UPDATED Van Rensburg in 1920 on events of the 1990s; my vision 24 hours before the Charleston church “shooting” that brought down the Confederate statues

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In 1920 Van Rensburg [….] remarked to Boy [a first name in Afrikaans] Mussmann:

[source, page 165 here: https://johndenugent.com/images/Voice-of-a-Prophet-Van-Rensburg-transl-Snyman.pdf]

“Russia will go under [1989-91] at the same time when the freedom struggle begins for the Boer nation… [this is indeed exactly when the traitor F.W. de Klerk took over as president of then apartheid South Africa and began transferring power to the Stone-Age blacks]…


Gorbachev and Reagan — the Berlin Wall fell, and Russia became non-communist and withdrew from all of eastern Europe and even let the non-Russian parts of the Soviet Union become independent such as the Baltic states, Belarus and Ukraine

During the exact same period F.W. de Klerk released the black communist and terrorist leader Nelson Mandela from prison, dismantled apartheid, pulled South African troops out of Southwest Africa so a communist black could take over this ex-German colony, then arranged an election which made the anti-white black communist Mandela the president of the country. Chaos, crime, especially murder and rape, overt corruption, and an AIDS epidemic began immediately.  

As fate had it, de Klerk’s own ex-wife Marike was murdered by blacks. (De Klerk began cheating on her with a wealthy Greek woman, dumped his wife, and married the rich woman.)

Interestingly,  Marike had been a fierce opponent of Mandela, unlike her traitorous husband.


Marike was the only person sitting in the packed public gallery as Mandela entered the room [to be inaugurated as president of a black-ruled South Africa] and those around her rose and clapped.

One MP implored the former first lady to acknowledge the occasion: ‘Get up Marike! You are being rude!’ Marike remained seated and glared at the MP.[5


On 3 December 2001, Marike de Klerk was murdered at her Dolphin Beach apartment in Blouberg, Cape Town. It was originally reported that the former first lady had taken her own life.[14] Her killer, Luyanda Mboniswa, worked as a security guard in the luxury secure complex where Marike was living.

JdN: All smiles and a hero in prison for having murdered the white former first lady


Mboniswa violently gripped de Klerk’s neck, breaking several bones in her throat and causing a blood vessel to burst in her eye. A steak knife was found embedded in her back and she also suffered several wounds to the head.[1] 

Mboniswa was acquitted of a rape charge but a pathologist was not able to rule out penetration.[15]


….but not long afterwards the sickle—the symbol of Communism—will be resurrected in the west and in Russia, and things will be even worse than before!” [end]

As we have seen with the rise of Antifa, Bernie Sanders (an open socialist) and Pete Buttigieg (homosexual son of a communist professor: https://johndenugent.com/gay-presidential-candidate-pete-buttplug-father-open-communist-professor-notre-dame/) marxism is alive and well on the streets of America.

A friend of mine was at the Charlottesville, Virginia event in August 2017 and confirmed to me that Antifa was absolutely marching under communist flags.

As for Russia reverting to communism, I see this as the Yeltsin era, when Jews, banned from power since Stalin’s final years, assumed total control as “oligarchs” under the crypto-Jewish alcoholic Yeltsin (orignally Yeltzman).
More from this bestselling South African book on Van Rensburg:

Ex-President P.W. Botha


This refers to the conservative, yet clearly not radical enough final Boer leader of South Africa, P.W. Botha (1916-2006), who ruled 1984-1990 — before the overt traitor F.W. de Klerk took over, 1990-94, and ended apartheid.

He was nicknamed “de groot Krokodil” (the big crocodile)

He died at 90 in 2006, seeing SA turn into the nightmare he had predicted.

Not being a national socialist, he cast everything in terms of a Reaganesque communism-versus-freedom struggle, not one that was both racial, white-vs.-black, and Aryan-vs.-Jew.

Botha talked tough, and cracked down very hard, on black uprisings, but as a non-national socialist and a democratic politician — used to constant parliamentary compromises, coalitions, deals and negotiations where every strong position is watered down — he never went all the way, and democratic politicians never do.

This is the one thing, the central truth, which even the Big Crocodile would never say:

“Either we Boers stay the absolute, open masters of South Africa, or the Jews and their black puppets will genocide us.”


The course of current events, but particularly the chaos and bloodshed which started in 1990, were predicted in an important vision he had in the early 1920’s. Mrs. Sufra Mostert wrote it down and refers to Mr. P.W. Botha:

I see many people in a house, sitting around a table, and I hear them arguing. Suddenly the man at the head of the table arose, walked out by the door and left the house, and the rear wall collapsed.

The day that onetime President P.W. Botha was present when his father was conversing with the Seer van Rensburg, he never realised that he, in person, had already figured in this
vision of the Seer four years previously.

At that time the youthful Pieter Botha realised even less that his future father-in-law, a well-known church minister, Dr. Servaas Rossouw, of Swellendam, had by sheer coincidence visited the Seer at Rietkuil and personally received a number of astonishing visions about the future of the Afrikaners.

Mr. Botha writes about his short meeting with Van Rensburg:

“When I was a young boy of about nine years old, the Seer visited the town of Paul Roux where I was born, and a family member of my father received the Seer. We visited the family during a Holy Communion weekend and it was there that I stood looking at the Seer while my father and the other family member spoke to him. He made an unerasable impression on me. He was a dignified man and gave the impression of a ‘Called’ one.”

There is no doubt that the vision above can only refer to onetime President P.W. Botha:

Because of the long drawn-out unrest situation in South Africa and the state of emergency imposed by P.W. Botha during the 1980’s, pressure for reform was mounting on the Government; the lifting of apartheid, the release of Nelson Mandela and other political prisoners, as well as unbanning the revolutionary organisations such as the ANC, the Communist Party, PAC, etc.

Although Mr. Botha made certain concessions, he refused to veer away from his paved course, and in his famous Rubicon speech in September 1985, he also demanded that Mandela denounce
violence before he could be set free. This was widely criticized by liberals here and abroad and threats of increased boycotts, and even direct involvement [ = foreign armed violence], were made.

However, President Botha’s mild stroke early in 1989, and his resignation as Party leader, changed matters. The ‘New Thinkers’ and supporters of ‘total reform’ in the NP [the onetime apartheid party, the National Party] challenged him, and according to Mr. Botha’s own
testimony in the press, there were not only serious differences between him and some of his cabinet members, but it often also led to conflict situations:

[I see people sitting around a table, and they are arguing.] And then, in
August 1989, the person at the head of the table (the leader) rises and walks out through the door…

According to the geopoliticist, Donald S. McAlvany, liberals abroad, particularly in America, played an important part in these events. He states as follows:

“In August of 1989, State President P.W. Botha was overthrown in a “bloodless coup orchestrated by several of his own powerful Cabinet ministers and directed from
behind the scenes by the U.S. State Department…”

(In fact, Donald McAlvany had visited this country on a regular basis since the 1970’s with the specific purpose of giving lectures in every big urban centre. Virtually every lecture began with:

“Your greatest enemy is NOT the Soviet Union, but my own country, the USA! The CIA, the State Department, the International Bankers — those three in particular — are extremely dangerous, as they will stop at nothing to overthrow your present Government in favour of black, Communist-led majority rule…”

McAlvany also held talks with high-ranking officials in the RSA Government, as well as the Armed Forces, and was well received until around 1988, when he was suddenly rebuffed and virtually declared ‘persona non grata’ by these same officials who had previously welcomed him.


Here is an example of McAlvany, whom I remember, speaking in 1987 to a white SA audience of 1,000, filmed in South Africa. He clearly detailed the Soviet strategy for drenching the African continent in violence and bloodshed.

McAlvany today



No doubt whatsoever that the secret forces in the USA had done their homework very diligently by brainwashing (and probably threatening) the South African Government into submitting to their demands…)

On 2nd February 1990, President F.W. de Klerk announced his ‘total reform initiatives’ and immediately there was talk about a ‘New South Africa’ and a period of “unprecedented peace and prosperity” awaiting the country and its people.

However, the Seer’s vision paints a totally different and sombre picture: The resignation of a Head of State will not only be very unexpected — (A man suddenly arises) — but he will also leave the Party of which he was the ruler (leaves the house). Those that remain behind will lose a lot of ‘support’ — (the rear wall of the house collapses). The four walls of a house symbolize the voters (or members of an organisation) which must keep the Party (organisation) standing. [end]


I have been enjoying reading my second book by Eben Alexander MD, Living in a Mindful Universe.

A donor sent me an Amazon gift card to get these two books. (Sri Aurobindo was a great Indian guru who preached that this world is very important and we must not become overly otherworldy, even as spiritual people. As Hitler and Dietrich Eckart believed, we go between two world as we reincarnate, and must keep one foot in each of them.) 


Dr. Alexander a onetime brain surgeon and professor at Harvard Medical School, goes in this book well beyond a discussion of his life and then his dramatic NDE [Near Death Experience] as depicted in his first book, a New York Times bestseller for half a year, Proof of Heaven. 

Of course, atheistic forces immediately attacked his character, since he had the potential to really shake things up (a lot more than average people with NDEs do) given both his resumé and his former atheism.

Esquire magazine “debunked” both him and his NDE…..

Clint Eastwood’s “Richard Jewell” – and how TPTB destroy a reputation; Harvard surgeon Eben Alexander defamed for saying God exists

Anyway, the Jews watch carefully attack any and all religions, and any and all religious or spiritual leaders with charisma and potential power over the masses — unless THEY control them. Or the guru has to do something p.c. to show his obeisance to TPTB, such as race-mixing, for example…. marrying a Chinese woman, as white male Eckart Tolle did.

Be Here Now author Ram Dass is a Jew (Richard Alpert,) and so, obviously, is American Buddhist Jack Kornfield. (I bought a book once called Buddhism for Dummies — and it had an entire chapter on what it called “Jew-bu”‘s!)

Anyway,  Dr. Alexander’s second book goes into how his dramatic NDE changed his life. (Among other things, he broke up with his first wife and got together with a full-time spiritual seeker named Karen Newell. I suppose when you stop hauling in the big bucks as a Harvard brain surgeon, and start talking about reincarnation to new audiences, some spouses lose interest….)

The basic thesis is that since his brain, during a week-long coma caused by streptococcal meningitis, was coated in pus, there is no way he was hallucinating his NDE. All thinking, dreaming, hallucinating, decision-making, etc. was in a part of his brain that was totally “down.”

Strikingly, when he was on the other side, Dr. Alexander saw and interacted in a major way with a biological sister (he was adopted as a small boy) whom he never knew he had. Only later did he find out he had this sister, Betty, who had died in her thirties.

This “Betty,” now a kind of “angel” or spiritual guide for him during his coma, had conducted profound and soothing conversations with him….

Well, one of the topics Dr. Alexander discusses is the idea that this universe is a kind of good “matrix,” a hologram, a show. Once you have seen the higher reality, this one that we are in now seems like a cheap movie, a film flickering on a screen, shallow and anemic. THAT world has incredibly vibrant colors, vividness, sharpness and beauty.

He also says, and this is in harmony with all other ND experiencers, that while our memories of everything else fade, our earthly events, the NDE never fades at all. It remains as sharp and crisp as when it happened.

I ran the other day into my 90-year old friend who was a Coast Guard officer. As I discussed on this blog months ago, he had a NDE as a kid. He slipped and cracked his skull on the ice of a pond while doing work for the local lumberyard, during the 1930s, sorting different kinds of wood.

I told him what Dr. Alexander’s book said about how NDEs seem much more real than this world does, and how the memory never fades even a tiny bit.

He nodded and said:

“Yes, it never fades, and not only that, as I as leaving this earth, and heading toward this light, I heard two voices debating what to do about me, and the one voice prevailed that said: ‘He’s too young. We should send him back.’ And so — here I am.” 🙂

Dr. Alexander also goes into how, if this universe is a show, then so are space and time.

And this is where prophecy comes in, such as that of Nicholas Van Rensburg or one I had in 2015, a mix of a prophecy and mostly a vision.

If time is something God created — so the lessons of cause-and-effect, you reap-what-you-sow, what-comes-around-goes-around — can happen and teach you things, then it is someting flexible that is only a tool.

As I said in this video, the purpose of prophecy is not ego or showing off: “I know the future.”

It is a warning: change your path, or this disaster awaits you.

LOL — some doofus told me I did a really good imitation of an Austrian accent.  Gee, I wonder why? 😉

In any case, when Van Rensburg was saying these things between 1917 and 1926, when he died, it was for several reasons:

1) to show God runs this universe, not madness or madmen

2) to avoid these catastrophes by heroes taking action

And now here is my article on my 2015 experience:

Reviewing the dubious Charleston SC “massacre,” my detailed premonition, and the Charlottesville VA car killing

In a nutshell, I had a startling vision at 9 pm, exactly 24 hours before the supposed Charleston church shooting,” where supposedly a white supremacist, Dylan Storm Roof, gunned down all these sweet old black church ladies inside their church, a “house of God,” and while while studying “the Good Book” with their pastor.

This was a VERY significant false-flag attack by the JWO to demonize the South, the Confederacy, all white males, and all gun owners.

My vision was like that of Van Rensburg, symbolic.

I was so floored by this vision that I got on Facebook and wrote both Margi (then in North Carolina) and another woman a PM with the details.

And sure enough, 24 hours later, the faux massacre happened.

It is clear to me that prophecy can be real, because I knew a DAY IN ADVANCE something huge and bad was going down.

The message to me was to expose Charleston as the fake that it was, and show the world how important to our survival the memory of the South, the right to own guns, and white males are – the three things the Jew Deep State was attacking using this bogus Roof character.

As for Dylan Storm Roof, he was a Hollywood child actor and, IMO, 100% an MK-ULTRA, playing a role as “evil, violent bigot.”

“Star Trek” and “Kindergarten Cop” boy actor John Christian Graas and this Roof (Margi discovered this!!!)


I have had so many supernatural experiences…but if you ask around,  so have many other people. the new religion will reflect, not semitic fairy tales with a god choosing the Jews, or oases, palm trees , Pharaohs and shepherds, but things that happen to real people now. 🙂





  1. A friend used to pass on McAlvaney’s newsletters to me in the late 80s and early 90s. McAlvaney clearly pulled punches on the subject of Zionism and Israel. I still found his material magnificent, only dwarfed in comparison to the newsletter put out by Hans Schmidt. McAlvaney, in one of his newsletters, even told his subscribers not to send him any materials about “a Jewish conspiracy”.

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