Vaxx flyer shocks jews; pot pourri

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….Oyy vay, antisemitic kites

Some Beverly Hills Residents Awake To Propaganda Style Flyers With Hate Speech Directed At Jews:

“Be sure to read the comments under the JT Player. . .”

Brittney Hopper reports from Beverly Hills where police say they are investigating after flyers containing propaganda-style hate speech blaming Jews for COVID-19 were distributed in some neighborhoods on the first day of Hanukkah.

Every Single Aspect of The Covid Agenda is Jewish
— Bill Vander Zam was the 28th premier of British Columbia from 1986 to 1991.
Covid is the tool to NWO 2 min video
— Bill Gates : (((vaccines))) will change your DNA: 2 min video

— UK woke freak
diversity=less secure




This excellent site is working because of 1) the webmaster and 2) the monitor of hacking attempts!

I PAY for two men to oversee, protect, and quickly repair my site after a cyber-attack.

Thank God that a German and a French are digging very, very deep into their pockets, and have done so every month for years.

A few Americans have both minds of steel and hearts of gold, give very generously, and take big risks for me and our sacred white Cause.

One of them…a former Green Beret




BUT Many Americans are just “big children,” as the German stereotype used to say, and I heard this a hundred times in the old West Germany, observing US troops.

They expect everything from me without sacrificing themselves at all. Ice cream lickers, one German said, and onlookers as a daily electronic hacking battle goes on, which is very expensive for me!

“Gee, John, I do hope somebody sends you money! And yes, I do need this ice cream.”  😉


The terms “white nationalist” and ZOG were invented by a friend of mine in Oregon in the late 1970s. He also said: “Americans are hedonistic entertainment addicts.” 😉

But life is not a movie or a video game…. and soon AMERICANS will go through what many other nations have: hunger, terror and civil war.


……Honor Roll

I wish to thank again some noble souls who have quietly funded me since 2009 with extraordinary generosity and serious financial sacrifices, in chronological order since 2005:

–the late, great publisher Willis Carto


–a Greek immigrant to the Washington DC area

–a now deceased German sheet-metal worker, Fritz Stallmach, from Kingston, Ontario, Canada (

–a deaf vegetable farmer from Kennewick (yes, as in “Kennewick Man” but more recent 😉 ), G, from Washington State

–a male psychiatric nurse (r), T

–An Egyptian webmaster, Clark, who did hundreds of hours of work gratis

–A Canadian of German heritage, T, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

–a Rhode Island high school girl, K, who started by sending me babysitting money and now funds from her job with a drugstore

–A Texan with Buddhist leanings, B

–a Finnish engineer, T

–a Swiss-German, M

–a German who spent 30 years as a pastry baker in the US, F

–a Croatian who lives in Scotland, M

–a German in Berlin, S

–a German architect in Schleswig-Holstein, C, who paid for this great colorization


–A Frenchman, M

–A Floridian and Leo Frank/Mary Phagan activist, M

–A North Carolina truck driver, Jamie Anderson, now deceased from cancer in his mid-forties 🙁

–A Floridian, T

–An Australian in Perth, J

–a retired Marine Corps gunnery sergeant in Pittsburgh, W

–A Dutchman, F

–An Australian and UFO connaisseur in Tasmania, P

–A German woman, otherwise unknown

–An Australian in New South Wales, D

–a Massachusetts dentist, J

–a former Rockwell stormtrooper, J

–a key Barnes Review person

–A born Jew, now an Orthodox Christian, and now open national socialist from New York City

–a former Marine Corps aviator, P

–an aircraft mechanic, M

–an Italian wife and mother, E

–I wish to also thank, up in Valhalla, Dr. William Luther Pierce, founder of the National Alliance,

….and the late, great Hans Schmidt of the Waffen-SS division “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler,” a Battle of the Bulge veteran, later a successful immigrant businessman in California, and newsletter publisher. In the 1980s I was close to both men, did work for them, and they generously supported me and my then family.

–Also kudos to the late George Martin of greater Detroit, Michigan, a devout Catholic who sent me $1,000 when I was running for US Congress in Tennessee in 1990, as did the late Sherri Yount of Palm Beach, Florida, and to the late Walter Raes of the Flemish Waffen-SS division, who knew Léon Degrelle as a boy and was a young Rexist himself.

He sent me precious, original Rexist and Third Reich literature for the Belgians.

I wish to also thank a lawyer from Baltimore, G.

I send my gratitude to the well-known attorney S from Atlanta, Georgia, who helped me in 1990 when a vicious, racist black motorcycle cop tried to set me up (to the anger and incomprehension of a white cop in a squad car). This white-hating negro was later imprisoned for demanding oral-sex favors of white female motorists! 🙁


THANK YOU and your beautiful hearts for digging deep!

You have understood — I am fighting this war for you!


  1. Folgend ein Schwank aus dem Forum ‘Politikversagen’ …

    … der jedermann aufhorchen lassen sollte, und zwar:

    SPD fordert Impfpflicht für die nächsten Jahre

    Die Katze ist aus dem Sack.

    Es geht bei der Impfpflicht nicht um einen einzigen Piks, und auch nicht um einen zweiten, ja nicht einmal um den dritten, den vielbeschworenen Booster.

    Der Ministerpräsident von Niedersachsen, Stephan Weil, droht mit Lockdown und jahrelanger Impfpflicht.

    Weiterlesen auf:

  2. Mikroskop-Analyse zeigt verklumptes Blut bei Geimpften (Überschrift des Artikels)


    Der deutsche Blogger namens Vitzli kommentiert zum obigen Bericht folgendes, nämlich:

    Für Eilige: ab Minute 4.25 geht es los mit dem Nachweis der Eier und Würmer im sogenannten Impfstoff.

    Dieses Zeug möchte man sich wirklich nicht reindrücken sprich injizieren lassen!
    Kein Wunder, daß die ‘Regierung’ das mit Zwang durchsetzen will. Und zwar alle 6 Monate!

    Quellenangabe, wo ich den obigen Bericht gefunden habe, und zwar wie gesagt beim deutschen Blogger namens Vitzli:

    Corona: Eier und Würmer im Impfstoff? (Überschrift des Artikels)

    Anmerkung Leonardo Ambrosius Georges Giovanni Conti:

    In der Tat ein ekelhafter Vorgang, der lediglich talmuttschen Hirnen entspringen kann.

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