A volcano eruption there, weather change here — NASA admits (and media ignores) that because of a Pacific volcano, world atmospheric water has increased by 10 percent!

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The Tonga volcano erupted underwater a year and a half ago — on January 15, 2022


Just as we were lied into the ground during the “Corona” period by unfit, purchased politicians and the media controlled by them, so is it now with the climate ideology.

See, among other things, the report on the alleged climate change.  Climate is nothing more than the average weather events of the last three months. The climate or weather cannot be changed by man, especially since volcanic eruptions or solar eruptions were not or are not taken into account by the weather prophets in their assessments, apart from the fact that the weather is most stable where there are still enough forests with plants that emit oxygen into the atmosphere.

One learns in elementary school that whatever plants “breathe out” is inhaled by living beings (humans and animals), whose oxygen they need and could not survive without.

What kind of nonsense is conveyed to the students by today’s green ideological teachers?

At the time of Frederick the Great (1750-1780) of Prussia, Germany, the forests of Brandenburg burned in the summertime. I was able to determine in my historical research that at that time, 250 years ago, not a single SUV was being driven that would have caused the heat at that time, and so the current weather August 2023 should not make us sweat either.

How many other big-fish stories have the purchased media put online in recent years?

Oh yes, in our still heavily forested Black Forest, our mayor recently hired a forest worker. If he asks him: “Where were you last employed?”, he replies: “In the Sahara”… “But there are no forests there”, “Well, not anymore….” 😉 So “climate change”….

It can come to that: In northern Hessen, the last primeval forest in Germany is being cut down on the instructions of the green-black Establishment government to make room for the “energy of the future” and according to Cem Özdemir, the former Minister of Agriculture, we are supposed to eat insects so that the ministers can eat roast beef.

But maybe “our” babbling Lena, the German Foreign Minister, will manage to declare war on Russia and China, then the earth will share the fate of the 5th planet Mallona, ​​where now the planet fragments orbit the sun (between Mars and Jupiter),

And if we have a fun war with Russia and China, I guess it will be Quitting Time…..

Ironically, the Green Party that demonstrated against war and nuclear power in the 1980s is the biggest warmonger today!

Conclusion:  This eruption at the other end of the world shows us how little influence humans can have on climate events. That it requires a completely different order of magnitude than tinkering with the two percent CO2 that Germany has in man-made CO2 emissions.

It was also a volcanic eruption also at the other end of the world which brought about a cold period in Europe around 1860, which caused hunger, poverty, and a large wave of emigration to America.

It is also not known how much CO2 this Tonga volcano spewed out. I suspect it was more in one day than all of Germany can produce in a year. And how many active volcanoes are there that spit their eruptions every day?

The lie about man-made climate change is nothing more than an instrument of domination, which is used in particular to deindustrialize Germany and thus to realize the Morgenthau Plan, later than planned but now finally put into effect.

NASA knows why the weather is so strange

AUGUST 5, 2023

By Peter Haisenko

A year and a half ago, on January 15, 2022, there was a massive volcanic eruption in the South Pacific near the Tonga Archipelago. The public was not informed about this. It was a special underwater eruption that affected the world’s climate. This explains why we have to observe extraordinary weather phenomena this year.

Already in April and May of this year I was wondering about the weather. I have to say that during my training as a pilot at Lufthansa I also received a solid training in meteorology and have been following and analyzing weather phenomena with interest ever since.

April and May were too cold.

In June it was observed that an unusually large but flat anticyclone had formed across Europe, showing unusual stability. The sky was mostly cloudless, but the temperatures did not develop accordingly.

Observing the sunsets made me suspect that there must be an abnormal amount of moisture in the lower layers of the air. This was shown, among other things, by the fact that you could look directly at the sun with the naked eye when it was about five degrees above the horizon. It was just an orange ball and it was the first time I could see a large sunspot with the naked eye.

However, it was not clouds that darkened the sun in such a way. It was simply water vapor that hung over the land at an abnormal density, without forming any visible fog. So I wondered how that could have happened. I couldn’t find an explanation until I came across a release from NASA, dated August 2, 2022: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/tonga-eruption-blasted-unprecedented-amount-of-water-into- stratosphere

Ten percent more water in the atmosphere

According to this report, the following had happened: There was a massive underwater eruption near the Tonga Archipelago. That in itself is nothing unusual, but this time it happened at a depth of only about 150 meters (500 feet). If this happens at greater depths, such an eruption is almost stifled by the water pressure. Virtually nothing comes to the surface. If this did happen to began at 150 meters under the water surface or above, it is a “normal” volcanic eruption that can eject its ash into the stratosphere.

There are then ash clouds that can spread over long distances and obscure the sun. But at that 150 meter depth, with such a powerful eruption, huge amounts of water are vaporized and thrown into the atmosphere.

Check out the NASA video. Notice the other clouds that are about ten kilometers up.

NASA has calculated that during this eruption water vapor was pushed into the atmosphere at altitudes between 12 and 53 (!) kilometers.

That’s above the stratosphere.

For comparison: When the largest hydrogen bomb, the Soviet-Russian “Tsar Bomb”, exploded in 1961, the mushroom cloud reached a height of almost 60 kilometers.



Low-flying satellites orbit at altitudes of 90 kilometers. Airplanes fly a maximum of 15 kilometers high. All of that isn’t all that impressive, in and of itself. What is impressive, however, is what NASA has calculated on the amount of water mass that has been introduced into the atmosphere.

NASA says this eruption increased the water content of the entire world’s atmosphere by 10 percent.

In words: Ten percent! How is that possible?

The water pressure is underestimated

The eruption took place at a depth of 150 meters. Isn’t that deep, you think? Do you remember a “pressure cooker”? There is atmost two bars of pressure in them, and anyone who has ever opened such a pot under pressure negligently, by force, knows that they should never do it again.

However, at a depth of 150 meters there is a pressure of 15 bar. This means that as soon as the eruptive magma hits the water above, extremely superheated water vapor is formed, which then seeks – and finds – a way up as it heats up further.

During this process, the surrounding water pressure decreases, the steam expands analogously and then you can observe what the NASA video shows — a cloud of steam that resembles a mushroom cloud and has the same energy as at least the Zar bomb.

As with the Tsar bomb, the hydrological pressure wave was measurable across the entire globe and circled it several times. NASA says the amount of water thrown into the atmosphere was equivalent to filling 58,000 Olympic-size swimming pools. NASA also says it has never seen anything like it.

Now you might think, a “little” more water in the atmosphere, hey, what does that matter? It does actually a lot. It starts with the total weight of the atmosphere increasing. No, not ten percent, but definitely measurable.

Now our atmosphere has a very filigree structure. Half of the air mass is below 5,000 meters. The troposphere ends at ten kilometers and only 20 percent of the atmosphere is above it. The earth’s diameter is 12,000 kilometers. This means that the troposphere rises above the earth’s surface only one six hundredth of the earth’s radius. So you can imagine the weather as something like the shimmering veil of gasoline/petrol on a puddle. This already makes it clear how difficult it is to calculate weather events in general and how prone to failure the whole thing is.

The water gets to us after a delay

The next question is why the effects of this eruption have only now reached us in the northern hemisphere. Tonga is located north of New Zealand at 21 degrees south latitude. The eruption took place in January, i.e. in the summer there, and exactly below the vertical position of the sun. This means that these water masses could be distributed almost equally between the southern and northern hemispheres. But it takes time for this to spread throughout the atmosphere and have an impact. Faster in the southern hemisphere and so we suddenly have an explanation as to why the southern hemisphere countries are experiencing an extremely cold winter —  with masses of snow and temperatures that have never been observed before.

Yes, the extra water vapor slows the sun’s intensity, but it also causes the sea’s surface temperature to rise. The extra water has to rain down again slowly until the atmosphere regains its balance. If that happens in areas close to the equator, then warmer water rains into the oceans. So should we be surprised if there is more heavy precipitation and thunderstorms now and in the near future? Oh no, I forgot, only man-made climate change can be blamed for that. 😉

Jokes aside.

With a little delay, these water masses have also reached us and we are experiencing an atypical weather pattern, with extreme precipitation and flooding. The excess water in the atmosphere has to reach the ground again. However, this is not so clearly visible, especially in Germany, because our weather is determined by the air currents, which sometimes bring us dry heat, dry cold or humid air masses of various temperatures, whether from Siberia or the Sahara or from the Azores.

You can’t ban volcanic eruptions

Why do you think we were only told that the North Atlantic water temperature is higher than normal for July? Because neither June nor July was anywhere near record heat. We don’t even have to talk about the current weather. In fact, it is not clear whether this enrichment of the atmosphere with water will lead to warming or cooling. They don’t know, the scientists who always want to tell us they know what the climate will be like in fifty years from now!

What for? You can’t make political hay from volcanic eruptions and you certainly can’t make money off them either. You can’t ban them either. I don’t know either, but personally I’ll be preparing for a cold, snowy winter and looking forward to a good ski season.

Conclusion: This eruption at the other end of the world shows us how little influence humans can have on climate events. That it requires a completely different order of magnitude than tinkering with the two percent CO2 that Germany has in man-made CO2 emissions.

It was also a volcanic eruption, also at the other end of the world, which brought about a cold period in Europe around 1860, which caused hunger and poverty and a large wave of emigration to America. It is also not known how much CO2 this Tonga volcano spewed out. I suspect it was more in one day than all of Germany can produce in a year. And how many active volcanoes are there that spit out something every day? The lie about man-made climate change is nothing more than an instrument of domination.


……Comment on VK

Mark Calvin

I work in [Texas in] grounds-keeping, and it’s been far greener and more moist this year than many.

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