UP Covid shockers: our beloved, jew-fired weatherman & my own doctor who died after the vaxx; Orwellian doublethink; will Nordics EXTERMINATE current earthlings?

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…..My personal physician 2014-2019, Richard R. Chaltry, DO

When people die of the Covid vaccine, it is hushed up. As here: Dr. Chaltry “died suddenly in his sleep.”  https://www.hansenonionmartell.com/obituaries/Dr.-Richard-R.-Chaltry?obId=20008962

Of what? Snoring?

I was told he died right after getting the Covid vaccine, but I cannot verify this.

But it would fit the overall picture. I really liked Dr. Chaltry, who was of French-Canadian and German ancestry, and I miss him. 🙁

As the obit says, “He enjoyed traveling in Europe and taught himself how to speak and read German. He was one of the first people to go into East Berlin and Czech Republic when the Wall fell. He had a beautiful voice and enjoyed singing in the Church choir.”

Nice man and good doctor. Did the vaxx murder him?



…..Doublethink on Twitter

In the novel 1984, the brainwashed and subjugated masses learn to believe in two contradictory things at the same time.

We are there now.

Read these two tweets. In the first one, it is crystal-clear that the vaccine is what killed this young female doctor, just 27 years old.

(By the name, I assume the uncle, also a doctor, is from Pakistan, btw.)


In this one, written by a hopeless libtard, her death is suddenly the fault of the UN-vaccinated, though it is clear that the vaccine itself is what killed her! She was a young doctor in probably perfect health, and after the second jab she suddenly died of a clot!!! Just as we “conspiracy nuts” have been warning! And as for the people who refuse this faux vaccine, among them half of all doctors and nurses, they say NO only because they do not want to be killed by it!


And it is lethal because these zombie people can be mobilized to BLAME, HATE and maybe even KILL us — when they start dying as a result of the vaccine THEY foolishly took, persuaded by their libtard tv that WE, the unvaxxed, killed them!

As the masses die off, comrades, either they will turn against the jews — or the jews will turn them violently against US.

I wil repeat what this leftard wrote:

“This is absolutely horrific! I am so angry at the unvaccinated and anti-maskers who don’t give a damn about what they are causing!”

Look at those eyes. Yes, she would gun you down.

By not being vaccinated, you nazi mother-fuckers killed my lesbian wife!




….Fired after three decades

The ABC affiliate Channel 6/Marquette is the dominant tv station here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. And for 32 years straight Karl Bohnak has been, or rather WAS, the weatherman, a man who was liked and respected, a typically un-arrogant, competent, friendly, low-key, aw-shucks Upper Midwesterner. 🙂

Then Bohnak refused the mandatory Cohenavirus vaccine, and was brutally fired by the (almost certainly) jewish Hilton H. Howell, Jr., CEO of the “parent” company of Channel 6, Gray Television headquartered in jewy, yankified, libtard Atlanta, Georgia, the kind of city 250,000 Southern white men fought in the War of Northern Aggression to prevent.

Hilton Howell: somehow this guy got to be CEO all over town, in insurance, then NBC tv, then running a tv station empire. He is worth $42 million. His arch-WASPy name, IMO, as so often actually hides a jew. “Dress British, think Yiddish.” And give yourself a British sounding name….. “Hilton”, too —  how very elite.




……The egoic mind kills.

It is not fluff when I bring up Eckhart Tolle.

An egoic person is capable of murdering you. And feeling good about it!

“Fucking kraut bitch” — Patton’s soldiers raped and shot this German woman in Zerbst, Saxony-Anhalt, German Reich, in 1945

Pat yourselves on the back….

You saved them….


.. and killed HIM….. Your egoic mind did, first.


It is the egoic mind that makes people into libtards, haters and even killers.

So the jews have now begun to give the masses booster shot after booster shot, filling people up with graphene oxide.

Add to that a huge dose of 5G waves.

In the end, the nightmarish vision a friend and comrade sent me could yet come true.


Earth becomes a fully zombie planet, with nothing but rigidly mentally controlled slaves.

Now, the Nordics in our galaxy continue to win against the Reptilians, and come here to assess the situation after a major victory.


They get a report that the entire planet earth now consists of violent, totally zombified slaves who cannot be liberated. Every cell in their body is under control. They cannot think any thought their masters have prohibited.

The recommendation is to in weffect neutron-bomb the place with a death ray, wiping out all human life.

Then the planet will be resettled with other humans who do have free will — and also genuine good will.

An admiral objects: “How can we just wipe out a planet full of people”?

A lower officer says: “Sir, we can take you down to earth to see for yourself. I think that you will see…. that they are now hopelessly programmed and literally remote-controlled.”

So they beam down.

The admiral and the officer, wearing regular earth civilian clothes, go out on the street.

First one, then another mental zombie begins to stare at them — intruder alert — and suddenly looks hard-eyed and hostile.

Five seconds later, everyone on the street freezes.


And charges full-tilt at the two intruders.

“Beam us up! Beam us up!”

Back on the bridge of the warship, the admiral says: “I saw it myself. The earthlings are indeed hopeless.

You may proceed with the global death ray. Then we will recolonize it with better people.

We’ll use, of course, the earthlings whom we abducted quietly back in the 1940s to preserve a remnant of the earthlings and then tucked away put on that small, out-of-the-way planet in our quadrant.  We kept them there in reserve in case the earth absolutely had to be cleansed. And now we are there.”

Sequestered 1940s earthlings — assigned to be farmers, loggers, tradespeople and parents. I am NOT fantasizing. 

And now you know why the Nordics looked so “compassionate” in this jarring 1954 encounter in Staffordshire, England.


And now read this:



26 Nov 77 at 5:12 p.m. — a strange unknown voice overrode, took over, or super-modulated the TV signals from five transmitters that were monitored by the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) in England. IBA did not detect the intrusion.

The 5 1/2-minute message overrode a scheduled newscast read by Ivor Mills on Southern ITV, England, and was heard by listeners as far away as Andover, London, Newbury, Oxford, Reading, Southhampton, and Winchester.

Map of English cities reporting they heard the mysterious voice; Andover is west of Winchester, and also marked by a dot.



Excerpt from the book Paranormal Dorset by Roger Guttridge







IBA engineers at Croydon, Surry did not hear the override, and at the main transmitter at Southhampton, Hants monitoring system, there was also no evidence of the takeover. A police spokesman told AP and UPI that the message was taken seriously: “They were frightened and generally scared.”

The voice spoke slowly and deliberately, with a strange, inward authority, calm, serene, never scolding.

It said, as transcribed:


This is the voice of Gramaha, the Representative of the Asta (Ashtar in some texts) Galactic Command speaking to you.

For many years now you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet earth.

We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your worlds so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disasters which threaten your world and the beings on our worlds around you.

This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into a New Age of Aquarius. The new age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.

Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again.

[The following two paragraphs, found in the original transcript, were taken out when the sound recording was released.]

For many years your scientists, governments and generals have not heeded our warnings; they have continued to experiment with the evil forces of what you call nuclear energy. Atomic bombs can destroy the earth and the beings of your sister worlds, in a moment.


The wastes from atomic power systems will poison your planet for many thousands of your years to come. We, who have followed the path of evolution for far longer than you, have long since realized this — that atomic energy is always directed against life. It has no peaceful application. Its use, and research into its use, must be ceased at once, or you all risk destruction.



All your weapons of evil must be removed.

The time of conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the highest planes of evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this.

You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning new age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution.

Hear now the voice of Gramaha, the representative of the Asta (Ashtar in some texts) Galactic Command speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating on your world.

They will suck your energy from you — the energy you call money

…..and will put it to evil ends giving you worthless dross in return.

Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within, that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you, and you will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution.

This is our message to you, our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light, and will do all we can to help you.

Have no fears, seek only to know yourselves and live in harmony with the ways of your planet earth.

We of the Asta Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the planes of your existence.

May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the Cosmos.

LOL, my roofer calls ME an alien. 😉




  1. Quando penso a loro mi vergogno.
    Mi vergogno per come sono questi terrestri.
    Hai ragione,sono come bambini immaturi,appena NATI.
    Sono su questa Terra ma non conoscono i pericoli,sono spaesati,impauriti.
    Non hanno nessuna esperienza..nessuna!
    Hai ragione,sono giovani anime!
    Allora il nuovo mondo sarà riempito di anime vecchie?anime di Destra?anime che si lasceranno guidare?

    • Transl:

      When I think of them I am ashamed.
      I’m ashamed of how these earthlings are.
      You are right, they are like immature babies, just BORN.
      They are on this Earth but they do not know the dangers, they are bewildered, frightened.
      They have no experience … none!
      You are right, they are young souls!
      Then the new world will be filled with old souls? Right souls? Souls who will let themselves be guided!


      Yes, old souls full of experience and self-confidence, and young souls who are humble and eager to listen, not talk, and to learn. 🙂

      • E l’amico segreto(il mentore di Putin) potrà vincere sulle rovine dei colossi assetati di potere e denaro.
        Putin sta solo “osservando” il gioco sulla grande scacchiera.
        “Strappare l’erba cattiva solo quando è il momento giusto”.
        Quando saranno DEBOLI.
        Quando si accuseranno.
        Quando si faranno la guerra e i dispetti 😉
        Questo è quello che io vedo 😉
        Questo è quello che SPERO.

        • Sono rimasta così scioccata dal fallimento di Trump che ha rovinato tutte le mie “visioni”.
          Era soltanto un’altra stupida pedina.
          Mi ha confusa per mesi.
          Ma non ho mai dubitato del ruolo di Putin.Neanche una volta.
          In questi giorni ho RIelaborato le mie visioni,nonostante tutti i vaccini e il massacro che stiamo vedendo.
          Poi mi sono detta:”Putin sta reagendo bene sugli errori del Fuhrer.”
          “Lasciamo che quel popolo “materialista” si uccida per conto suo”.
          “A che cosa serve cacciarli dalla mia Terra e spedirli chissà dove perché mi sanzionano?!”
          “Devo trovare il biberon per mantenerli buoni”.
          “Devo Resistere,mantenere il Trono e lasciare che si scannino tra loro”.
          Mi dispiace per i Deboli,bianchi compresi.
          Ma questa epoca richiede un grande,grandissimo coraggio contro l’astuzia di questi Demoni,concentrazione e anche tanta fortuna!

  2. What the future may hold:


    Pedo Obama


    Jews fear the inner Adolf Hitler in all of us. Thats why they try to communicate over their movies, that they must get rid of all white people. That is the true message of the ending scene of “Look Who’s Back”

    La Palma






    When we win, do not forget, what we defeated



    • Thanks.

      Strange oversight that this article offered no date whatsoever for the event.

      Maybe a comet hit this city, but maybe it was a nuclear or other weapon. What an amazing “coincidence” that a comet would fall specifically on a city known for extreme wickedness. 😉


      ….Green glass and rocket-blast evidence of ancient atomic war

      Maybe why “Gramaha” of the “Ashtar High Command” was so insistent! (http://wp.me/p1ogG7-ez6)

      [source: http://www.messagetoeagle.com/nuclearwarsgods.php#.U9_Kkbtx2PL]

      Physical Evidence Of Ancient Atomic Wars Can Be Found World-Wide 
      3 June, 2014
      MessageToEagle.com – In 1952 archaeologists conducting excavations in Israel discovered a layer of fused green glass. The layer was a quarter of an inch thick and covered an area of several hundred square feet.It was made of fused quartz sand with green discoloration, similar in appearance to the layers of vitrified sand left after atomic tests in Nevada in the 1950s.

      Five years earlier a thin layer of the same glass, was dug up below the Neolithic, Sumerian and Babylonian strata in southern Iraq.

      To the south, the western Arabian desert is covered with black rocks that show evidence of having been subjected to intense radiation. These broken and burned stones are called “harras” that are strewn over an area of 7,000 square miles.



      “Some single fields are one hundred miles in diameter and occupy an area of six or seven thousand square miles, stone lying next to stone so densely packed that passage through the field is almost impossible. The stones are sharp-edged and scorched black. No volcanic eruption would have cast scorched stones over fields as large as the harras. Neither would the stones from volcanos have been so evenly spread. The absence in most cases of lava ( the stones lie free) also speaks against a volcanic origin for the stones…” Immanuel Velikovsky, “Earth in Upheaval”

      A small piece of unusual yellow-green glass carved into the shape of a beautiful scarab beetle is a part of the famous pectoral of Tutankhamun and can be seen in Cairo Museum, Egypt.

      The jewel was tested and found to be glass, but surprisingly it is older than the earliest Egyptian civilization.
      The glass, known as Libyan Desert Silica Glass, covers a large area measuring about 30 miles east and west by 80 miles north and south and is located on the Libyan-Egyptian border.

      It is 28.5 million years old and shows a grade of transparency and purity (99 percent) that is not typical in the fusions of fallen meteorites.

      An extend area of strange, glassy stretches of fused silica have also been found in the most desolate areas of the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. Especially interesting are the layers discovered at Lop Nor in Sinkiang, in the vicinity of the present Chinese atomic site.

      The results obtained from examined radioactive surface in the area indicate that layers of fused silica does not originate from the modern nuclear detonations but had been there long before China became a nuclear power.



      This would mean thar Gobi’s fused silica comes from the very distant past.In 1908-09, ancient ruins of the city of Khara Khoto town were unearthed, in the Tangut province, located about 300 kilometers from the famous Silk Highway. Working in one of the exacavation sites, Piotr K. Kozlov, the Russian archaeologist dug up a sarcophagi with two well-preserved bodies of an unknown king and queen.

      According to his estimations, the sarcophagi were buried about 12,000 BC. In another excavation of the same ruins, Professor Kozlov unearthed a large bottomless pit at the depth of 1800 meters. Its vitrified melted walls looked like glittering blue glass.

       “Some phenomenon unknown to us must have melted the very stone and left the shiny glazed walls. Local tradition speaks of lightning bolts crashing down from the heavens and hollowing out this excavation.
      But what kind of lightning can carve out an excavation almost a mile-and-a-quarter deep and leave it with glittering blue walls?” Hartwig Hausdorf, “The Chinese Roswell”

      The fused glass that can be found in many places around the world has a long history and provides physical evidence that atomic explosions were a part of Earth’s history in the past.


      ……ancient rocket blast-off sites — book proves a hated alien force was blasting off into space in 2000 BC and probably nuked rebellious humans

      This is an email I sent to a top scientist: I would strongly urge you to acquire and read the 2012 book Fremde Raumschiff-Startplätze book by retired German aviation engineer Peter Brüchmann.
      I just finished it.
        • Peter Bruechmann, born 1931, German-American.
        • Higher school examination/annual course 1949.
      • Technical training / finishing education at the Daimler Benz Automobile Manufacturers (Mercedes-Benz) in Hamburg and Mannheim, Germany.
        • Special study / professional education in Automobile and Aircraft Technologies (Certified Engineer).
        • Award “The Car of Tomorrow” 1957, Technische Hochschule Karlsruhe (Teamwork).
        • Regular membership in the German Engineers Association (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure,VDI) since 1957.
        • Employed designer and test engineer at the Daimler Benz Plants in Sindelfingen, Germany, as well as in the aircraft industry.
        • More than 90 research and test reports concerning different aircraft developments and aircraft-specific material investigations.
        • 1963-1973 test and flight test engineer in the civilian and military aviation in Europe and USA.
        • Individual membership American legion, Airforce.
        • Sports pilot of long standing.
        • Some patents announced.
        • Senior Instructor in Authority at the Lufthansa Technical School (now: Lufthansa Technical Training).
        • 1978 –1992 co-author : the official, containing some thousand pages book Grundlagen der Luftfahrzeugtechnik (Basic of the Aircraft Technologies),  what has been required by the German Aviation Authority Luftfahrt-Bundesamt and ordered by the German Government for Public Traffic Bundes-Verkehrsministerium, Part 1 Basics (ISBN 3-88585-000-1) and Part 2 Aeronautics/Structures (ISBN 3-88585-001-X).
        • Different technical articles in International periodicals of technical and scientific character.
        • Report about the development of the first bird-strike pneumatic test gun, 1966.
        • Co-author: the authorised technical training book for aircraft mechanics and maintenance personnel Technologie des Flugzeuges (Aircraft Technologies), ISBN 3-88064-159-5, last issue 2007.
        • Private publisher of the two essential books “Warum die Dinosaurier starben” / Why did the Dinosaurs die, ISBN 3-8311-4213-0 and “Mars und Erde, Katastrophenplaneten” / Mars and Earth, Accident Planets.
        • After legal retirement independent reviewer/reporter at the Public Relation Office of the Lufthansa Technik AG in Hamburg, Germany.
        • Owner of the office Support Aircraft Engineering.
      • Private Residence in the United States of America since 1982
      In Germany it can be ordered from
      Kuno Haberkern
      Iptinger Buchdienst, Kappelhalde 8,
      Baden-Württemberg, Germany 75446
      Translation: [Above the photo]  “4. [My] first perception of the launch sites (scorched areas)”
      [Below the photo] “A ‘scorched area’ seen diagonally [using Google Earth], as I saw such sites from airplanes. At the photo’s upper edge: part of the circle-shaped expelled dirt, which forms     
      around the launch site what I call the ‘inner corona.’ The diameter of the dark ‘cloverleaf’ comes to, both here and in all other scorched areas I have noted, between 150-200 meters [ = 180-240 yards]. The ‘inner corona’ has on average a diameter of 500-600 meters [ = 600-720 yards; ed.: a football field is 100 yards…] Often a further ‘corona’ is found further out. The ‘blast distance’ from the center is about 3.5 kilometers [ =  2.2 miles]. If one takes aerial photographs from about 2 kilometers altitude [6,600 feet] the longest ‘spokes’ often go out of the picture.  The blast distance [thus] exceeds the ‘pneumatic’ shock wave of the [atomic bombs] dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki [by the U.S. in August 1945].”  
      Transl. Germ.-Engl. “Today’s landing craft are based on solutions that correspond to those likely used by ancient space shuttles.”
      Brüchmann rightly points out that the earth, humans and landing situations have not changed in 4,000 years. Space craft will tend to have four legs for stability, like a table, and landing “bowls” for setting down on rough terrain. Note that the light “x” marks in the scorch areas reflect where the engine blasts and scorching are blocked and deflected by the four landing legs.
      Photos of lined-up launch sites, with exact GPS coordinates given so you can verify them yourself. No one can say these deep indentations marks made in rows were created by nature. Even if they resulted from meteorite strikes, they would not be lined up like this. It looks like what a military would do: soldiers in a row. ;-)
      I suppose the most startling info from Peter Brüchmann is that around perhaps 2 000 BC some apparently hostile, exploitative aliens (which makes me think of the 2008 book Genes, Giants, Gods and Men, unleashed hydrogen-bomb warfare on rebellious humans. .
      They had been flying almost exclusively from earth up to an orbiting station, perhaps ferrying something they needed such as (I speculate) gold, or God forbid, humans or human body parts.
      Based on the prevalence of very many charred blastoff sites, and very few airstrips, they were seldom traveling from point A to point B on earth.
       The effect of the hydrogen bombs was a (deliberate?) catastrophic fusion in the atmosphere. The oxygen in our atmosphere caught fire, which is a reaction that both sides back in WWI feared — Hitler, Hans Bethe and Robert Oppenheimer.
      The nitrogen (atomic weight 14) combined to form silicon (AW 28) and this bound with oxygen to form silicon dioxide, which is SAND.
      Brüchmann speculates that this was entirely deliberate. . The effect, he says, was to inundate what is now the Sahara area with billions of tons of sand, annihilating a huge rebel area that at that time was teeming with people and cities, many or all of whom apparently were at that time, as he claims, in open revolt.
      Brüchmann believes that the Sahel (the scrub-brush area south of the Sahara) was where they blasted off from, apparently in a hurry.
      What is now the country of Chad, but also Nazca, Peru, the Yucatan next to Chichen Itza, and an area near Samarkand, Usbekistan, are full of the traces of blastoffs and also of a few rocket mishaps, with the rocket clearly toppling sideways and traveling at huge speed along the ground and then exploding in a huge fireball.
      A scan from the book. (Translation of the caption from Germ.-Engl. below.)
      “A truly classic ‘clover’ with definitely visible white ‘support legs’ and a center that is hardly still recognizable as a ‘black cross.’”
      The four “leaves” of the clover shape are blast marks, just as with our rocket engines today if they did not have a blast pit underneath them and flooded with water from a high-standing watertower, located to the side, at the moment of ignition. I witnessed a space shuttle launch relatively close-up, that carrying the Hubble Telescope. Without water inundating a blast pit — creating the billowing white steam we see (below) at US launches from Cape Canaveral, Florida — there would be a gigantic scorch mark, possibly 2.5 football fields in diameter.
      This is clearly NOT zero-point energy in use, as is posited for “flying saucers,” but a combustible fuel comparable to what the US and Russia and Germany (Third Reich and what I call the Fourth Reich post-1945, the one that Operation Highjump was hunting) still use today.

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