UPDATED Nikki Haley is why the Founding Fathers decided not to let women vote; Sakharov’s tsunami bomb

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 Nikki Haley makes me think about why the Founding Fathers believed in a patriarchy and did not give women the vote. I have never seen a more hyper-emotional, nagging, irritating and utterly fact-free “high government official” in the 63 years of my life than this female “diplomat.” (LOL!) ……..
“My controllers want a war. So I’ll screw with Russia until I get it.” Halley looks genuinely mentally disturbed. I suppose this bitch imagines she will get admission to the nuclear bunker outside of NYC with Soros, Rockefeller, Kissinger and Rothschild just before the thick blast  doors close — and WWIII begins. No, they will let this shabbaz shiksa incinerate out in the cold with the rest of the goyim.
There are plenty of fine, and even highly educated women who have a good, level head on their shoulders (such as my Margi!) — but if WW3 breaks out, you can blame half of it on the infuriating, harridan tone and idiocy of this creature.
Russian men are not feminists, or cucks, but mostly a courageous and manly lot, and they do not take lightly being lectured to and lied about by this raging harpy. (Margi and I)
I, she and Canadian activist Paul Fromm
But to be fair, this male is equally bonkers. Whatever the f— is this FOOL smiling about? He nearly ignited World War Three!

More sanctions against Russia to be announced on Monday – Haley

Matthew Jerabek same one who removed the Dixie flags!!!!

Greg Yakovlev She is not “Nikki Haley.” She is Nimrata Randhawa.

John de Nugent Indeed! Wiki:

“Haley was born Nimrata Randhawa in Bamberg, South Carolina, on January 20, 1972 to an Indian American Sikh family.”

Jason Burghardt She’s not crazy. Probably a sociopath. But then all these puppets are…

John de Nugent Sorry but to me she acts as if she really believes her insane bullshit.
Ciarán Hercules Kennerk PT Be careful. Nikki might get offended you called her a bitch.
Stephen Wynne Rumor has it she’s an Indian Jew
John de Nugent Her parents were Sikhs; she says she is now a Born-Again.
Stephen Wynne John de Nugent twice-born would be okay

Brandal T. Payne John de Nugent 

That would be 2 too many times.;-)

Constantin Von Hoffmeister She’s just doing her job. Obviously she has a script.

John de Nugent She acts like an MK-ULTRA, a mind-control zombie. No one in their right mind wants to risk WWIII.
Even if Assad were raping children on live tv (and he is not, but instead he is a noble patriot defending his country), even if he WERE evil, how does that compare with SIX BILLION DEAD in a thermonuclear holocaust?

…..The war on Syria is ILLEGAL

Jay Cee What law was broke? 😉

John de Nugent  Where do I begin?
Well, aside from
1) the slander involved in doing these false-flag attacks and hoaxes (I think that in both the Skripal and Dhouma cases, NO ONE was poisoned at all), it is

2) a “crime against peace” to a) attack a country that has not attacked you, or, if intervening to prevent a supposed massacre, b) to march in if you are not authorized by the UN Security Council.

John de Nugent Once any great power arrogates unto itself the right to carry out “regime change” on any foreign government anywhere, we are heading toward chaos — and forcing smaller countries to buy or build nukes!
It means literally that no government on earth that is just minding its own business can ever feel safe. 
Chuck Oliver I’m sick of the US military being overused across the country. But why is it so hard for you to believe that the motivation just might be upholding a ban on the use of chemical weapons. Some people bend the world to fit their cherished narratives and it’s not just Rachael Maddow

John de Nugent Every word out of the mouth of the Deep State and its puppets — willing or blackmailed –is a LIE. I remember Johnson and Westmoreland lying shamelessly about Vietnam, for God’s sake. There is NO evidence Russia used any chemical weapons or Assad. Are you so young you forget Colin Powell swearing that Saddam was going to use chemical weapons and was stocking nukes? L:ies, lies, LIES!


Danny R Thomson John lets not forget the photographs of Iraqi villages that had allegedly been wiped out with chem weapon tests by saddam shown widely on msm before rumsfeld etc appeared claiming to have concrete proof of mobile nuke/chem facilitys on trucks

Chuck Oliver John de Nugent You see that’s what happens when you let the narrative run wild. Yes there is a lot of lies. But you turn that into nothing but lies. There’s a difference. It’s entirely possible for critical analysis to get swallowed by narrative construction, and one starts being more creative in a literacy sense than analytical. Painting with too wide a brush.
John de Nugent Chuck Oliver Maybe the truth is just too scary, Chuck. We all want to believe.
Chuck Oliver Same thing goes with the critique of Israel. There are definite problems there, and they certainly have too much power over the US Congress. But they aren’t in total control, nor are they hiding under our beds and in every dark corner.
John de Nugent Chuck Oliver I wish I could agree. I spent 18 years in Washington DC and three in Marine Corps Intelligence (until I was exposed and transferred out to an all-black supply unit) and I tell you, with my hand on my heart, they absolutely do control almost EVERYTHING.
John de Nugent By controlling the Fed since 1913, they have the cash to buy up politicians, the media, entertainment, judges, admirals, generals –and if you do not take their bribes, then they try to blackmail you. If you are squeaky-clean, they frame you. Or they just up and kill you.
See Seth Rich, who was btw both liberal and Jewish.

……Sakharov’s tsunami bomb

A comrade commented on my blogsite (https://johndenugent.com/us-govt-website-taunts-putin-that-we-killed-several-hundred-russians-in-february-trump-in-january-said-us-needs-a-unifying-event/#comment-617649):

You wrote “Or Putie will ignite underwater hydrogen bombs off the coast and flood everything to the Appalachian mountain chain.”

Extreme flooding caused by that would also set off all the nuclear reactors on the coastline causing dozens of Fukushimas and definitely delivering a 100%% fatal blow to the ecosystem triggering a total ecological collapse. A dead planet is pretty much a given in a nuclear war anyways, but there are a million ways it can instantly get that much worse, unfortunately.”

John de Nugent This was an American 8-kiloton underwater detonation in 1958 https://johndenugent.com/…/underwater-h-bomb-pillar…Manage

John de Nugent But Soviet physicist Sakharov proposed that 100 or 200 kt bombs be detonated to annihilate the entire US East Coast and England, northern France,Holland, northern Germany, etc.

Stephen Wynne Some of those weapons take a slow transport plane to deliver because they’re so large
John de Nugent A Russian submarine can transport and bury them at prepositioned locations.
Stephen Wynne John de Nugent you realize with the American type that we’re dealing with any sort of threat becomes something of a justification for a deadly response.
Stephen Wynne People like you and I look for the root cause of a problem. The average American says “Ho I see who’s threatening me. I know just what to do.”
John de Nugent Stephen Wynne The egoic mind that Eckhart Tolle decries.
Stephen Wynne John, good for you for being an alarmist. I would hate to wake up and have all the power off and hear the news that a radioactive Cloud was heading my way because nobody said a word of reality.
John de Nugent The Good-old-USA, God’s Country, etc, today:
After the Sakharov H-BOMB tsunami waves flood the west coast to the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountains — and the East Coast to the spine of the Appalachian range: San Diego, L.A., San Francisco, Portland and Seattle also gone, likewise Miami, Atlanta, Richmond, Wash. D.C. (thank God at least for that 😉 ) , Philly, NYC (oy veh) and Boston.

Stephen Wynne I really should be reading Tolle.

John de Nugent Stephen Wynne Earthlings are slaves to their thoughts, feelings, perceptions, memories and anxieties — and unable to see the plain truth when possessed by them.
Giving us earthlings nukes is like giving a 14-y/o boy a sixpack and a Ferrari. 
Stephen Wynne Sakharov is one of those Jewish Engineers who won the Nobel Prize for peace?
John de Nugent I never heard he was Jewish. He looked very Russian-Slavic-Baltic.
Russell Weber III It has been theorized that Mars had it’s magnetic pulse killed by a nuclear blast.

John de Nugent Dr.Joseph Farrell (PhD Oxford) believes the Great Pyramid was a gigantic weapon, gathering earth energy, bundling it, and firing a blast at 1) Mars and 2) a planet just beyond Mars which it disintegrated, and which is now the asteroid belt. 
John de Nugent Farrell is amazing, and all his sources and footnotes can be checked https://johndenugent.com/…/giza-death-star-farrell.jpgManage
John de Nugent Mars has a gigantic gouge on the side, as if some beam raked over it. https://johndenugent.com/…/valles-marineris-mars.jpgManage
John de Nugent One can ask what kind of asteroid strike could cause a gouge 2500 miles long, and which runs a quarter of the circumference of the planet — a quarter turn. Any gigantic asteroid would hit and bounce off. Farrell says Earth and Mars had a war — and Earth won.

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