Linda Moulton Howe, a highly respected UFO expert and Stanford University graduate, interviews Brian “S,” a USN flight engineer, he claims, with 4,000 hours in the air. Linda received an email from a now 61-year-old Navy officer who was in McMurdo base, Antarctica – his C-130 [photo] crew encountered high strangeness from 1984/85 to 1987.
Several times he and the crew all watched silver discs darting around the sky.
He said he saw an entrance to a human/ET collaboration base. They crossed a no-fly zone on an emergency medevac mission, which succeeded, but still they got a royal scolding. Brian was told by his superiors that
“What you saw, you did not see, and you never flew over this area.”
It is pretty terrifying, as you listen, when the Navy officer recounts how the 15 scientists looked beyond terrified when rescued, and sat there dazed and speechless.
“They were in shock, like PTSD, and frightened to the point of not moving.”
Still laughing at me and at this accurate graphic? Even after the Coronavirus-panic human-genocide/depopulation/Bill Gates-mandatory-vaccine project just erupted?
Have the balls to face the truth, whatever it may be!
A comment under this video:
Alana Seward []
6 months ago
Where do I start… [JdN: I edited this for punctuation, paragraph spacing, spelling, typos, etc.]
I come from a boating family ever since I was a child. My whole family enjoyed nothing but messing around with our boat down at the boat club, which was a fine place with old-school members, all ex-Army and Navy, with a small clubhouse serving beer 24 hrs a day to a very few customers.
There was a old fella my dad used to look up. He was a committee member and a well-respected WWII vet.
I always remember him as a super-sensible, responsable man, and he was the first person to teach me how to take a 25-ft- boat out to sea in the second highest tide in the world and then find my way back to the river mouth, and he even did my first morning hook with the tide coming in hard!
He was a real “military man.”
I could see that even at that young age. Anyway, one night at the annual regatta, we were setting off flares and I was only a kid at the time. And I joked about how ‘it looked like a spaceship’ — and I noticed how his face changed, he looked me dead in the eyes, and he told me this…I will never forget it till this day……..
“I’ve seen things in the ice, many, many years ago when I was a young lad, that scared me more than you can ever imagine — things that shouldn’t be here, things way beyond the imagination!!!!!!”
I knew Dad had said something about him having done “dangerous work” in the Antarctic in WWII, but this really freaked me out, as he didn’t drink and was not the type to come out with shit like this.
And the most scary part was when he said at the end……
“The bases were there for thousands of years under our noses, and we’re too primitive to see it.”
This happened in the early ’90s, late ’80s, and without writing some shit-long post, I loved this man to bits.
He was like a grandfather to me, and a father to my dad, and a war hero, and I would love to just go back to when I was a kid, standing there at that regatta that night — and ask him more!
80 likes [end]
As I have written, in a local (Ontonagon, UP of Michgan) story, a lieutenant-colonel in the Air Force, retired — now, this is according to his wife, while he (to keep his retirement check) denies it with a wink — flew an overt flying saucer in a C-5A Galaxy from the Antarctic up to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio (an epicenter for alien research).
It was barely hidden under a tarpaulin, but its shape was obvious.
….Recent UFO sightings — thank God for smartphones with cameras
(screenshot – this is typical of how earth-peepul overlook an object flying super-fast and being so anomalous that our brains don’t even deal with it. There is not even a “WTF?” here. Our earth brain is so busy thinking about the last argument with the girlfriend. 😉 …. As for location, maybe this was shot in Sri Lanka, or in Burma, Malaysia or southern India. Why? The traffic is driving on the left, a remnant of the days of British rule.)
LOL — People have had a thousand one-dollar bills in their hands, yet no one (except, ahem, me — a multi-incarnational jew-hater 😉 ) notices a clear Star of David ABOVE the American eagle.
One of the UFOs looks like a submarine and may also be one, launching skyward possibly from an underwater base:
The actual video shows several clear sightings (and pls forgive the un-serious music soundtrack):
……Gigantic, 8-mile-wide pyramid on the Pacific Ocean floor south of Mexico
…..Appeal for your donation
First, I congratulate all with the mental courage and open mind in this Zombie World to read my startling information in many areas.
Second, my work takes money. And it would be outright criminal for me — at this decisive hour — to take on time-wasting new audiobooks or other work to pay bills.
Will you send me money, even in these very, very scary times, so I can launch a new white spiritual religion (neither malarkey, escapism, Rapture and mumbo-jumbo nor “Nordic-aliens-will-save-us” bull) in order to wake our people up to fight — when, visibly, all other methods and leaders (many of them very fine men) have dismally failed in the face of the jews’ mind-control/financial-control/assassination juggernaut?
Surgeon General Fauci and Birx to the left of Pence and Trump
I was fascinated with Antarctica and therefore became fascinated with Admiral Byrd. I read his book Alone, half of a little known book about his life called Struggle – The Life of Commander Byrd by Charles J.V. Murphy, which I hope to finish. Then I also read The Secret Lost Diary of Admiral Byrd. That was a short, fantastic and fun read, but I heard it was fake and not really his diary. Funny how I don’t believe in time travel, but I actually believed that one to potentially be possible!
Do you know anything about that and have any opinions on it?
I have never read it. I heard it as a fake, and fakes really do abound. Plus I am so opposed to fakery, to escapism (I have not read a novel in years, sensing I had no time for mere entertainment and the day for action was approaching), and especially I hate delusions that evil will go away by someone else coming and saving the do-nothing cowards.
As for time travel, the book you can find below about Van Rensburg is very interesting. He was renowned for his accurate prophecies during and after the Second Anglo-Boer War, including foreseeing two of his children perishing in a British death camp, which did happened, and he was devastated by this vision. No one had imagined Britain could do such a thing, especially not to their fellow whites on a vast, black continent!
But he “fell from grace” with the skeptics and even some believers when he predicted that both America and South Africa (arch-segregated, white-supremacist and anti-black societies both at the time and for generations) would some day elect black presidents, a foretelling that was accurate and yet it caused even his admirers to doubt his sanity.
People simply could not conceive the white man ever handing power over to a dangerous, violent Stone Age race.
Now, given that he was right about this, confounding his critics very posthumously (80-90 years later), and that he also predicted a white man exactly like Trump succeeding a negro exactly like Obama, AND he predicted in 1917, during WWI, that Germany would be in a second world war too, and also lose that one, this raises the pertinent question: how, on what basis, by what means, or how is the universe designed so prophecy — predicting the FUTURE — can work?
It would work if the future actually coexists with the present, and changing our minds and deeds will instantly change the script. In other words, it is all a movie, a war game, a video game, a Matrix.
So change the present — the script and actors — and the movie has another outcome. From tragedy to happy ending or vice versa.
A prophet has gotten a look at the script.
Here is the pdf of the very widely read book from South Africa, since you are an avid reader 🙂
Me as well with regards to fiction. I can’t remember the last time reading fiction. I probably haven’t read a fiction novel for decades, although a friend keeps trying to get me to read “Dune”.
Since I have found truth to be stranger than fiction anyways, and more interesting, I have seen no reason for fiction but for escapism, for which there is no time any more.
Thanks for the PDF. Looks very interesting. I am going to check it out.
Good. Some of it is minutia of SA history, but if you read the Wiki article on NVR, you will see he was a very important person for decades, and since Mandela and the black takeover, he is really “back.”
Deborah Birx: First time I saw her, she was at a press briefing, standing behind Pence. Before I knew who she was, and before she spoke, I studied her face.
I thought to myself, “Here is a woman who has seen abuse in her life”. You figure the rest.
Wow…. Abuser and abusee? Everything about Pence reeks of evil, and she looks hurt and like a hostage.
I got a real bad feeling about this. Trump is hoping Chloroquine et alia will make this crisis brief, but the Jew World Order has other plans.
And so far this Gosia has been spot-on. She says the “Cabal” will re-weaponize this now-normal SARS virus (which has not killed nearly enough goyim).