UPDATED Views of David von Braun interview soar & so do “comments” by federally paid trolls in their cubicles at the NSA; Wernher, George Wallace, the Kennedys, and and negro “civil rights”; Creativity nuts

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Half the critics on this comment thread — https://www.bitchute.com/video/1fUW7iHPN9Vk/ — trashing me and/or David are pathetic incel weenies, but the other half consists of paid government liars, GS-4s, sitting at a cubicle in the NSA headquarters in Ft Meade, Maryland and typing bullshit, with a PSEUDONYM, including flat-earth drivel, atheism, Christ-bashing, and “I KNOW the Apollo astronauts never went to the moon.”

(Maybe they did — and maybe they didn’t. I take a middle position — they did go BUT landed on the moon to a hostile welcome which they were forbidden to discuss. But NO ONE alive today and bloviating on this comments thread KNOWS the truth about any of this, me included. You would have to have been a top NASA official and be 90+ years old now to know what actually transpired with certainty.)
Fmr NSA contract worker Edward Snowden released the training manual for NSA and GCHQ trolls for deliberately trashing true activists. For a federal-government salary, as Snowden proved, they sit there and follow a playbook for going online to ridicule and slander truthers and whistleblowers, brave men and women, patriots who are out there with their real names, risking the end of both their careers and of their very lives.



…… No more time to be gullible or pseudo-practical

I am very pro-Russian, and wish Putin was not so gullible about the jews, which Trump was too….not traitors and not their lackeys, but deluding themselves with the viewpoint that it was practical to cultivate some jews as allies.

I know of some good ex-jews, former jews who have turned against judaism….
….and some are friends….
but no jew who remains jewish in his mind and heart can ever be a good person. In the same way, a pedophile can pet his dog, and feed him nicely, and keep his car clean and shiny, and pay all his bills on time, but he remains a wicked monster.
As Martin Luther said in 1543: “Know this, Christian, that you have no more dangerous enemy than a jew seriously committed to judaism.”




…..The Kennedys who protected Wernher von Braun, NASA and negro “civil rights”

A wonderful comrade, a loyal and very generous supporter, a former Green Beret who was also with George Lincoln Rockwell’s NSWPP party when I was …….

…..like most of my readers, had never heard of David von Braun. He was a bit concerned FOR MY SAFETY with David vB  living in my house. And he sent me, for my information, this somewhat dismaying info about his father, the NS and US rocketry genius Wernher von Braun:


John, are you aware of this?

“Wernher von Braun’s Record on Civil Rights | American Experience | Official Site | PBS” https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/chasing-moon-von-braun-record-on-civil-rights/


I replied:

Thanks for this info. I read it all.
Talking with David, I found out about decades of horrid mistreatment by both the jews and their white lackeys, plus five years in various jails. He did a total of five years in jail in Canada, DC, Colorado, and Texas, and as soon as his dad, who had some clout and some government friends, died in ’77 (at just 64, suspiciously, from cancer), the jews ramped up the horror on the son.
Because of David’s calm, scientific demeanor, when he tells the story of his life, it is almost baffling that it all really could be true and quite that bad for him.
And nicey-nice Canada was the worst, with prisoners beaten if their families did not send bribes to the guards.
David despises violent blacks and all committed, genocidal Talmudists.
I learned that despite some puff (favorable) pieces in Life and Look magazines in the 1960s, when his father was knocking himself out for NASA to “beat the Russians to the moon,” as John Kennedy wanted, his father Wernher was under low-profile but fierce jew attack, suspicion and pressure for the entire time.
We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too. It is for these reasons that I regard the decision last year to shift our efforts in space from low to high gear as among the most important decisions that will be made during my incumbency in the office of the Presidency.
Wernher vB got death threats by phone from jews in Dallas when he and the other Paperclip Germans were held at Ft. Bliss, a horrible and prison-like US Army base near El Paso and the US-Mexican border.
Next to the Mexican border, this is Ft. Bliss in the foreground and El Paso, Texas in the rear
Eisenhower, the self-hating German-American, had a good 127 very unhappy NS-German scientists moved to Huntsville, Alabama to slave away on rockets for the Pentagon, worried they might escape over the Mexican border.
Wiki on Ft. Bliss:
By February 1946, over 100 Operation Paperclip German scientists and engineers had arrived to develop rockets and were attached to the Office of the Chief of Ordnance Corps, Research and Development Service, Suboffice (Rocket), headed by Major James P. Hamill.[29] Although these men were initially “pretty much kept on ice” (resulting in the nickname “Operation Icebox”),[29] they were subsequently divided into a research group and a group who assisted with V-2 test launches at White Sands Proving Grounds.[30] German families began arriving in December 1946,[29] and by the spring of 1948, the number of German rocket specialists (nicknamed “Prisoners of Peace“) in the US was 127.
“Ike” had them moved almost 1,400 miles (2,200 km) to Huntsville, Alabama.
Btw, the height of father Wernher and son David is the same,  6’1″ (185 cm) https://www.answers.com/Q/How_tall_is_Wernher_von_Braun
Wernher von Braun (gray dot) and 103 other NS-German scientists at Ft Bliss

Wernher was also severely overworked, called upon for every technical snag and crisis, and the jews paid him a paltry $30k a year (maybe $100K today) to manage a $4 billion lunar program!
He was threatened with a crimes-against-humanity trial over “slave labor” if he ever stepped out of line…. and also if he did not sign over to the US government ALL his 100 rocketry patents.
And the ngr-loving Kennedys, pushing affirmative action on NASA, were his only lifeline. WvB had to do exactly what they wanted.
Wernher quietly placed his love-child son David in 1965 in a fiercely pro-Confederate family named West in Arlington, Texas, near Ft. Worth, which was renamed “Arlington” (just like Arl.  in Virginia)  to honor Robert E  Lee.
Professor James West, of Texas-German heritage (there is a West County in that state, named for an ancestor), lost his chemistry professorship at Arlington State College (now University of Texas-Arlington) after 20 years for 1) physically thwarting a jewish knife attack on WvB and 2) for adopting the “evil Nazi’s”  infant son, David.
West got a five-year pension on a 20-year career.
As soon as we “landed on the moon” in July 1969, the jews pushed vB out the door. By 1970 he was gone.
And Wernher had no German citizenship. He was stuck in the Jewnited Snakes.
And the two Kennedys who had protected him had been assassinated themselves.
Recreation of the assassination of JFK
David is seriously considering writing a book on all this and much more.
David drove 1,200 miles to stay with me after I sent him $1,200 in funds (plus there were $150 in fees) via Western Union.
He had been living in his car after jews in ritzy Margate, New Jersey, which is full of rich and pushy Khazars who act as if they own the place everywhere in New York City and New Jersey,  got him fired from a liquor store job. 

….Creativity trolls

The comment threat pullulated with God- and Christ-bashing by Creativitards, so I commented:


Klassen was an atheist. He called God “the jew in the sky.”

And he denied the afterlife.

I stated in Mein Kampf that no religion can succeed without the clear teaching that life goes on after death.

I read Klassen’s book when it first came out in the mid-1970s.

His religion, which has neither God nor an afterlife, has therefore gone nowhere in fifty years.

Mein Kampf:

“Due to his own original, special nature, the Jew cannot possess a true religious institution, if for no other reason because he lacks idealism in any form, and hence belief in a hereafter is absolutely foreign to him.

And a religion in the Aryan sense cannot be imagined which lacks the conviction of survival after death in some form.

Indeed, his Talmud is not a book to prepare a man for the hereafter, but only for a practical and profitable life in this world.“


Second, Hitler fiercely opposed atheism as BAD for society and the masses, and once he became chancellor, he dissolved all atheistic societies in Germany:

“We were convinced that the people needs and requires faith. We have therefore undertaken our fight against the atheistic movement, and this was not merely by issuing a few theoretical declarations. We have stamped it out.” Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Berlin on 24 Oct. 1933

As Hitler knew, and Alfred Rosenberg, and Dietrich Eckart, right in the third chapter of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Learned_Elders_of_Zion) we read that the Jewish plan is to advocate atheism for the goyim:

“Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism.”

Now many are turned off by the Bible or the official Christianity of the various churches, but the key concepts and the reality of key religious doctrines are not limited to those three Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Such core ideas as:

— God being a just and loving Creator of the universe,

— the immortality of your soul,

— the existence of good and obedient angels and of wicked, rebellious demons,

— of free will,

— of being judged in the afterlife after you die, based on the goodness or wickedness of your heart, words and deeds,

— and being assigned to one of many kinds of heavens or hells based on what you deserve and what you need to learn.

In fact, all these core ideas which we mentally associate with the three Abrahamic religions were basically stolen by the Jews from the very Aryan religion of Zorastrianism in ancient Persia. They began appearing without any attribution — without giving any credit — in Later Judaism.

Later Judaism was when the Jews had no more kings such as David or Solomon, and were not even living in Palestine any more. They had been conquered, then were moved by force — as the trouble-makers they were — out of Palestine (which they had seized from the native Philistines, who were Aryans, and from the semitic Canaanites), by the Assyrian and Babylonian Empires.

Then they were living in exile in the major city of Babylon (now in ruins in Iraq, and near modern Baghdad) and actually happy there making money as merchants and slave traders. Then the entire area was conquered by the Aryan Persians, and they became subjects of the Persian Empire.

The Persian Empire conquered every powerful ancient civilization in the Near East, including both Egypt and Babylon, excepting only the freedom-loving Greeks who were on the European side of the Aegean Sea, with such great city-states as Athens, Corinth, and Sparta.

The Persians’ religion was Zoroastrianism, named after the prophet Zoroaster, a white Persian.

The symbol of Zoroastrianism is Zoroaster riding on an eagle.

Later Judaism, having adopted these Aryan ideas, then passed them on 500 years later to its offshoot, Christianity, and then, 600 years after that, to another offshoot, Islam. But all these doctrines about the soul, the afterlife, God, and the battle between good and evil, were 100 percent Aryan in their origin.

As for the gods, all our white and Aryan ancestors believed in the existence of a Creator God and of various lesser gods, whether it was the Greeks, Romans, Kelts, the Vikings or, as discussed earlier, the Aryans of the East, in ancient India.

That is an undeniable fact, and we see to this very day the beautiful temples our white, pagan or heathen forefathers built to those gods and goddesses in whom they believed, and for whom they built very expensive and truly beautiful structures.

The Parthenon, Athens


I can tolerate agnostics, and I acknowledge that many religions have discredited themselves, and sold out to the jews. However, all those who go around preaching as a truth the ego trip of how there is no god, there are no supernatural happenings, and the afterlife is a myth and “when you die, that’s it” will have me as a ferocious enemy.


  1. Beobachter: Real moon landing presumably with locked technology + organized religion = preprogrammed death of every good religion
    February 9, 2023 at 8:44 pm

    On the moon trip: if I remember correctly, it was once written on rense.com (Jeff Rense) that Kennedy announced the moon trip program to force the release of beneficial technologies for humanity.

    Wernher von Braun’s scientific expertise probably encompassed far more than rocket thrust technology. A frequently voiced consideration: For the public one pulled off a rocket thrust technology event. It was also said many times that Stanley Kubrick purposefully included the illumination error to show posterity that he was forced to film the fake moon landing: It would never happen to a professional like him that false shadows etc. would be created. With the fake moon landing shots one could discredit the whole topic in the long run and expose it to ridicule.

    With great probability there are interplanetary journeys also on physical level, also in the 20th century, with flying objects, presumably however rather not with rocket thrust technology. However, if the technologies actually used for space travel were to be documented and published, then the question would immediately arise as to why the rest of humanity is not allowed to use these technologies in everyday life, why their use is denied and blocked to the general public.

    Regarding Ben Klasen and organized religion in general: Klasen described in his standard work some (oppression) facts quite accurately, but he adhered to primitive superstitious materialism like so many great intellectuals (Pierce, Rieger etc.).
    Perhaps this was based on a counter-reaction in connection with another incarnation, some claim for example also that Richard Dawkins would have atheistic tendencies in this his incarnation, because he supposedly had been a priest in another incarnation. Sometimes people are said to be so fed up with organized religion that they tend to an extreme counter-reaction and deny any holistic-spiritual concept.

    And this is where Satanic organized religion comes in. According to Seth (Jane Roberts, Seth Material, in the book “Seth Speaks”, 1972, reproduced mutatis mutandis), Jesus is said to have known that it would only be a matter of time before the organization would have distorted the original message, but he would also have known that it would not go completely without an organizing system, in the warlike times of that time. That should also be the reason why he would return to clean up the distortions. He would make no attempt to unite the religions, instead he would undermine them and his message would be directed to the individual. Here is a PDF version, relevant information in chapters 20 and 21, PDF page 167, in English: http://lukaali.com/seth/seth-speaks.pdf

    It was always only a question of time until a system was taken over by ahrimanic/satanic powers and the message was distorted. Not only is every book culturally bound in its time epoch and has therefore, concerning the language its own expiration date, today one speaks for example no more in parables but in facts, not only the Priest Christianity has outlived itself, as it already described different people. As was recently expressed in a German Youtube channel[1], one wanted to drive the people with certain church dogmas even purposefully into the materialism. People were supposed to turn away from spirituality in disgust. And, my thought: The others, who still wanted an official church assurance regarding life after death, could be intimidated with the concept of hell.

    This is in no way meant to discredit all those Christians organized in congregations who focus on the viable concepts of genuine Christianity and live by them. However, the church rang in the end of Christianity purposefully and with full intention.

    Thus it happened to the Christianity: Very very many valid concepts however by the organization deliberately through and through in its content perverted and distorted, perfectly satanically taken over, the western peoples into the materialism driven: Mission accomplished!

    This is the fight of all fights, the battle of all battles: The adversary Ahriman/Satan wants to prevent under all circumstances that mankind becomes aware of the inner origins again, to cultivate the contact with their guardian angel (inner self). Who rediscovers the inner voice, that is the inner self, the personal guardian angel and cultivates his contact, leaves the materialistic age, for him the foreign rule ends and freedom begins.

    According to [1] the biggest marching up of negative entities (dark forces) is supposed to have taken place in the other world to do everything so that the people remain attached to the materialism.

    Since John de Nugent’s web page is like a pivot (hub) concerning the topic complex of practiced spirituality and world politics, moreover in addition multilingual, JdN and his site are attacked accordingly. Worldwide many people are reading here (a largely silent readership, which nevertheless acts as a multiplier in everyday life) but it behaves a bit like with another famous personality: “And no one spoke of John de Nugent, for fear of the …” 🙂


    [1] https://www.youtube.com/@AxelBurkart/featured

  2. Beobachter: Echte Mondlandung vermutlich mit gesperrter Technologie + Organisierte Religion = vorprogrammierter Tod einer jeden guten Religion
    February 9, 2023 at 8:45 pm

    Zur Mondfahrt: Sofern ich mich richtig erinnere, wurde mal auf rense.com (Jeff Rense) geschrieben, daß Kennedy das Mondfahrtprogramm ankündigte, um die Freigabe von segensreichen Technologien für die Menschheit zu erzwingen.

    Wernher von Brauns wissenschaftliche Kompetenzen umfaßten vermutlich weit mehr als Raketenschubtechnologie. Eine häufig geäußerte Überlegung: Für die Öffentlichkeit zog man eine Raketen-Schubtechnologie-Veranstaltung ab. Auch hieß es bereits vielfach, daß Stanley Kubrick gezielt die Beleuchtungsgsfehler einbaute um der Nachwelt zu zeigen, daß er dazu gezwungen wurde, die gefälschte Mondlandung filmisch zu inszenieren: Einem Profi wie ihm würde es niemals passieren, daß falsche Schattenwürfe etc. entstehen würden. Mit den Fake-Moonlanding-Aufnahmen konnte man das ganze Thema dann langfristig diskreditieren und der Lächerlichkeit preisgeben.

    Mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit gibt es interplanetare Reisen auch auf physischer Ebene, auch im 20. Jahrhundert, mit Flugobjekten, vermutlich jedoch eher nicht mit Raketenschubtechnologie. Würde man jedoch die tatsächlich für die Raumfahrt verwendeten Technologien dokumentieren und veröffentlichen, dann würde sofort die Frage auftauchen, warum der Rest der Menschheit diese Technologien nicht im Alltag nutzen darf, warum ihre Nutzung der Allgemeinheit verwehrt wird und gesperrt wird.

    Zu Ben Klasen und organisierter Religion im allgemeinen: Klasen beschrieb in seinem Standardwerk zwar einige (Unterrdückungs)Sachverhalte ziemlich genau, er hing jedoch wie so viele große Intellektuelle (Pierce, Rieger etc.) dem primitivem abergläubischen Materialismus an.
    Vielleicht beruhte dies auf einer Gegenreaktion im Zusammenhang mit einer anderen Inkarnation, manche behaupten beispielsweise auch, daß Richard Dawkins in dieser seiner Inkarnation atheistische Tendenzen hätte, weil er in einer anderen Inkarnation ein Pfaffe gewen sein soll. Manchmal sollen Menschen so sehr die Schnauze voll von organisierter Religion haben, daß sie zu einer extremen Gegenreaktion neigen und jegliches ganzheitlich-geistliches Konzept verneinen.

    Und hier kommt die satanische organisierte Religion ins Spiel. Laut Seth (Jane Roberts, Seth-Material, im Buch “Seth Speaks”, 1972, sinngemäß wiedergegeben) soll Jesus gewußt haben, daß es nur eine Frage der Zeit sein würde, bis die Organisation die ursprüngliche Nachricht entstellt haben würde, er hätte jedoch auch gewußt, daß es nicht ganz ohne organisierendem System gehen würde, in den damaligen kriegerischen Zeiten. Das soll auch der Grund sein, warum er wiederkehren würde, um mit den Verzerrungen aufzuräumen. Er würde keinen Versuch machen, die Religionen zu vereinen, stattdessen würde er sie unterminieren und seine Botschaft würde an das Individuum gerichtet sein. Hier ist eine PDF-Version, betreffende Informationen im Kapitel 20 und 21, PDF-Seite 167, in Englisch: http://lukaali.com/seth/seth-speaks.pdf )

    Es war bisher immer nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis ein System von ahrimanische/satanischen Mächten übernommen wird und die Botschaft entstellt wurde. Nicht nur ist jedes Buch kulturell in seine Zeitepoche eingebunden und hat daher, bzgl. der Sprache sein eigenes Verfallsdatum, heute spricht man beispielsweise nicht mehr in Gleichnissen sondern in Sachverhalten, nicht nur hat sich das Pfaffenchristentum selbst überlebt, wie es verschiedene Leute schon beschrieben. Wie neulich sinngemäß in einem deutschen Youtube-Kanal[1] geäußert wurde, hat man die Leute mit bestimmten kirchlichen Dogmen sogar gezielt in den Materialismus treiben wollen. Die Menschen sollten sich angewidert von der Spiritualität abwenden und, meine Meinung, die anderen, die nach wie vor eine kirchenoffizielle Versicherung hinsichtlich des Lebens nach dem Tode wünschten, konnte man mit dem Konzept der Hölle einschüchtern.

    Das soll keinesfalls all diejenigen in Gemeinden organisierten Christen diskreditieren, die sich auf die tauglichen Konzepte des echten Christentums konzentrieren und danach leben. Das Machtpfaffentum läutete jedoch gezielt und mit voller Absicht das Ende des Christentums ein.

    So erging es dem Christentum: Sehr sehr viele gültige Konzepte jedoch durch die Organisation vorsätzlich durch und durch in seinem Gehalt pervertiert und entstellt worden, perfekt satanisch übernommen, die westlichen Völker in den Materialismus getrieben: Mission accomplished!

    Dies ist der Kampf aller Kämpfe, die Schlacht aller Schlachten: Die Gegenspieler Ahriman/Satan wollen unter allen Umständen verhindern, daß sich die Menschheit der inneren Ursprünge wieder bewußt werden, den Kontakt mit ihrem Schutzengel (inneres Selbst) kultivieren. Wer die innere Stimme, das heißt das innere Selbst, den persönlichen Schutzengel wiederentdeckt und seinen Kontakt kultiviert, der verläßt das materialistische Zeitalter, für den endet die Fremdherrschaft und beginnt die Freiheit.

    Sinngemäß soll nun laut [1] der größte Aufmarsch an Negativ-Entitäten (Dunkelkräften) im Jenseits erfolgt sein um alles zu tun, damit die Menschen auch weiterhin dem Materialismus verhaftet bleiben.

    Da John de Nugent’s Webseite wie ein Drehpunkt (Hub) bzw. wie ein Angelpunkt bzgl. des Themenkomplexes praktizierte Spiritualität und Weltpolitik ist, noch zudem mehrsprachig, werden JdN und seine Seite entsprechend attackiert. Weltweit lesen hier zahlreiche Menschen mit (eine weitgehend stille Leserschaft, die dennoch als Multiplikator im Alltag wirkt) aber es verhält sich ein bißchen wie mit einer anderen berühmten Persönlichkeit: “Und niemand sprach von John de Nugent, aus Angst vor den …” 🙂


    [1] https://www.youtube.com/@AxelBurkart/featured

  3. When I was an organiser for the old BNP with Nick Griffin, our membership list was leaked to the left.

    All members started to get death threats from a call centre, because you could hear multiple call and phones ringing in the back ground. The calls were mainly death threats. The left can only make death threats via a phone when they had our home addresses.

    The police didn’t want to know or take action. Even when a black gimmegrant carried out a hammer attack on a BNP member causing grievous bodily harm. I personally received about five death threats. I gave them times that I’d be home so they can turn up at my house for a gun fight. Bring friends.

    I told them I’d get the same jail term for killing 10+ as I would for snuffing 1. The line went very quiet, then cut off. Reds ain’t so brave when it’s bayonet time.

    Even my missus you’d to try and book them in appointments for trigger time. No takers!

    The list of state sponsored violence and harassment of British patriots is very long….with police and union collusion.

    People being sacked, post going missing, ballot boxes being opened and votes destroyed. Election leaflets, paid for to be delivered, go missing. Media blackout of parties and candidates.

    I heard about a teenage BNP candidate being covered in spit, paint, rotten food as he stood on stage at a ballot count.

    The same people dishing out the violence and terror were the ones protecting Muslim child rapists and groomers, especially the in the Charlene Downes murder case. Disgusting left.

    I’d happily machine-gun All the violent lefturds and paedos.


  4. To escape earth’s gravity a speed of 7Mph is needed. Yep, 7 miles per hour. Try jumping. You’re now defying gravity as you jump up.

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