UPDATED Defamer, Manchurian Candidate & Carlos Porter ally Henrik Holappa abandons white movement, wife & daughters, marries Chinese woman & moves to China; his insane rape email of 2012; Jason Salyers goes satanic

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In 2007-08 Henrik Holappa was a persecuted young WN in Finland, protesting especially gang rape by muslims of Finnish women. Now he is a traitor who has abandoned our cause, betrayed his nordic comrades (2016) and me (2011), and dumped his white wife and daughters for a Chinese woman.

Margi and I knew him from February 2007, when he attended a speech by me and a singing performance by Margi in Germany.  Touched by his plight (facing 4.5 years in prison), and unlike David Duke — who has a big home/headquarters in Mandeville, Louisiana — and for whom Holappa was translating his book My Awakening), out of kindness we invited him in June 2008 to come to America, stay in our home, and apply for political asylum.

One of Obama’s early acts as “president” (January 2009-present) was to order his arrest, in March 2009, on a bogus visa violation (using the same excuse used to nab and expel Ernst Zündel and Germar Rudolf).


I had been blasting Obama on this blog and elsewhere as a bisexual, murder, CIA agent, closet communist and non-US citizen since the summer of 2008.



Holappa was writing and giving good speeches, to standing ovations, in America about 1) muslim gang rapists, and 2) how Americans need to protect their freedom of speech and not allow hate-speech laws




 After 87 days in solitary confinement, Holappa was deported back to Finland.

Strangely, all three threatened indictments by Finland against him for hate speech, etc.  had been dropped by the Finnish authorities…………………….

The Manchurian Candidate now strikes out once again with lies against 1) me, as he did in June 2011


(On the right should be options to rent or buy the movie. Yes, the hero is the black movie star Denzel Washington but the movie is not about race or blacks at all.)


 2) the white Cause, and 3) the Nordic Resistance Movement in the nordic countries of Europe with tv interviews in Scandinavia denouncing nazis — and a new book in Finnish with the title (translated): “I established a neo-Nazi organization”

This misleading book leaves out two key facts:

1) Holappa “established” it in Finland only with Swedish Resistance Movement money from its leader Klas Lund, and

2) his own group in Finland voted him out as leader because he was disliked and a megalomaniac 

Wikipedia’s hostile article on the “Nordic Resistance Movement” which funded Holappa: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_Resistance_Movement




Google translation of the home page of the Finnish Resistance Movement: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vastarinta.com&edit-text=

I just wrote to the Finnish Resistance Movement website (and similarly to the Swedish comrades):


Dear Finnish comrades:

I knew Henrik Holappa very well, and perhaps before any of you (2006 on).

He was NOT insane when Margi (my ladyfriend) and I knew him in 2007-08, but a fine young man, brave and caring, and a fellow whom many people instantly liked.

I think he was made into a “Manchurian-Candidate” in a US federal jail in Batavia, New York State.




I also have encrypted email.



…..Mind control and ISIS

ISIS burns 17 Yezidi women alive for refusing to be their prostitutes: https://www.rt.com/news/345467-isis-burns-kurdish-women/

A good comment under this story was:
If you see videos of captured ISIS soldiers they are clearly on drugs and some form of mind control. I think it’s only gonna get worse. Israel is always abducting children and they have torture prisons as well. Terrifying to think what goes on in those places.

Holappa last sent me an email on July 21, 2015. It was friendly in tone. I replied:

Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2015 02:15:01 +0000
From: john_denugent@yahoo.com
To: heholappa@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: the amazing accusation

Hi, Henrik.

I am very frustrated by your answers. 
If my points are true, then you should clear your karma, and concede them. You are harming my backbreaking efforts to save our race! 
I am also appalled that Jason Salyers [an assistant of mine in 2010-11] contacted you, the professional thief, and with one lie after another. []
Did you know that he abandoned his wife and child, and refuses to work or send them any money? And after he left, I found among his papers the Satanic Bible by Anton Lavey, a Jew, and a book and tarot cards by the satanist Aleister Crowley?
*** [added]
Jason Salyers today –more proof, if any is needed, that the WN movement cannot succeed with previous messages about race and Jews.

What we are dealing with today is a bumper crop of treacherous young narcissists with monstrous egos and zero loyalty to anyone or anything.

A University of Michigan study said that 30% of young people were narcissists (radically selfish) and the percentage rises by one percent per year! And what is not realized is that neglect and abuse ofthe young (or torture as a Manchurian Candidate) cause narcissism!
From this — in 2011…writing good articles and editing my videos very skilfully….

Fairfield Shoplifters Arrested

Posted: Saturday, June 29th, 2013 at 6:22 am
Author: KCII News – Nathan Swenson

Shoplifters in Fairfield, who sold their stolen goods online, have been apprehended. Jason Salyers and [] were arrested on Tuesday. The thefts were reported to the Fairfield Police Department by Hy-Vee on Monday, after they were alerted that products from the store were being sold online. A search of their residence turned up over $1,800 worth of products.

The suspects are charged with Theft in the 2nd Degree, a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

The investigation is ongoing and other victims have been identified, but charges have not been filed.

…and to this in 2016:
I’m so special, so brilliant.
Wolfman Jack is now in a homeless shelter after getting fired and assaulting his own mother, and sexting black women.
.*** [returning to my last email to Holappa]
When you wrote back, Henrik, I assumed it was a veiled hostility.  A proper email contains a greeting, such as “Hi, John.” You must remember our bad history.
The girl with the goth-black hair is one of the Fields girls, Ingrid, now at college in California. I am again friends with Joe Fields..
I do not want any war with you! I am not eager for any war, but Google puts your stuff at the top of page one. It is like the Brother War of 1944-45. I sincerely worry that something happened to you in jail. I felt sick to my stomach when they put those chains on you.
The ONLY reason to feel disappointment in me is in not starting a big movement. But the truth is that never before have people been so cowardly, brainwashed and now “low-T,” literally low-testosterone! For six years in Pennsylvania, Henrik, people verbally agreed with me, it being a very rightwing area, probably like some country parts of Finland that vote now for the “True Finns,” and not one single time did one single person EVER contact me after seeing my website. Once they see the word Jew or Hitler, it is over. *;) winking The cowardice is TOTAL.
This is why I never started a movement, KNOWING that no one would follow me (or anyone else). You  know that in World War One in the trenches, the sergeant would blow his whistle to begin the assault, then you leave the safety of the trench and run against the enemy machine guns…. through the barbed wire and craters. Henrik, I have felt like a sergeant who blows the whistle and climbs up out of the trench and starts running, and no other soldier follows me!
I am not used to this total female cowardliness!
Look, I want you to see this movie, “the Manchurian Candidate.”  It costs $2.99 on Youtube. How is your money situation?  How can I make it possible for you to see this movie???
I was MK-ULTRA already as a child. I ran away from home at ten and then it ended for me.
There is no reason for a real war between us.

From: Alex[]

To: “john_denugent@yahoo.com” <john_denugent@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Friday, 3 June 2016, 13:37
Subject: Henrik Holappa’s total betrayal of movement, his race – and you.

Dear Mr de Nugent,

Have you heard or are you aware that your former protégé Henrik Holappa has totally betrayed the movement and his race?

He now lives in Chongqing, China [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chongqing; a new city — population 30 million], with his Chinese wife.
He left his white Swedish-German-Finnish family [NN: he had two daughters and two stepdaughters with a German-American divorced mother of two in Sweden; I actually introduced them] and apparently got sick with “yellow fever”. 

He gave series of interviews to Finnish and Norwegian Televisions and exposed the movement. He also published his “memoirs” in Finnish called Mina perustin uusnatsijarjeston (“I was the founder of a neo-Nazi organization”).
In his book he talks a great deal about you and his time in America.
In downtown Pittsburgh in August 2008

He also claims he had a relationship with a black Somali girl and he wanted to become a Muslim in 2009. 

Everything that he has said or written is mainly available in Finnish. But on Stormfront there is some discussion about this subject.


Henrik Holappa decided to betray the Movement – Stormfront


Esa Henrik Holappa chose to betray our cause and leaked information to anti-white media: https://www.hate-speech.org/a-neo-na…er-breaks-off/ http://

Interviewed by Norwegian television and speaks in English:

Holappa speaks in English 1:19-55, 2:20-59, 4:57-5:31

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: John de Nugent <john_denugent@yahoo.com>
To: Alex[]
Sent: Friday, 3 June 2016, 17:32
Subject: (NOT A JOKE) Henrik Holappa abandons white movement and marries Chinese woman

Greetings, comrade, and many thanks.

I understand Swedish a bit and am reading what I can. 
Holappa first of all launched a huge character attack on Stormfront against me in the spring of 2011 – when I had a staff of five and a three-building complex in Pennsylvania, and was preparing to run for president in 2012.
Margi making a pumpkin pie in the kitchen

 photo Margisidealkitchen.jpg

I rented a 2,500-square-foot house 2008-2011 with two more buildings at 213 Ekastown Road, Sarver PA 16055.
There, I gave Holappa 2008-09 a huge room for himself. I taught him how to blog and add photos, embed videos, etc, and I gave him special English lessons to improve his accent. He then produced an excellent blog in the Finnish language directly exposing the Jewish media takeover of Finland and the epidemic of muslim rape of Finnish women — all illegal “hate speech” on Finnish soil.
Porter also adds that I am a “nigger-lover” and fraud because my attempts to run for sheriff in 2013 and mayor in 2014 fizzled due to a nearly total lack of donations for two winnable races in 98% white, angry, rightwing areas largely due to defamers such as he, Holappa, Duke and Black.)
Excerpt from his insane raving, of which every assertion is the 180-degree opposite of the truth:
Screenshot June 4, 2016

Nugent is not a White Nationalist. He openly despises WNs and has repeatedly and openly repudiated our support. Nugent is a typical hypocritical, negro-loving, immigrant-loving, New England liberal from a radical race-mixing New England family, who believes in racial integration [etc.]

Family photo — race-mixing? Hunh? 
My nordic daughters — jealous, Seà±or Carlos?
For Porter it is a mere detail that this virtually homeless kid whom I also helped, Michael M., embezzled $4,200 from us in December 2012 just before I intended to run for sheriff for an open seat. (The Jews closed my bank account AND Paypal AND were stealing mail donations, and so I was very reluctantly running donations by wire through Michael M’s account).
The orchestrated take-down worked this way: Michael owed $900 in court fines, and was gradually paying them off.
Suddenly, two sheriff’s deputies from Uniontown in another county in Pennsylvania (Fayette) came to the cottage saying he had three weeks to pay it all — a suspiciously new policy taken toward him — or get put in jail [ = with blacks].

Then the donations came in by wire, as the NSA would know by reading my emails, which contained wiring instructions.

Solution (ordo ab chao): steal John’s donations for his sheriff race.
The fat get-away driver Brandon with a club, and Michael — who with my $4200 bought a car, got an apartment and started a new life by stealing my money.

Then Carlos Porter jumps in — the next step in the take-down — to accuse me of not running a serious race for sheriff. I explained all this to Porter in detail — and he dismissed it.

The only bank that would give me an account, Woodforest Bank, had cancelled me for no reason seven months earlier.

On top of all this, for months starting in July 2012, the post office would either steal my mail containing donations or deliver it, ripped-open, with the cash taken out.
(This also happened to Mike Delaney when he lived in Arizona and was promoting his 911MissingLinks. It also happened to a Canadian activist in Alberta province, as he wrote me in detail.)
The point was to force me to use wires to get in funds, but ban me personally from having any account. So the funds would have to go into another person’s account — and then put massive pressure on that person: pay your court fines, or the sheriff will put you in jail with the blacks.
So to keep paying the rent after this $4,200 embezzlement (as I explained over and over and over patiently to the jealous, hate-filled Porter) we literally had to sell our only vehicle, a bashed-in 1984 Chevrolet Suburban while living out in the country.
Then how, jealous, swarthy half-Hispanic Carlos Porter, do you expect me to run for sheriff in a rural county with no car? And how did your defamations of me, based largely on the Holappa lies, help me get the donations in to buy a replacement car so I COULD run for sheriff?

The psychopath Porter knows perfectly well that I gave up an aristocratic, millionaire lifestyle to be a WN, and was disinherited by a millionaire, yet accuses me of being in it for devious motives. What would those motives be, Porter? To promote “liberal race mixing” and “nigger loving”? No one who reads my blog believes that for one second!

Here I go into some of the humble jobs I have taken on to pay my bills.



[iframe src=”https://www.sonnenrad.tv/media/embed?key=7bf05ed6b07d5328d7160cf7750bc6fc&width=720&height=405&autoplay=false&autolightsoff=false&loop=false&chapters=false” width=”720″ height=”405″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen” allowtransparency=”true” scrolling=”no”]
John de Nugent explains before a backdrop of a decrepit steel mill in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area:

–how Hitler helped the white working class
–John’s own many humble, working-class jobs
–how Jews caused the Great Depression to continue for 11 years and why
–reason why the the Great Recession of 2007 continues to this day, with testimony before Congress (the House Banking Committee) by the Jew Neil Barofsky, head of the bank bailout (TARP program) to US Representative Dennis Cucinich of Cleveland, Ohio. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troubled_Asset_Relief_Program

Barofsky says the Fed is bribing the banks to lend the bailout money right back to the Fed and not lend it to the people.

Reason: So the Great Recession can continue — and Jews can foreclose on more and more homes, farms, businesses, cars, etc, for 10 cents on the dollar.

(The visual sharpness of this video is low; the jews hacked my computer, and this is the only footage left, a copy of a copy.)

A skinflint lurker on my site (one of these “why don’cha” types with the free and throw-away advice) actually proposed to me:
“Why don’t you campaign for sheriff on a bicycle?”
Yeah, like Mr. Bean! 😉

That would look real macho, running for sheriff on a bike, and admitting to the redneck voters I am too broke to afford a car….. 😉

….Holappa apologizes to me on camera but not in print 

Photo taken in the lobby of the office building where Margi and I spent $2,000 on a special political-asylum lawyer for Holappa,  Valerie May of Pittsburgh. 
We also let him borrow our car to see friends and try to get a girlfriend. Had he been able to get one, and marry her, he could have stayed in the States in that way. Here is Holappa with Margi and our 1992 Honda Prelude, given to us in 2006 by a supporter.
I have not yet found what he may have said about me (so far I have seen nothing at all in his May announcement) but in 2013 he was quite apologetic for his spectacular betrayal of me — but not in writing, only verbally in a Skype video conference by web camera, one which my ladyfriend Margi witnessed in our rented cottage in Apollo, Pennsylvania.  

He said “you have every right to hate me for what I did to you.”

And he said

“the whole thing was planned by the government — the police raids on my home in Finland, which were meant to get you and Margi to invite me to America [for political asylum], my arrest — everything.”


This does not mean Holappa was insincere. It means he realized years later he was being moved like a chess pawn to take me down.
Holappa spent 87 days in solitary here between March-June 2009. From right to left, my friend Margi, fmr USMC major William Fox, and an Afrikaner girl after their visit with Holappa. 
I admit I found it very strange when Holappa told me from jail by letter in late May of 2009 that Finland had dropped all three threatened indictments (“hate speech”-related) against him.
When — and why — would ZOG drop an indictment against a high-profile WN acvtivist?????? Had he agreed to blast me at a time and date of the Jews’ choosing?
The moment to do his fake “exposé” of me (as a nut, swindler, coward, dog-killer, wife-beater, etc, oh, and he witnessed how my dogs killed a rabbit…. 😉 ) came in 2011 when I finally let loose on David Duke and resumed my retaliatory attacks on Don Black) for them both defaming me to everyone in our cause.
Stormfront owner Don Black’s wife Chloe, Duke’s ex-wife, works for the Cuban, sephardic-Jewish sugarcane billionaires, the Fanjul family. Black and Stormfront attacked me the day Holappa was arrested by the feds.



heidi-beirich-splcI wrote Heidi Berich of the SPLC (who has two articles on me 1) https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/john-de-nugent and 2) https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2016/02/25/prolific-anti-semite-john-de-nugent-issues-reward-information-jared-taylor’s-wife) asking why the SPLC was not trying to get Chloe Black fired, as is their wont,  from her employer, especially as it is the jewish Fanjul operation.

Evasive answer.

Black deleted the biggest thread in Stormfront history by one man, my “Apocalypse of the Psychopaths”:
(Erika looks like her father before his cosmetic surgery, which was totally unnecessary since he was a good-looking guy already)
Black’s freaky son Derek quit the cause in a letter to the SPLC:
Another JdN-slanderer via cowardly emails, is Yalie Jared Taylor (think the “Skull & Bones” school) , here with his homophile bud, (left) Richard Spencer:
Yale is where the “elite” learn to love Satan. Skull &  Bones is here, and in a typically masonic windowless building, like a crypt.
Fag-voiced Spencer’s fave speaker on manhood is Jack Donovan:
Yeah, I’ve been a top [sexual position, the thruster] for years.

I basically fuck men

like they are women ”

but I’m glad

they’re not.”


AFP reporter John Friend did a puff piece on this homophile group and began bashing me to his friends for pointing out the Donovan scandal:
John de Nugent defamer Jared Taylor’s Jewish concubine, Evelyn Rich, rips into WNs in a 1991 Frontline episode
Crooked Jewish billionaire Marc Rich
The Jew Rich’s lawyer, Eric Holder, got him off on Bill Clinton’s last day as president in 2001. Then he became Attorney General under Obama.
The last time we exchanged emails, a year ago, interestingly, Holappa said he hoped my coming Aryan religion, Virtus, would succeed. 

…..My concern is that something was done to Holappa in his 87 days in solitary


I have often blogged that I suspect that David Duke, Don Black and Henrik Holappa, who all were in federal custody as high-profile WNs for months or years, were all made against their will to “Manchurian Candidates” — this is a very real secret government program — and that I was as a child also in this program but ran away from home at age ten.

I had horrific nightmares until age 49, when I finally got counseling (two kinds). But the memories are still repressed, and maybe thank God for that. Both Duke’s father and mine were colonels in the military, btw.
In the “Manchurian Candidate” program, you are reprogrammed but do not know it happened. The entire point is torture so terrible that you completely repress it, to use the psychological term (in German it is Verdrängung), you block it out totally.

The 2004 movie is very good: 


(On the right should be options to rent or buy the movie. Yes, the hero is the black movie star Denzel Washington but the movie is not about race or blacks at all.)
A soldier, abducted by his own government and taken to an isolated compound in the Middle East,  hs gotten the “full treatment” and now stands there passively while another soldier, a buddy, obediently prepares to shoot him dead. Electroshock, chemicals, sleep deprivation and sexual abuse and perversion are part of the program. The point is to create a new compartment in the brain, a buried and secret region, a “little shop of horrors,! and the victim has no idea he was programmed because the brain represses things too horrible to remember. (This is normally a good thing, but it misused by the program.)
Tom Metzger (a former close Duke collaborator in the 1970s and major candidate for office in the 1980s: http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Tom_Metzger) said “Can we ever completely trust anyone who has been in federal custody”?  
He also told me he believes Duke will some day come out and say he was an agent all along.

Part 1


.Part 2


In my case yes, because the programming stopped when I ran away at age ten —  and my family was too prominent to just make me disappear.
My father had 72 employees at David ,Bateman & Nugent and a whole floor in the Fleet Building in downtown Providence
My father was a major businessman and friends with the governor and later US senator, John Chafee and later with two US presidents.
with me at his Florida mansion (Vero Beach)
Our house in WASPy Barrington, Rhode Island
Location: on Narragansett Bay and the Rhode Island Country Club
with President Ford
with President Reagan
with fmr Secretary of State (Nixon/Ford administrations) Henry Kissinger and the mayor of Providence, his close friend (who did five years in federal prison for shaking businesses down), Vincent “Buddy” Cianci
The children of the elite cannot just “disappear.” 
I am more convinced than ever that we need a spiritual renewal. This putting out of fact after fact about race and the Jews has gotten us (American baseball analogy) to second base — but no home run. *;) winking
Thank you very much for this notification, comrade. I am very sad for Holappa, for his karma (he was like a son to me in 2007-08) and for the terrible effect on my own work, which was booming in 2011, five years ago, until this attack by Holappa on me.
We cannot build a viable white movement with Manchurian Candidates running rampant in it, nor with one based solely on facts about race and Jews, or endless stories of white rape and murder.
The real issue is what kind of people are we inside.
Are we Aryan, “noble,” or just white? 
John de Nugent

……The insane Holappa email of 2012

From: Henrik Holappa <heholappa@hotmail.com>
To: john_denugent@yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, 25 June 2012, 5:23
Subject: RE: a time to reflect, Henrik, on the future of our race and movement

Dear John,

There is no theory, you just can not really figure it out..

You know, I became a little bit crazy motherfucker now. I had time to think. I haven’t even yet told anything, or said anything… about you.  Last year’s stuff was just little tickeling.

You know what I am going to do? Wherever the fuck I will be arrested, I will open my mouth. I will tell the stuff that I know about you – and I am not talking the last year’s stuff – to any police officer in just a matter of seconds, and they will listen. You probably don’t even remember.

[JdN: This was really delusional. I never said or did anything illegal or wrong in any sense — in his presence or otherwise in 2008-09.]

You know what will happen then? I will drag you down with me. I make sure that the American authorities will have the highest interests to listen to me wherever I will be, or jailed. Since you made it okay that it is FINE to talk to the cops, why the fuck I wouldn’t do the same? And you know what? I will bring this from the net to the real world, I will bring this to your backyard. Heck, if that what it needs, I will even come to America knowing that I will be arrested, but I am ready to take the risk and I will tell everything about you to the proper American authorities, and just in case, I will visit as soon as possible American embassy in Helsinki and Stockholm.

You know that I was called a trooper in prison. That is not usually a name for first-timers, usually it will be “boy”, “tweaner” or “bitch”. You will be that bitch in an American prison, and I will make sure we will be in the same cell.

I am now ready to do everything, absolutely fucking everything.

I am just first waiting for your bitch slap, and I will come after you with such force, that you will want to stop. My tools will be:

Videos about you
Authorities – in the case I will be arrested

So, fuck you, and because I am now in my crazy motherfucker mood.



I outweigh Holappa by 60 pounds, and even a state cop looked scared or startled by me when he ran into my at a local coffeeshop. (I think he had just, maybe a half an hour before, had some sort of Homeland Security briefing about me and then OMG, there I was — Armed Mega-Nazi incarnate 😉 ).



…..My challenge

If you have followed my blog, you know whom the jews fear.

Whom even the White House fears — not for now – they have kept me down by defamation and penury  — but for my potential to serve and lead our race.


Threatening phone call from the White House on November 21, 2015



Google and Microsoft’s Bing for years brought up an automatic search term “John de Nugent gay” — the very rumor that David Duke and Don Black spread in the most cowardly manner via emails!


Audio Player



Go smoke another Marlboro, you motherf-er. I’m going to f ” “g shoot your f ” “g brains out, you pr “k! I can come down there with my f ”-g AR-15 and shoot your f ”g loser ass [he starts screaming unintelligibly in a high fag voice at this point]

We cannot win unless I create the new Aryan heroic religion!
Most whites lack the character to fight or even be loyal!

I have been undergoing the close attention of the feds since 1990: https://johndenugent.com/wn-biography-of-jdn/about-john/two-bushes-and-obama-against-jdn/ when I ran for Congress in the Republican primary in the Sixth District of Tennessee and in a three-man race got 26.7% of the vote as an open national socialist.




Nugent at 30% but the voting-machine fix was already in.



Video of my race for Congress, which was defeated IMO only by massive electronic voting machine fraud:  After the “Titanic” movie opener — my family, military and political background and European sojourns) Tennessee Congressional race 1990 and voting machine fraud (09:40-19:01)


This is from my videos page, which is mostly down because TruTube, which I have supported even when I had no money to pay my own bills, is down again due to lack of “donations by viewers like you.” 😉


[iframe src=”https://www.sonnenrad.tv/media/embed?key=74062f6537d2dc60a77590c95b44995a&width=720&height=540&autoplay=false&autolightsoff=false&loop=false&chapters=false” width=”720″ height=”540″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen” allowtransparency=”true” scrolling=”no”]


…..I again recommend this article of mine on young narcissists


……Whom do the government, Jews and the psychopathically envious in our cause fear, loathe and hate most?

This blog was also posted on my blog column here:


  1. Simon Lindberg of the Nordic Resistance claims Holappa is totally insane and has left his wife and daughters and has run off to China with a Chinese woman!

  2. A Pennsylvanian who knew Henrik Holappa in 2008-09 wrote me:


    [18:27:26]S: I just read through that, that’s why I messaged you. Henrik wouldn’t have done that, he must have been brainwashed.
    [18:28:24] John de Nugent: Manchurian Candidate — 87 days in solitary
    [18:28:31] John de Nugent: They did something to him
    [18:28:55] John de Nugent: Did you ever see that movie, the 2004 movie with Denzel Washington?
    [18:29:10] S: I’ve seen it.
    [18:29:40] John de Nugent: I am now certain that is what happened to me, but I broke out of it by running away at age ten
    [18:30:15] John de Nugent: My dad was exactly the kind of officer they would approach with “we want to send YOUR son to a special leadership camp.”
    [18:30:33] John de Nugent: And you have NO memories what they did
    [18:30:47] John de Nugent: ….except little fragmented flashbacks.

  3. Jason Salyers wrote me a comment on this blogsite objecting to my exposé.

    Lacking an email address for him, I must also reply here:


    Dear Mr. Salyers:

    I am cognizant and grateful for your good services to me five or six years ago.

    Unfortunately, your life since then has been one scandal after another. I do not expect the scandals to stop but in fact I am sure that new shameful acts will be piled on. And I know that I will be attacked publicly by the jewsmedia because of you.

    It is thus not only a moral and spiritual, but also a political and practical necessity to distance myself publicly from you.

    When you contacted Henrik Holappa to defame me — a man now proven to be a traitor to his race — he used false claims in 2013 and now in his new book of what happened in my home that only could have come from you. You have destroyed my privacy yourself, as much as Holappa.

    You have blasted me to several of our common WN friends, and turned several against me.

    I suggest you remember the name John Hagelin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hagelin

    I wonder what his opinion of you might be? Or his view what got you expelled from your university? What would “Bob” think to add to all this?

    The couple live in Fairfield, Iowa.[12][13] [Good to know…]

    Hagelin completed an undergraduate degree in physics with highest honors (summa cum laude) from Dartmouth. He studied physics at Harvard under Howard Georgi, earning a master’s degree in 1976 and a Ph.D. in 1981.[7][9] By the time Hagelin had received his Ph.D. from Harvard, he had published “several serious papers” on particle theory.[14] In 1981, Hagelin became a postdoctoral researcher at the European Center for Particle Physics (CERN) in Switzerland, and in 1982 he moved to the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC).[7]

    As you know, there is so much more that can be proven from court records, and all you can do is claim things.

    And no WN will take your claims seriously after this photo:

    The 10 months you assisted me, Mr. Salyers, were actually the cleanest, most productive, and best period of your life.

    Sadly, and I did not know this before you came, you were a thief before you met me.

    You stopped stealing while with me, and did good work.

    After me you resumed thieving (and worst of all, you stole from the innocent, and from good organizations and companies!)

    You have repeatedly betrayed people who liked and trusted you, and not just me, and now abandoned your white wife and white daughter.

    Your credibility, sir, is unfortunately zero. And I am an utterly fearless man.


    John de Nugent

    (641) 472-3454 Jefferson County, Iowa Court Records:

    Someone asked me why you would race-mix — to get attention? I replied:

    He, Holappa and so many others embrace the motto of national socialism in exact reverse:

    “My folk is nothing: I am everything”!

    Salyers is a very overt narcissist. Sofia Smallstorm (http://www.aboutthesky.com) put in her newsletter that the University of Michigan did a study showing that 30% of young people under 30 are narcissists. (Narcissists are radically selfish, not merely vain or self-centered as most young people are — it is possible to have lots of self-confidence, even too much, and yet respect others and treat them well.)

    This is how a Jason Salyers or Henrik Holappa thinks:

    “If John de Nugent cannot turn things around single-handedly, though kept utterly broke by constant fed sabotage and machinations [of which both Holappa and Salyers were eyewitnesses], then he must be a despicable loser and scumbag. We Whites could have won, especially with MY many extraordinary gifts, had he not failed to beat the Jews, thus depriving ME of MY glory, MY victory parade, and MY dreamt-of fame, sex, and power.

    I will therefore, as a member of the selfie and trash-talking generation, turn on him, malign him, and spread lies against him. Every act of kindness on his part toward me was not to his credit. It was his honor and privilege to know me, the great 21-year-old, a man destined to incomparable greatness whose destiny was thwarted by John de Nugent.

    The 5-foot-5 badass

    Same with Holappa. Here he is in 2006, a mere private in the Finnish army, yet cocky as a field marshal.

    What a generation of vipers.

    This is why I am creating a new religion. Whites are now hopeless. Most of them I would not have as members if they came waving hundred-dollar bills and Harvard degrees.


    Am I preaching a self-abasing humility? No. But a respect and gratitude for the work and kindness of others. That is Aryan, that is noble, and only that can save us.

  4. John:

    What all these people don’t seem to understand is that you’re one tenacious individual and quite able to produce evidence to back your claims, something which they cannot do.

    It’s the age of selfishness, unfortunately.

    Keep up the good work.


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