Vernon Coleman’s “most urgent video ever”

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A comrade and generous donor sent me this:
I replied:
Thanks very much. I watched the entire video and read the transcript as well.
I will share with you my private thoughts of many years now.
I heard of the Van Rensburg prophecy in 2017 of a third world war, but half-thought that a thermonuclear war would be so insane, no, beyond the word “insane,” that only a completely evil person who wants human extinction could take the provocative steps that, in the end, would clearly trigger such a true holocaust.
And yet here we are.
As Coleman says (and I have been aware of him for three decades), Biden is indeed that COMPLETELY EVIL person needed for such an atomic catastrophe, and thus a Hunter Biden, his pedophilic son, would be a logical by-product.
But already Obama was completely evil.
He had my assistant abducted in March 2009, broken in 86 days in solitary, and released on the promise to attack and defame me.
Henrik Holappa with Margi and our car, a 1993 Honda Prelude
Henrik Holappa on the far left, next to me . 
To get out of US detention at the Buffalo Federal Detention Facility in upstate New York, and to get charges of hate speech, etc., dropped  –and the man, as a white nationalist in leftist-ruled, hyper-libtard Finland, rightly feared gang rape by negroes and muslims in a Finnish prison — he went online and defamed me.
He called me a wife-beater, con man, nut, and dog torturer.
His allies, David Duke and Don Black, added that I was a homosexual, and Jared Taylor added that I was a pedophile!
Google put this up! (Screenshot of April 22, 2009)
It was all orchestrated by Obama, a longtime CIA operative.
And on 23 Nov 2016, the Obama White House called and VERBALLY threatened me:


First, my landline phone rang (at 906-884-6689) and the Caller ID said:

WH SWITCHBOARD (202) 456-1414

After seeing the Coleman video about thermonuclear Armageddon, the question any leader must pose to himself is this —

What is to be done? 

Lenin — wicked but a great leader in his own horrible way — wrote a famous article with this very title of “What is to be done?” — this at a time when his Bolsheviks, of all the communists the most violent and bloodthirsty, were very far from gaining power, back in 1901.
Four years later, the attempted leftist 1905 Revolution in Russia would fail.
In 1917, Lenin, hiding out in Switzerland, said
“We will not see victory in our lifetime”
And yet he was wrong, because his 1901 founding of a revolutionary political party was indeed coming to fruition.
And the tsar of Russia, 1/4 German himself — descended from Prince Albert of Coburg, the husband of Queen Victoria — and a man married to a fine German princess, was idiotically about to wage war on mighty Germany!
At a wedding, the German kaiser, Wilhelm II, donned a Russian uniform and his cousin, Nicholas II of Russia, put a German one on. With the jews breathing down both their necks, they then started a crazy war with each other! 
When tsarist Russia, after three dreadful years of whites killing each other, had lost many battles to the German army and was weak, Lenin’s party would seize power.
Earthling madness!

But the Jewnited Snakes in 2023 is now just as hated and despised by the masses as the tsar was by the Russian people in 1917.

Our great chance is now.
As the great Napoleon said:
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is busy making mistakes.”


  1. The reds never seized power. Russia was in such a mess caused by Jacob Schiff and his New York syndicate. Nobody wanted the job of fixing Russia. The Kerensky Government GAVE power to the Bolsheviks.

    Russia started to be normal when the Berlin Wall came down.

    Russia’s problems by the late 1980s were so vast that no one person could put them right over decades.

    The Jewish Bolsheviks couldn’t even build a factory without American help.

    The Soviets didn’t mind exchanging gold, diamonds, and oil for beef, butter and Coca-Cola syrup via Dr Armand Hammer in the hated capitalist West.

    Today it looks like Russia is normal — and the West is the zionist freak show.

  2. Thanks, I watched Vernon Coleman’s videos early on during the covid bioweapon hackcine rollout, but I couldn’t get past the way he kept comparing it to “the Holocaust”, referring to the perps as “Nazi’s” and calling for another Nuremberg trial as if the first one was some kind of victory for truth and justice rather than the absolute miscarriage of justice that it so clearly was. I came to suspect he was a jew although I couldn’t verify it.

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