UPDATED Want to cry? Dental hygienist details her five months of suffering after Covid vaxx; 12-year-old girl had 12 ER visits after vaccine

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Kristi Dobbs testified at a news conference put on by Republican US Senator from Wisconsin Ron Johnsonm, who seesm to be a good guy.


Kristi’s side effects include heart palpitations, very heavy menstrual flow, severe brain fog, convulsions, and paresthesia, an abnormal sensation of the skin, such as tingling, pricking, chilling, burning, numbness, pins and needles” after having a limb “fall asleep,”and formication, the sensation of insects crawling on the skin.

This video is also from a Ron Johnson invitee. In the video above, you can see Ms de Garay sitting next to Kristi Dobbs.

My 12 year old daughter was a healthy 7th grader with no major medical issues other than dermatographia and ADHD which she was taking vyvanse to manage. She participated in the Pfizer vaccine trial for 12-15 year olds at our Children’s Hospital.

My daughter has gone from being a typical healthy 12-year-old girl who worried about doing well in school and loved hanging out with friends to being so ill she had to miss 4 months of school. She has been in the hospital for almost 2 months total where she celebrated her 13th birthday. She is the strongest person I know and I am so proud of her for pushing through this nightmare and never giving up. There is no doubt in my mind that the vaccine caused this. All of these medical problems started less than 24 hours after the second dose of the Pfizer covid vaccine and did not just go away within 72 hours like they say. She was not forced to do the vaccine trial; she asked to do it along with her two brothers so she could help get our world back to normal.

Full interview here: https://www.c19vaxreactions.com/real-video-stories.html


…..See also my Nordic starseed remarks here:

Giordano Bruno, the Eckhart Tolle of 1600; confessions of a nordic starseed

…..Recent donations

–29 June 2021 200 euros and letter from M in France

— 29 June 2021 100 euros, silver bracelet for Margi, and a copy in Italian of the famous Serenity Prayer from E in Italy

The Serenity Prayer from Reinhold Niebuhr


  1. Sono felicissima!Almeno so che ora le mie donazioni arrivano senza problemi..
    Il bracciale è unisex..in acciaio 🙂
    Mi ha colpito il bianco centrale.
    In realtà non l’ho mai trovato così..
    Mi sei venuto in mente 🙂
    Mi spiace che è molto lento questo corriere,ma sono felice che è lì finalmente!
    Sono felice che ti aiutano con le donazioni..

    • E ho dimenticato di dirvi che vi voglio bene 🙂
      Questo è il sentimento più bello di questi due anni…
      Non tornerei più qui,glielo ripeto spesso a mio marito..ma poi vedo lui,i miei figli…voi!
      È l’unico motivo per lottare ancora,per stringere i denti..
      Io non sono “trasparente” con voi..
      Anche se sono lontana ho tutto il Cuore lì..
      Ora ti faccio ridere;il fruttivendolo mi ha scambiata per la cantante canadese Morissette!
      “Sembri lei!!”..
      Ora non sono più italiana,ma Americana.
      Non mi dispiace affatto 🙂
      Mi sto trasformando evidentemente! LOL

  2. Jewish “experts” urge FDA to fully approve deadly COVID-19 genetic engineering shots:


    (((Gigi Gronvall))), the main “expert” referenced in the article. Oy vey!:



    From the above article:

    “In addition to being a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations…” Uh-huh – say no more.

    Another “expert” cited in the article is this Jew:


    (((Dr. Jesse Goodman))) is another Jewish “expert” cited:


    Since having only Jews calling for FDA approval of the COVID kill shots might look suspicious, they threw in a token Indian, too:


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