Vietnam vet vs militant transgender

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The jews sure has succeeded in dividing and conquering us. For my generation, the Vietnam generation, 90% of us would not persecute or harass a person with gender or gay issues. We all have our cross to bear. (Yes, there were a very few sadists and mean drunks who said rotten things or threatened violence, and a few bullying cops too.)

But it is the militant trans movement that is now adding more fuel to the fire of a divided country. I have known a number of gay and trans people who were Army or Marine veterans, and certainly not “limp-wristed.” Some were rightwing conservatives, and even white nationalists, including two well-known WN authors, both now deceased, who were also “straight-acting,” as the phrase goes. I have promoted an extemely valuable book by one of them 20 times on this website.

But it is the militant, in-your-face thing that provokes confrontations. Being gay or trans is not normal but a defect, yet there are many defects people in this confused world. Some people have protruding (buck) teeth, others are colorblind, or short, or, well, homely.

In comes the jew to exacerbate the whole situation.

Whether you are sexually normal or that one part of your life is off-kilter, we must all cooperate against our common and mortal enemy before he kill us all.

School kids recreating the Roman legions’ tortoise tactis with shields: Unity, cooperation, obeying orders, and going on the attack — these will bring victory.


  1. He held his ground. He could have provoked a fight and smoked the guy in his store. Putting hands on an old guy, he’d have gotten away with it.

    There used to be places where sick people like that could be treated and housed, If he had tried that me it would have gone down differently. He would be off his feet and on the ground in a flash. Would not even see it coming.

    Not a good ideas to roll in someone’s business and make demands. Disrespectful and outright rude.

    And when standards are clear, less of this insanity would occur.

  2. I have said this before, elsewhere:

    A claimant at M-2F transsexualism, if it has undergone the full panoply of surgery and hormone treatmen, is a eunuch, cosplaying in a costume which cannot be removed. (Give it the booby prize for credit at sincerity. Appropriate response is pity.)

    A claimant who has not undergone these steps, especially one who presents masculine, is a poseur, seeking admission to female-only protected space.

  3. If the skirt dude claims offense at the sign, ask “Why?”. Skirt dude should explain why the sign is offensive to himself. If the dude does have a male part under that skirt, he should admit it proudly. Later in the confrontation the skirt dude will not answer that question. Because the sign actually states the truth and that is what the dude claims is offensive to his “feelings.” If this situation were to be taken to court, the skirt dude should have to reveal what is under that skirt to verify,or refute what is on that sign.

  4. Europa – The Last Battle. A very long (12 hours, 22 minutes, 54 seconds) but excellent documentary on World War II. Takes a long time to load before starting, even using broadband Internet:

    Another link where the 10 separate parts of the documentary can be downloaded individually:

    All 10 parts with links that work inside Europe, according to one EU commenter. These links may be older 2017 versions of the updated 2019 version at the top:

    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Part 3:
    Part 4:
    Part 5:
    Part 6:
    Part 7:
    Part 8:
    Part 9:
    Part 10:

  5. NASA finds their first excuse for not “going back” to the Moon, just as I predicted in an earlier comment:

    The spacesuits that NASA designed in the early 1960s for their alleged 1969 and subsequent Moon landings supposedly worked just fine, but now NASA has spent $1 billion dollars (!) to design new spacesuits that don’t work, so they can’t go back to the Moon by 2024:

    “According to this audit, even with over $1 billion in total projected spending for these new spacesuits, there are too many delays and obstacles and NASA cannot meet its 2024 moon landing goal.”

    Laughable – it’s just more evidence that all of the Apollo Moon landings were hoaxed, and that none of the Apollo astro-NOTS ever left high-Earth orbit, due to deadly deep-space cosmic and solar radiation.

    • Thanks! Either that or they did go to the moon and were forced to lie about what really happened.

      My wonderful English grandfather met Wernher von Braun and audited NASA. He said vB was a fine man. I knew his illegitimate son and also a grand-niece, who was playmates with my daughter Ingrid.

      • I don’t believe NASA went to the Moon, because of their obvious worries about deep-space radiation on any future manned missions to the Moon or Mars. I’ve sent you many articles about this.

        I have no doubt that Wernher von Braun was a fine man, but as a former “Nazi” employed by the Jew-S-A for his scientific and engineering skills, he had to go along with whatever evil hoax was presented to him.

        I’ve also read that vB said in the late 1950s or early 1960s that it would take three rockets, each much more enormous than the Saturn V, which allegedly carried the Apollo astro-NOTS to the Moon in 1969. Here’s an article about that:

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