Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell, PhD, MIT, spoke long after his retirement of having seen alien craft.
He received the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
And he finally went on record about UFOs – they are real. He SAW them.
A comrade sent me this (https://johndenugent.com/john-kennedy-antisemitic-worried-ufos-triggering-wwiii-borderline-personality-disorder-local-four-bullets-front-step/#comment-618836):
Two really interesting articles about UFOs from the Daily Stormer:
This comment by “WhiteShariaMarine19” from the second article sounds correct to me:
“”Aliens” are fake and gay and this entire hoax about their existence COMPLETELY COINCIDENTALLY came out in the 1960s along with (((Gene Rodenberry)))’s Star Trek and the stupid Boomer alien abduction / crop circle attention-whoring.
It’s all about convincing the goyim to accept globalism and that their lives are inconsequential, by creating an external enemy to create global solidarity and by massively expanding the scope of the universe so that people feel tiny and unimportant in comparison.
As I’ve been saying: Demons are real – Aliens are fake and gay.”
I proved to you with many links years ago that ALL of the crop circles, including the most complicated and “Nazi-themed” ones, were created by a shadowy company in the UK, which has also created intricate crop circles for the ad campaigns of various UK and US-based companies, one of those companies being a US-based maker of glass marijuana bongs. It’s also interesting that 99% of the most intricate and impressive crop circles are in the UK, which is where that company is located. I don’t have time to find all of that information again – you can probably find my comment in your archives.
It’s also interesting to me that the Jew (((David Duchovny))), the star of the hit TV series “The X-Files,” was quoted as saying that aliens are nonsense:
From the above Wikipedia article:
He graduated Phi Beta Kappa[17] from Princeton University[3] in 1982 with an A.B. summa cum laude in English literature… He earned a Master of Arts in English Literature from Yale University and subsequently began work on a Ph.D. that remains unfinished.[3] The title of his uncompleted doctoral thesis is “Magic and Technology in Contemporary Fiction and Poetry.”[20]
But, he firmly believes in magic and witchcraft:
I’ve also read elsewhere (can’t find it now) that Duchovny was a member of an actual witches coven while at Yale.
But getting back to my point – I don’t believe in physical aliens, either – sorry. There’s something else going on – maybe something much darker and more frightening than “little green men from space.”
Thanks for the two Stormer links — very interesting, and both the Tic-Tac shape and the flying pizza wedge are well-known shapes of UFOs, especially the latter, and this triangular craft is said to be flown by the US Deep State itself, and it has been seen over Phoenix, Arizona and over Belgium as well.
As for the second article, well, to boost readership, Anglin will say or write almost anything that is a crowd-pleaser. White sharia? Bashing wimmin? That pleases the incels.
Using the n– word? Who has NOT suffered from the Black presence?
Andrew is out for a huge readership, and does not necessarily believe everything he writes, and he admitted as much to my close friend Jack Sen.
So if his readers want to doubt aliens, you can bet Andrew will run an article doubting aliens. 🙂
As my blog yesterday said:
Anglin and Streicher – so many things in common: short height, head shape, bald, peppy personality, brains, wit and courage
(Nota bene that Streicher, for all his many GREAT merits, was relieved of all duties in 1940 for corruption and put under basically house arrest. He had been out of office for half a decade when the vengeful US Jews arrested and then hanged him at Nuremberg.)
But now we are to believe David Duchovny of 1) Yale, a 2) prosperous 3) Hollywood 5) Jew, when he claims, all Blue-Booky, he does not believe in aliens?
That just gives me five more solid reasons to believe the exact opposite. 🙂
As the famous Greek poet Homer said:
There are both aliens in this dimension and there are higher and lower dimensions as well. It is not a case of choosing whether you believe in aliens or in demons, but accepting there are BOTH aliens and also demons.
But you forgot there are also benevolent nordic aliens in our dimension, who want us to win, and also gods and angels above us who encourage us to do our duty and can make good things happen if we karmically deserve them. 🙂
Having read your comments now for years, I think you tend to believe that the dark and horrible is real, but the bright and hopeful is wishful thinking. Believe me, without real and benevolent forces, we Whites would already have been exterminated by our enemies, or literally eaten.
And too many NASA astronauts with MIT PhDs have spoken up before they died about having seen alien craft. No one is talking of these strawmen “little green men.”
We have films, radar readings, eyewitnesses (police officers and US Air Force Officers who monitor our ICBM force) and abduction survivors, and hundreds of sculptures by ancient peoples showing visibly non-human visitors, plus every race and nation, unanimously, has stories of “gods” who could do astonishing things.
One lying Illuminatus Jew (and from Yale, of all places, the bastion of Skull & Bones, the Bushs, Kerrys and Clintons, and of my defamer, the jewess-screwing Jared Taylor), one smart-aleck jewbie, David Duchovny, against all that?
Mayan depiction of malevolent Grays — the culture of mass human sacrifice in pre-Columbian Central America corresponds exactly to the Gray mission of increasing human suffering for the psychic needs of their satanic reptilian masters, who are indeed multidimensional
I care only about the truth. As Jesus said, the truth alone can set you free.
When you overthrow your own ego and make it your tool, your slave, and your negative feelings, memories, thoughts, impulsions and lusts stop being your master, then you can accept any truth, no matter how scary, integrate it into your planning, instantly jettison all disproven ideas without hesitation or regret, and take decisive action, rather than being in denial.
It is scary that we earthlings are relatively very primitive, helpless by ourselves, and at the mercy of far greater forces. I understand that.
But we must accept that — that earth whites are basically the rowdy rednecks of the solar system, barbarians, chaotic, engaging in permanent, self-harming strife and folly — and decide it is time to evolve upward from our humanimal reality. 🙂
Look at how Churchill heedlessly ignored every warning, denied every reality, and by waging war on Germany, and thus working for the USSR and the USA, in other words, for the JEWS lurking behind both, he threw away his one pride and joy, the mighty, gigantic, wealthy British Empire that generations of valor, blood, sweat and sacrifice had built up!
England has become a sad, unfunny joke because Churchill’s egoic mind, for all his IQ and tremendous eloquence, refused reality!
Very good points. However, I wouldn’t believe anything that the lying scumbag Edgar Mitchell said, either, because none of the Apollo astro-NOTS ever left Earth orbit. I’ve done a ton of research on the alleged Apollo moon landings, and the evidence is overwhelming that none of the Apollo missions ever left Earth orbit, due to the dangers of deep-space cosmic radiation, which is much more lethal than NASA will ever admit, because if they did, their entire Apollo hoax would fall apart.
The moon’s surface itself is highly radioactive, due to billions of years of unimpeded high-energy cosmic ray bombardment. The Apollo spacecraft were unshielded “tin cans” with no radiation protection, as were the astro-NOTS’ space suits. Had they really traveled outside of Earth’s protective magnetic field to the moon, they would all have died of radiation poisoning either during or shortly after their missions.
Think about this: airline pilots and flight attendants have a much greater risk of cancers, because they spend a lot of time flying at around 30,000 feet (roughly 6 miles high), where the atmosphere is thinner, and cosmic radiation is slightly more intense. On the highest-flying space shuttle mission (to service the space telescope), which reached an altitude of about 400 miles high, the astronauts reported intense white flashes in their vision, from cosmic rays going through their ship’s hull, through their skulls, and hitting their optic nerves. Yet, 400 miles up is still well within the Earth’s protective magnetic field, which extends out to about 1000 miles (with decreasing field strength the farther out you go, of course). The above-mentioned space shuttle mission to 400 miles high had to complete their mission and return to a lower orbit as quickly as possible, due to the negative physical effects experienced by the crew. NASA knows all about the dangers of deep space radiation, which is why we have never returned to the moon after 50 years, and why a mission to Mars is nothing but propaganda.
The Apollo missions were just another Jewish hoax on the goyim, ostensibly done to fool the Soviet Union about U.S. space technology capabilities. The Apollo missions abruptly ended in 1972 with Apollo 17, with no good explanation given, even though they were fully funded through Apollo 20. The reason? The Soviet Union had developed a more powerful radar system by 1972, which could track the Apollo spacecraft in high Earth orbit, when they were supposed to be in orbit around the moon.
NASA shills will often claim that the Apollo moon landings happened, because the astro-NOTS supposedly left mirrors on the moon, which Earth lasers are able to bounce off of, and reflect back to Earth, thus measuring the distance to the moon. What they fail to mention is that the moon’s surface is highly reflective, and that both NASA and the Soviets were bouncing lasers off the moon’s surface and measuring its distance from Earth since the early 1960’s – well before the first alleged Apollo moon landing in 1969.
Then, there are the tons of suspicious and incriminating videos and photos of the astro-NOTS and their supposed moon landings. I don’t have time to rehash all of that now, but here’s some links with some good information:
Bart Sibrel, the filmmaker, has admitted that he was too aggressive in the video below, but that it was necessary to do “ambush journalism” on the Apollo astron-NOTS, because otherwise, they never would have agreed to be interviewed by him. Edgar Mitchell’s son can be heard towards the very end of this video asking his father if they should call the CIA to have the Sibrel “waxed.” Real cute. Lying scumbags, all of them:
I forgot to mention that in addition to all of the Apollo astro-NOTS being military personnel sworn to secrecy, they were also all Freemasons, including Neil Armstrong and “Buzz” Aldrin, who is a 33rd degree Freemason. NASA chose all Freemasons for the Apollo moon landings hoax because of their ability to keep secrets. As you know, Freemasons must swear many horrible oaths during their initiation and degree advancements, such as having their throats slit from ear to ear if they ever reveal any Masonic secrets, etc.
I’m sure their families were also threatened with death if they ever told the truth about the Apollo moon landings hoax, which helps explain their psychotic behavior in that “Astronauts Gone Wild” video. In particular, Michael Collins, of Apollo 11, acted like a complete lunatic, charging at the camera and putting his face right in it, etc. He was clearly very afraid of being seen as cooperating with the filmmaker Bart Sibrel. Collins also recently made a comment in an interview that NASA should forget about returning to the moon, and head straight for Mars instead. Hmmm… wonder why? Could it be because there are no traces of the Apollo missions on the moon, because they were never there? I’d bet money on it. With today’s advanced CGI technology, where you often can’t tell if something on video is real or not, it would be much easier for NASA to convincingly fake a Mars landing, so maybe that will happen in the coming years.
Arguing against this theory that the astronauts are all rats and traitors is the infamous news conference after the first “lunar landing,” when all the astronauts acted extremely guilty, depressed, sheepish and ashamed. Liars and psychopaths would not have acted this way after deceiving billions of people – they would have reveled in it.
Your theory, IMO, has to account for this anything but happy mood in the video below.
Had I and my two colleagues just successfully landed on the moon, 250,000 miles away, walked on it, achieved all our other missions there, and safely returned to earth without a scratch, I would have acted EUPHORIC!
full conference:
My theory, and it is just that — I am not wedded to it — is the US Deep State has been using Gray technology to go to other planets for decades. Zero-point energy, which they use, is kept unknown to the public thanks to the oil-trillionaire crypto-Jewish Rockefellers.
He wants us to keep using his gasoline and oil, into which he has invested hundreds of billions of dollars in refineries, pipelines, ships, storage tanks, trucks and gas stations!
I get the sense the astronauts did go to the moon using Gray tech that was never explained to them to cross the lethal Van Allan radiation belt.
And I also speculate that they encountered “someone” up there, against NASA wishes, who told them the whole truth, maybe even representatives of the Reich, the Disengagement Movement, or Nordics.
It is a theory that would explain many facts.
It is possible that most of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and space shuttle astronauts have not even been informed about this “secret space program” which British hacker Gary McKinnon got a clear glimpse of, which is why the US Deep State moved heaven and earth to get him arrested, indicted and extradited to America for trial.
If the astronauts do find out what McKinnon did, they are threatened, feel depressed, feel lied to, and are forced to tell lies, or else.
Well, of course the astro-NOTS were depressed and acted guilty – because they never went to the moon, and were forced by the (((Deep State))) to go along with an outrageous hoax and lie. I don’t believe that their unshielded tin-can spacecraft was whisked to the moon by alien technology, because even if it was, they still would all have died of radiation poisoning, because deep space radiation is not limited to the Van Allen Belts, although it is more intense there. The Van Allen Belts mainly trap and intensify the sun’s lower-energy radiation, while cosmic rays are much more intense gamma rays, which come from deep space, often from outside our Milky Way galaxy – mainly from supernovas, black holes, colliding stars, etc. These high energy, deep space gamma rays are everywhere in space, and are very hazardous to human DNA.
But of all the Apollo astronauts, only Neil Armstrong had the decency to become a virtual hermit after Apollo 11. He never did interviews, and stayed out of the public eye as much as possible, because he felt terrible about being part of such a satanic lie, and rightly felt like a fraud for receiving worldwide public acclaim for something he never actually did. You can see Armstrong’s conflicted emotions quite clearly in that conference video you posted – he clearly wanted to scream out that it was all a giant hoax, but he had to suppress it, for fear of the harm that would come to him and his family if he did.
However, other Apollo astronauts, like Edgar Mitchell and especially the glory-hound 33rd degree Freemason “Buzz” Aldrin, reveled in their unearned fame, and took every opportunity to cash in on it. Edgar Mitchell was second only to “Buzz” Aldrin in this regard. So I should have clarified that Neil Armstrong was the only one who acted decently and appropriately after participating in the shameful Apollo moon landings hoax. The others, especially “Buzz” Aldrin and Edgar Mitchell, were just shameless, lying scumbags.