marches toward its fulfillment —


–Solutreans “ the white first Americans

Our ancient white Solutrean ancestors in America and around the world

–The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family

The Jewish War on the Kennedys


–Captain Archibald Ramsay’s “The Nameless War” “ how the Jews plan, finance and run revolutions against the goyim


–Youtube channel JdN


–The Normans “ white nordic aristocrats who intermarried with Jews to create the current Judeo-Anglo-American ruling class

The Norman Conquest gives the English to the Talmud

–White safety zone “ Upper Peninsula of Michigan

White Safety and Heritage Zone — Upper Peninsula of Michigan

–White South African tragedy

White South African Tragedy

–Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession

–Hitler’s love for the British people

Hitler’s love for the British people

–My wonderful British grandfather and his eery return

Part 1 of 2 .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBfrG5aMWj0

Part 2 of 2 .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1o3AwvcsDEA


–Who really was and is JdN?

Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924


–President Putin uses my website to send Trump a message


–The Obama White House calls me directly with a threat


–The Hebrews of the Bible were roaming criminal hordes


–Washington Post blasts JdN over his Leo Frank exposé


–My lady Margaret Huffstickler on Reichsmusik



If my site goes down, please try www.jdnmirror.com or https://www.europeanknightsproject.com/john-de-nugent/ If my Facebook account is suspended or deleted, please go to https://vk.com/johndenugent

…..Contact and support

Contact/Supporting VIRTUS

John de Nugent
306 South Steel Street
Ontonagon MI 49953


Telephone: +1 (906) 884-6689

VK.com https://vk.com/id351111810

(Excellent, free-speech Russian answer to Facebook)

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/john.denugent.3

Jewish owner Mark Zuckerberg has deleted me twice for un-p.c. posts

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    I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

    What is my religion based on?








    ¦ ¦.Actual donations

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    –28 November 2017 cash and Christmas card from B in Oregon

    –27 November 2017 check from G in Cicero, Illinois; via Stripe from a Canadian female comrade; and via PayPal from an American female comrade, A, and also from a German

    –19 November 2017 PayPal from J in England

    –18 November 2017 book from S in Idaho

    –14 November 2017 check from J in Utah, also PayPal from P in New Hampshire

    –9 November 2017 cash and US Marine Corps insignia (and playing cards) from P in Florida, a book from S in Idaho, and a battery charger and rechargeable batteries from C in Wisconsin

    –6 November 2017 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

    –4 November 2017 loan from B in Oregon

    –2 November 2017 check from K in San Francisco

    –26 October 2017 Stripe from T in Texas, N in Englöand, P in Maryland; Paypal from B in Massachusetts

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    –22 August 2017 donation via Stripe from S in USA and from P in Australia

    –21 August 2017 loan from J in Australia

    –21 August 2017 check from G in Utah


    –15 August 2017 check by an NS old fighter from out west


    1. I didn’t know you went through all that crap with that CI guy. Did it turn out being correct your theory that he was delusional and on the federal take?

      How did this one end up being resolved?

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