UPDATE U-khazar-ainian military mobilizes; its navy invaded Russian waters; Russians fired back, wounding two and seizing three ships

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Russian coast guards tails a trespassing Ukrainian navy tugboat orderd to invade Russian waters by Jewish president Poroshenko

The president (a fat jew and chocolate billionaire who is the son of a Jewish swindler, imprisoned in Soviet times), the prime minister, and the mayor of the capital of Jewkraine (Kiev) are all Khazars.

The Ukrainian navy ships came from Odessa and deliberately went through Russian territory, the Straits of Kerch.   Russia stated a month ago that the Sea of Azov (big body of water on the right, north of the Straits) was off-limits for foreign warships.

Falk Bund Very important info appeared briefly on Russian media (before being scrubbed) that a NATO SADM, possibly a scuba-diver-deployable device, was being transported to the Kerch Strait to be used on the Crimean bridge.
The device was being tracked by the Russians and they knew it had been loaded on to a Ukrainian tug (escorted by 5 warships!! – 3 in the Black Sea, including one NATO vessel, and 2 waiting in the Sea of Azov).
This is why the Russians acted!
They never react with force and have never blockaded the Sea of Azov. Ground-attack jets and helicopter gunships, plus a warship armed with ASM and torpedos were waiting.
This level of force would not be used just for a tug and a few old Ukrainian ships. But a tug carrying a tactical nuclear device about to bring down one of the worlds most strategic bridges, a bridge hated by NATO – as per the recent Op Ed in the ‘Washington Examiner’ (Ukraine should bomb the Crimean Bridge).
Ukraine regularly provokes Russia to little effect, but today the Rusians acted to stop a terrible event.
Ukraine is now in panic mode and there may be direct NATO intervention if they try to cover this over, if the Russians make this public.
The device may have come from the UK.
The UK have been psychologically preparing thier people for a war with Russia.
The SADM low-yield nuclear explosion would have brought down the bridge and melted the foundations, but looked like a conventional IED blast from above, due to the underwater detonation and relatively low yield of less than 1KT [kiloton].
This was a WW3-level provocation that was STOPPED by the Russian FSB and SFs!
All traces of these reports are being scrubbed as I write! found online
John de Nugent Very interesting and totally in line with the 1917 prophecy of WWIII by the Boer seer Nicholas Van Rensburg where the (((West))) 1) provokes Russia until it attacks, 2) NATO is defeated and then 3) NATO goes nuclear.
Don’t tell me you forget! This is too important to forget!
But there are many sites that publish invented, rightwing.-sounding b-s, such as (especially) “Before its news,” and I have my doubts about “Neon Nettle,” too. (Same goes for Sorcha Faal, Benjamin Fulford,  and Steve Quayle — totally invented b-s that plays to rightwing naifs.) 
John de Nugent If it is on RT, Sputnik, or Russian Insider, I do tend to trust it. Over the years I have seen their news reports pan out. The entire Russian strategy is to be credible, even publising bad news about Russia (corruption, accidents, drunkenness, etc.) so people trust them and not the (((“Lügenpresse.”)))
John de Nugent Russia-1, of course, used my website and article on September 11 (note the choice of the day!!! — the article had come out months before!!!), in 2016 to warn then-candidate Donald J. Trump against being assassinated by Khazars.
Andrew Kelley Insanity. Sad

John de Nugent That is an understatement! We are talking about a process leading to the nuclear mega-death of 90% of the northern hemisphere.
Ukraine should blow up Putin’s Crimea bridge


John de Nugent Thanks, I read it. Every single word is a filthy lie and delusional war-mongering!!
Russia would declare all-out war if its new, billion-dollar bridge were destroyed.
And since when is the debt-free, growing Russian economy, now trading massively with China, and owning thousands of tons of gold which backs their rubel currency, “bankrupt”?
This is the kind of insane, jingoistic bravado — (((lies))) to get the goyim all hyper for a war — that can lead to a thermonuclear World War Three!!!



Russia fires on Ukrainian vessels in Black Sea [LIE — it was the Sea of Azov]; 2 wounded


Russia calling urgent UN Security Council meeting over clash with Ukrainian ships in Azov sea

Moscow is calling an emergency UN Security Council meeting following the incident near Crimea that saw the Russian military detain Ukrainian warships for breaking into its territorial waters in violation of the UN convention.

Russia has called for a meeting “in connection to the dangerous developments in the Azov sea and subsequent events,” Russia’s First Deputy Permanent Representative at the UN, Dmitry Polyanskiy, told media late on Sunday.

Read more
© Reuters / Mykhailo Markiv / Ukrainian Presidential Press ServiceUkraine to declare martial law after sea clash with Russia

The meeting is preliminarily scheduled for 11.00 am Monday New York time, he said. “Maintenance of international peace and security” will be the sole item on its agenda.

The Russian military opened fire and seized three Ukrainian Navy vessels after they entered Russian territorial waters while heading to the Kerch Strait, which separates Crimea from mainland Russia.

READ MORE: Russian ships used weapons to stop & seize Ukrainian vessels violating territorial waters – FSB

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