Vindication of my April 20, 2015 video on the BLACKMAILED PEDOPHILOCRACY — the REAL “Deep State”

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Move reportedly ‘sparking panic among the pedophile’s wealthy friends’

 on 21st September 2020 @ 1.00pm

Every single name on the flight logs for Jeffrey Epstein’s fleet of aircraft, including his infamous “Lolita Express” private jet, are to be made public, U.S. prosecutors have revealed.

The flight manifests for all of deceased pedophile Epstein’s planes have been subpoenaed.

The move is reportedly “sparking panic” among the powerful elites who partied with the child sex trafficker.

The Attorney General in the US Virgin Islands, where Epstein carried out many horrific crimes on his private island Little St. James, aka “Pedophile Island,” has demanded to see the logs which document the passengers on his aircraft.




The logs on his four helicopters and three planes span from 1998 until his jail cell death last year.

Attorney General Denise George has filed a lawsuit against Epstein’s estate alleging 22 counts including human trafficking, aggravated rape, child abuse, neglect, forced labor, and prostitution, The Mirror reported.

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former president bill clinton was a frequent flyer on jeffrey epstein s lolita express private jet© press
Former President Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ private jet

Epstein allegedly hosted wild orgies with underage girls on padded floors purposely designed for sex mid-flight while traveling to his private island, Little St. James.

Investigators are also seeking personal notes made by pilots and “complaints or reports of potentially suspicious conduct,” the outlet reported.

TRENDING: Every Name on Epstein Flight Logs to Be Made Public Prosecutors Reveal

David Rodgers, one of Epstein’s pilots, already provided logs in 2009 showing Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton – as well as stars Kevin Spacey and Naomi Campbell – had flown on one of Epstein’s plane dubbed the “Lolita Express.”

But a source told The Mirror that the new subpoena has caused a “panic among many of the rich and famous” as the 2009 logs did not include flights made by Larry Visoski – Epstein’s chief pilot who flew for the billionaire pedophile for more than 25 years.

“The records that have been subpoenaed will make the ones Rodgers provided look like a Post-It note,” the source said.

epstein s flight logs should reveal all the guests who visited his pedophile island pictured © press
Epstein’s flight logs should reveal all the guests who visited his ‘Pedophile Island’ (pictured)

Former model Nadia Marcinkova – who now runs her own aviation company – was said to be have been the shamed financier’s former “squeeze” and one of his “recruiters.”

Marcinkova, 34, is one of four women now reportedly being investigated over their alleged roles in Epstein’s sickening sex trafficking ring.

Epstein’s alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell, 58, has been arrested and is awaiting trial in jail on sex abuse charges.

However, Marcinkova has claimed that she herself was one of his many victims after arriving in the US at 15 years old.

Epstein’s “Lolita Express” jet, built in 1969 by Boeing, was reportedly packed with baby lotion and wet wipes – but now sits abandoned and rusted at Stambaugh Aviation since it took its last flight on July 11, 2016.

This is a developing news story – check back for updates.

[RELATED] Ghislaine Maxwell ‘Has Tapes of Two Prominent US Politicians Having Sex with Minors’


  1. Ho letto. Conosco un caso di una famiglia nel quartiere …

    Si sta lasciando andare … sta diventando sempre più obesa e questo grasso negro non molla la presa. Non è strano? Anche i suoi genitori sono preoccupati.

    È francese perché lei lavora in Francia … in una banca. Suo fratello lo odia dal primo giorno.

    • Transl:

      I have read this. I know myself a case of a family in the neighborhood …

      She’s letting herself go [weight-wise] … She’s getting more and more obese, and her fat negro won’t let her go…. Isn’t that just too weird?

      Her parents,of course, are worried.

      He is “French” because she actually works in France, in a bank. Her brother has hated him from Day One….


      She may learn the hard way, like Nicole.

  2. Wiki:”Secondo Dershowitz, “Come al solito, gli estremisti anti-israeliani, in particolare alcuni dell’estrema sinistra, stanno cercando di sfruttare la tragica e imperdonabile morte di George Floyd per livellare le loro tipiche accuse infondate contro Israele. Segni e canti in diverse proteste hanno cercato di incolpare Israele – a quanto pare falsamente – per aver addestrato i poliziotti responsabili della morte di Floyd “.
    LOL ..Perché se la prendono con tutti gli Americani indifesi se è così??

  3. È tempo che tutta la “MERDA” PEDOtamuldica venga a galla.
    Perché nessun bambino dev’essere più abusato,torturato,fatto a pezzi e divorato.
    E tra questi bambini ci sei anche tu.
    Tu sei il mio EROE 🙂
    Mi hai dato la forza necessaria per emergere,per combattere e per vendicarmi.
    Come avrei fatto senza di te?
    Sinceramente non lo so ancora.
    Voglio morire in santa pace e non con qualcosa rimasto in sospeso.

  4. Qui chiudono di nuovo le scuole(nelle vicinanze,non so se è vero ma il panico dilaga!)si,i contagi asintomatici.In questo momento mi vengono in mente una serie di brutte parole…hai ragione,spieghi per bene le cose e alla fine ripetono sempre la stessa canzone sui contagi perché plagiati dai media!Nonostante la denuncia di alcuni dottori onesti…”Una menzogna ripetuta mille volte diventa verità”.
    Posso dire che non li sopporto più?
    Mi sento così sola,anche se sono sempre in compagnia di strani volatili.
    Mi danno un po’di respiro in questo momento.
    Mi piace guardare il Sole e tutto il resto.
    Mi piace veramente.
    Forse sto attraversando un momento di crisi tutto mio,probabilmente rabbia..tanta rabbia!Ma non ho paura.
    Sto esplodendo per una forza che non so definire…mai provata prima.
    Una forza sempre vitale,che non ha pazienza.
    Come se stessi aspettando qualcosa.
    Qualcosa che deve succedere.
    Qualcosa mi sta preparando?

    • Transl:

      Here [because of Covid-mania] the schools are closing again (nearby, they say. I don’t know if it’s true, but the panic is rampant!)

      Yes, asymptomatic infections.

      At this moment a series of curse words come to my mind. 😉

      You’re right. You explain things well. In the end (((they))) always repeat the same song about infections because they have been plagiarized by the media!

      Despite the denunciation of some honest doctors, sadly “A lie repeated a thousand times becomes truth”.

      Can I say that I can’t stand them anymore?

      I feel so alone, even though I am always in the company of “strange birds” [eccentric or non-typical people].

      They at least give me some breathing room right now.

      I love looking at the sun and all the rest of the natural world. I really do. 🙂

      Maybe I’m going through a moment of crisis inside me, probably anger … hey, a lot of anger! But I’m not afraid.

      I’m exploding with a force I can’t define… and never felt before.
      An always vital force, which has no more patience.

      As if you were waiting for something.

      Something that has to happen.

      Is something preparing me for a destiny?

  5. Primo giorno di scuola.

    Nessun vigile urbano ma la polizia a sorvegliare la situazione.

    [I mei figlii] sono stati “distanziati”.

    Ma non sono fratelli? Non dormono nella stessa stanza, non giocano a calcio insieme?non mangiano alla stessa tavola?e….non sono nati dalla stessa pancia?Ecco cosa combinano i maledetti Giudei…dividere ciò che Dio ha unito!Me ne sono andata senza salutare nessuno.

    La vendetta è il piatto che va servito freddo…anzi no, congelato!

    Adoro questa ragazza guerriera 🙂
    Ecco la trama che unisce le culture più vere,non filogiudaiche,ma quelle culture SOLARI che rispettano il valore del coraggio,dell’onestà e della lealtà.
    Violentare e umiliare il nemico non è coraggio,non è onestà,non è lealtà.
    Non c’è rispetto ma inganno e vigliaccheria.

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