UPDATED Psychopaths on parade; is Wayne Perry Pyrzewski on the FBI “take”?

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Wayne Perry Pryzewski is a psychopath to invent the vicious slander below calling me a pedophile. And I now suspect he is getting paid cash by the FBI (their usual $200 a month) to troll me.

The FBI has had “broke” WN ex-cons on the dole for years: “Cooperate [which might mean inventing a serious crime imputed to a major WN whom they fear, such as me or the late, framed WN lawyer Edgar Steele] or we will invent some reason to send you right back to prison.”

So they take the money and slander whomever the FBI says to.

Ex-fed prisoner Don Black, ex-fed prisoner David Duke and ex-fed prisoner Henrik Holappa have all attacked me for no reason whatsoever with slanders. It is how they stay out of prison and get cash.

People just do not fully grasp, or apply the realization, that the feds and cops make crooked deals ALL THE TIME with prisoners to LIE and get a lighter sentence, BETTER PRISON CONDITIONS, or, if they are on the outside, cash — or else “bad thing will happen to them.”

Tom Metzger therefore asked: “Can we ever fully trust anyone who has been in federal custody?” In view also of the MK-ULTRA program also, I say, often NO, and especially not if they go on a rampage against a WN activist.

Especially not if they begin slandering a WN the feds fear (for his influence or future potential as a threat to ZOG)

I had zero contact with this Wayne Pyrzewksi until he attacked me out of the blue. As for his claims about himself, we all know how the prisons are full to bursting with innocent white men. 😉 These lying whiners and repeat jailbirds are nothing but pale-faced versions of the “dindu nuffin.”

Psychopath, atheist and repeat felon Wayne Perry Pyrzewski, alias “Shane Bunting” is quite a piece of work.  See this article below and, after it, the comments he made!

If you ever wanted to understand and really see for yourself what a flesh-and-blood PSYCHOPATH is like, a man without remorse, a man i-n-c-a-p-a-b-l-e of remorse, and A BORN CRIMINAL who interprets any kind of niceness or understanding as being “weakness,” this Wayne Perry Pyrzewski is a true textbook case.

Oh, and he advocates “the capture and re-education of women, including 16 year old girls.”
Well, well, “capture” is sure one way to express what he has in mind.

Two comrades on VK, Michael Weaver and Mark Calvin, alerted me to this disinfo spreader, Wayne Pyrzewski, so here he is, exposed:

First, his slander (from my post here https://vk.com/wall351111810_13521)

WN psychopath and shoplifter on parade: Wayne Pyrzewski, alias “Shane Bunting” (name of a Canadian rapper) on VK .. I can understand from this Kalispell, Montana news item just why he hides his true name. ;-)(https://www.dailyinterlake.com/article/20170807/ARTIC..

“A mother and son are in jail after their alleged involvement in an incident of theft and assault at a grocery store. Wayne Perry Pyrzewski, 25, has been charged with felony robbery. Ann Mary Pyrzewski, 49, has been charged with felony accountability to robbery. Bail is set at $50,000 for each person.”

Thanks go out to comrades Mark Calvin and Michael Weaver for alerting me. What a card-carrying psychopath! And his accusatory inversion — an open pedo accusing others of HIS crime — is classic. Btw, this beaut also did 18 months for felonious assault with a deadly weapon in a Michigan state prison in 2013-14:


So this guy is six feet tall, and has blue eyes and a Polish name.

Not a Jew — a WHITE psychopath.

Same as “Ike,” Dwight Eisenhower, a blue-eyed WHITE psychopath.

Ike sure was a piece of work. I was just reading an interview with James Bacque in the latest Barnes Review, where he talks about how Ike and FDR denied any plan to starve the Germans while doing exactly that, even banning the production of fertilizer and sinking German fishing boats.

Bacque says that 50% more Germans died in American than in Soviet camps.

….See also, from

Especially important blogs

….this key essay:




  1. Out of all posts, you have got to use the most obvious trolling one on my page. The end goal was to have somebody take a screenshot and post it to get David Lane’s writings out there and it absolutely worked.

    As for the “shoplifting” case, it was dropped. We were not convicted of a single theft let alone a robbery. The police went so far as to print a phony receipt the day after we were in jail that completely conflicted with my debit card transaction. They said I stole three bags of discount beef jerky and never found three bags on my person and the receipt they claim they got from my mother’s purse was for $4.50 and printed after we were both in jail the next day when the actual transaction was on my debit card for over $100. We were not convicted of any form of theft and the original charges were dropped.

    And I never served any time in prison either, least of all for 18 months. I was given a 6 month sentence with three months at a halfway house and violated so was sent back to all together around 11 months. Not 18 months and not in state prison, county jail.

    And with all of that aside, I subscribe to the spiritual, religious, political, esoteric and philosophical teachings of David Eden Lane. And the primary purpose of edgy shitposting is to spread David’s writings. Most don’t spread his writings even when I ask. That was basically one of the only ways to get direct links to David’s writings on John De Nugent’s website.

    • So it was “okay” to call me a pedophile in order to get your David Lane message out….. Obviously it was okay for you, since you offer no apology to me for accusing me falsely of the gravest crime that is out there.

      Are you aware that I have written extensively about being in the CIA’s jew-founded and jew-run MK-ULTRA program as a child? I was placed in the worst section of all, the “Manchurian Candidate” subprogram for select kids of high military officers and politicos. I was molested myself as a child, and had violent nightmares until I was 49 (and got counseling for 18 months.)

      The accusation of being an active pedophile is the most serious accusation there is.

      Henry Kissinger, one of the premier monsters of our time, is seen here photographing a child, Nicole Cianci, who later killed herself using heroin, (http://www.abc6.com/story/17632537/nicole-cianci-daughter-of-buddy-cianci-dies) …. With his hand on her head is her father, the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, Buddy Cianci, who later did five years for extortion; next to them is my father, James Waddell Nugent.

      This is what I went through:

      To falsely accuse an innocent person of pedophilia is the second vilest slander that is imaginable, but the most despicable slander of all is when the person so libelled was himself a victim of such horrors, and suffered insomnia and unimaginable nightmares for decades from it.

      All pedophiles need to be slow-cooked in a microwave for hours, their screams recorded to play to other pedophiles under investigation, and then they must be dumped from a plane 2,000 feet up, fully conscious, to fall into the sea for the sharks.


      I will pray for your soul.

      • You say you will “pray for my soul” as you slander me with false information. http://www.DavidLane1488.com/dissension.html You are the one spreading “disinformation”. And as I am not a Judeo-Christian. http://www.DavidLane1488.com/fanatic.html As pointed out, I adhere to the spiritual and religious philosophy of David Eden Lane. http://www.DavidLane1488.com/whywotan.html

        As for calling you and Simon Tomlin “Boy-Lovers”, that doesn’t necessarily infer that you are a practicing pro-contact pedophile, just that you have an attraction to boys which you and him genuinely seem to do. Especially Simon Tomlin who as a journalist has a very sketchy political past himself. It can be shown on VK that he has multiple profiles and posted “anti-Nazi” things.

        I don’t care about your claims to have been raped as a child. If there is any merit to the claim that pedophiles are that way because of childhood trauma, it just reinforces a case that you genuinely are a Boy-Lover. You are quite eccentric to say the least.

        And David Lane not only taught please for our best men but the capture and re-education of women including 16 year old girls as well. http://www.DavidLane1488.com/kdrebel4.html And that isn’t “pedophilia”. While we don’t believe in the rape of kids, the term “pedo” is thrown around many times where it doesn’t belong http://www.DavidLane1488.com/lecture.html and ends up with glamorization of the police powers of “United States”. http://www.DavidLane1488.com/police.html We take issue with that as we not only believe in death to “United States” http://www.DavidLane1488.com/revreality.html but also endorse polygamy, “violence” and girls marrying at around 16 (Precept 34) as also taught by Bernhardt Klassen, Matt Hale, Varg Vikernes and others.

        If you are indeed not attracted to boys, then indeed an apology would be forthcoming. But that doesn’t negate your own slander and association with solid “comrades” like Mark Calvin who are really just flies to shit with racially suspect backgrounds etc.

    • You are the “fly on shit.” I dont think you are “trolling.” You are pushing child abuse, and trying to play word games, and attacking people who tell you that you’re wrong for it.

      You’re trash.

      Why would they care about a receipt when they said you stole the food? Maybe they dropped the charges if you agreed to pay. That’s nice of them.

      If you really fought with cops over a snack food, they should have at least put you in the drunk tank and let you get the full charge for shoplifting. What the hell is the matter with you, man? You need to get it out of your system and clean up your act, or quit claiming to be White racialist.

  2. Hai tutti noi dalla tua parte..trovare un vero rappresentante non è stato facile,parlo per me…ma tu sei quella stella nel cielo fissa(la stella polare di Tula).Ti dovremmo ringraziare ogni giorno.

  3. Setting the Record Straight

    The words of Matt Hale

    “I wanted to make something clear: I never had any sort of relations with a 13 year old girl and this is the first I’ve heard of some liar saying otherwise ( I married Terra when she was 17 and this is legal in the state of Illinois). So , I am disturbed by the defamation of my character and I ask that you set the record straight with whoever is in need of it. It makes me mad because, while its true that Wayne Pyzrewski (”Shane Bunting”) used to write me — I haven’t heard from him in three years or so. He never mentioned anything about using my name in such a fashion and of course I’m mad about the false allegation in itself. I have half the mind to sue the shit out of him. In any event, the most critical problem is that there is a hell of a difference between a lawful union of a man of 25 (as I was at the time) and a 17 year old and a unlawful pedastry between a man and a child. Please express my disgust of the misrepresentation in the strongest terms. I don’t like my name used for things that I do not approve.




    • Statute 18-907 PYRZEWSKI, ANN MARY DOB: 11/30/1967 YOA: 54 Height: 5’06” Weight: 190 Hair: BLN Eyes: HAZ HAYDEN, ID 83835 Wanted For: AGG BATT, COMM BURG, WANTED THEFT Description Aggravated Battery Defined 118-1401A_M COMMERCIAL BURGLARY 1ST OFFENSE 118-2407 (2) THEFT – WANTED THEFT Statute 18-907 CHARGE DETAIL – Issue Date 5/2/2022 5/2/2022 5/2/2022 Wanted For : AGG BATT, COMM BURG, WANTED THEFT Description Aggravated Battery Defined 118-1401A_M COMMERCIAL BURGLARY – 1ST OFFENSE 118-2407 (2) THEFT – WANTED THEFT PYRZEWSKI, WAYNE PERRY DOB: 5/22/1992 YOA: 30 Height: 6’02” Weight: 245 Hair : BLN Eyes : BLU CHARGE DETAIL Status Case # ACT 22-06325 ACT 22-06325 ACT 22-06325 Issue Date Status Case # 5/2/2022 ACT 22-06317 5/2/2022 ACT 22-06317 5/2/2022 ACT 22-06317 Class FFF Warrant # 22-1647 22-1647 22-1647 Class Warrant # 22-1644 FFF 22-1644 22-1644

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