Vincent L., the sexton, cared for the basilica and security. He was knifed by the mudlim coward from behind. These narcissistic Allah people do not believe in a fair fight.
As he was remembered: (French original, then my English translation –I am fluent in French and German)
«C’est lui la figure de Notre-Dame»
« C’était presque son salon, il a était là 24 heures sur 24. Ce n’est pas qu’un sacristain. Il aidait beaucoup le curé qui était âgé (NDLR : il était remplacé depuis quelques semaines). C’était l’homme à tout faire. Les bougies étaient tout le temps bien éclairées. Je le revois en train de marcher pour les allumer. C’est lui la figure de Notre-Dame. Je suis hantée par son visage depuis ce matin. Il était très discret et très efficace. Il ne parlait pas beaucoup. Il agissait avec beaucoup d’humilité et de respect. C’est la première personne à qui on a pensé lorsqu’on a appris l’attentat », confient deux fidèles de la basilique en larmes. « Il était quand même costaud, le terroriste a dû l’attaquer par derrière, ce n’est pas possible autrement », dit l’une des deux.
LIRE AUSSI > A Nice, après l’attaque de la basilique, des larmes et de la colère
« Vincent avait 55 ans, il était originaire de Saint-Etienne de Tinée dans l’arrière-pays niçois et travaillait comme sacristain de la basilique depuis dix ans, appuie le père Giordan qui l’avait accueilli à Notre-Dame alors qu’il officiait auparavant à ce poste de sacristain dans l’église voisine de Sainte-Jeanne d’Arc. « C’est un drame terrible, poursuit le père Giordan, très ému. Je suis en colère contre ces discours qui, sous couvert de défendre la laïcité, salissent les religions ».
“He was the face of Notre-Dame”
Video by drone about the basilica (I would mute the volume of this inanely inappropriate pop music! What atheist thought that soundtrack up?)
“It was almost like his living room; he was there 24 hours a day. He’s not just a sacristan. He helped a lot the priest, who was getting old (Editor’s note: he had been replaced since a few weeks).
He was the handyman. The candles were always well lit. I see him walking to light them. He is the figure of Our Lady. I have been haunted by his face since this morning.
He was very discreet and very efficient. He didn’t speak much.
He acted with great humility and respect.
He is the first person we thought of when we learned of the attack, ”confided in tears two of the faithful who attend the basilica.
“He was big and strong. The terrorist had to have attacked him from behind, it is not possible otherwise,” said one of the two.
READ ALSO> In Nice, after the attack on the basilica, tears and anger
“Vincent was 55 years old, he was originally from Saint-Etienne de Tinée in the hinterland of Nice and had worked as sacristan of the basilica for ten years, supports Father Giordan, who had welcomed him to Notre-Dame while he previously officiated at this post of sacristan in the nearby church of Sainte-Jeanne d’Arc.
“It’s a terrible tragedy,” continues Father Giordan, very moved.
“I am so angry about these [political] speeches [like those of Macron] which, under the guise of ‘defending secularism’ [ = U.S: “separation of church and state], actually are meant to trash religions!”
…..Never forget who brought these literally back-stabbing mudlims in!
Same face, same race!
……See also
Jews, Arabs and Caucasus peoples (like Stalin and Beria) descend from prehistoric Neanderthals, and thus are natural, genetic enemies for 30,000 years now of the Cro Magnons (the whites)
A wax figure from the Neanderthal Museum in Germany shows what one would look like today in a sports jacket — like a very pure jew or arab
…….”Deus vult: Resisting the Great Replacement”
Margi received today this new book from the great British patriot, Cambridge U. graduate and highly successful political leader Nick Griffin.
This beautiful new volume bears the noble title Deus vult [“God wills it!”], the famous Crusader motto in Old French
Nick when I met him in Washington DC, a two-fisted former boxer and also a top intellectual
Nick, as a Member of the European Parliament and and chairman of the British National Party in its finest hours, was not spared by the left or well protected by the police. (It only helps in the UK today to be a jew or paedophile.)
Nick has been physically attacked many times, and lost an eye decades ago. Look at these white leftist fools….ego-tripping, all morally superior-like, on how THEY, of all people, “oppose hate”! Doesn’t apply to the hatred of white British children by muslims and paedophiles!”
Nick with two big bodyguards, the first being the writer and former soldier Carl Mason (whose writing and reports I have used 25 times here on jdn-com:
Keeping a hawk-eye on the black female….
This Englishman is no bookworm! When he says “Reconquista,” he means RECONQUEST!
It is on the Reconquista of the West and the power of truly believed religion.
Btw, it is printed on gorgeous, deluxe, glossy paper like the Beatrix Potter book Peter Rabbit. 😉
This is a major production.
I could not agree with Nick more that, faced with the organized fanatics of Freemasonry, Judaism and Islam, we need our own organized, fanatic faith to save the West!
And if white people are atheists, and thus afraid to die, and already have low-t, AND are aging, obese, and disarmed, we are well and truly finished! We ALL will be beheaded! Get it now???
The movie “1917” pays a beautiful tribute to British soldiers in WWI
(center) George MacKay as Schofield in “1917,” co-written and directed by Sam Mendes.
average white men did their duty
…as horrible as it was…..
Is your suffering stupid or noble?; gripping WWI movie “1917”
And the Germans, French, Italians and Russians were white men who were just as brave.
Captain Hermann Goering, who took over the Red Baron’s fighter-plan squadron in WWI after he was killed, received the highest medal of Germany, the “Blue Max” (under his chin).
You can order Deus Vult: Resisting the GreatReplacement from:
Table of Contents (very down-to-earth)
I will keep you posted on this book by the great Nicholas John Griffin as I and Margi eagerly read it.
…..See also
In Britain we have JCORE, the “Jewish Council for Racial Equality, ” which is actively helping muslim refugees, the same refugees ( = “Gimmegrants”) who are now being kicked out of Merkel’s Germany as fake, parasitical leeches.
Can we ever have open borders for Israel?
Non ho mai compreso le sue intenzioni,come ha fatto ad evitare questa guerra?La stessa identica diplomazia del Fuhrer con i musulmani della seconda guerra mondiale.
“Anche il metodo con cui Federico “conquistò” Gerusalemme,a molti non piacque.Invece di fare la guerra agli infedeli,egli avviò trattative con il sultano d’Egitto, al-Kamil, concludendo un accordo decennale che garantì ai cristiani il possesso di Gerusalemme, Betlemme e Nazaret nonché una fascia costiera, mentre ai musulmani fu riservata a Gerusalemme l’area del tempio con la loro moschea.
Dopo la celebrazione di una messa di ringraziamento nella chiesa del Santo Sepolcro, alla quale l’imperatore essendo scomunicato non partecipò, egli cinse la corona del regno di Gerusalemme. In quest’occasione fu emanato un manifesto di propaganda ideologico-politica, che inasprì la lotta con il papato. Federico II fu esaltato come nuovo Davide la cui finalità era la salvezza del suo popolo. Era il Cristo-re a cui spettava il dominio sul mondo intero. Un tale concetto era in aperta contraddizione con la dottrina secondo la quale il pontefice romano era il vicario di Cristo sulla terra.
Alcune settimane dopo fu creato re di Gerusalemme Corrado, figlio avuto da Federico nel 1228 da Isabella di Brienne. L’immagine di Federico che emerge dalle fonti arabe è quello di uno strano crociato, amico dei musulmani e interessato alla loro cultura. Infatti, anche dopo il ritorno in Italia, Federico rimase in contatto con l’emiro Fakhr-ad-Din che aveva condotto le trattative diplomatiche per conto di al-Kamil.
Eppure questa diplomazia è tagliente per quella “minoranza” Deviata filoGiudaica.Si,perché è il nucleo di tutte le Religioni “deviate” o semplicemente senza Dio.
Già,i camaleonti si vestono sempre con altre vesti. Musulmani,cristiani,gesuiti,mormoni ecc…
Proprio oggi riflettevo sulle Religioni(Di nuovo).
Il Giudaismo Internazionale ha ingannato tutti sempre perché sotto mentite spoglie.
Mi viene in mente la parola “Conversione” e tutte le apparizioni Mariane.
“Non so quante volte avrò sentito dire questa parola!”
Già, perché in realtà questi non credono a nulla,sono solo superstiziosi e stregoni di magia nera(perdonami lo sfogo!)e hanno piccole e grandi ramificazioni in tutto il Mondo.
Sono i veri Pagani con i loro calderoni bollenti!
I veri Pagani che hanno arrostito vivi i veri Cristiani.
Dear Mister John de Nugent,
Maybe you (or someone with more time at hand) can give us a summary about the book:
“Nick Griffin – DEUS VULT: Reconquista Of The West: Handbook For Resisting The Great Replacement”
A lot of us are (sadly) not so good in reading huge books.
Best wishes and greetings,
Good idea. I myself have read about sixty pages so far.
The basic idea is that a Wolf Age is coming, a second Dark Ages, and Eastern European whites will be a huge part of it all.
It will be ruled by warlords. They must be imbued with the Christian ideals of chivalry and knighthood, and white women must be bearing children in scads as a practical war measure, making new soldiers and nurses, so that Europe and the six sisters (US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa) can be retaken.
It is extremely well-written, no surprise given Nick’s erudition and long decades as a writer.
My only demurrer is that Traditional Christianity (I am not talking about Jesus Himself) is too jew-friendly, multi-racial and, frankly, nearly dead.
I see a new kind of religion, credible, authentic, and energizing: Jesus the blond Aryan, which he was,
and reincarnation facts, so we stop fearing death.
In fact, we cannot die, just chuck off a body.