UPDATED Google silence re Covid vaxx effects that drove beautiful actress and model to suicide

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….Google is giving this story the big silent treatment


…..41-Year-Old Model and Hollywood Actress Katerina Pavelek Ended Her Life at an Assisted Suicide Clinic in Basel, Switzerland on June 17, 2023, Due to COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Injuries (ME, CFS, ALS)

*** JdN: As you read this tragic story, recall my blog from yesterday:



A mad world cannot be healed by a madman. Trump, you were always borderline crazy and you still are today.

I had a run-in with this guy when he was Patton. Claimed he had no regrets then too, and would not speak when I asked him if he was happy about defeating the Reich and thereby turning the world over to the jews and communism.

He just sneered defiantly; the man has no humility today, and he had none then  either. He keeps being a great showman, but also having morally failed incarnations. At the end of the day, he is not a bad guy, but a bullshitter.


by Dr. William Makis

Los Angeles, CA – Katerina Pavelek, a Slovakian model and Hollywood actress, ended her life in a Swiss clinic this past weekend at the age of 41 (June 17, 2023) (Pegasos Swiss Association, Basel).

“Kat was an actress, so she also had to follow the vaccine requirements stipulated by the entertainment industry and unions if she wanted to be able to work. But then Kat became very sick. So sick that last week, she chose to end her life at a Swiss clinic specialized in assisted suicide.” (click here)

“This past weekend, Kat’s friends – many of them in entertainment – held a picnic and a last farewell for their actress friend on a beach in Malibu.” (click here)

In July 2021, Kat worked with Uma Thurman on a movie. COVID-19 vaccine mandates were not in place yet.

In late 2021, Kat worked on the Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie movie “Babylon” – was she required to be COVID-19 vaccinated to have a role in the movie?

Kat was an avid traveler, traveling to Hawaii in June/July 2021 and Greece in August 2021.

“The booster jab I received over a year ago destroyed my health, my body, and my life completely”

Kat would probably have received her COVID-19 mRNA vaccine booster shot in Los Angeles either in Dec. 2021 or early 2022.

What COVID-19 vaccine injuries did she suffer after the booster shot?

ME/CFS – Myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (click here) .

  • People with ME/CFS are often not able to do their usual activities. At times, ME/CFS may confine them to bed. People with ME/CFS have overwhelming fatigue that is not improved by rest.
  • ME/CFS changes people’s ability to do daily tasks, like taking a shower or preparing a meal.
  • ME/CFS often makes it hard to keep a job, go to school, and take part in family and social life.
  • At least one in four ME/CFS patients is bed- or house-bound for long periodsduring their illness.
  • In addition to fatigue, patients with ME/CFS also suffer from a variety of other symptoms including post-exertional malaise, cognitive impairment, musculoskeletal pain, sleep dysfunction, sore throats, lymphadenopathy, orthostatic intolerance, and gastrointestinal symptoms.

ALS of the lung – Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (click here)

  • ALS is a neuromuscular disorder characterized by respiratory muscle weakness and a progressive decline in lung function
  • Death occurs within 3 to 5 years of onset, from respiratory complications

ME, CFS, ALS have been reported in “Long COVID”

Several studies have linked “long COVID” to ME/CFS, suggesting that the underlying cause of ME/CFS in patients with “long COVID” is an “aberrant and lasting immune response, possibly involving mast cells and microglia” (click here)

For ALS, there are studies that report accelerated ALS disease progression after COVID-19 infection with “rapid functional decline” (click here)

Nothing in the literature about COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and either CFS or ALS.

Kat was gaslit by her doctors (meaning they didn’t believe her).

NSW, Australia – Melene Guevremont was injured by 3 Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, now has symptoms of ALS and is wheelchair bound.

Calgary, AB – Mark Staudinger had ME/CFS caused by reaction to COVID vaccination over a year and a half ago (click here).

My Take…

Can COVID-19 vaccines cause ALS? There is some anecdotal evidence that yes, it’s possible, but it’s rare. The mechanism is unknown but could be an aberrant immune (autoimmune?) response after COVID-19 vaccination.

There are some reports of ALS post COVID-19 vaccination in VAERS that are quite convincing for causation (1645371)(1893118)(1916790)(1955385)(1976763)

In Kat’s case, she may have developed ALS after COVID-19 vaccination, or she may have had ALS which was then accelerated by three COVID-19 vaccines with “rapid functional decline”. I don’t have enough information.

Can COVID-19 vaccines cause ME/CFS? It appears there is a much stronger connection here.

There is a very interesting association between EBV viral infection and ME/CFS. (click here)

Even more interesting, is the fact that COVID-19 vaccines cause reactivation of dormant viruses, especially EBV. (click here)

So COVID-19 vaccines may be causing ME/CFS directly through a dysfunctional immune response, or indirectly through viral re-activation of EBV, a virus that almost everyone has.

Kat may have reversed much, if not all, of her DEATHVAX™ damage with Ivermectin and a good nutraceutical.


Do NOT comply.


  1. Her death is a shame, a sad thing that this happened.

    However, I wonder why so many people throw away their health just for a job? Or just even some comfort to avoid being tested? Or for some nonsense like being able to visit a restaurant or a cinema?

    I saw it too often here with the stupid 3G stuff. German for getested (“tested”), geimpft (“vaxxed”) and genesen (“recovered”).

    I understand the pressure from the regime but there are always alternatives. I´ve read a comment from a nurse who said if they make the vaxx mandatory in her job she rather goes to work at a gas station, even night shifts. That is the spirit! I would rather work a lower-pay job than take poison!

    I also wonder if the crap can be removed from the body. A while ago, I did a cleansing from vaxx stuff (from child and teenage age up, with no mRNA stuff, fortunately, in my case) and while I oppose vaxxing in general, if you are just vaxxed against flu or other non-COVID diseases you can get it out of the body.

    I visited a Heilpraktiker (licensed naturopath) for that, a former nurse who has become critical of the conventional medicine. It was removed by her with bioresonance. Some years before that, I did a therapy of drinking salt water made from mountain salt, as it also removes this and toxic metal from the body.

    Still, changing the DNA seems to be irreversibleor is it?

    There were even some reports on TV about vaxx damages, and they said a blood purification might help (but the people couldn´t afford it, as it cost about 10.000 €).

    • I agree, but in some cases we are not talking about a mere job to pay the bills, but about a successful career that one has developed through years of very hard work, a career that one passionately adores… eine Berufung und nicht bloß ein Beruf [“a calling and not just a job”].

      My late wife was passionate about the opera…. Edward de Vere/Shakespeare or Goethe about plays….Wernher von Braun about the civilian exploration of space…. and Leni Riefenstahl about film-making.

      For me, re-educating and uplifting a nation. I lived for that, with passion!

      If one has a wonderful career that is now threatened, and simultaneously one gets bombarded day-and-night with assurances by (bought-and-paid-for) scientists that the vaccine is safe….well, people eventually weaken and cave in.

      What a beautiful woman she was….. like quite a few ummixed Slavic females who have no mongol or dinaric blood.

  2. No surprise Google is hiding the truth.

    They were the first to be very censoring the truth about the Scamdemic. Either the obnoxious message “You can find info about COVID on the government’s website” would pop up or videos were downright deleted.

    I follow this interesting guy on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/@vegetablepolice/videos His name is Kasey Stern.

    Yes, he is part-jewish, but he openly admits that, even if he identifies himself as white.

    Mostly it´s entertainment talk about various diets, but also other things. He has to talk in code to prevent his channel from being deleted, as it is his main source of income. But in many things he is with us. He criticised the whole COVID issue; hinted that the 2020 election in the US was stolen; warns about the Satanist cabal; recommends WN content about WWII; and he said that Hitler was right.

    Some of his videos, unsurprisingly, he had to move over to Rumble.


    He also had a dramatic story about his own mother nearly dying due to the clot shots. I´m sympathetic with him, as smoking and COPD, which she unfortunately has, was also the cause of death of one of my own family members. It has very unpleasant long-term health consequences and makes the quality of life much worse.


  3. Attila Hildmann , der sich gegenwärtig in der Türkei aufhält, rezensiert eine jüngst von Alfred Schaefer …


    … gehaltene Rede, die es in sich hat – und ihm wohl erneut die Kerker der Bundesrepublik Deutschland aufsuchen läßt, da er sich in dessen Territorium aufhält, und zwar:

    (Die Rezension erstreckt sich auf knapp neun Minütchen)



    Die Rede Herrn Schaefers erstreckt sich auf etwa 18 Minuten, die ich im Netz leider bisher nicht auftun konnte – gegebenenfalls folgt ein Nachtrag, sollte ich fündig werden.

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