Walgreens closes 17 stores after San Fran quasi-legalizes shoplifting

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Walgreens has closed 17 stores in Democrat-run San Francisco due to rampant shoplifting problems created by voters.

If you love watching Democrats get exactly what they voted for, read on… Feel-good stories don’t make me feel any gooder than this beauty…

source: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/05/20/nolte-out-of-control-shoplifting-in-democrat-run-san-francisco-closes-17-walgreens/

By a margin of 60 to 40 percent, the idiots of California basically legalized shoplifting.

Proposition 47, which passed in 2014, no longer made it a felony to steal if the value of what you steal doesn’t exceed $950. It’s also no longer a felony to receive stolen property valued at less than $950. And so…

Instead of being punished as a felon, you are hit with a misdemeanor, and in many cases not even that.

As you can imagine, this has turned into a free-for-all for shoplifters and a stone cold nightmare for retailers.

The result?

According to this headline in the far-left San Francisco Chronicle… “Out of control’: Organized crime drives S.F. shoplifting, closing 17 Walgreens in five years.”

To which, I can only say LOL.

Here’s more:

“This has been out of control,” said Supervisor Ahsha Safaí, who held a hearing Thursday with retailers, police, the district attorney and probation departments. “People are scared to go into these stores — seniors, people with disabilities, children. It’s just happening brazenly. We can’t just as a city throw up our hands and say this is OK. We have to come up with solutions.”

The cost of business and shoplifting led Walgreens to shut 17 locations in San Francisco in the past five years — an “unpopular and difficult decision,” Jason Cunningham, regional vice president for pharmacy and retail operations in California and Hawaii, said at the hearing. The company still has 53 stores in the city.

The Chronicle further reports “Theft in Walgreens’ San Francisco stores is four times the average for stores elsewhere in the country, and the chain spends 35 times more on security guards in the city than elsewhere[.]”

What, I’m not supposed to laugh?

“At CVS, 42% of losses in the Bay Area came from 12 stores in San Francisco, which are only 8% of the market share,” adds the Chronicle.

It’s as if everyone’s surprised that essentially legalizing a crime created more crime.

Here’s my favorite part… “As officials try to stave off crime, San Franciscans suffer from shuttered stores.”

Oh, the poor babies, getting exactly what you know almost all of them voted for. They voted for this insane Proposition 47, which was an open declaration of war against retailers, and now those retailers are fleeing and the people ultimately responsible for making the flee — the idiot voters — are inconvenienced.

Well, boo hoo. What did these morons expect?

The whole idea that in 2014 America, where the so-called poor enjoy air conditioning, cell phones, and obesity problems, that the laws needed to change to protect those stealing in order to not starve…


No sympathy.

The cities are doomed because Democrat voters refuse to put safety and quality of life over their stupid partisan pride.

This is not my problem.

Democrats have run San Francisco since 1964, 57 years.

Nope, this is definitely not my problem.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

…..This was going on two years ago in Philly and Atlanta — cops don’t arrest & DAs don’t prosecute black shoplifters

…..San Fran


  1. In Britain we have the same comical cops, and rare prosecutions for shoplifted goods under £200, as my family were told by the police.

    They rarely prosecute fraud cases under 1 £ million, either, as it costs too much compared to what was stolen.

    Some police farces only turn up if your house that was burgled has an even number! The following week they will turn up if you live in an odd-numbered house. Cheaper to buy yourself a bayonet and sort it yourself.

  2. The Walgreens store (in San Francisco) at which I had shopped for 20 years closed down a few months ago. I thought it closed because the neighborhood had emptied out in connection with the Covid crisis. Because employees could work online there was an exodus from the city where during the last 10 years rent had become very high ($2000 per month for a studio apartment). My apartment building at present is only 30 percent occupied, for instance. That shoplifting was the cause of this store’s closing is news to me. I think the fact that the former customers have moved out had much to do with it.

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