Very high British government official proposes 15 years prison for watching a “racist” video!!!!

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Amber Rudd, Tory MP and British Home Secretary

Nick Griffin and Jack Sen discuss Britain’s war on free speech. Could people face 15 years in jail just for w-a-t-c-h-i-n-g a YouTube video?


If Amber Rudd, Tory MP and British Home Secretary, has her way, watching videos that promote nationalist content on YouTube and on publicly accessible social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter could result in viewers being arrested. In fact, Rudd is proposing legislation that will ban watching and consuming right wing content on YouTube.

And we aren’t talking about a slap on the wrist. Viewing content the government deems ‘extreme’ on sites like YouTube could result in 15 years jail time.

The Guardian reported that,

“People who repeatedly view terrorist content online could face up to 15 years behind bars in a move designed to tighten the laws tackling radicalisation by the Home Secretary, Amber Rudd. 

A new maximum penalty of 15 years’ imprisonment will also apply to terrorists who publish information about members of the armed forces, police and intelligence services for the purposes of preparing acts of terrorism.

“I want to make sure those who view despicable terrorist content online, including jihadi websites and far-right propaganda face the full force of the law,” said Rudd. “There is currently a gap in the law around material [that] is viewed or streamed from the internet without being permanently downloaded.”

See what she did there? Conflated right wing propaganda and Jihadist extremism.

The Express reported that the legislation opens the door to the government being given wide-reaching powers.

“The crackdown will improve support for victims and drive up prosecutions of those who abuse other internet users based on their race, religion, sexual orientation or disability.

The Home Secretary said: “Online hate crime is completely unacceptable. What is illegal offline is illegal online and those who commit these cowardly crimes should be met with the full force of the law.

“The national online hate-crime hub we are funding is an important step to ensure that more victims have the confidence to come forward and report the vile abuse to which they are being subjected.”

Moving forward, the only way people like us will be able to communicate and promote our cause to people like you will be by hosting our own content-the sort of thing we are trying to accomplish on sites like Resistance Radio.

The fact the most bloggers who do broadcast for a hobby cannot afford to host their own content means more and more nationalists will find themselves censored and their media platforms….gone.

Former Member of European Parliament, Nick Griffin, and UKIP parliamentary candidate, Jack Sen, discuss this important topic below on the latest Resistance Report.

Here are a few other recent recordings before you leave us today:

Have aggressive homosexualists and Cultural Marxists successfully hijacked the Right? Nick Griffin discusses his explosive new book with Jack Sen
Traitors Theresa May & Sadiq Khan team up to attack Trump over Britain First Tweet, harm US UK relations. Nick Griffin and Jack Sen discuss this and other topics on Resistance Radio  (our most popular program this quarter with 18,000+ listens)

And please be sure to subscribe to listen to all of our exclusive content as well as the second parts of all our broadcasts. In order to keep hosting our own content, bypassing YouTube and other untrustworthy and unsympathetic hosting services in the process, we need your support.

If you’d like to follow Nick Griffin on social media, he can found at @NickGriffinBU on Twitter; @NickGriffin on He is also on Facebook and

Jack can be found on Facebook here (British radio page) and here (South Africa/US channel). Jack’s writing can be found on the Occidental Observer as well as here on Resistance Radio. Thanks for your support.

Part 1 on the West’s War on Free Speech

Please Become a Paid Subscriber to Listen to the remainder of the program (30 mins)

……Will the British people rise up?

No, not as things stand. These chemtrails (from four jets strafing Birmingham, England) are full of anxiety-causing, cowardice-enhancing chemicals!



Turning a blue sky over London into a silvery-grey haze in just a few hours


As I said in a blog two days ago:

I am creating a new Aryan religion to address the central moral issue of our time, which is male cowardice.

Men are not fighting, not even for their women and children.

Blacks in Italy go chimp

This is my video with 54,000 views on VIP pedophiles, which rises important issues:

And so I say, until a new Aryan religion arises, no atrocity, no matter how hair-raising, will move the masses to act.

–Not banning marriage between whites as racist (this ban is coming)

–not confiscating all guns, pepper spray, whistles, even — everything

–not a mandatory cashless society and chipping people (which steps, in and of themselves, represent the final death kneel of all possibility of resistance — the government knows your exact location and who you are with at every second, and can shut down all ability to buy food or water, or pay your utility and lodging bills, thus making you foodless, waterless and, when you are evicted, homeless)

–nor mandatory vaccines against a government- induced epidemic that “accidentally” also sterilize people

White males with high levels of anxiety and depression and extreemly low testosterone, drenched by chemtrails and artificial female hormones in their food and water, will not rise up.


They. Will. Not.

London male strips naked at the order of a black during London 2011 race riots

Likewise for this matron, being questioned afterward by a bobby, who seems in no hurry to cover her up.


1 Comment

  1. Why not crack down on mad, fanatic, sex-crazy, and violent muslims instead?

    Those that are sponsoring and implementing migrative invasions for purposes of “population exchange” will not let the english defend themselves against it.

    If the british don’t get somehow rid of jews and freemasons (who at important levels are also mostly jews), this not only won’t stop, but will only get worse.

    This is a war. Either they get rid of jews and freemasons, or jews and fremasons will get rid of them.

    But british, as well as other anglo, christians love their jews so much…..

    Just have a look at the website , how they adore jews and Israel, and how they constantly insist on watching very carefully Germany (yes, modern, post ww2 Germany) because it is nothing less than the “Assyrians” – such manipulative crap! (by that logic, the english would also be “assyrians” – the manipulative intent is obvious, and odious).

    Well, at least they upgraded the Germans into Assyrians (bye bye huns).

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