Warm salute from a biracial supporter

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A fuzzy pic (hacked) of me and a German visitor in the Deutschtown section of Pittsburgh, now heavily black. The Whites there often are childless gays, and the blacks are reproducing and pushing baby carriages. 


Guten Tag, Bruder John [he is half-German],

There’s always something interesting to read and so much knowledge to be found on your website, thank you for providing it to us, and thank you for your intense work and your sacrifices. God sent you to Earth to guide us into the light!

A bit late, but better late than never, merry Christmas and happy Yule!

Your decision to keep your sacred book on the shorter side – around 25 pages I think – was absolutely correct. A short but powerful message is a lot likelier to reach the masses. The average man nowadays has a very short attention span and is pretty much “zombified”, they won’t grab a lengthy book by an author they never heard about (, except if it’s says that it’s written by Hitler, but that would be a risky move.) Thus, a short but interesting-sounding booklet or pdf has a much, much greater chance of being read.

Furthermore, the people this book is aimed for, mostly conservative, gun-owning whites, simply won’t have the time to read an extensive book, given that they might very soon find themselves right inside a civil war. But they will surely grab a short book that encourages them, that motivates them, and very importantly, that takes away their fear of dying!

Soon I’ll write to you again, to share more of my thoughts.

The End Times are indeed here; this is the decade that will decide the path mankind will take.

If we don’t win now, then there is no future. Mankind, like never before, needs a strong leader to bring divine justice and to crush the forces of evil, once and for all.

It needs you; you must lead us!

John, humanity, all races, needs YOU as its leader!

Stay vigorous, for we need you to complete your unique mission on Earth!

God bless you and Margi with many healthy years!

[He looks a bit like Mario Van Peebles, who is also biracial and has a German mother]

…See also

He wrote this previously:

Noble blacks; a biracial supporter who is vehemently FOR us Whites, offers keen insights on race-mixing, “Bulattos” and “Wulattos”

Pastor Ray Hagins on The Most Evil Man Who Ever Lived —  and the Eternal Foe of All Men 😉


  1. “The average man nowadays has a very short attention span […], they won’t grab a lengthy book by an author they never heard about […] Thus, a short but interesting-sounding booklet or pdf has a much, much greater chance of being read.” It’s true, so true!

    John de Nugent’s smaller book will be a starting point/starting point to become familiar with basic concepts. This will spark the interest of many readers, they will then want to know what the author has to say on other topics. On Johndenugent.com all central themes have already been illuminated, discussed and debated under numerous aspects, it is a huge knowledge archive.

    At the latest, when the peak phase of the upheaval begins, there must be enough server capacity on johndenugent.com, because interested people will be searching highly frequently for further topics (articles, analyses, etc.) that are of particular relevance to them. No index can really cover that, it will all work via server queries.

    The knowledge gain never ends, of course, but the important basic aspects have been discussed and debated at length on johndenugent.com, with readers from all over the world, in great and holistic depth. The time is ripe now. People are now opening up to new ways of thinking and to thought-provoking ideas, and are grateful for any kind of spiritual help (help for self-help).

    Amen. 🙂


    In German:

    „The average man nowadays has a very short attention span […], they won’t grab a lengthy book by an author they never heard about […] Thus, a short but interesting-sounding booklet or pdf has a much, much greater chance of being read.“ Es ist wahr, so wahr!

    Das kleinere Buch von John de Nugent wird ein Ansatzpunkt/Anlaufpunkt sein, um mit grundlegenden Konzepten vertraut zu werden. Dadurch wird das Interesse vieler Leser geweckt werden, man wird dann wissen wollen, was der Autor zu anderen Themen zu sagen hat. Auf Johndenugent.com sind bereits alle zentralen Themen unter zahlreichen Aspekten beleuchtet, erörtert und diskutiert worden, es ist ein riesiges Wissensarchiv.

    Spätestens dann, wenn die Hochphase des Umbruches beginnt, muß genug Serverkapazität auf johndenugent.com vorhanden sein, denn die interessierten Leute werden hochfrequent nach weiterführenden Themen (Artikeln, Analysen usw.) suchen, die für sie besonders relevant sind. Kein Stichwortverzeichnis kann das wirklich abdecken, es wird alles über Serveranfragen funktionieren.

    Der Erkenntnisgewinn endet natürlich nie, aber die wichtigen Grundaspekte wurden ausführlichst auf johndenugent.com erörtert und ausführlich diskutiert, mit Lesern aus aller Welt, in großer und ganzheitlicher Tiefe. Die Zeit ist jetzt reif. Die Leute öffnen sich jetzt für neue Gedankengänge und für Denkanstöße und sind dankbar für jede Art von geistiger Hilfe (Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe).

    Amen. 🙂

    • Danke sehr, einsichtiger Kamerad.

      Es bereit mir große Sorgen, dass meine derzeitige Serverkapazität so gering ist. Ich erwarte mehrere Millionen Besuche am ersten Tage schon.

      Dann aber ist die Site unerreichbar, nicht aber die Gegenangriffe des aufgeschreckten Feindes, der, nach dem Schock mit AH I, den er stets arrogant unterschätzt hatte, partout keinen zweiten AH erleben will. 😉

  2. a mixed race person should be against race mixing of the white race and help our cause as this pro white person. Race mixers are the leavening agent of the white race as it will in the end cause the white race to become purer.

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