UPDATED INFO: Negro hate crime in New Orleans (where I lived 1989-90); white senior dragged by her own car until her arm rips off and all her clothing; she dies naked on the street as Whites desperately dial 911, but no Afro picks up the phone for 4:45 minutes; my memories of New Orleans white-rights candidate David Duke

Spread the love

Linda Frickey, 73, of likely German heritage by the name, died a horrible death at negro hands.

This is actual footage from a CCTV (surveillance camera) of the beginning of the crime. You can see the one male negro beating downward on someone who is not visible, slumped outside the car. Unsurprisingly, the cops are not releasing the part where she is dragged down the street and her arm and clothes are ripped off. That would of course indeed violate Mrs. Frickey’s dignity, but also incite white hatred of jungle blacks. (And not all Blacks are this way.)

This meme shows the point to which we are getting:

A comrade wrote me:

Hi, John.

NY Post article here with more details here:

Perpetrators still at large.
This is why people are moving to small, remote, mostly European-heritage towns like Ontonagon.

Previously published

Thank, BLM, because this is their hate-filled, murderous attitude toward Whites, and we saw it in Waukesha, where the black felon mowed down Whites at a innocent Christmas parade, killing six,and not one word or mention for days from Brandon….

A few days ago I predicted correctly:

 I bet we will see from who the perp (in a heavily black city) and victim were that this was a racial hate crime, but the media will play that down.

Linda Frickey wasn’t just killed. She was tortured, humiliated,  and slow-murdered, and her white neighbors that saw it happen will have PTSD for years…

Note that the white couple called 911 for four minutes and 45 seconds — and no negro bothered to pick up the phone in this totally black-run, black-ruined city.



…..The  spiritual aspect — whites in denial caused this crime too

My pity is not without its limits.

In 1989, 1990, 1991, 1996 and 1999, as well as in 2016, David Duke (for all his very serious flaws as a person, including his slanders of me, and I know this man all too well) ran on a very good white-rights platform and worked hard to be elected as, variously, a state representative (winning), as governor of Louisiana, US senator and as a US Congressman.

Of mostly Scottish blood, Duke was handsome, tall, muscular, intelligent, articulate and he knew how to tone down his rhetoric. He did not go “full-Hitler” on the brainwashed masses, or say the “n-word.” It was all kept in very moderate, reasonable tones.

While many Louisiana Whites did vote for him, many others did not.

Well, folks, now the racial nightmare that we white nationalists and national socialists have predicted is here.

White majority, you lied to yourself that the race problem should not be confronted or even mentioned.

A planet of liars.

This is why Hitler suspended democracy. Because of the spiritual level of the people.

Which is easier — for one man to be enlightened or an entire people?



— Margi and I at Duke’s November 2008 event in Memphis, Tennessee

Margi and I drove 857 miles (1,380 km) from Washington DC to Memphis in a little red Honda Prelude with a bad transmission to support (and both of us to speak at) the David Duke/EURO conference there after it was harassed by Antifa and the venue had to be moved.

Many speakers wussed out and cancelled out of fear of Antifa — but we drove 12 hours one-way to publicly and totally support the embattled white meeting.

At Duke’s 2008 event, Margi sang a beautiful rendition of “Ah, may the red rose live alway” by the legendary songwriter Stephen Foster (1826-64), of Scotch-Irish and English heritage (see further below), who also wrote huge hit songs that still are famous today, such as:

“Jeannie with the light brown hair,”

“Beautiful Dreamer,”

“O, Susanna,”

“Camptown Races,” and

“My Old Kentucky Home.”


Btw, Foster, a Northerner, had strong feelings against Blacks and did not support Abraham Lincoln or his vicious Civil War. One might call him a “Copperhead,” one of the MILLIONS of Yankees who sympathized with the South from understanding the race problem.

Lyrics (and note that this song is a protest against how the world goes, with often the good and the beautiful dying. WHY indeed should THEY be the ones to die??? and not the nasty and wicked?) : 

Ah! May the red rose live alway
To smile upon the earth and sky
Why should the beautiful ever weep?
Why should the beautiful die?

Lending a charm to every ray
That falls on her cheeks of light
Giving the zephyr kiss for kiss
And nursing the dewdrop bright

Ah! May the red rose live alway
To smile upon the earth and sky
Why should the beautiful ever weep?
Why should the beautiful die? [Margi stops here.]

Long may the daisies dance the field
Frolicking far and near
Why should the innocent hide their heads?
Why should the innocent fear?

Spreading their petals in mute delight
When morn in its radiance breaks
Keeping a floral festival
Till the night-loving primrose wakes

Long may the daisies dance the field
Frolicking far and near
Why should the innocent hide their heads?
Why should the innocent fear?


In the audio file below you can hear Duke do a rambling intro of Margi, interrupting it to discuss his dog, Torri, and I make a few funny remarks on-mike about the dog. 😉

Yours truly second from left

Margi then starts her own intro of both the composer, Stephen Foster, and his profound song, beginning at 4:15, and then she sings it through 8:14, receiving huge applause. 🙂


I speak on the same recording at 51:48-53:30 about my own experience with US military officers who get online just as we do and know about the jew and racial problems.

I refer to one, who was the skipper of a $2 billion US Navy destroyer and later served in a very high position on the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier.




….Negroes at Memphis restaurant luv to “dine-n-dash”

Dey sho’ gettin’ deah repamarations in Memphis, Tennessee:

–steak and shrimp,

–$11 margaritas, and

–openly smoking weed [marijuana] right in the restaurant.

When asked to stop, their leader acted all outraged — and they staged their “walkout.”

This restaurant should get a smaller door, then these fat negroes would never be able to come in. 😉

(Hunh, no mention of this on CNN or MSNBC. Can’t imagine why.)


A  waitress commented:

I used to be a server and this doesn’t surprise me. Either they don’t tip or they will find all kinds of things to complain about to try and get as much freebies as they can. It got to a point that I and others would refuse to serve groups of them and always made the new guy take the table. Even if we would charge the 15% tip on their bill, it still wasn’t worth the headache.


I really hate seeing things like this. Years ago this happened to a waitress I knew and she was crying her eyes out because of a dine-n-dash that happened to her. A party of around 12-14 people bailed out on her when she went in the back. Well, between all of us, we made up for that bill and gave her enough to last her for a while. She was so thankful she burst into tears. The manager there was very touched by what we did for her. It lead me and my crew getting VIP treatment at that restaurant for the next 3-4 years. We never had to wait in line for seating. I really, REALLY don’t understand how people can do things like that. That’s beyond entitlement. That’s outright criminal.

Anyone that’s ever been a waitress or waiter knows blacks can be quite a nightmare. Even 20 years ago when I was a waitress we’d always make sure to rotate anytime blacks or foreigners came in because blacks are more likely to run out or will enjoy having you run around extra much, eat all their food, take their time order more only to complain about it all after to have it compensated and they never tip. The reason with foreigners is because they’d speak another language but look at you smiling or giggling, and tend to leave really lousy tips or Pay with Canadian money. Back when I was a waitress we only made $3.10 an hour so you rely on tips paychecks were practically nothing. I’m sure today waitresses still make much less than minimum wage as well. Don’t be a shitty person if you can’t afford to go out to eat don’t -and tip your waitress.
True. Working in customer service blacks were the worst ones to deal with. They feel entitled and complain about everything but cannot handle being treated the same.

…..Lovely chat

I met a very nice couple from Scotland, two professional people who are touring the USA. We talked about Scotland; they want Scottish independence from Britain.

Sometimes I do feel disgust, discouragement and frustration at people, especially when they take no action to help even themselves. But then along come some really good folks like this Scottish couple and I remember how our Reich proved that both our best whites and even the most average white person have latent greatness and nobility in them, waiting to come out.



….New way to donate

If in the US, you can use Cash App:

Simply link it to your debit or credit card!

To send a payment:
— Open the Cash App
— Enter the amount
— Tap “Pay”
— Enter an email address (john_denugent@yahoo.com), phone number (if I gave it to you personally), or “$Cashtag” ($JohndeNugent)
— Enter what the payment is for (education)

It works in seconds, and you get an email confirmation!

If in Canada or overseas, set up a TransferWise account! Same basic idea.

Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!



….Recent donations

–-21 March 2022 $60 from M in Ontario, Canada

–-20 March 2022 200 euros from M in France

— 19 March 2022 $260 ($10 and then $250) from B in Georgia/USA


15 March 2022 $150 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

Historic downtown Boston — I lived nearby 1971-74 and 1994-2003

— 14 Mar 2022 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Chicago 😉

— 12 March 2022 $50 from M in Texas via PayPal

— 11 March 2022 200 euros from M in France via PayPal

— 10 March 2022 $150 via bank wire from P in Australia; my balance went from $3 to $153. 🙂

— 9 March 2022 $50 via Paypal from V in Denmark

— 5 Mar 2022 100 euros from M in France



— 1 March 2022 $100 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— 26 February 2022 $34 via PayPal from V in Denmark
— 26 February 2022 $100 check from K in California


— 26 Feb 2022 200 euros from M in France

— 23 Feb 2022 $80 via PayPal from J in San Francisco

— 22 Feb 2022 $25 Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 22 Feb 2022 $25 Duran coffee mug from P in Florida

A friend in Florida who also assiduously follows the Dynamic Durans, the best World-Figure-Outers Ever, bought me this elegant and sturdy Duran mug. This is the mug shot. 😉 Soon it will be full of hot coffee as a reward for a morning of snow-blowing (just off Lake Superior in Upper Michigan).


— 22 Feb 2022 $150 by bank wire from P in Australia



— 21 Feb 2022 $100 Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

— 20 Feb 2022 $100 from K in Massachusetts from CashApp

— 17 Feb 2022 100 euros (same in US dollars) from C in Germany

 — 17 Feb 2022 $100 via Cash App from K in Massachusetts
From: “Cash App” <cash@square.com>
To: “John de Nugent” <john_denugent@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 6:13 PM
Subject: K[] sent you $100
Payment from $KPLnd

— 12 Feb 2022 40 euros in cash from M in France


  1. Everywhere I go in Britain, I keep seeing more and more black faces swarming in the streets. They are like a swarm of flies around a cow’s arse.
    Politicians are to blame.
    Some say that not enough have been shot.
    Along with the left, Jewish refugee charities are also responsible for white ethnic cleansing.

      • Lol . Scotish people want independence from Britain. Lol its the other way around. We want the snivelling porridge wogs to leave Britain.
        They cost UK more money than is collected in taxes.
        They rely on dwindling North Sea oil, that doesn’t belong to them.
        The World is going Green. Oil is bad.
        You have to take your share of the National debt when you go.
        You can’t use the pound sterling
        You can’t have the Queen if you’re independent.
        You will need visas and passports when you go.
        You will pay import duties and taxes on Exported goods to UK.
        The EU said you don’t Qualifiy for EU membership.Too poor.
        No more £ Billions each year from London to Scotland.
        No more jocks voting on Britains laws. Whilst Britain can’t vote on Scottish laws.
        One more Question, when are you porridge wogs leaving ?

  2. DE Sorry wenn ich das sage, aber das Bild von Duke mit dem Hund in der Handtasche sieht schon sehr gay aus 😉

    Gerade weil er ja an sich gut aussieht, aber das Bild geht gar nicht.

    Ich habe mich fast vor Lachen bepisst.


    Sorry to say this, but the photo of Duke with the little dog in his handbag looks very gay 😉

    Precisely because he was good-looking himself, the picture is not good.

    I almost peed on myself off with laughter. 😉


    Yes, and then it was Duke and Black who called ME gay behind my back…..

  3. He flew his dog 22 times across the Atlantic at about $100 a pop. Wow, that really makes me want to send Duke a big contribution.

    • Right.

      I don’t want to make this about Duke’s many serious flaws (which I have fully exposed since the spring of 2011) …. because the public did not know any of this, his message was spot-on, the guy had undeniable charisma and, yes, sex appeal, and half the voters ARE women…. 😉 but the big issue is why he never got more than 60% of the white vote in a negro-ruined state… a man who “had it all” in terms of what the public saw, a white-nationalist John Kennedy.

      But, given that the other 40% of Whites in the Bayou State were brain-dead — into total denial of racial reality — and then given the huge black vote on top of it….as in any Deep-South state, such as Louisiana is, you have to outright landslide the white vote to barely squeak by with a win.

      And now the whole country, in 2022, is the way Louisiana was in 1989, majority minority (given all the brownies and then the white libtards who hate themselves).

      The problem is denial, Whites lying to themselves that “somehow things will turn out all right.”

      I hesitate to say this, but in a way the horrendous demise of Mrs Frickey can at least help Whites wake up.

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