FRANCOIS AROUET: Virginia sheriff’s deputy FIRED for writing “I’m ready to kill Communists trying to destroy America,” calling for “violent revolutionary action” and “I will kill anyone trying to vaccinate my children against Covid”

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Sheriff’s deputy Aaron Hoffman of Virginia
by contributing editor, François Arouet.
If you like the following article (a story I doubt you will read anywhere else) by François, and others that we publish on a daily basis – that John is paying for while he develops his new spiritual organization – then please write to John at to learn how you can help us. John would genuinely love to hear from you so that you can set up a private SKYPE conversation where he can explain his vision, and you can help him achieve his goals. We are this close to a new noble age. Our people need you NOW more than ever.
As a libertarian-leaning nationalist, I’m generally no fan of cops due to the fact that I desperately want to see an immediate end to government overreach (both domestically and in our wayward nation’s foreign policy), as well as police brutality – just not via the evil anti-white Marxist BLM movement.
As an objective person, I also know there are good and bad in all groups, professions, even races.
Let’s take a look at our people for a prime example of this.
There are literally hundreds of millions of whites globally who want to see their lands overrun with third-worlders and their children preyed upon by homosexual pedophiles and sexual deviants, while there are people hailing from that very Third World who want to see us put an end to the immigration that allowed them access to the West in the first place and every last gay thrown from the rooftops!

The same CERTAINLY holds true for the men and women in blue. We do not dismiss all cops as racists or evilmongers. We know many are dedicated to doing their duty in protecting us.

There are cops that abuse their position to protect and serve the POWERFUL.
German cop slings old lady to the ground for not wearing the Covidiot mask, which does not and cannot screen out anything as tiny as a virus. Masks screen out only bacteria, which are 100 times bigger.
Detroit security prohibits poll watchers from monitoring the 2020 Stealection 
French cops rough up conservatives peacefully protesting the legalization of “Gay Marriage” –“No to homosexual marriage”/”The family is sacred!”
They fire rubber bullets at close range deliberately at the eyes of French demonstrators. Over a dozen have been blinded forever in one eye.
British cops protect muslims against native whites
British cops literally arrest white British fathers trying to forcibly enter muslim homes to rescue their own daughters being held there as sex slaves
.German cops cancel approved, legal demonstration with a permit from a judge minutes before it is to begin after patriots drive hundreds of miles to participate. “The Left might riot, so your demonstration endangers public security.” Lawyer Jürgen Rieger, whom I knew, confronts crooked cops. 
It is therefore fair to say that we actually have both enemies and allies in places we often least expect.
And this is certainly the case of a Prince William County, Virginia police officer, Aaron Hoffman, who just this week went full-“1776” on social media.
His words and call for action – assuming they were genuine – are a sign that people have had enough and in the absence of justice and fairness in this election, seemingly want to take the situation into their own hands.
How fast he was taken down is a sign of what’s to come – the Left are panicking and are petrified of the consequences of their actions in the election – that is, if we allow them to illegally remove President Donald Trump from office.
Although there would have been wall-to-wall coverage of Deputy Hoffman’s actions prior to the election – with their boy Biden this close to seizing the Oval Office – the media were quick to bury the story.
Wouldn’t want us “Deplorables” thinking we might ALSO have cops and the military on-side, would’ya now, CNN?
Posts from the Parler account of Aaron Hoffman, a member of the Prince William County Sheriff’s Office, included death threats against former President and Communist-In-Chief Barack Obama, as well as against traitorous (and cowardly) Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, according to screenshots posted by the filthy rat “journalist” Molly Conger.

Conger, who goes by the name of “Socialist Dog Mom” (more like dog-faced mom – and I’m thinking pug in Conger’s case) spent weeks stalking the police officer  – not only doxxing the good man via her local North Virginia news rag, but contacting his friends and family as well as his associates in the country-music industry.

Although lots of people rant on social media, what makes Hoffman’s words especially dangerous in the eyes of the elite is the fact that he – as we have been trying to do via our writing – openly CHALLENGED people to actually do something about the state of the nation.
Hoffman was sick and tired of keyboard warriors talking smack while doing nothing. Guess he thought it was time to show the way to others in an almost hopeless situation for the President.
He was clear that people needed to rise up, organize and tell their elected officials that they’ve had enough.
And the man’s right.
You can’t simply bitch and moan about your rights being taken away – as everyone’s have been at this juncture. The only way to get results is to fight fire with fire and fight to get them back!
We have lost our right to vote, right to bear arms for the most part (all of the laws that have been passed and are about to be passed infringing on our 2nd Amendment rights), right to speak freely (Big Tech censorship), right to assemble (Covid)….
I could go on and on.
Things are THAT serious.
But first, here’s a bit of what the good policeman had to say via Parler….
“Do you REALLY think the Communists will stop now just because you wore your Trump hat, your superhero Trump flag and march in the cold in an empty city? Wake the f–k up!!”
Hoffman wrote under the screen name “We the People Warrior.”
“They have nothing to lose now that they are exposed. They will keep going and they want you to brawl with drug addicts and mentally ill pawns on the street. Quit falling for the obvious. Your pride makes you think marching is making a difference and at least you are a part of something, but the reality is much darker.”
“Physically take back your States!!! Not by votes, phone calls or emails, but by force. Now is the time and DC is not the target.”
Another comment — posted on the deputy’s “WeThePeopleWarrior” profile on the successful alternative social media site Parler — called on his hundreds of followers to find the homes of politicians and “liberal” judges, and “remove them from their sanctuary.”
Hoffman wrote,
“Take back your State capitals. Find the homes of every Governor, Mayor, Attorney General, liberal judge, Senator, Congressman and every major media/social media CEO…find them, remove them from their sanctuary. Bring the nightmare to where they lay their heads and kiss their loved ones. Show them that they are NOT untouchable.”
“Bring the nightmare to where they lay their heads and kiss their loved ones,” as they have been doing to us.
Sadly, and understandably so, when the media came knocking he was quick to deny that he was responsible for the posts, telling various media outlets that his account had been hacked,
“I do understand the community’s concern,” he said. “I’ve been a public servant for over 15 years, and I take that very seriously. I am in no way a threat to the public. This disturbs me as well.”
Prince William Sheriff Glendell Hill (a Republican) said Saturday that his office had been notified about the “disturbing comments” and launched an Internal Affairs investigation, and that he found the comments “very despicable,” adding “I certainly don’t approve of that, and, of course, it’s against our policy.”
The Prince William Sheriff’s office also issued a statement via Facebook on Saturday, saying it had been “notified about disturbing comments being made on several social media outlets by a deputy sheriff,” who was not named.
Sadly, Deputy Hoffman was fired later that day.
In closing, I would say that not only do we need to fight to  see our rights protected, but we need to fight BACK against the sort of people that try and destroy good folks online, as this evil journalist did when she attacked Mr Hoffman.
The “journalist” in this case, one Molly Conger who describes herself as a socialist, Black Lives Matter activist and Democrat, is not only an immoral agent of the Establishment and Deep State, but an enemy of the people.
Not only did the ugly, childless witch demand the father and family man be fired from his employment, she doxed him online – putting his life at risk – and made clear her belief that he should NEVER work again!
Again, he has kids, you wicked woman.
If Mike Tirico, one of the most famous American sports commentators – who after sexually assaulting numerous women during the 1990s was allowed to work again –  he is currently the host of NBC football – then a man who vents his frustrations online should be able to as well.
And it’s not as if she just wants him banned from working in law enforcement – she also went out of her way to destroy his burgeoning country-music career, writing,

“Hoffman also uses the name Grant Tucker in his side-career as an aspiring country musician. Make sure his fans and the people who hire him know who he really is.”
This is what we are up against.
They want us destitute and dead, and not in that order — if they fully have their way.

[end Arouet article]

…..Comment by John de Nugent

The most shocking thing for me was that this deputy backed down AFTER he had crossed the Rubicon and it was way too late to retract — an act AS STUPID AS IT WAS DESPICABLE.

It sure is a Low-T Nation!

Guess that fluoride in the water, low-T in your body, and chemtrails in the air have really done a number on white American manhood.


There is only one solution, and it is not old-style patriotardism. This Hoffman was one of these patriotards, and he wussed out like all the rest do.
As much as this violates all your programming, it’s gonna take another Hitler.


The patriotards are doing NOTHING. Or they just verbally spout off, and then they back right down again!

“Thank you for your service”???




WE, whom you were taught to loathe and despise, have been sayng the truth for 100 years!  Will you now believe it from this honest, courageous Jew?

Or this one?



taken from his


Bloomberg and Schumer


Bank trillionaire Rothschild with oil trillionaire Rockefeller

Nicholas Rockefeller

Michigan governor Whitmer 

Pennsylvania governor Wolf (r) with Health Secretary Levine

Attorney General Barr –kept Hunter Biden’slaptop from Trump and America for over a year

Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook

Google owners Page and Brin



US Navy Commander George Lincoln Rockwell


Now you know why they loved this man. He made Germany Great Again by BOOTING OUT THE JEWS.

Especially important blogs






    • Thanks so much for the correction.

      Once again Internet garbage, which was forwarded to me.

      I agree — the cop is not in a typical German uniform.

      What made it somewhat convincing, however, was the very light skin of both parties. Some Spaniards are much darker.

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