Fascinating war stories told by revisionist expert Fred Leuchter (whom both Margi and I have encountered) to heroic revisionist activist Jim Rizoli (with his fellow activist Diane King, also heard occasionally):
how American Jews tried to scare him off from examining the fake gas chambers in Poland,and spread stories that he was a chemical warfare expert!
his encounters with the Polish communist police; getting his gas chamber samples out;
David Irving’s cave-in to the Jewish lobby;
how it takes TWO hours to ventilate a gas chamber after executing ONE prisoner, including a crew in rubber suits washing down the dead body to get all the cyanide gas and precipitate off so the undertaker is not killed;
Leuchter also said that 20% of cyanide (gas-chamber) executions go wrong — the person does not die, but experiences great pain while suffocating — so he no longer supports this execution method. (The Germans would have come to the same conclusion — it is not an efficient way to kill people, just lice in clothing.)
After receiving a Bachelor’s degree (in history) from Boston University in 1964, Leuchter did postgraduate work at the Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. He holds patents on the design of sextants, surveying instruments and optical encoding equipment. He is an accomplished pianist and an NRA-qualified small-arms instructor. Leuchter is perhaps best known as the author of four controversial forensic reports on alleged German wartime extermination gas chambers.
Leuchter designed and maintained gas chambers for several U.S. penal institutions. He was sent by Ernst Zündel to investigate Auschwitz, Majdanek, Dachau, Hartheim and other alleged “Nazi Death Camps” and “gassing facilities.” Author of the devastating, trail-blazing series of Leuchter Reports (I, II, III, IV) and several articles and videotaped presentations that resulted from these investigations. Sensational Zündel witness in the Great Holocaust Trial in 1988.
Leuchter was blacklisted in the U.S. and hounded by the Holocaust lobby and the world’s lapdog media. He was arrested and jailed in Germany while visiting there to appear on a television show, and he was denied entry to the UK due to his forensic research.
As a result of intense Jewish pressure, Leuchter lost his livelihood. Since making known his findings, he also has been libelled, slandered, and financially ruined.
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