The entire approach is tricking, manipulating, feigning and lying. If any of these tricks work, then what have you got? Your relationship started off with lies!
Later today will be my major article on vaxxes which are either clear or gray, saline or graphene. As I suspected, the jews have created two different batches of vials, one group of batches containing no vaxx at all ….and the other batches a lethal, heart-attacking, cancer-inducing, sterilizing bio-weapon.
As I predicted months ago. Now the facts are in.
Si chiama Roulette russa.
Senza offendere Putin 😉
How can people fall for such kike tricks ? Throw the ring into the fire and build an Aryan tribe.
John, handsome guys like us don’t need tricks. 😉
I sure never played these mind games with women.
Besides, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
No sex, however “hot,” is worth using and betraying someone. The Most High sees all things — and when we die, we see a video of how we affected others.