UPDATED A lady returns; how suffering led to wisdom; to stop the WWIII Van Rensburg prophecy

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Margi Huffstickler and I in the fall of 2014 on a beautiful hill above Lake Superior (54 likes on FB)

Unless the Khazars bring her plane down with an “accident” (don’t laugh, because I am not), my Margi will be returning physically to me (United flight with a Bombardier CRJ-200 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombardier_CRJ200 into Houghton, UP of Michigan tomorrow) after years of caring for her wonderful parents in Asheville NC, who needed her care in their nineties.

But Hazel and John were SOOOO hyper-liberal, I did not dare go with her. Margi got some real good karma for doing the thankless and unglamorous task of caring for really old folks, and she got a recompense from their will as well. A good thing Hazel and John’s brains never exploded prematurely from realizing “who I am.” 

And by the way, Khazars, Margi has insured her life with me as the beneficiary. So leave her be.


Elzbieta Patino You have good test.

John de Nugent testosterone? 
John de Nugent ah, “taste”  Thank you. She is loyal, extremely intelligent (outscored me on the Graduate School Aptitude Test at the 499th percentile), she is a fine cook, and is deeply committed to saving our race.

Elzbieta Patino This is a reason 

John de Nugent Half-German, half-Scotch-Irish, a Keltoteuton 
Elzbieta Patino Mieszanka wybuchowa ☺ [“explosive mixture” in Polish]

Elzbieta Patino Pay attention 😁

John de Nugent Elzbieta Patino 
Tak, ale my, Marines, lubimy wojnę   [yes, but we Marines like war 😉 ] 

Elzbieta Patino I am happy for you , but a little sorry you are not a free man Thats life☺.

Andrew Kelley hope she approves of the new hair style? lol

John de Nugent  True. Or she might get right back on the plane. 😉 I warned her to look for Julius Caesar at the airport. I will def. stand out with that cut among the Yoopers. 😉
Elzbieta Patino I am happy for you , but a litle sorry you are not a free man Thats life
John de Nugent Elzbieta PatinoYes… We say in America “the good ones are always taken.” That even applies to semi-good ones like me. 
John de Nugent But it is not easy being with a guy the FBI has been targeting for 40 years. “Be careful what you wish for,” we also say in America. 

Elzbieta Patino Wish you all the best

John de Nugent Dziękuję bardzo. Może spotkamy się w naszych kolejnych inkarnacjach. 

Elzbieta Patino Everybody have some past , I been married 3 times before , I don’t take mariage wery serious , so now I am 3 times devorced. I never met the rait person.


Elzbieta Patino But in life you never know. Nothing last forever.

John de Nugent Elzbieta PatinoMarriage is so much harder now in the Kali Yuga.
Elzbieta Patino People change , you know this.

Elzbieta Patino Yes is hard, but to be alone makes me afreid

John de Nugent Elzbieta PatinoYes, especially in this day and age, and especially for a white woman. 


Early episode — 1956 This short video clip has a beautiful ending  I THINK YOUNG PEOPLE TODAY HAVE NO IDEA HOW VIOLENT WHITE MEN USED TO BE. THIS SCENE WAS NOT FAR-FETCHED AT ALL. My own dad, a college-educated man and church elder, got in a number of brutal fistfights, as in “step outside, buddy!”, with men who had merely sworn in restaurants “in the presence of a lady.” (You never heard any woman use the f- word, either.)     

Elzbieta Patino First time in my life I don’t know what to do, which direction to go

John de Nugent Elzbieta PatinoEckhart Tolle has allowed me to find inner peace and stillness, and my intuition has also gone way up, too. Just yesterday a gal named Jeanette told me she had 4 kids, and I replied: “Three boys and a girl.” She looked at me with amazement. “How did you know?” It is because I shut off my chattering thoughts, I control my mind now and not it me, and I can get at will into “the power of the now.” 
John de Nugent Elzbieta Patino On an episode of “Gunsmoke” a dejected older gunslinger said bitterly to a lonely widow “Was there ever one day in your life that was not just ‘livable’?”
Through Tolle I find that is no longer true for me.  Now I have peace, not matter what happens and what they do to me…. Or to her. 🙁
I wrote to a local person just today:
“But the thing with [] will not go away yet, because some powerful people out of Washington DC are picking at the scab, I got another look full of murder just yesterday, and THEY are going to drag [], you, me, [] and everyone else into a public controversy unless the vile rumors against me are quietly, but formally, put to rest by a short, written, witnessed statement by [] stating []…..
As you know, I am not just one more [guy in this town]. I am instead a targeted, FBI-hounded man who has never harmed another human being, and an important public figure, who nearly won for Congress in 1990; who was directly threatened by the Obama White House by phone on 23 Nov. 2015; whose website was shown for 13 seconds on Russian state television on September 11, 2016; who is defamed online by paid trolls; who has lowlifes and felons in this town out for my blood (remember “the Unabomber”?); and with MILLIONS of search results on my name.
And I do not want you or [] to suffer from what my powerful and incredibly ruthless enemies want to do to ME, utterly heedless of the “collateral damage” to others such as you. Believe me, your welfare means nothing at all — to THEM.”
Peter Haney Good Samaritan work. Live in Raleigh to the East with libs. Nice people but no clue.
John de Nugent Right. Actually, quite a few Asheville people are Yankees, which one can also say about liberal Atlanta, Georgia (where I lived in 1990-91 — actually in Norcross).
I spoke with Margi right after a huge Trump rally in Asheville in 2015, and she said all the rednecks in the surrounding countryside and hills were VERY pro-Trump (of course candidate Trump was saying a lot of good foreign-policy things — butt-out, no-NATO, get along with Russia — that president Trump has reneged on).
But anyway, the city itself was hyper-liberal, and she agreed with me that it was for the best I did not move down there with her.
But it was a very lonely time. So we have been a telephone and webcam couple all this time…. (Also we had no money to fly her back up here, and I refuse to fly because then  — like the Creativity leader, Matt Hale — I would be walkingstraight into a fed trap, totally unarmed, at the airport. The feds grabbed Hale after he passed through a metal detector, and was in a courthouse.)
I am always armed and ready, with gun, knife, streetfighting skills,  and other things, and also I choose carefully where I sit, vary my routes and times, etc. Most of all, if attacked, I am totally willing to kill and die.
But,let me tell you that phones and webcams are not the same thing as having a loving woman in your arms, esp. when you feel soooo frustrated and dejected.
But maybe this time also pushed me to the point of spiritual need that led me to re-examining Eckhart Tolle, whom I earlier kind-of saw as being fluff and airy-fairy New Age bunk, or at least I did not get what he was driving at.
Now I do, and because of my loneliness, poverty and suffering — the FBI has been after me up here too — I was forced to either evolve or quit this movement — and just let the whites become extinct (mostly selfish cowards anyway, with even the WNs being mostly do-nothings, tightwads and trash-talkers) while I just shrug my shoulders, as in “Hey, I tried. People ain’t never gonna wake up — or do anything.”
To wake the common people up, it hit me, first the leader himself has to be awakened, not just about the racial issue and the JQ, but about the nature of reality itself.
What is the real, deep reason our world is so f—-d up? 😉 Why do all the would-be liberators of white mankind end up dead? Why doesn’t the truth matter?  
John de Nugent As for my staying in Ontonagon, it is also a much better place than wealthy, liberal Asheville to launch a new white movement:
–suffering working-class whites (VERY high unemployment and an opioid death epidemic);
–the highest percentage of veterans in the whole United States (usually men very bitter at the gov’t, and an Iraq/Afghan Marine just vented to me the other day about feeling betrayed);
–and high-caliber nordic whites — Germans, Swedes and Finns (with SOME Poles, Croatians, Italians and French-Canadians).
The overall mindset is friendly, hard-working, quiet, reserved, modest and tolerant — classic Upper Midwest nice folks. Trump only won here because of the need for a ruthless economy-fixer, because Upper Midwest people have a very un-New York City-type mindset of acting like “regular folks.” And so they hate braggarts, open displays of wealth and ego, and men who are publicly mean to, and who cheat on their wives. https://johndenugent.com/…/melania-trump-caustic.mp4
John de Nugent She looks more comfortable with this guy, actually https://johndenugent.com/…/melania-obama-smiling…Manage


John de Nugent Look at her expression – in the next frame she bats his hand away: https://johndenugent.com/…/macrons-trumps-melania.jpgManage
John de Nugent I do not like it when a man who has his finger on the nuclear button is having overtly a marital war with a woman who finds him disgusting.

….the Nicholas Van Rensburg prophecy of 1917 — after a “black boy” as US president, a conservative white US president takes over — 1) with hair like a wig, and 2) a scowl — and triggers WWIII

I am close to finishing this major new interview article with Simon Roche of Suidlanders in South Africa, but let us recall that the purpose of prophecy is to fail. We are talking about dire warnings of what will happen if trends do not change.

I want to ensure that the NVR prophecy does NOT happen!

This article is NOT finished. This just a sneak peak.

Roche Van Rensburg I



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