Comments in German (Kommentare auf deutsch): “Lieber John, ich habe gerade dein Video gesehen und bin tief berührt, von deinen Worten DANKE dafür, mit Tränen in den Augen sehr bewegend! Alles Liebe, R.”
In English translation: “Dear John, I just saw your video and I am deeply touched by your words. THANK YOU for it — very moving. I have tears in my eyes. All the best, R.”
Francais: “Cher John, je viens de regarder votre vidéo et je suis profondément touché par vos paroles. Je vous en remercie, c’est très émouvant, j’ai les larmes aux yeux. Avec tous mes meilleurs voeux, R.”
2) Ich antwortete: “Liebe Kameradin, vielen Dank für diese höchst erfreuliche Mitteilung! John”
“Dear comrade, many thanks for this delightful response.”
Francais: “Chère camarade, merci beaucoup pour cette charmante réponse.”
3) “Sehr gerne, lieber John. Meine Worte kommen aus dem Herzen. Nie zuvor habe ich eine ergreifendere Ansprache gehört.”
“Very happy to write you this, dear John. My words come from the heart. Never before have I heard a more touching speech.”
Francais: “Volontiers, cher John. Mes paroles surgissent de mon cÅ“ur. Je n’ai jamais vu de discours plus touchant.”
4) “Es hat begonnen! Auf zur großen Schlacht gegen die Krieger von El(Engel)-Schaddei(Schatten)! Sammelt euch, sucht verbündete und stürzt dieses System! Heil Hitler! VERBREITET DIESES VIDEO, TEILT ES UND HELFT MIT! NATIONAL SOZIALISMUS JETZT!!! FàœR ALLE Và–LKER DIESER WELT!!!
–“It has begun! The great battle against the warriors of El (angels) Schaddai (Shadow)! Gather, seek allies and crush the system! Heil Hitler! SPREAD THIS VIDEO, SHARING IT AND GIVE HELP! NATIONAL SOCIALISM NOW FOR ALL PEOPLES OF THIS WORLD!!”
Francais: “- “Elle a commencé, la grande bataille contre les guerriers d’El Chaddai (“L’Ombre”). Il faut se rassembler, chercher des alliés puis écraser ce système. Heil Hitler! PARTAGEZ CETTE VIDÉO, PARTAGEZ-LA ET DONNEZ DE l’AIDE. LE SOCIALISME NATIONAL EST MAINTENANT Là€ POUR TOUS LES PEUPLES DU MONDE !!”
5) Wow! Das war eine echte Rede, eine echte Präsidentenrede! Und mir gefiel sehr, wie Sie über die Dritte Welt gesprochen haben!”
–-Wow! That was a real speech, a real presidential speech! And I really liked how you talked about the third world!”
Francais (langue d’origine) de Tunisien: “Wow ! Un vrai discours, un vrai discours de président! Et j’ai bien aimé comment vous avez parlé du tiers monde!”
6) English: Dear Mr. de Nugent: I really agree with this video, and you speak good German! (from a Chinese student, Shuqi H.)
German: Lieber Herr de Nugent. Ich stimme sehr mit diesem Video überein. Und Sie sprechen so gutes Deutsch!” (von einer chinesischen Studentin, Shuqi H.)
Francais: “Cher M. de Nugent: Je suis vraiment en accord avec cette vidéo, et vous parlez si bien allemand!” (d’une étudiante chinoise, Shuqi H.)
1) (French) Nous ne haà¯ssons pas les Juifs – mais est-ce qu’ils nous haà¯ssent, eux?
(Arabic) لا نكره اليهود
(English) We do not hate the Jews – but maybe they hate us!
(German) Wir hassen die Juden nicht, aber vielleicht hassen sie uns!
(Afrikaans) Ons haat die Jode nie, maar miskien haat hulle ons!
2) Nous sommes libres de tout impérialisme, militarisme ou racisme!
Ù†ØÙ† Ø£Øرار من إمْبÙرْياليّة Ùˆ النزعة العسكرية العنصرية
We are free from imperialism, militarism and racism!
Wir sind frei von Imperialismus, Militarismus und Rassismus!
Ons is vry van imperialisme, militarisme en rassisme!
3) Je m’appelle John de Nugent
إسمي” جون دي نوجنت”
My name is John de Nugent,
Ich heiße John de Nugent,
My naam is John de Nugent,
4) et les rumeurs sont vraies que j’ai un certain lien avec Adolf Hitler.
Ùˆ الإشاعات تقول إني لدي علاقات مع “أدو٠هتلر”
and the rumors are true that I have a certain connection with Adolf Hitler.
und die Gerüchte sind wahr, dass ich in einer Beziehung zu Adolf Hitler stehe.
en die gerugte is waar dat ek in ‘n verhouding met Adolf Hitler staan.
5) Mais il y a une différence fondamentale entre la situation dans les années vingt et maintenant.
لكن هناك Ùرق كبير ÙÙŠ الوضعيّة بين أعوام العشرينيّات Ùˆ الآن
But there is a fundamental difference in the situation between the Twenties and now.
Grundverschieden aber ist die Lage zwischen den Zwanziger Jahren und jetzt.
Fundamenteel verskil maar is die situasie tussen die twintigs en ??nou.
6) Tous les pays blancs sont entierement sous la botte de l’ennemi!
كل البلدان التي تنتمي للعرق الأبيض تØت قدم العدو
All white countries are completely under the enemy’s boot!
Alle weißen Länder sind vollkommen unterm Stiefel des Feindes!
Alle wit lande is heeltemal onder die stewels van die vyand!
7) Et les pays pauvres du Tiers-Monde encore plus!
و بلدان العالم الثاث أكثر
And the poor countries of the Third World even more!
Und die armen Länder der Dritten Welt noch mehr!
En die arm lande van die Derde Wêreld nog meer!
8) Cela explique leur émigration massive vers nos pays!
هذا مايÙسّر الهجرة الجماعيّة المكثّÙØ© ÙÙŠ بلداننا
This explains their mass emigration into our home countries!
Deswegen ihre Massenauswanderung in unsere Heimatländer!
Daarom, hulle massa emigrasie in ons huis lande!
9) Compte tenu de la puissance [sioniste), il est impossible
نظرًا لقوتهم هذا مستØيل
Given their power it is impossible
Bei dieser Machtlage ist es unmöglich,
In hierdie posisie van mag, is dit onmoontlik
10) avec seulement des infos politiques de rééduquer les victimes du grand lavage de cerveau.
مع السياسة ÙˆØدها لتثقي٠الناس بغسل الدماغ
with politics alone to re-educate extremely brainwashed people.
mit Politik alleine extrem gehirngewaschene Menschen umzuerziehen.
alleen med politiek uiters gebreinspoel mense te transformeer.
11) Seule une nouvelle religion mondiale, fond´´e sur le national-socialisme
إلّا عالم جديد من القوميّين الإشتراكييّن
Only a new world religion of national socialism
Nur eine neue Weltreligion des Nationalsozalismus
Slegs ‘n nuwe wêreld-godsdiens van Nasionale Sosialisme.
12) pour TOUS les peuples et toutes le races
كلّ الأعراق و الشعوب
for ALL races and peoples
für alle Rassen und Völker,
vir alle rasse en nasies,
13) puisse les unir contre le seul grand ennemi de toute l’humanité,
نستطيع توØيدهم ضد العدو الوØيد للبشريّة
can unite them against the one great enemy of mankind,
die sie gegen den einen Feind der Menschheit vereint,
wat die mense teen die een vyand van die mensdom verenig,
14) malgré toute différence, et réussir.
رغم كل الإختلاÙات لكن يمكن أن ينجØ
despite all differences, and can succeed.
trotz aller Unterschiede, kann gelingen.
ten spyte van hul verskille, kan slaag.
15) Mais Adolf Hitler commit plusieurs erreurs:
لكن هتلر قام بعدة أخطاء :
But Adolf Hitler made several errors:
Adolf Hitler aber machte mehrere Fehler:
Maar Adolf Hitler het ‘n paar foute gemaak:
16) Il pensait naturellement d’abord aux intérêts allemands, pas aux Slaves
كان الأولى له الأÙكار بشأن ألمانيا الطبيعيّة
His first thoughts naturally were for Germany, not the Slavs,
Er dachte zuerst natürlich an Deutschland, and nicht an die Slawen,
Hy het eers natuurlik na Duitsland gedink, en nie aan die Slawiers,
17) et à ceux de l’Europe occidentale et centrale,
ثم لأوروبا الغربية والوسطى،،
then for Western and Central Europe,
dann an Westeuropa und Mitteleuropa,
dan na Wes-Europa en Sentraal-Europa,
18) et non à l’intérêt des peuples slaves,
و لا من أجل العبوديّة
but not for the Slavs,
aber nicht an die Slawen,
maar nie aan die Slawiers,
19) qui aurait pu devenir nos partenaires contre le bolchévisme.
من يستطيع أن ÙŠØµØ¨Ø Ø´Ø±ÙŠÙƒÙ†Ø§ ضد البلشÙيّة
who could have become our partners against Bolshevism.
die unsere Partner gegen den Bolschewismus hätten werden können.
was ons vennoot teen Bolsjewisme kon gewees het.
20) Mais maintenant c’est toutes les nations qui gémissent
كن الآن كل الدول تنادي
But now all nations are groaning
Jetzt aber stöhnen alle Völker
Maar nou kla al die volke
21) sous la torture des sionistes!
تØت التعذيب الصهيوني
under the Zionists’ torture!
unter der zionistischen Folter!
onder die sioniste marteling!
22) Hitler resta en plus pendant toute sa vie
هتلر أيضا طوال Øياته”
Hitler also remained all his life
Hitler blieb auch zeitlebens
Hitler het ook sy hele lewe gebly
23) uniquement un homme politique et chef militaire,
مجرد سياسي وقائد عسكري،
just a politician and military leader,
nur Politiker und Militärführer,
net ‘n politikus en militere leier,
24) Cependant l’humanité pose
لا تزال البشريّة تتساءل
yet humanity poses
wobei die Menschheit
Maar die mensdom vra
25) des questions urgentes mais sans bonne réponse
أسئلة عاجلة و بدون جواب
urgent and unanswered questions
dringende und unbefriedigte Fragen
dringende en onvervulde vrae
26) sur le sens de la vie,
Øول معنى الØياة
about the meaning of life,
nach dem Sinn des Lebens,
oor die betekenis van die lewe,
27) et sur l’à¢me et la mort.
Øول النÙس Ùˆ الموت
about the soul and death.
der Seele und des Todes hat.
oor die siel en die dood.
28) Nous devons savoir
Ù†Øتاج لنعرÙ
We need to know
Wir müssen wissen,
Ons moet weet
29) ce qui nous arrive après la mort,
ماذا ÙŠØدث لنا بعد الموت
what happens to us after death,
was aus uns nach dem Tode wird,
wat met ons gebeur na die dood,
. (1/3rd down: “The reality of God and the soul”)
30) puisque bien d’entre nous
لأن الكثير منّا
because many of us
denn viele von uns
omdat baie van ons
31) au cours de la lutte pour notre libération
خلال النضال من أجل التØرير
during the liberation struggle
werden bei der Befreiung[sschlacht]
tydens die stryd vir ons bevryding
32) devraient peut-être sacrifier nos vies!
قد يكون قضا على Øياتنا
may have to lose our lives!
das Leben verlieren müssen!
miskien moet ons lewens opoffer!
33) Qu’advient-il de nous après?
ماذا ÙŠØدث لنا بعد هذا
What happens to us after that?
Was kommt für uns danach?
Wat gebeur met ons dan?
34) Le néant éternel?
العدم الأزلي؟
Eternal nothingness?
Das ewige Nichts?
Ewige niks?
35) Hitler laissait parfois entendre
هتلر قد لمؔ
Hitler hinted
Hitler deutete an,
Hitler deurskemer
36) que lui, comme son philosophe préféré Schopenhauer,
أن الÙيلسو٠المÙضّل له” شوبنهاور
that he, like his favorite philosopher Schopenhauer,
dass er, wie auch sein Lieblingsphilosoph Schopenhauer,
dat hy, soos sygunsteling filosoof Schopenhauer,
37) croyait en la réincarnation.
يعتقد ÙÙŠ التناسخ. ØŒ
believed in reincarnation.
an die Reinkarnation glaubte.
in die reinkarnasie geglo het.
38) mais il ne voulait pas de conflit à l’époque
لكنه لا يريد أي صراع آنذاك
but he did not want any conflict back then
Er wollte aber keinen Konflikt damals
Maar hy wou nie ‘n konflik dan
39) avec les églises.
مع الكنائس
with the churches.
mit den Kirchen.
met die kerke.
40) Et sommes-nous vraiment seuls
أيضًا هل Ù†ØÙ† ÙˆØدنا
Also, are we really alone
Sind wir wirklich alleine
Is ons werklik alleen
41) dans ce vaste univers?
ÙÙŠ هذا الكون الÙسيØ
in this vast universe?
in diesem immensen Universum?
in hierdie groot heelal?
42) Est-ce que l’offensive ennemie fait partie
هو هجوم العدو ربما
Is the enemy onslaught perhaps
Ist der Kampf des Feindes etwa
Is miskien die anval van die vyand
43) d’une guerre bien plus grande
ÙÙŠ واقع الأمر جزء من Øرب اوسع بكثير
in reality part of a much vaster war
Teil eines größeren Krieges,
‘n deel van ‘n veel groter oorlog
44) un conflit entre différentes espèces dans l’univers?
Øرب هي التي بين أنواع مختلÙØ© ÙÙŠ الكون
which is a war between various species in the universe?
der auch ein Völkerringen im All darstellt?
– ‘n konflik tussen verskillende spesies in die heelal?
45) Et Hitler prit-il des dispositions
Ùˆ هتلر قام بإØتياطات
And did Hitler make provisions
Und machte Hitler Vorkehrung
En het Hitler bepalings
46) pour la continuation de la lutte
لإستمرار المقاومة
to continue the struggle
für die Weiterführung des Kampfes
vir die voortsetting van die stryd
47) après 1945?
بعد 1945
after 1945?
nach 1945?
nach 1945 gemaak?
48) L’Allemagne possédait-elle des super-armes?
هل تمتلك ألمانيا أسلØØ© متطورة ØŸ
Did Germany possess super-weapons?
Besaß Deutschland Superwaffen?
Het Duitsland super wapens besit?
49) Mais bien sà»r!
نعم بالطبع
Yes, naturally!
Ja, aber NATàœRLICH!
Ja, natuurlik!
50) Est-il des races extraterrestres
هل هناك آثار Øياة خارج كوكب الأرض
Are there extraterrestrial races
Gibt es außerirdische Rassen,
Is daar uitheemse rasse,
51) qui auraient intérêt à ce que nous vainquions ? Oui!
الذين قد يكون لها غاية ÙÙŠ Ùوزنا؟ نعم!
who might have a stake in our winning? Yes!
die ein Interesse an unserm Sieg haben? Ja!
wat belangstel in ons oorwinning? Ja!
52) Pour remporter la victoire finale
لتØقيق النصر النهائي
To win the final victory
Um den Endsieg zu erringen,
Om die finale oorwinning te wen
53) il faut enfin tout repenser!
يتوجب علينا إعادة التÙكير !
We need to finally do some rethinking!
müssen wir also endlich umdenken!
moet ons uiteindelik alles nuut te dink!
54) Qu’on n’agitate plus contre les autres races et peuples,
لا مزيد من التØريض ضد الأجناس والشعوب الأخرى،
Keine Hetze mehr gegen andere Rassen oder Völker,
55) même pas contre les petits Juifs
ولا Øتى ضد اليهود قليلا!
not even against the little Jews!
auch nicht gegen die kleine Juden!
Geen agitasie meer teen ander rasse en nasies,
56) Le problème, c’est la caste psychopathe qui nous dirige!
المشكلة هي الطبقة الØاكمة المتخلّÙØ©
The problem is with the psychopathic ruling class!
Es geht gegen die psychopathische Oberschicht!
Die probleem is met die psigopatiese regerende klas!
57) L’objectif est de sauver tous les êtres humains de bon coeur.
الهد٠هو إنقاذ كل القلوب البشريّة الطيّبة
The goal is saving all good-hearted humans.
Es geht um die Errettung aller gutherzigen Menschen.
Die doel is om alle mense van goeie hart te red.
58) Dans une lutte dirigée contre le seul vrai ennemi,
ÙÙŠ النضال ضد العدو الواØد
In the struggle against the one enemy,
Im Kampf gegen den einen Feind
In ‘n stryd teen die een ware vyand
59) nous aurons la fraternité de tous les hommes!
كي ÙŠØµØ¨Ø ÙƒÙ„ الرجال إخوة!
All men shall become brothers!
werden alle Menschen Brüder!
Alle mense sal raak broers!
Liedbedeutung: “Mein Herz schlägt weiter,
weil ich ständig spüre, dass du auch nach dem Tode
mir beistehst.”
…..Remembering “the feared dictator” LOL! Judge for yourself!ADOLF HITLER: MY HEART WILL GO ON(sung by Céline Dion of Québec, Canada)Every night in my dreams Far across the distance Near, far, wherever you are Love can touch us one time Love was when I loved you Near, far, wherever you are You’re here, there’s nothing I fear, |
…..JUST A FUN VIDEO: GERMAN GIRLS after the staggering military victories of 1939-40
….. The Friend of the White Worker
My 2010 video, shot near Brackenridge, Pa. shows why Hitler was loved by the Germans: He brought 1) JOBS, 2) made the streets safe again, 3) stopped drugs and alcoholism, 3) promoted strong families without divorce, abuse, homo marriage or molesting, 4) he demanded good books, music and movies, and 4) he promoted genuine national pride based on success and hard work.
(This video — repeatedly hacked by Jews — deals with the worries real working-class people have about economic and psychological survival TODAY.)
The Friend of the White Worker
…..Website visitors from around the world
Hey John,
When I first saw your website I thought it was a joke.
Well, now I am sure it is not.
I am German and I can´t agree on a single thing you said.
Hitler acted like after his life was nothing…”Nach mir die Sinnflut”. He was a very self centered person who did not see far ahead. His military victories were mainly based on luck and surprise. He wasn´t a Jesus…
So far the facts, I absolutely can´t understand how Nationalism works, so I won´t argue about it.
But you made sure very one knew you liked Hitler, so he was the one responsible for the Holocaust and the anti-Semitism in the Third Reich. And you say you are okay with Jews and that you are against the elite. Back then Hitler was the “elite†which lied to the people. So maybe you better do a check-up on your knowledge.
Well, Jo, if the Germans are happy today and miserable then, then you are right to believe what the government and media tell you.
However, if the Germans were happy then and are miserable NOW (see PEGIDA, which is the tip of the iceberg), then maybe you should let the truth flood in like a healing light.
I would ask you to look at this video, and tell me if the Gestapo was forcing the people to look grateful and cry tears of joy, YOUR people, your German people:
And then maybe read this in German:
It is so diabolical how the brain washing works.
To actually write LAWS in the US making it ILLEGAL to criticize 911 and any truth, questions statements regarding Israel, Zionism Jewish Lobby is immediately called HATE SPEECH and these ruling psychopaths who are collapsing banks by outright stealing money through Federal Reserve, Wall Street, banks and insurance co., non profits, think tanks and institutes and especially the courts. Infiltratrating parasites.
Check out Gerald Parsky for the roadmap to Illegal takeover of America.
He was undersecretary of Treasury in Nixon and Ford admins.
Accompanied Heinze Kissinger to Middle East to bring Saudis over here and to set up Israel to wreak havoc, destabilize steal land and oil.
Parsky was also CIA/mafia and is memorialized in the Opal File.
He appointed all the federal judges for baby bush (crime cabal) and all the Cal. State Judges for Schwartzneggar (every one a Federalist)
By 1919, 27 states had banned instruction in and of German. Schools that didn’t burn their German books silently disposed of them, encouraged by the government to ban teaching or speaking of German. Philadelphia, Newport, Kentucky and Lafayette, Indiana all banned the teaching of German, and many other areas, including Milford, Ohio tried to ban the speaking of German. One phone company even banned the speaking of German on its telephones, and English was demanded in most courts. Libraries in Detroit, Denver, St. Louis, New York, Cleveland, Portland and Washington, D.C. all banned German books. Like Scouts in many other cities, Columbus, Ohio’s Boy Scouts burned local German-language newspapers
The 8-story, 90,000 square foot Germania Building was designed by German-trained architects and built in 1896 for George Brumder to house his German American publishing empire. It had copper “pickelhaube†domes and was graced by a 10-foot-tall, three-ton bronze statue of Germania over its door. Alas, in 1918, one “Lieutenant A. J. Crozier†of the British and Canadian recruiting office in Milwaukee led a mean-spirited campaign to rid the building of its statue, and when it was removed discretely in the night, he snidely quipped that he hoped it would be melted into bullets to kill Germans with.
In May of 1918, a large bonfire of German textbooks marked the beginning of the “War Chest†campaign in Butte, Montana. The use of German in public and private schools was banned by the Montana State Council of Defense.
As soon as the Second World War ended in 1945, Canada and the United States began shipping food to the hundreds of millions of people who were facing starvation as a result of the war. Unprecedented in world history, this massive program fulfilled the highest ideals for which the Western Allies had fought. Their generosity seemed to have no limit. They fed former enemies — Italy and Japan — as well as a new enemy, the Soviet Union.
Only Germany was left out.
The requisitions of 1917-1921 threatened the existence of the Ukrainian-German villages. In Kandel, Großliebental, Franzfeld, Josephtal and Landua, hundreds died from rampant starvation caused by the Bolsheviks’ fiendishly crafted man-made famine. Between 1921 and 1923, this famine created so much emigration and death that the population of Germans decreased by another fourth. During this time, approximately 10,000 Volga-German children were forcibly taken from their parents with promises of food when in truth they were removed and sent alone to their painful deaths. 350,000 Germans in Russia and Ukraine perished in the next arranged famine of 1932-1933.
The US, British, and Canadian governments, however, were well aware of the genocide, but closed their eyes, even blocking aid groups from going to Ukraine. The only European leaders to raise a cry over Soviet industrialized murder were, ironically, Hitler and Mussolini. Because Kaganovitch, Yagoda and many senior communist party and NKVD officials were Jewish, Hitler’s absurd claim that communism was a Jewish plot to destroy Christian civilization became widely believed across fearful Europe.
The Jews Murdered Please the person does not know GERMANIC HISTORY nor is their blood strong enough to even SPEAK
It wasn’t because Germany didn’t have its own granite, but because a Russian Orthodox Church dedicated to St Mary Magdalene, Equal-to-the-Apostles, the patron saint of the mother of Emperor Nicholas II, was being built in Darmstadt. It was decided that the church must be built of imported Russian stone and upon Russian soil. It was being built for Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova, nee Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt. She and Emperor Nicholas wished to have the opportunity to pray in an Orthodox church while visiting Germany.
GERMAN EMPRESS OF RUSSIA Catherine II (also known as Catherine the Great) was born in Stettin, Pomerania, Prussia as Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg.
Catherine the Great was a pioneer in her approach to medicine and health care. Not only did she found Russia’s College of Medicine in 1763, but she also created the first teaching hospitals. Among the Scottish physicians at her court in Russia were Doctors John RogÂerÂson, Thomas Dimsdale and Matthew Guthrie. Dr Dimsdale went on to inÂoculate many members of the nobility, and ran vaccination hospÂitals set up by Catherine in Moscow and St Petersburg. Catherine also invited several foreign architects and builders to her court, including Scotsman Charles Cameron. Scottish craftsmen Adam Menelaws and William Hastie worked with Cameron in Russia, and also found patronage with the Imperial family.
For centuries, Königsberg was the metropolis of eastern Germany. The city played an important role in Europe’s international relations and became a meeting point of diverse historical and cultural traditions, as well as the home for people of various nationalities and religious beliefs. Thus, the Huguenot settlers (French Protestants) set up many enterprises and whole industries there. Poles, Lithuanians, English and Dutch; merchants from every European country; artisans and learned men of every nationality not only coexisted peacefully: they also respected each other and together they built up their city. Founded in 1544 as a purely Lutheran place of learning, the Albertina University of Königsberg became the center of attraction for men of science and culture from Poland and Lithuania. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), the great philosopher, lived and worked here his entire life. It was in that city that the first-ever books were printed in Lithuanian.
But why British government took an active part in the genocide of the Cossacks?
The Don Cossacks were almost exterminated in Russia by the Soviets. These actions of the Soviet government were quite logical. The Cossacks were natural enemies of the Bolsheviks. While the Cossacks maintained their way of life based on military training, loyalty to traditions, religion, the Bolsheviks could not feel safe. Any anti-Bolshevik movement has in disposal well prepared, easily mobilized army to counter the regular forces of the Soviets. Therefore, the destruction of the Cossacks was a prerequisite for the survival of Soviet Russia.
In Wisconsin, almost 100 German language newspapers were being published and Milwaukee was a leading national center for large German-language publishing houses since 1844. Now, German language textbooks were burned in the streets of big cities and in small towns like Baraboo, where the Wisconsin National Guard itself started the bonfire of books on the main street on June 13, 1918
Heavily Germanic Cincinnati, Ohio published more than 30 German language publications before all German-language books were banned from the public library. Thousands were destroyed and all German language classes were dropped from the school system.
The war on German culture began with vicious assaults on the German language which was the mother tongue to more than nine million Americans when Wilson signed the first bill restricting the German press on October 6, 1917. At this time, there were German language book publishers in nearly every major American city, each producing thousands of German books and school texts yearly, and there were many thousands of German-language magazines and newspapers in the US.
Although they had come to the new world to escape persecution, they saw no contradiction in owning slaves. The settlers of Germantown, however, came from a country unaccustomed to slavery and the German Quakers in the area refused to participate in the slave trade. Germantown produced the finest linen goods in the region and utilized no slave labor in the process.
If their lips are moving they are lying! Hitler couldn’t hold a candle to the Bolshevik Jews “holocausting” of over 60 million Russian Christians not to mention their murder by starvation of seven million Ukrainian Christians during the Holodomor and similar efforts elsewhere in the Soviet Republics and in Germany and Poland.
Jacob Schiff rothchild (red shield) and America funding JEWISH COMMUNISM
Theodore Kaufman’s “Germany Must Perish a communist scum jew from america
Jew Eisenhower’s POW Policy For Germany: DEATH CAMPS || Narrated by Dr. Oren Potito (full).video
Turners protecterd PROTECTED PRESIDENT TAFT! Turners
What about all the 2 millions GERMAN women/girls raped
not including 12 or 14 millions eastern germans that were expelled
Perhaps the so called JO THE GERMAN would like to see THE JEW GULAGS IN RUSSIA
The TRUE STORY of Adolf Hitler & The Third Reich
The Morgenthau Plan, proposed by United States Secretary of the Treasury Henry (The Jew) Morgenthau, Jr., advocated that the Allied occupation of Germany following World War II include measures to eliminate Germany’s ability to wage war. (AKA Genocide)
The whole cement floor of the execution hall of the Jewish Cheka of Kiev was flooded with blood; it formed a level of several inches. It was a horrible mixture of blood, brains and pieces of skull. All the walls were bespattered with blood. Pieces of brains and of scalps were sticking to them. A gutter of 25 centimeters wide by 25 centimeters deep and about 10 meters long was along its length full to the top with blood.” – Rohrbach Commission
The Jewish Cheka was a secret police force created through the NKVD on December 20, 1917, after a decree issued by Vladimir Lenin, and was subsequently led by Felix Dzerzhinsky. The Cheka rounded up all those who were under suspicion of not supporting the Jewish Bolshevik government; including Civil or military servicemen suspected of working for Imperial Russia; families of officers-volunteers (including children); all clergy; workers and Chekapeasants and any other person whose private property was valued at over 10,000 rubles. The Cheka practiced torture and methods included being skinned alive, scalped, “crowned†with barbed wire, impaled, crucified, hanged, stoned to death, tied to planks and pushed slowly into furnaces or tanks of boiling water, or rolled around naked in internally nail-studded barrels. Women and children were also victims of Cheka terror. Women would sometimes be tortured and raped before being shot. Children between the ages of 8 and 13 were imprisoned and executed.
The REAL WWII Holocaust Happened To Germans (#2)
The term holocaust meaning “burnt sacrifice”, “to be wholly consumed, as by fire” …
All Love for my Great Grandmother that was born in Germany
Superior Performance
Addie Ruschmeyer
City: White Plains
State: NY
Inducted: 1961
Ruschmeyer’s career bowling career hit a peak in 1933 when, sporting a 183 average, she was chosen as the only woman member of Uncle Joe Thum’s bowling team, which competed in Europe for international honors. She bowled against female stars from all nations, defeated all comers and became the first U.S. woman to win a women’s international championship. In 1952, at age 73, Addie scored 579 to lead her team to the local association championship in White Plains. Her career, which spanned 60 years, saw her still active and inspiring bowlers in the New York area well into her 80s.
I never celebrate Veterans Day because I know who really won the wars!! COMMUNISM & JEWS