Vaxxed woman here says yes, my body is now magnetic; South African doctor on the monsters in vaxxed blood and the REMEDIES

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A very attractive local woman whom I have known for six years (looking a bit like the late actress Natalie Wood in the photo above) told me something incredible. 

She is a solid Upper Michigan gal, of German and Finnish ancestry, and works at a very popular local tavern when not grooming snowmobile trails, landscaping, or doing other practical things to support herself and her daughter.

I said to her, knowing she is very skeptical of the vaxx, and right after reading the two articles linked below, “I sure hope you NEVER get this vaccine. You know it is full of little machines?”

She stopped her work, looked at me, and said (not to my surprise, since everybody knows I’m the guy who is “into conspiracies” 😉 ):

“A friend of mine, right here [in town or in the county], got the vaccine when it first came out…”

Me: “Well, that was about a year ago, December 2020.”

She: “Well, it made her magnetic. Metal sticks to her skin!”

Me: “You mean STILL? A whole year later?”

She: “Yeah! I’ve seen it with my own eyes!”

Me: “I’ve seen videos about this, and photos on the Internet.

But then I read that as the vaccine disperses throughout your body, the magnetic area on the arm gets weaker and is gone.”

She: “No, this is her whole body. It is still happening. I saw it with my own eyes!”

Then she had to take care of some customers.

Btw, the theory is that the vaxx is full of the metal called graphene oxide, and others say that the 5G towers are also doing something to make this mix magnetic.

We certainly do have a big 5G tower here in Ontonagon, behind the pharmacy.

I was also heartbroken to hear that a 92-year-old friend, of Scottish and Swedish descent, still sharp as a tack mentally, highly respected and liked by all and a former high Coast Guard official, has been very ill with “Covid” for weeks now, after getting the Trumpian “vaccine.”  🙁

I have related many of his conversations with me on this blog, and Margi knows him too.

Trump and Fox pushed this lethal clot shot on so many white people who  trusted them.


The next two links are to interviews by a Stew Peters, a new face to me since about a year, interviewing a South African (Boer) naturopath, a nice-looking gal (married and with three children, btw) named Zandré Botha,  on the horrors she is seeing under the microscope in the blood of her vaxxed patients.

They are also having horrible headaches and a weird pulsing feeling at the top of their brain.

She says that she and another naturopath, by being exposed to these patients of theirs, who may be, as they say, “shedding spike proteins,” are also getting the vaxx symptoms!

She also goes into cures for the vaxx!

But let me go back to this gal I mentioned first.

She has always been kind of liberal or maybe apolitical about politics, race,  and the controversies I go into.

But her eyes were wide as saucers as she told me her friend’s skin is  magnetic, still magnetic in fact a year later.

My goal is to create a new religion that enables people to grab ahold of their own brain and then both stop denying horrible realities and cease rejecting life-saving truths.  

I mean, the facts are out there.

SEEING your friend’s body become magnetic from a supposed “vaccine” shocked this gal to the core. In the vernacular, it “weirded her out.” And it mentally opens up a huge can of worms.

I know that we are on the verge of THE GREAT AWAKENING.

And if we can CURE many of these trusting people from the vaxx effects, and prevent them from suffering sickness, debility and death, they might just love us national socialists forever.

I am glad now that, except for my blog for my readers, I kept my mouth shut in 2020 and let Trump, Biden and the vaxx happen.

Revilo was right!


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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing misspelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!


…..Recent donations

— 30 December 2021 $50 via PayPal from B in Denmark

— 25 December 2021 $200 via Cash App from K in Massachusetts

– 25 December 2021 300 euros from M in France

— 23 December 2021 $100 gift card from Amazon from J in Nevada

— 16 December 20201 300 euros from M in France

A Paris pastry shop

— 14 December 2021 $95 via PayPal from V in Denmark


The royal Frederiksborg Castle, north of Copenhagen, from an era when Norway and Denmark were under one king

The royal chapel, beautiful but empty, as with most Christian churches in western, central and northern Europe. This is an incredible waste of space, money and beauty at a time when Whites desperately need spiritual guidance but do not find it in the churches or their semitic stories. Christianity has been dead in most of Europe for generations — just as I foresaw and said would eventually happen in Table Talk at Führer Headquarters.

— 13 December 2021 300 euros from M in France

An actually very nice rap song by white Bretons about maintaining their celtic heritage…. The tribe of Dana in Celtic legends was an extraterrestrial people with extraordinary technology that was linked to the Celtic peoples:


— 10 December 2021 $5 in cash from M in Florida

— 5 December 2021 $90 donation via PayPal from H in California, a previous donor

— 4 December 2021 another 300 euros (same in US dollars) from the heroic M in France, a working man, btw, not some millionaire!!!!!

Menhirs, prehistoric sacred boulders in celtic Carnac, Brittany, France

— 3 December 2021 500 euros (same in US dollars) via PP from S in Germany

Castle Eutin, Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany; I was here with the Marines in 1979 with a NATO “Reforger” exercise nd went through the town of Angeln, whence the “Anglos” in Anglo-Saxons. The last Reich president, Admiral Karl Dönitz, ran the last German government from here in May 1945.

— 30 November 2021 US$100 via PayPal from V in Denmark


“Ramund” (hin unge) is a Danish folksong from around the 1600s. I am playing a nyckelharpa, an ancient Swedish instrument. It started to storm as I played. “Ramund” has around 20 verses, and there are different versions written down. It is mainly about Ramund, a man who goes to battle with the Jætter / trolls and then sails to the emperor to take his daughter to marry and then decapitates the emperor.

— 27 November 2021 $400 Australian ( = US$285), photocopied information on Australian WWII PM John Curtin (very pro-white and apprehensive about China) and letter from P in Australia

— 27 November 2021 $70 Australian ( = US$51), Christmas card and letter from P in Australia

— 27 November 2021 300 euros ( = same in US dollars) from M in France

— 26 November 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from G in Chicago

John Kennedy and Jackie in Chicago


— 25 November 2021 85 euros via PayPal from M in Texas

— 20 November 2021  300 euros (same in US dollars) from M in France

— 12 November 2021 another 300 euros (same in US dollars) from the heroic M in France, a working man, btw, not some millionaire!!!!!

St-Malo panorama at evening. St-Malo, Brittany, France


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