The US Capitol after a tsunami (and NOT after a hydrogen bomb explosion, which would have vaporized it)
Trump clearly has quietly promised the big juze a war with Iran. His Defense Secretary, National Security Advisor, Secretary of State, and his ambassadors to Israel and the UN are all neo-con Iran-haters.
Problems with that: 1) Iran is very powerful and has thrice the pop. of Iraq, but we lost a long and costly war to even a much weaker Iraq;
2) Russia is arming and training Iran, including with the advanced Russian S-400 AA system, which shot down most Israeli missiles;
3) Putin refers to Iran as Russia’s “ally” (which was his word choice at the BRICS summit, and “ally” means “if you are attacked [by the US], we will attack the attacker [Russia attacking the US].”.
4) 90% of Iran’s oil goes to China, which has invested $100 billion in its refineries, pipelines and exploration. Would China object to its oil supplier and its refineries being flattened?
And so the Van Rensburg prophecy lurches toward fulfillment, toward a nuclear world war. In the prophesy, after a “black boy” becomes US president, an older white male becomes his successor. He “scowls constantly and has fluffy hair like a wig.”
He gets us into a war with Russia, and in this war things which Nicholas van Rensburg described in 1917 as “horror bombs” will go off. And he says no one in England will survive. And that seems to foretell the Russians’ Poseidon tsunami bomb, a drone underwater cruise missile that detonates a 100-megaton bomb underwater (with twice the power of the Tsar Bomba) in order to create a thousand-foot-high tidal wave which would inundate all of England, drowning everyone there, but also much of flat northern France the lLow Countries, and northern Germany and Poland. The Poseidon tsunami bomb would also wipe out every city on the US East and West Coasts.
I have waited for conditions to become ripe. What I see, and the Duran duo agree with Douglas MacGregor about this, is that Trump could do so much good with his “dream team”, but the juze insist on their war of annihilation against Iran. But as Alexander Mercouris says: “The problem for America is not in the Middle East. It is in Washington DC.”
A relative of mine said it best a millennium ago:
….The 1917 Nicholas Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars
UPDATE: The tsunami bomb is now a reality!
It has four times the explosive power of the old Soviet-Russian “Tsar Bomba” of 1961, which at 50 megatons wiped out buildings in a 50-km/30-mile radius:
The new Poseidon torpedo, powered by a nuclear engine, is designed to creep forward through the Atlantic Ocean floor at a snail’s pace — but then speed up to 180-kmh/100-mph as it nears the beach on the US East, Gulf and West Coasts so it cannot be intercepted.
(The last minute consists of an ad.)
What is horrible is when Nicholas Van Rensburg said that not one person in England would survive. According to the video, a 1,600-foot/500-meter high wave would arise. It would drown everyone in mostly flat England, and most people in Wales and Scotland. And it would do the same to much of the US East Coast, Gulf and West Coasts as well. Russia has thirty of these tsunami torpedos.
Tsunami scene from “Deep Impact” (with a comet producing the wave):
Also, whereas a nuclear-armed missile could perhaps be shot down by some sort of “Star Wars” laser, it could NOT destroy a torpedo a hundred or more feet underwater, and especially not if moving at 100 mph.
When I first heard of this NVR prophecy, this Russian weapon was not yet deployed.
Now it is.
Still laughing it all off?
This 1917 prophecy marches now toward its fulfillment, ending with the Reich Germans of the Absetzbewegung, the Disengagement Movement, re-emerging from bases under the Antarctic and the Andes mountain chain to rule a world mostly in ashes — in alliance with the Boers who have survived, with sudden Reich-German help, a merciless race war.
It marches now toward its fulfillment, ending with the Reich Germans of the Absetzbewegung, the Disengagement Movement, re-emerging from bases under the Antarctic and the Andes mountain chain to rule a world mostly in ashes — in alliance with the Boers who have survived, with sudden Reich-German help, a merciless race war.
NVR foresaw Britain turns against America, Turkey against Russia, then Russia invades Turkey and the rest of NATO in Europe (the weaker party “ getting in the first blow”).
And then (in the quaint 1917 phrase by Van Rensburg) “the horror bombs” go off.
Simon Roche of South Africa: the astonishing 1917 prophecies of Nicholas van Rensburg
Van Rensburg predicted that after a black becomes president of South Africa ( = the communist Nelson Mandela, here with his communist, Lithuanian-Jewish adviser, Joe Slovo)
….and also after a black likewise becomes the president of the United States ( = Obama), described as “a black boy,”
….and recall that — back in 1917 — such notions of black presidents seemed absurd and even unimaginable….
…THEN a male, white, older conservative will take over the reins of the state.
This white, male conservative will have “hair like a wig,” and constantly frown. It ends up eventually in a war with Russia.
America will be crippled for generations by massive destruction.
Russia too will be almost completely destroyed.
Some European countries as well will be wiped out, especially England, which will break its alliance with the United States and therefore will be abandoned by them. Not one Englishman will survive, van Rensburg predicts.
The Soviet nuclear Sakharov Plan was to plant and ignite hydrogen bombs at key places to crack open the crust of the earth, creating a gigantic tsunami that will drown everyone in low-lying England — or the whole, low-lying US East Coast.
Andrei Sakharov, later a famous dissident, built the first Soviet hydrogen bomb.
America before WWIII
This movie is based on the actual 2004 tsunami that killed 400,000 people in Thailand, including many white tourists. I am highly suspicious that this was triggered deliberately via an underwater nuclear device — practicing mass killing and population reduction of the hated goyim, as per the openly stated first goal on the Georgia Guidestones, by the jewish Deep State.
Ironically, Germans and Boers, supposedly the vanquished ones of history, down in South Africa, will be the only major white survivors of this utterly useless, pointless world war that will destroy the entire northern hemisphere of our planet.
They will build together a new white empire in Africa, which will have remained unscathed from the Third World War.
And these two very tough, smart, warlike white peoples with no racial illusions will crush without mercy any black people who oppose law, order, civilization, and progress.
As far as the Germans are concerned, as I have explained many times on my website, Adolf Hitler ordered, after the great defeat at Stalingrad, the evacuation of the most elite of his German scientists and military down to Antarctica. They have huge under-ice military bases there, and also in the Andes mountain range, in a kind of existence like a badger, protected in their lairs, but not daring to wage war on the United States or Russia (neither against Soviet Russia 1945-91 nor the Yeltsin-Putin Russia of 1991-2018).
The Reich population is only five million, like Finland, Ireland, or the US state of Wisconsin.
Their only option is to wait for WWIII, and for their enemies to destroy each other.
What are Van Rensburg’s prophecies concerning the Tribe, the Jews, who are certainly our worst enemy, not the primitive blacks?
He was negative toward them, and often spoke of “Jews, Blacks, English and jingos”[Boer sell-outs].
Like all Boers, he hated especially the English (who had killed two of his daughters in Lord Kitchener’s horrible concentration camps).
And he loved and admired the Germans.
He prophesied that the Germans would lose two world wars but win, that is, survive — and survive alone — the third world war.
Hitler himself said “Das letzte Battalion wird ein deutsches sein.” (“The last battalion will be German.”) This becomes understandable only if one accepts the reality of the military “Absetzbewegung” of 1943-45, the “disengagement movement”. (“Sich absetzen” in German means “to withdraw your troops.” “He who runs away can live to fight another day.”)
My mission is to end this madness so Trump’s amazing victory does not, most ironically, lead to a global nightmare.
Someone has to open two big cans of worms — race and the juze!
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