1. Evidence that Israel did the World Trade Center demolition of 2001 is very strong, even compelling (Bollyn’s _Solving 9-11_).

    The purpose of this bombing (which killed 2,800 Americans) was not only to direct American military might against Israel’s Arab enemies, but was also the treasonous intent to prepare America to become a police state by instituting previously illegal surveillance on the American people.

    The same treasonous group that did 9-11 most likely, if not certainly, enacted the arguably unconstitutional response to the Corona virus, it stands to reason. And that treasonous group clearly appears to be the leadership of the Jewish community.

    • Trump is a flawed man, a narcissist, with some WN leanings but he will say almost anything to get reelected –which we do want and need, btw.

      Saying “legal aliens benefit our country” helps him with moderate Republicans and independents.

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