Urgent email to the sheriff of this county; my summons to WN men to come do your duty

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If you are a real man and can come up here at this time to help and physically defend me, at age 66 (strong but a bit slower, of course, than before) this is the time to man up. 
The life you save might just be your own.

….Harassment, stalking and slander for six years straight

John de Nugent <john_denugent@yahoo.com>
To:Dale Rantala, sheriff Ontonagon County, UP of Michigan
Tue, 16 Feb at 10:38 am
I wanted to make sure you got this, sheriff. I do not wish to go to the state police, though some who know H[] well have urged me to do that.
I discussed it with a local who says, “Yes, that is stalking. She is going behind you into bars and insulting you with fighting words [to wit, “fucking old pussy,” “coward,” “lazy bum,” “get a job, you old pathetic loser” and “you were never in the Marine Corps” (a slander of “stolen valor” which especially incenses me, and which I disproved to her with my DD214) — and filthy language in front of others.”
This was not my final discharge, since I did an interservice transfer to the Virginia Army National Guard (an infantry company) in Manassas, Virginia, was designated as Company Guardsperson of the Year for 1980 by the CO, Captain John Holt, and was honorably discharged from there in 1983 as a sergeant.
(I would have made staff sergean had I not gone on the inactive reserve in 1981, after four years, as per my enlistment contract.)
I see H[] sitting with people, and inciting them against me with hatred in her eyes. 
Some of them, I suspect that she hopes, will get violent FOR her.
She has been doing this harassment since one night at S[] in 2014, getting literally right up in my face. 
Seven years of this. Now I need things to de-escalate, and ask again for your help.
The next thing will be blogging with her name and photo about this hate campaign, printing it out — and distributing it in the town.
It is fine for any American to oppose my political views, and we used to call this a “free country,” which is now in doubt.
But I submit that it is not a right to harass, stalk and seek to provoke violence against me and bother me when peacefully, quietly having a drink .. and thereby supporting local, struggling business owners who have their financial back to the wall thanks to the hated Gov. Whitmer’s Covid lockdowns.
IMO, 1) her fighting words are harassment; 2) she is disturbing the peace;  and 2) she is stalking me. That is three repeated infractions.
Sheriff Rantala, let’s keep Ontonagon out of the UP and even national headlines, sir.   
And most people are sane enough, unlike the deragend H[], to understand that volunteers for the United States  Marine Corps, where every member is a trained rifleman, and then the Army infantry should not be considered as “pussies.”
I’ve been threatened by the Obama White House, and did not back down. No local drunk will succeed either.

“We’re watching you.”

Btw, my dad before me served in the Marines and was a staff sergeant in this famous battle of Iwo Jima.
Then he served as an officer in Korea, saw 50% of his officer class killed or wounded and evacuated, and he was too, waking up in Japan after three days in a coma caused by a Chinese mortar round.
Captain (laterLieutenant Colonel) James Waddell Nugent
I do not come from a family of “pussies,” sheriff.
But calling me a “pussy” (her most common epithet) is designed, IMO, to incite some male to feel enough bravado to take a swing at me, knife me from behind, or worse, in the bar — or while walking peacefully to see Margi, who is recovering from Stage III throat cancer, cannot eat or drink (she uses a feeding tube), and she needs me  to survive.
A recent Zogby poll, Sheriff Rantala, said 47% of Americans expect a civil war.
Trump supporters expect that under Biden they will be physically attacked, disarmed, fired from their jobs, and lose all their freedoms, and perhaps then even be forced to take a, in their view, untested and possibly dangerous vaccine.
The atmosphere is now much tenser than in 2014, when H[] began, with no provocation, to approach, harass and insult me in front of others.
I literally had no idea who she was at first.  I just left the S[] bar and walked out into the snow, my drink unfinished, and H[], drunk, yelled at me even as I walked away across the parking lot toward the museum and down the access road heading to St. Vincent’s and my rented home on S. Steel Street.
Never have I let anyone call me a pussy before that.
I will not hit a woman, but she is sitting there, in my presence, inciting young, fit males.
And I have no guarantee here with UP that a woman, ust by being a woman, is necessarily unarmed, knowing female hunters myself.
And a drunken woman, at that  level of hatred, is one hundred percent capable of violence. 
H[] invited me to “take a swing at me, you fucking pussy” at the S[], and asked the barmaid, S[], “Why are you serving that piece of shit sitting over there?”
Those sentiments might help explain the conclusion of a new survey that finds a majority of U.S. adults believe the country is “on the verge” of a second civil war. Of those, four of 10 said they “strongly agree” with that sentiment expressed most sharply by those identifying themselves as very conservative or very liberal.

More:Don’t get divorced because of Trump. The tough work of settling America’s political differences


The online poll Sept. 23 has a margin of error of 4.42 percentage points in either direction.

“This is the single most frightening poll result I’ve ever been associated with,” said Rich Thau, president of Engagious, one of the three firms, along with the Sports and Leisure Research Group and ROKK Solutions, that sponsored the survey.

Thau said that the partisan tensions have been “bubbling below the surface or just above” for some time and that the divisions are being ruptured further by a pandemic over which both sides disagree on the severity and response and an election in which both sides view each other as hardened combatants.

“So, what’s the consequence of that? How bad does this get?” said Thau, who has been holding focus groups with battleground state voters as part of the Swing Voter Project. “You’ve got people on the far left with guns, people on the far right with guns. And an unwillingness of political elites to condemn this. … People are girding themselves for something awful to happen.”

R[] at S[] saw the whole 2014 incident, the first of many, and she told me later that, though she herself is a liberal, she told her: 
“Stop harassing my customer.”
John de Nugent
—– Forwarded message —–
From: John de Nugent <john_denugent@yahoo.com>
To: Dale Rantala <
Sent: Thursday, 11 February 2021, 10:49:17 pm GMT-5
Subject: IPhone issue now moot; Holly H. problem
Hi, Sheriff.
I ran into James today and to his and my dismay, the snow grinder machine had already come and sheered off the whole snowbank outside R[]s, so he gave up.
Thanks for your time, anyway.
On another note, the same H[] (a cousin, ironically, of this James who lost his iPhone) who has verbally accosted me for years (I wrote you about her last year) did so again at the S[] tonight in front of others, asked the barmaid why she was “serving that piece of shit over there” (pointing at me), then began calling me a “pussy,” and lying that she had never said I never served in the Marines, which I had already disproved to her by showing her my DD214.
This woman is also going around to other people in my presence, huddling with them in plain sight, trying to get them to hate me. I guess I cannot stop her from that, but in this day and age of Antifa and BLM, fighting words can lead to one of her “brainwashees” getting physical with me.
And that will be bad for that person.
Is it legal for her to in effect stalk me (she sees me and goes into attack mode) and vilify me (totally unprovoked) in public like that? I think it is verbal harassment.
I wonder if you can have a talk with her, Sheriff, before she incites some male to attack me?
Not once have I ever started anything with her. It is now six years of this since she first confronted me at S[9, getting in my face, wagging her finger under my nose, and insulting me. I do not enjoy being called a pussy in front of other men.
I’m not about to hit a woman, and I keenly resent her taking advantage of that fact.
But if some guy under her influence comes at me, obviously I will defend myself and end the situation. If some LE then tries to use that as a pretext to arrest ME, the assaultee, I guarantee there will be a tragedy in this town.
No gun seizure or Red Flag law will work. Trying that would be pointless, and it would be suicidal for me with haters like H[] about.
I could literally see her setting my house on fire.
Your timely help would be most appreciated, sir!
On Thursday, 11 February 2021, 09:22:08 pm GMT-5, [sheriff] wrote:

That would work.  I do not have access to one.    Snow might have ruined it already
Sheriff Dale Rantala
Ontonagon County


From: John de Nugent <john_denugent@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2021 10:58:03 AM
To: Dale Rantala
Subject: friend can send me ASAP a metal detector for Hermannson iPhone

Hi, sheriff:
A friend of mine (fmr Marine officer who is into metal detecting as a hobby, and is looking seriously at houses here in town, btw.) says he can send me a metal detector asap.
My worry is that the village snow grinder will come along, grind up the snow bank at R[]s, and thus destroy that $1000 iPhone that belongs to James.

Especially important blogs



…..Recent donations

It costs me US$250 a month for webhosting and a top-flight webmaster, so you get info that you can find nowhere else.

Governments trying to hack me on a typical day, 3o January  2021:


What other English-speaking blogger speaks two foreign languages fluently (German and French) and is conversant in four more (Spanish, Swedish, Greek and Russian),

–has lived twice in Europe (Austria and France)

–had a security clearance in Marine Corps intelligence and rapid promotions,

–had a father who was a friend of several Republican presidents, and

–combines genuine spirituality with white nationalism and the vital extraterrestrial context of our whole problem



I am also paying a European professional writer, “François Arouet,” who has a child, a former Princeton student, to add top material on current events and culture to my site.


I thank those who responded to my very urgent request for funds.

I now have in François a paid, full-time writer cum website monitor who watches for hackers, reporting intruders to my Russian webmaster, who is also paid by me.

–15 February 2021 $10 via Amazon gift card from S in Texas

–13 February 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 11 February 2021 20 euros, cash, and a nice ltr from S in Germany

–10 February 2021 100 Euros via PayPal from C in Austria

–9 February 2021 $100 cash and ltr re Battle of the Bulge from B in Florida


–8 February 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Cicero, Illinois

— 6 February 2021 $600 donation by check from P in Florida (actually, it was the forgiveness of $600 on a $1,000 loan by a former Marine Corps officer to support my work)

–5 February 2021 100 euros and card from M in France

–30 January 2021 gift of a “Frame Lock” pistol holster (Phalanxsystems.com, “Made in USA”) from M in Texas, which I now use to open-carry my .40 Smith & Wesson

Inside — loops for your trouser belt


Ready for attacks by BLM, Antifa, local thugs or anyone else who lusts to harm me and my loved ones 


–30 January 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card and letter from R in San Francisco, California

–29 January 2021 100 Euros ( = US$100) from M in France

–28 January 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–27 January 20201 $233 via PayPal from T in Australia

–23 January 2021 100 euros and card from M in France

–21 January 2021 $40 and as ltr from N in Tennessee

–20 January 2021 100 euros from M in France


–14 January 2021 100 euros from M in France

–14 January 2021 $5 via Amazon gift card from S (a belated birthday gift on the sixth-month anniversary of my 66th birthday)

Created with GIMP

–13 January 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–13 January 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from G in Cicero, Illinois

–12 January 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–6 January 2021 200 Euros (like US dollars in value) from C in Germany

–4 January 2021 $160 cash from K in Massachusetts

–2 January 2021 100 euros (around 100 US$) and a very kind note from M in France

(There you see again how in indoor light my dark-blue eyes, like those of AH, seem grayish-brown) 

M wrote:

Dear John and dear Margi,

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Thanks for bringing light into this darkest of times.


–2 January 2021 100 US dollars from W in northern Virginia


This comrade wrote:

To John and Margi,


for all that you do and have done for our Folk andCause

Aurë Entuluva! (Daylight will come again!)

All the Best,




  1. Mi dispiace 🙁 🙁
    Che essere spregevole!
    Se attaccano,io attacco.
    Alcuni compagni maschi non hanno avuto pietà di me da piccola a scuola;i tempi ora sono cambiati.
    Sono le donne a dare più fastidio!
    Ora sono peggio dei maschi.
    Io non sopporto le minacce,gli insulti,i colpi bassi.
    Andrei dritta al collo di queste galline…
    Quando è troppo…
    È tua legittima difesa.

    • Transl:

      I’m sorry for you 🙁 🙁

      What a despicable human being!

      If people attack, I attack right back.

      Some male classmates took no pity on me as a child at school; times have now changed.

      Womeni iin any case, can be the most annoying! Now they are worse than boys.

      I can’t stand threats, insults, and low blows.

      I would go straight to the neck of these chickens … when it gets to be too much …

      It is your right to defend yourself!


  2. Wow, that level of hatred, presumably just from reading your blog. Terrible. I hope the sheriff can do something to have that behavior permanently ended.

    • Thanks.

      The one and only social contact I ever had with this person, as I recall now, was at a local bar and grill where she was a barmaid, before the incident at the other bar. I ordered a beer from the local microbrewery, the Keweenaw Brewing Conmpany, specifically a Pickaxe Blond. (We once had many miners in the UP, and also many blond Finns.)

      She looked a bit like the girl on the can, so I smiled (I like women in general and paying them a compliment), and smiled and said: “Oh wow, this girl looks like you!” She then gave me the most hateful scowl I have ever gotten, which nonplussed me (as in “hunh?” 😉 ).

      It is the egoic mind on parade.

      Specifically, this woman is an antiracist type, and she has also read the Holappa and Carlos Porter filth, and chosen 1) to believe these lies and 2) chosen to also refuse to read my point-by-point refutations of them.

      This is a person with a violent, hateful streak.

      This was my article of May of last year about this same person.


      In psychiatry, this behavior is called perseveration. Stalkers are this way, obsessed with a person they hate (or want in a possessive way), and thus very dangerous.

      I may just go get a court order against her.

  3. There exist born psychopaths and made psychopaths.
    That lady (please excuse me for using unjustly such fine name) is probably a commie.
    True commies are atheists, that is, they abandon God and in return God abandons them.
    Since man was created with an intimate need for God (thats why every culture or tribe looks in their particular way for God or deity), abandoning him, which is the first crazy tought, leads with the time to still more deranged thinking, including feeling hate towards other people and even towards God himself.
    Also, having (in good justice) being abandoned by God, that person is vulnerable to the influence of evil spirits who instill into his subconscious all kinds of twisted things that later surface as the classical atrocities commies commit with great fun.

  4. È vero,ho in mente una frase che tanto mi è rimasta impressa nella mente:”Noi proteggiamo tutti i figli di Dio(esseri di luce),ma se si allontanano da lui e dalla strada tracciata,non possiamo più garantire la loro protezione.
    Non riesco proprio a dimenticare questa “ammissione” da parte loro.
    Per questo “sento” davvero di essere protetta 🙂
    Come te 🙂 🙂

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