Validation of my neanderthals essay

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Dear John,
Sometimes I have been skeptical about your theories that you present here, especially about the neanderthal hypothesis.

Neanderthals & Semites

But you are right every time.

Here, this is what I found in an article about DNA samples:
Native Americans, Neanderthal and Denisova Admixture
Here’s what the article itself has to say about Neanderthals, Denisovans and Native Americans.

Denisovan gene flow in mainland Asia
We used the two high-coverage archaic genomes and a hidden Markov model (HMM) to identify regions of specifically Neanderthal and specifically Denisovan ancestry in 13 experimentally phased present-day human genomes (Supplementary Information sections 4 and 13).
In the Sardinian and French genomes from Europe we find genomic regions of Neanderthal origin and few or no regions of Denisovan origin.
In contrast, in the Han Chinese, the Dai in southern China, and the Karitiana and Mixe in the Americas, we find, in addition to regions of Neanderthal origin, regions that are consistent with being of Denisovan origin (Zscore54.3 excess relative to the Europeans) (Supplementary Information section 13), in agreement with previous analysis based on low-coverage archaic genomes.
These regions are also more closely related to the Denisova genome than the few regions identified in Europeans (Supplementary Information section 13). We estimate that the Denisovan contribution to mainland Asian and Native American populations is ,0.2% and thus about 25 times smaller than the Denisovan contribution to populations in Papua New Guinea and Australia.
The failure to detect any larger Denisovan contribution in the genome of a 40,000-year-old modern human from the Beijing area suggests that any Denisovan contribution to modern humans in mainland Asia was always quantitatively small.
In fact, we cannot, at the moment, exclude that the Denisovan contribution to people across mainland Asia is owing to gene flow from ancestors of present-day people in Oceania after they mixed with Denisovans.
We also note that in addition to this Denisovan contribution, the genomes of the populations in Asia and America appear to contain more regions of Neanderthal origin than populations in Europe (Supplementary Information sections 13 and 14).”

This explains to me why native Amerindians are so cruel and brutal – like Jews. Central Asian people as well as Semites share more neanderthal genes than we do.

The white race – especially the germanic people (you are one of them) – on the other hand – are the true chosen race. It is proven time after time:

Brian Foerster found that the DNA of the White Gods of South America who built the megalithic structures and had the elongated skulls, ARE OF PROTO-GERMANIC ORIGIN! HE proves that with DNA samples he had taken.

“The above display case at the Juan Navarro Museum in Paracas Peru shows three skulls from the ancient Paracas culture that were all discovered in the same tomb approximately 4 years ago. All appear to be members of the same family and all are elongated with reddish hair.”


“DNA testing of the baby Paracas was conducted in the Lakehead University lab in Canada, as well as two other labs in the United States. The results that came back showed only one discernible haplogroup present, that of U2e1. This haplogroup is not associated with Native Americans, but with proto-Germanic and proto-Balto-Slavic speakers! Contamination has been ruled out.”

On the other hand, we have King Tutanchamun in Egypt, who had an elongated skull as well:

“Search for living relatives

In the current project we search for the closest living relative of Tutankhamun’s male lineage in Europe. To take part in the Tutankhamun DNA project order one of the following tests. If your profile matches Tutankhamuns in all 16 markers we refund your payment and you receive a further DNA test as an upgrade for free.


The haplogroup R-M269 arose about 9.500 years ago in the surrounding area of the Black Sea. The migration of this haplogroup into Europe started at the earliest with the spread of agriculture since 7.000 BC. It is ver probable that it is also connected to the Indo-Europeans who spread over Europe a little later in several waves of migrations.

In Egypt the contingent of this haplogroup is below 1% and partially caused by European immigration during the last 2,000 years.

Tutankhamun had been the last Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty and ruled from about 1332 until 1323 BC. His paternal lineage begins with Pharaoh Thutmose I. who ruled from about 1504 until 1492 BC. His paternal ancestry is unknown.”

“Tutankhamun belongs to the haplogroup R-M269, to which more than 50% of all men in Western Europe belong.”

So “Western Man” is just another way of saying “germanic”!

“You will also recall that in 2011 a Swiss-genetics company had claimed that up to 70 per cent of British men are related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun.” says

“R1b has one primary branch, R1b1 (L278), which in turn has two primary branches: R1b1a (L754) and R1b1b (PH155). R1b1a is found mostly in Western Europe, although the Fula and Chadic-speaking peoples of Africa are dominated by R1b1a2 (PF6279/V88). R1b1b (PH155) is so rare and widely dispersed that it is difficult to draw any conclusions about its origins. It has been found in Bahrain, Bhutan, Ladakh, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Western China. Western Europe is dominated by the downstream subclades of R1b1a – especially R1b1a1a2 (R-M269; known previously as R1b1a2). ”

The jews can only claim that they are the chosen ones! The real chosen ones are the people of the white race!

Further proof are the Tokharians in (what is today) western China. They got annihilated by race-mixing because of the invading Asians!

DNA study of the Tarim mummies:

“Mitochondrial DNA profiles and haplogroups

The 36 successfully typed individuals yielded 21 distinct mtDNA haplotypes, of which 18 could be assigned to 12 previously defined haplogroups [30, 31, 32] by means of HVRI and coding region polymorphisms (Table 1). The haplogroups were the west Eurasian H, K, T, U7, U5a, U2e, the east Eurasian B, C4, C5, D, G2a, and the Indian M5.”

Scientists at iGENEA — a Zurich-based DNA genealogy centre — said that their results showed that King Tutankhamun

belonged to a genetic profile group, known as haplogroup R1b1a2, to which more than 50 per cent of all men in Western Europe belong, indicating that they share a common ancestor.”

The world was ruled by people of germanic descent long before the Jews ever came into existence.


I replied []:

Thanks very much for your informative comment.

It was primitive muslim Turks who conquered the proto-Keltic Tokharian, raped their women, and converted by force the survivors to Islam, making them into a much darker and totally different people — the antisocial, muslim Uighurs of today, who have a very negative attitude toward hard work, are known all across China as thieves, and are resented for their laziness by the hard-working Han Chinese.

“Women in Germany 2006, 2016 and 2026”

The Jemerican CIA is who is funding and organizing the constant Uighur troubles in western China. As usual, the CIA funds radical islamists and has for many decades. (Zbigniew Brzezinski openly admitted, or even boasted, that the CIA created Al Qaeda and supported Osama Ben Laden to as to undermine the Soviets in Afghanistan!)

And it was British Freemasons in then British-ruled Egypt who set up the Muslim Brotherhood.

Many have seen with great outrage this shocking video of Chinese civilians who seemingly are acting in a racist and cruel way toward a little white boy.


But I have been informed he was almost certainly a Uighur, and these Uighurs are a minority that, all across the cities of China, is infamous for both stealing and refusing to work. They are seen as a plague on the land by the ethnic Chinese.

How tragic the fate of these former Tokharians, a once great Aryan people!

Imagine being the last of the Tokharian men, and hearing the waling of your wives and daughters as they are being raped and impregnated by dark Turks — before they put you to the sword.

Let us be crystal-clear that this same fate awaits us all now.

It is nice when some comrades acknowledge that I speak the truth, that I respect your intelligence, and that I therefore back up with facts, each and every time, my sometimes shocking theories, such as about reincarnation, aliens and about my own previous life.

“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.” If you read my essay, you will see that this is my motto. Just allow me to prove what I say. All I ask is that you read it, clear your mind of previous notions, process the facts, let them sink in, and respect your own brain and do not overrule it with egoic stubbornness!

Relaxing with my webmaster and a barbecue after moving Margi and her things 1200 miles from Asheville, North Carolina back up to Ontonagon.


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